Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Reaction

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  1. shane
    16 days

    I'm a hufflepuff and my patronus is a hippogriff

  2. Gage
    1 month

    My patronus is a chow dog

  3. Sharkmiser93
    1 month

    Crookshanks is a cutie.

  4. Joanna
    1 month

    I'm a St. Bernard Patronus 

  5. SlapHappyGreen
    2 months

    This is still one of the best movies in the series but it is hilarious how much stuff got kept out that was in the books that wouldve made it even better. Just so ridikkulus. Also my Patronus is a Hippogriff 

  6. capkyros
    2 months

    I took my test recently after rewatching all the movies. Got a crow. I'm happy with it.

  7. Unstablebeast
    2 months

    Ruff "They aint 13" danial radcliff was literally 13 years old while filming this lol

  8. Unstablebeast
    2 months

    This is probably the weakest version of time travel in fiction, because i you are going to use it, you already have. meaning if someone full on dies, it cant help you, because you would've already used it

  9. xman
    2 months

    I ended up being sorted into hufflepuff, and my patrons is a mastiff

  10. xman
    2 months

    I can understand book readers being upset at stuff being removed, but imo this is the best movie and i know lots of other people also think this is the best movie

  11. Stridency
    2 months

    "Ma, meatloaf!" Iconic.

  12. Nattis_O
    3 months

    I got Ravenclaw and Bay Stallion.

  13. Nattis_O
    3 months

    Yeah. This was the movie where I started to dislike the movies. Mostly because they started to gloss over soo much. Sure book 1 and 2 are a lot shorter than the other ones so I can understand the reason. And I believe the movies are good, but if you where invested in the books when this came out you would be disappointed. Though my least favorite movie is nr 6.

  14. goldcrusty
    3 months

    Boom we are homies I got both Ravenclaw and Tortoiseshell Cat. If I could choose I would definitely choose Slytherin though.

  15. docrubente
    3 months

    Canonically, the Patronus charm is the only spell Hermione struggles to cast.

    1 replies
    1. Stridency
      2 months

      Which is quite depressing, if you think about  what a Patronus requires.

  16. Garrett
    3 months

    Sirius Black is just that good. He got out of a Prison. Think a school would be easy since he clearly knows how to get around the Dementors 

  17. Garrett
    3 months

    Dumbledore doesn't want the Dementors there. Mcgonagall says as much if y'all listened a bit more instead of complaining. First 2 movies y'all seemed way more open & focused. You're trying to apply logic in a world of magic WAY too often 

  18. Collin
    3 months


  19. Marloes
    3 months

    I am a Ravenclaw and my patronus is a Dun Mare, and as I have been a horse girl all my life, I think my patronus fits very well :)

    1 replies
    1. masterfulpaladin
      2 months

      Oh sweet, I'm a Raveclaw and my Patronus is a Black Mare. Also, my family used to own horses, so I too have been a horse boy my whole life lol Small world

  20. Kacey
    3 months

    Just so you guys know, Siri responds to spells like Lumos...Knox...Lumos maxima....Accion Facebook.....etc. And you can program more 

  21. Seleste
    3 months

    I’m a Gryffindor and I got thestral for my patronus

  22. rjdiehl
    3 months

    Movieflame or super carlin bros on youtube for lore (and theories with SCB)

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      MovieFlame is a goldmine for HP content

  23. Rey
    3 months

    This is the best movie in my opinion, especially wise 

  24. Morravn
    3 months

    PLEASE watch Enchanted 

    1 replies
    1. .inapplicable
      3 months

      Hell yeah!

  25. Nivia
    3 months

    1:25:55- Harry Potter's family got rich because on of his ancestors invented medical remedies for the wizard world, including the skele-gro potion we seen in the last movie used to grow harry's arm bones back.

    1 replies
    1. Austin
      3 months

      Music from the Modern Sonic games is the créme de la créme of buttrock (especially sonic adventure 1+2)

  26. No
    3 months

    Run how, Ron can barely walk

  27. Mikala
    3 months

    Did you know that the actors for Fred and George actually met at the audition? They did, 100% true.

  28. Callum
    3 months

    There is a lot of fan art of harry with a lightning scar that's like, actual lighting that covers his whole forehead or goes down to his eyes 

  29. Phishinabowl
    3 months

    Also, the reason Lupin keeps givin out pocket chocolate to Harry and the others whenever they come across a Dementor is because chocolate helps to fight off the after effects of being around them. Dementors suck out all of your happy, joyful feelings and chocolate is proven to release endorphins which are the body's "happy hormone". So him giving them chocolate is literally to cause happy feelings to come back which the Dementors were sucking away.

    2 replies
    1. No
      3 months

      "Pocket chocolate" is a bit of a dubious phrase...

    2. Phishinabowl
      3 months

      I also love how Hermione yells at Harry when he's running down to the lakeside to cast the Patronus as if she wasn't just throwin rocks and howling at a werewolf to draw it directly at them 5 minutes before lol

  30. Tina
    3 months

    Hufflepuff and a Fox. 

  31. Movie
    3 months

    Loving the Harry potter journey atm guys Prisoner of Azkaban is my personal favourite of the movies and books everyone is perfectly cast i love the twist in this one with Sirius Black hes my favourite character and played perfectly by Gary Oldman Remus Lupin is awesome too and i absolutley love Buckbeak! Harry flying with him over Hogwarts and the Black lake is so perfectly done from to book to screen and the soundtrack is incredible also the Dementors are terrifying.Awesome reaction guys 😊

  32. Phishinabowl
    3 months

    I laughed really hard when Boom was mentioning Margaret Thatcher knowing what comes with Umbridge in later films and how the actress modeled alot of her chacter after that woman.

  33. Jamie
    3 months

    tortishell cats are essentially calico cats but instead of white being the main color, black or grey is! so a grey cat with some orange or a black with the same would be a torti. :3 

  34. Ben
    3 months

    I got Ravenclaw and my patronus is a salmon 🤔😎

  35. nickwatic
    3 months

    god i just love sirius' actor and that whole scene in the shrieking shack

  36. Wonderxfull
    3 months

    Great reaction, I was laughing so hard at one point I stopped breathing omg. Y'all are great. Cant wait for the next one!  My patronus is an Ibizan Hound.

  37. Acetag31
    3 months

    So it's not covered in the movies but in the book Hermione asks Sirius how did he escape prison and he says that he was starving in the prison and he got so skinny he transformed into his dog form and slip right out the gate and dipped. Also the magic world is unaware of him being able to turn into a dog so it was really easy for him to escape undetected as long as he did

  38. LordTouchMe
    3 months

    Interesting that this is the thing that taught Ruff about closed time loops...

  39. Alec
    3 months

    The conversation of books vs. movie is honestly just annoying at this point so I think I’m gonna stop here lol. Enjoy the rest of the journey, I just can’t sit through it. I would enjoy it more if the two new viewers were allowed to form their own opinion 5 minutes into the movie without being told stuff was already cut out. Which by the way they perfectly answer those things in context clues. 

    Harry and Mcgonagall have a convo later about how a parent or guardian needed to sign the permission slip to visit Hogsmeade. 

    The woman literally calls Vernon her brother within the first 10 seconds of her appearance. 

    Yeah have a good time I’m out lol

    2 replies
    1. ElijahKovortu
      1 month

      The crazy thing to me is that the main one complaining about this has already SEEN the movies.  Think they would have gotten over it by now.  There is no possible way for movies to fit every single detail from the books.

    2. Garrett
      3 months

      Yeah the stuff they are complaining about has nothing to do with the plot whatsoever. Like Egypt trip in book or the mean Aunts backstory. Neither are necessary to HARRY POTTER'S story. And half the examples of "they cut this out" actually are briefly mentioned like the mean Aunt being Vernon's sister & all her dogs, the rest is covered by the actress playing her & how much of a bitch she is. Egypt stuff is literally not important to the antagonists or protagonists so therefore they briefly mention it... Azkaban is the best movie in the series for sure & these book readers are complaining about the dumbest stuff. Like ppl who criticize Two Towers in LOTR are just searching for things to complain about even though it conveys the message perfectly... Want to be picky about a Harry Potter Movie then pick ANY other but Azkaban??? Just stupid 

  40. Depraved
    3 months

    What if Harry did end up staying with Sirius, only for his home to be a run down trailer that he consistently smokes Wizard Crack and talks to himself due to 12 years of isolation... This is the Harry Potter I want to see...

  41. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    you guys should react to Death Battle Bowser Vs Eggman (Mario Vs Sonic)you guys going to really like this Death Battle and learn more about Both Greatest Villains of Video Games

  42. KeterLordFR
    3 months

    My Patronus is that of the Wolf. Its description reads "Those who conjure the Wolf are normally very mysterious. There is always something new to learn about these individuals. While some who produce this patronus enjoy their own company compared to being around others, they are still always loyal to those closest to them. Those who wield a wolf patronus will protect friends and family with a fierce passion. While first impressions can lead one to believe the wolf patronus belongs to a strong silent type, they also have a playful side underneath. However, this is only displayed towards trusted individuals."

    I feel like this is mostly accurate, though I've never been in a situation where I've had to protect my family, and I've never had friends, so I wouldn't know what I would actually do in such a situation. I'm also not that strong, actually quite sensitive and I can mentally break quite easily for any reason (once happened after I just broke a glass).

  43. Mrzigzag516
    3 months

    If you guys really want to learn more after you finish the movies, I recommend the youtube channel "SuperCarlinBros" they do everything HP from "what you may have missed" videos to random trivia to theories. They even did a "What if" series on what might happen if Harry was sorted into slytherin in the first book. Great reaction as always fellas, can't wait for the next one!

  44. Nik
    3 months

    The YT channel Movieflame does an amazing job at comparing the books and movies, he goes through every movie separately but has a video thats a compilation of them

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      MovieFlame is hands down the best PotterTuber

  45. Klayton
    3 months

    Ruff is Harry potter everything says he should be slitherin but is griphendore 

  46. Choco24
    3 months

    "there are some YouTuber videos that break down every missed Szene." In Germany we have the 5 minutes Harry podcast. Each episode goes for around an hour and concentrates on 5 minutes of the movie. It's an in depth explanation of everything you see and what's happens behind the camera. It's crazy detailed. Sadly just for the first movie. (To do this for the entire first move took multiple years for the creator.)

  47. leezarus
    3 months

    Billies, how do you feel about subtitles? Considering you used to be Nani no Anime, well...Get at the Korean movie "A Tale of Two Sisters", it is a TWISTED ride.

    otherwise I'm so glad you're continuing the HP series. I was a staunch Harry Potter fan for most of my life and then Hogwarts Legacy came out, and it reinvigorated my near two decades of books, movies, and media. I hope you all watch the rest.

    Thank you Billiy(ies.)

    1 replies
    1. leezarus
      3 months

      &&also I hope you watch the rest, and then see the Deathly Hallows deleted scene with Aunt Petunia. <3

  48. Cloud
    3 months

    Re-did the Sorting Hat test, and got Hufflepuff the second time around. XD As for patronus, mine was a Pine Marten.

    What is funny to me, is when I first watched this movie as a kid, I didn't like it. I preferred it over the first movie, but it was the second least favorite at the time with the second movie being my most favorite, until the fourth one game around. That being said, when I re-watched the third movie as an adult, I did respect it a lot better as a good movie, even if it's still not one of my favorites. Kinda like the third Pokemon movie.

  49. Pangurban
    3 months

    I'm in Ravenclaw and my patronus is a nebelung cat. Here's what the-patronus-librarian says about it:

    Nebelung Cat-

    A nebelung cat patronus appears for witches and wizards of amazing souls. They are very friendly and are high achievers. These witches and wizards always strive to be better than they were yesterday and challenge others to do the same. For them you can never stop learning, helping, teaching, or seeing new things. They are loyal and hard working individuals.

    The patronus of a nebelung cat symbolizes curiosity and kindness. One would never expect from the sweet mild mannered caster that they are fairly competitive. They are fond of friendly competition and up for a good challenge. These good-natured witches and wizards love to include others and work well in group environments. They make excellent friends and are wonderful support to the ones they love.

  50. Wolfie_03
    3 months

    Honestly, despite everything, it's always been funny to me just how much Hermione saves Harry and Ron's butts. Like, they get by ok on recklessness and bravo, but she absolutely pulls most of the magical know-how weight. Harry has the power, Ron has the family/wizard world knowledge, but Hermione has the formulas for any situation.

  51. Natasha
    3 months

    Wow first time I'm actually going to comment! Everyone always wonders about the chocolate - Dementors take away happiness, it leaves those around it feeling like they'll never feel cheerful again as Ron describes. There have been studies that show eating chocolate, specifically dark chocolate, causes the brain to produce serotonin which our naturally produced happy chemical! So it makes sense for Lupin to give him chocolate every time Harry is attacked by a Dementor.

  52. Whispie
    3 months

    I am a Slytherin, my patronus is a manx cat, and my wand is ebony wood with a dragon core.

  53. Leia
    3 months

    I have a wolf Patronus and this is what mugglenet said about it:

    Wolf - Wolf Patronuses see their casters as part of their pack, and they are ready to defend them at any cost. Wolves have incredible instincts; they will attack all Dementors in the immediate vicinity and hunt down any stragglers remaining at a distance. No Dementor should cross a wolf Patronus - they are fierce protectors and loyal to their casters beyond any other guardian.

  54. Sandcrab
    3 months

    I don't think it's ever talked about like in a book or movie but I believe JK said that like his grandfather or great grandfather was the creator of a bunch of sold magic items including the bone juice Harry drank in the second movie.

  55. Vegvisir92
    3 months

    if the most simple time travel as this confuses you guys....you should really avoid Doctor Who....you definitely would not be able to keep up if you get confused at even a second of this

  56. Stash
    3 months

    Yes!! My favorite HP movie! If this movie feels like too much content was cut from the books for y'all, then I imagine that The Order of the Phoenix is gonna feel like you're on speed when you watch it. I know you guys acknowledge it somewhere in the movie, but, yeah, if they kept EVERYTHING from the books, the movies would be several hours long, and they're only allotted a certain length of time. I know we'll always miss seeing all the content (would've loved to see more marauders, but I get why it was cut), but tbh it's more important that the movie's pacing flows and everything included makes sense to the audience. The movie begins when the story starts (Marge coming to the Dursleys'), and all prologue-type information is dovetailed into visual story-telling and dialogue. We don't need time dedicated to separate scenes describing how much Aunt Marge sucks. We see that she very comfortably she treats Harry like crap during one dinner, and that's enough. I love seeing how adaptations have to budget their time and focus. I know they would've loved to include more shining moments if their time allowed it.

  57. xav98
    3 months

    When I first took the test it was a swift but my most recent one is a chestnut stallion 

  58. SavvySpark
    3 months

    I’m with Bree 100% this is my Facebook I. The series and I’m a bit disappointed in the movie 

  59. Amantè
    3 months

    I haven't done the quiz in like ten years but it definitely changed because this time I have an elephant. I found absolutely no info on in front the official site so I basically scoured a bunch of animal interpretations that all described elephants as being community oriented, gentle, caring and protective. According to those theories, it's popular with Libras, Cancers and Hufflepuffs. All of which is true because I'm a Libra/Cancer Moon; and I took the Sorting quiz again. I got re-sorted [I was a Slytherin] because I was curious when yall started watching.

    And just like everyone else is saying, a lot of the movie is heavily condensed. Like Sean was saying about making small plot points become more important, the Animagus is mentioned by Hermione in the books when Snape takes over the DADA class for Remus. I'd hate to spoil the reason why if you plan to read the books eventually, though. Just know that the chapter about why Peter and Sirius are Animagus happens pretty close to the reveal of Remus' transformation.

  60. Kay
    3 months

    I'm realizing watching these with you guys that I haven't actually watched the movies in a few years. So this is very fun, thanks for the company!

  61. Swordfish
    3 months

    Lies! Goblet of Fire is the best movie!!!

  62. xav98
    3 months

    Eric really has horrible luck.. mans almost got done in from a strong as hell drink

  63. SetoRyder
    3 months

    @34:45 Dumbledore didn't want the dementors and Arthur agreed. But they really didn't have much choice.

    @39:07 Ron isn't wrong about Harry suffering but being happy about it. The dementors make him suffer but he gets to hear his parents which he does admit in the books he doesn't like but also wants to hear more since he never got to.

    @53:39 They won the lottery and it was only 700 Galleons. They basically spent it all on the trip. Ron also was using his brothers old wand. So Ron finally has a wand of his own.

    @2:28:00 The firebolt is much bigger plot in the books. Harry gets it from Sirius at Christmas and Hermione thinks (and is right) thats its from Sirius and it might be jinxed to kill harry so McGonagall confiscates it to check. It causes a big rift between them and Hermione.

    Just some extras:

    Sirius gets into the Gryffindor common room at one point by getting the password from a piece of paper Neville wrote them on. Crookshanks stole them and helps Sirius, he is a very smart cat and is friends with Sirius in the books.

    The womping willow was planted because Lupin came to Hogwarts so he could go to the shrieking shake to transform. Thats why people think its haunted, was his cries of pain and breaking things in the shake. The other marauders found out and became animagus to spend time with him while transformed.

    Unless I missed it I saw all the mentions of the movie not covering the Marauders but no explanation? If didn't actually give it since it is important to the characters themselves even if it isn't huge to the movies. Mooney (Lupin, werewolf), wormtail (Pettigrew, rat), padfoot (Sirius, dog) and Prongs (James, Stag). They were all friends at Hogwarts and as stated above they became animagus to spend time with lupin in werewolf form since he wouldn't attack animals like he would humans. That is how they came to make the map because they explored the grounds so much while transformed (and using james cloak). They do admit it was a bad idea running around with a fully transformed werewolf but they were young and reckless and figured a dog/deer could handle him. Harrys partronus is a stag because of his father (Olivander also mentions that James wand was good for transfiguration which is a hint to this)

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      Good catch with the prize money. I said in my review questions that it was 1,000 gallons but I just looked it up and it was 700! Good memory!

  64. dealerrat
    3 months

    I don't remember if they mentioned animagus specifically before but we saw a couple times that Professor McGonagall can turn into a cat. Also, I feel like they really downplayed how close Remus and Sirius was to Harry's parents. Like I'm glad Bree and Erik was there to tell you guys more details. Sirius being the godfather shows just how close they were. The map was made by them, and they insulted snape with it because they would as teens too LMAO

    1 replies
    1. No
      3 months

      Snape asks about the difference between an animagus and a werewolf when he takes over for Lupin's class and Hermione explains

  65. SonicMcCall
    3 months

    Ruff: they aren't thirteen bro

    Harry Potter- 13 years old.Daniel Radcliffe- filming: 13-14 years old/ release: 14 years old.Ron Weasley- 13-14 years old.Rupert Grint- filming: 14-15 years old/ release: 15 years old.Hermione Granger- 13-14 years old.Emma Watson- filming: 12-13 years old/ release: 14 years old.

  66. lightning132ttv
    3 months

    So, Ruff, "butt-rock" is actually a very derogatory term for Post-Grunge. Post-Grunge bands are bands like Creed and Nickelback.

  67. dealerrat
    3 months

    thank you 🙏

  68. MordredKane
    3 months

    are we sure that ruff doesn't have early set dementia or shot term memory loss.LOL

  69. Andrew
    3 months

    Yeah, this movie in the next movie are probably the worst in the series overall but I still love them. The time travel is just the worst part of any movie this one does it especially bad

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      Even though this is the most popular movie in the series?

  70. Pip
    3 months

    Always enjoyed Harry Potter, but the houses, and Patronuses are just as fake astrology. It's why the books/movies became so popular. People eat up the idea of being a part of a tribe, and Patronuses are the same none sense that is astrological signs. Very generic, wide net casting personality descriptors that could literally be describing anyone.

  71. Slasher2
    3 months

    House- RavenclawPatronus-Buzzard

    Wand-Laurel Wood, Unicorn core,12 and 1/4" length, solid Flexability

  72. GrandStorm
    3 months

    This is the point harry potter books, and movies get pretty legit.

  73. Kee
    3 months

    I am having fun watching Ruff and Boom experience these movies for the first time and knowing along with Brie and Erik what's going to happen next! Not gonna lie, kinda dreading the next one. I won't specify why.

  74. Keith
    3 months

    Fun fact: before they started filming for this movie, the director gave Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter), Emma Watson (Hermione Granger), and Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) a writing essay that they would have to complete in character. I kid you not, when the essays were due, Emma came with 3-4 pages, Daniel had a page and a half, and Rupert forgot he had to do it. It just shows that they perfectly act like their characters in the series.

  75. Legend_of_Bharhash
    3 months

    5:30 It is crazy how much much they cut out of this movie. This one is also my favorite book but they leave soooo much out of the movie. People who are saying what they cut out wasn't important are the ones that haven't read the books. To these people, can you tell me who the Marauder's are? How about what an animagus is? Can you explain to me how it is that everyone somehow knows to go to the Shrieking Shack? No, and if it was me I would be confused becuase these are major plot points that are either skipped entirety or horribly glossed over. These plots are not contained to just this movie either...Ooh wee, I have my work cut out for me in this one.

    21:10 Harry's scar size and location. Funny enough, his scar is more dead center of his forehead in the books and at least slightly larger.

    23:30 Why doesn't Harry stay with the Weasleys?I answered this one in the comments for Chamber of Secrets so here I'll just say that Dumbledore has his reason for Harry returning to the Dursleys and being able to call their house his home.

    33:25 Is the Dark Arts teacher the red shirt of Harry Potter?Never thought of it that way, but kinda.

    34:10 Dementors at HogwartsThe Ministry of Magic basically forced Dumbledore to have them at the school for the childrens safety. 

    37:50 On Professor TrelawneyMost people are quick to call her a fraud but if you really pay attention, every single one of her predictions come true in one way or another.

    40:20 Do the movies continue to get darker?Oh yes! With each passing movie, the next becomes much darker.

    50:10 Lupin is Sirius Blacks brother and helping him sneak in. Well, you were very close and Snape might agree with you.

    52:50 Does Ron have a new wand and Mr. Weasley winning award at his job and 10,000 gallon prize to fund Egypt? Very close, Mr. Weasley actually won a 1,000 gallon prize in a contest that the Daily Prophet held. They bought Ron and new wand, upgraded a few things and took the whole family to see their eldest son, Bill in Egypt. The clip of the Weasley's from the paper is how Sirius knew that Peter was still alive and that's when he decided to break out of Azkaban.

    54:30 Watching Harry Potter YouTube vidoes. I would suggest the Super Carlin Brothers. They are probably number one and really know their stuff. One video of theirs I would suggest watching after all the movies is, Dumbledore's Big Plan.

    54:45 Ron more talented than given credit for.He does and knows a lot more in the books. A ton of his knowledge and actions are given to Hermione in the movies.

    1:23:15 Dementor's and chocolate.Dementors are a metaphor for depression. Chocolate is a known substance that helps with depression.

    1:25:50 How is Harry rich?Harry's ancestors where known for inventing a few potions. Notably Sleekeazy's Hair Potion, Skele-gro and Pepperup potion. This fortune was then passed to Harry's parents, then to Harry.

    1:40:20 Did they move Hagrids house?They changed a lot of the landmarks and scenery in this movie.

    1:45:10 What is an Animagus? So it begins, the most rushed scene in all of the books. This whole part is at least 4 chapters in the books. Its coming...

    1:47:40 How did they all know where to go? The Shrieking Shack and the Marauder's map...almost there, I promise.

    1:50:55 Can we actually have a fucking conversation!?! Yes, lets. It's finally time. The Marauder's Map was made by Lupin, Peter, Sirius and James. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs respectively. When the 3 friends of Lupin found out that he was a werewolf and was being taken the the Shieking Shack to transform once a month, they all became animagus (can transform into animals, which is a very hard, long and advanced form of magic) Peter a rat, Sirius a large dog and James a stag. They did this so that they could hang out with and ease Lupin durning his transformations. James and Sirius, being big animals, could keep Lupin in check in case something happened and Peter, small enough to sneak into smaller places the other couldn't. During this time, they learned more about the school than most ever had and decided to make The Marauder's map and leave it at the school for future rule breakers to find and use.During their time at school, these four had a relationship with Snape much like Harry, Ron and Hermione have with Malfoy. One day, Snape decided he wanted to know why Lupin kept leaving once a month and Sirius, deciding Snape was being too nosie for his own good, told him that if he really wanted to know, all he had to do was take the secret tunnel under the Whooping Willow (which was planted the year Lupin came to school for extra protection for the students). James found out about this and realized Sirius had gone too far in this prank and saved Snape from a transformed Lupin at the last second.Present day, Dumboredore hired Lupin and had Snape start brewing Lupin a wolfsbane potion every month (which allowed Lupid to keep his mind during transformations).The night that Sirius decided to finally take Scabbers, along with Ron, to the shack, Lupin was looking at the map in his office becuase he had a feeling the trio would go down to Hagrids to comfort him about Buckbeak. While keeping an eye on them, he was very surprised to also see Sirius and Peter on the map! He took off to the shack right away without taking his potion for the night and also in his haste, forgot to clear the map. When Snape brought Lupin his wolfsbane potion, he saw the map open on Lupins desk and took off after them all.

    1:56:05 Snape protecting the trio? Movie Snape is much nicer and more tame than his book counterpart.

    1:58:30 Dementor's sent away by Dumbledore. They were only banished from the grounds, the Ministry still wanted them at Hogwarts.

    2:08:10 Wouldn't people notice that Hermione was in two places at once? The teachers all knew that she had the Time Turner so its really not that big of a deal. Also, Ron did notice.

    2 replies
    1. Dinamo89
      3 months

      they also cut out Fidelius Charm plot,  spell that allows one to be a secret keeper to hide secrets like location of things and people, and unless secret keeper reveals it, it will be kept a secret. Potters friends used it to hide them from Voldemort. Sirius was supposed to be their secret keeper, but they thought it would be too obvious and swapped for Peter last moment, it was Sirius who thought that plan. 

      1 replies
      1. Legend_of_Bharhash
        3 months

        I was gonna cover this in a later video, but thank you for the assist!

    2. 50
      3 months

      "People who are saying what they cut out wasn't important are the ones that haven't read the books", bro is really starting with the gatekeeping elitism bs on this one

      2 replies
      1. Legend_of_Bharhash
        3 months

        I could see if that's all you read of my comment. It does seem that way but if you would continue to read, I think I make it clear that isn't what I'm doing. Like @dealerrat said, the movies can be watched without ever reading the books but you can't tell me that sometimes in the movies things sorta don't add up or seem very Is coincidental. That's all I'm doing, helping to fill in the gaps and maybe make it more enjoyable for those who notice those gaps and wonder.

        1 replies
        1. 50
          3 months

          Then you wouldn't have started off with that phrase. I'm all for filling in the gaps left out by the movies, just not in that kind of tone. I just generally fucking hate those kind of people in the Harry Potter fandom. The one's that actually do gatekeep and look down on people watching the movies and pull the iF yOu rEaD the bOokS bs, the one's who complain about the movies not being exactly like the books even though that's not how the process of book-movie adaptations works and changes to fit the screen are inevitable. Some complaints are justified, but others come of as being ignorant, pretentious and ungrateful

      2. dealerrat
        3 months

        @50 it isn't gatekeeping elitism. there's a lot of important details they couldn't fit in. Bree and Erik constantly said they cut out stuff and people are it's irrelevant and this comment is showing that that's not true. Just because the story progressed fine without telling us how everyone knows everything, doesn't mean it wasn't important and didn't leave questions. You can definitely watch the movies without reading the books, I myself haven't read the books in like 8 years and barely remember it, but why would you say they aren't important, that's just not true

        1 replies
        1. Legend_of_Bharhash
          3 months

          It's funny how all the comments saying, "What they cut out isn't important and doesn't effect how enjoyable the movie is" isn't considered "gatekeeping elitism bs" But what I said is. I'm glad there are some that at least understand what I'm saying.

          1 replies
          1. No
            3 months

            How on earth would saying "it's not actually important for the overall plot" gatekeeping elitism? That's not even remotely the same thing as, "Oh you don't think it's important? You must not have read the books!"

  76. harrison.rogers14
    3 months

    My favorite HP movie let’s goooo

  77. Nivia
    3 months

    hufflepuff and my patronus is a basset hound 

  78. DOPE
    3 months

    If you tell Siri Lumos your flashlight will turn on, if you say Nox it will turn off.

  79. Dorkyfever
    3 months

    Remember that the twins had the map that shows everyone in the castle. So for years they seen some dude named Peter sleeping with Ron and said nothing.

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      That's a funny theory and all but I think it's much more likely that since Peter was one of the creator's of the map, it hides his name from those who didn't have a part in creating it, heeping in mind that Harry never saw Peter's name on the map, that was only added for the movie

      1 replies
      1. Amantè
        3 months

        "Harry never saw Peter's name on the map, that was only added for the movie" but that's obviously not true though? if you mean that Fred/George couldn't because they're not relatives, that makes more sense

  80. hurryupmode
    3 months

    House: Ravenclaw

    Wand: Ash Wood, Unicorn Core, 10 3/4", Hard flexibility.

    Patronus: Marsh Harrier

  81. Christopher
    3 months

    The Potter fortune is in fact the work of Harry's Grandfather. He invented Sleekeasy Hair Potion lol.

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      Yep. Also Skele-gro and the pepperup potions as well.

  82. Halcyon Days
    3 months

    Enchanted mention lfg! Lol that's a great movie. Shoutout to Boom still rocking the blue and bronze robe lol as a Ravenclaw I approve. Also my Patronus is a hyena which I was thrilled with because theyre awesome.

  83. peachylxv
    3 months

    my Patronus is a hedgehog lol and i'm in Ravenclaw

  84. JM
    3 months

    Pettigrew being Ron's rat is easily my favorite twist in any of the books. It was brain breaking. Dude's included in the very first description of Ron. His missing toe is mentioned. Ron talks about how he's been in the family for twelve years and he got him as a hand-me-down from his brother Percy, which, at the time, just seems like more description to add to 'the Weasleys are poor' impression. Peter Pettigrew, the dude who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort, is sitting right there in the train car as Harry introduces himself.

    They really don't explain the Marauders, which is my biggest issue with this film. The other is it's the start of a trend where they start noticeably sidelining Ron and giving Hermione some of his most character defining lines, including the bit in this one where he's the one who says Sirius will have to go through them, while getting in front of Harry with *a broken leg*. 

    In any case, the Marauders were James Potter's friend group in school. Lupin was turned into a werewolf when he was a child, and Dumbledore made special, secret arrangements to let him attend Hogwarts. Every full moon he'd sneak off through the tunnel leading to the shrieking shack so he could transform safely and without anyone knowing (and that's how the shack got its name, which is horrifying to think about). The Whomping Willow was deliberately planted over the tunnel so no one would follow him. James, Sirius, and Pettigrew figured out that Lupin was a werewolf, and because werewolves only go after humans, they  turned themselves into animagi (which is very difficult to do) so they could be with him during full moons. Sirius was a dog, Pettigrew was a rat...and James was a stag. The names on the Marauder's map are the nicknames they had for each other: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. So, essentially, Pettigrew betraying James to Voldemort and getting him killed was a betrayal on the level of Ron or Hermione doing it to Harry, and then framing the other for their murder.

  85. hurryupmode
    3 months

    Bands from that Second Wave of Nu-Metal/Alt-Rock/Post-Grunge-era, like Godsmack, Three Days Grace, 3 Doors Down, Nickelback, Creed, Staind, Puddle Of Mudd, Cold, Breaking Benjamin, Finger Eleven, Shinedown, Kid Rock, Seether, Five Finger Death Punch........... any band where the singer YAAARRRRLLLLS, and tries to imitate Layne Staley or Eddie Vedder or Chris Cornell.

    All that shit falls under Butt Rock. 

  86. jdetoro
    3 months

    I waited through the entire end for Pre or Eric to explain the marauders map

  87. ShadowWalker
    3 months

    The stuff they cut out is pretty much useless info it doesn’t impact the story nor does it help with the main plot of this movie which is about the prisoner of Azkaban.

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      I would agree that a lot of what they cut out isn't important but there is definitely some very important plots they either left out or gloss over.

  88. Captain
    3 months

    Im a proud Hufflepuff and my patronus is a Siberian Cat. Still proud of the core of my wand too. Got a freakin Phoenix feather as my core. Made of spruce as well so my wand is the sassiest, most opinionated thing ever. Would be amazing. 

  89. taylie27
    3 months

    My patronus is a black mare! 

    POA is my favorite of the Harry Potter movies even with the stuff that gets cut out from the book. And you all should totally watch A very potter musical after you’ve seen all the movies

  90. A.M
    3 months

    The stuff they cut out was useless info they provided nothing to the overall enjoyment of the film

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      That is a matter of opinion and I'm of the opinion that your wrong

  91. hurryupmode
    3 months

    Thatcher's england was up to 1990.

  92. bertzieblu
    3 months

    Lupin is my favorite Dark Arts teacher - he always give the same vibes as that one cool uncle at family gatherings

  93. batman831
    3 months

    The Uncle Vernon hate is unforgivable.  The man is a legend and easily the best character.  Uncle Vernon fears nothing and doesn't put up with any wizard nonsense.

  94. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    hufflepuff and jack russel for the patronus!

  95. cherrysue
    3 months

    You absolutely need to watch enchanted! It’s so funny and well done!

  96. Darc
    3 months

    Oh the irony of what the truth of James and his gang were to severus

  97. Darc
    3 months

    Sonic music in sonic adventure 1 and 2 is butt rock, the band Crush 40 is butt rock

    1 replies
    1. A.M
      3 months

      I got a salmon lol

  98. Jeffery
    3 months

    My is a mink

  99. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    harry's grandparents on dads side were rich, invented some wizard cream? i think

  100. 50
    3 months

    To think now both Dumbledore actors are no longer with us

    For a deep dive into Harry Potter, I recommend a channel called MovieFlame. The channel's a goldmine for HP content

  101. Yeetus
    3 months

    Sean is my spirit-animal fr fr

  102. Darc
    3 months

    Its a little bothersome that Eric and bre are continuing to be quiet about why harry stays with the dursleys

    4 replies
    1. No
      3 months

      People are saying that it's explained later but I don't actually recall them ever actually specifying why he stays with them in the movies. There's a throwaway line later on but it doesn't actually have the context to explain why he stays with the Dursley's specifically

    2. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      They don't want to spoil thr movies for them.

    3. Halcyon Days
      3 months

      But that's going to be explained later anyway and I assume you know this.

    4. Amantè
      3 months

      why would they spoil it?

  103. Atticus
    3 months

    Best film in the series, hands down

  104. Trei
    3 months

    1:38:20 the reason the person changed is because the actor who played Crab ended up in Juvy midway through filming. 

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      That's later. This is about Goyle not being in these scenes, and that's because the actor injured his arm and couldn't do these scenes

  105. Residentfan 1
    3 months

    The reason Malfoy’s other friend disappears and gets replaced by that other kid is that the actor hurt his arm and couldn’t film for most of the second half. Little bit of trivia for Erik: that other kid who replaces him goes on to get beheaded by Ned Stark at the very beginning of Game of Thrones

    1 replies
    1. Trei
      3 months

      I thought it was because the actor ended up in Juvy? Or was that a later film?

      1 replies
      1. Residentfan 1
        3 months

        The kid that plays Goyle hurt his arm and disappears from this movie’s second half. The kid who plays Crabbe went to juvie and was absent from the last two movies. So not only different movies but different actors and different characters.

  106. Darc
    3 months

    So they establish in the first book that all witches and wizards can do magic without wands, often by accident. The wand is used to help focus their magic for more complex spells. In later books they establish that you can learn to cast spells both without incantation words and also without a wand. Like how Dumbledore cast arresto momentum

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      Yep. There is also non-verbal magic as well

      1 replies
      1. Garrett
        3 months

        Yeah if you watch the movie closely you get this. Harry makes the glass disappear with no wand?? Alot of ppl I notice need stuff shown & then explained otherwise they miss it & this awful attention span sickness has ruined movies

  107. Kelsey
    3 months

    My patronus is a Newfoundland dog :). I am also a Ravenclaw! 

  108. smilingknight
    3 months

    My Patronus is a highland terrier 

  109. Miss_CJ
    3 months

    The Weasley's aren't rich now. It was enough to upgrade a few things and that's it. 

  110. GraysonTodd
    3 months

    I was kinda hoping Bree would explain more about the Marauders and the Map there at the end since it never gets touched on in the movies, but I suppose it's not too important for the rest of the movies. Still cool info for them to have though.

    2 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      3 months

      I was worried it was going to be a spoiler and wasn't sure if it got brought up later. - Bree

    2. KingOfRedLions89
      3 months

      Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

  111. Chaplain
    3 months

    I can’t tell my patronus till you guys learn of the creatures existence since it is unique to the Harry Potter universe.

  112. LaLa
    3 months

    This is one of my favorite books, but least favorite movie. They literally cut out half of the book. Some is understandable bc you can't have everything,  but the Quidditch Cup, the rift from the broom, the MARAUDERS,  were actually farily important events in the trios life. Like I said understandable, but disappointing as a kid seeing it in theaters for the first time.

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      Quidditch Cup I could understand, but the Marauders was a must to keep

  113. Legend_of_Bharhash
    3 months

    They do a good job with most of the movies but this one is one of the worst. They cut so much from this book and rush through a whole lot more. I'll be posting an answers to all their questions and explaining some of the more rushed through points in a few hours, for those who are interested.

  114. Kyra
    3 months

    Yesss my favorite hp film along with the 5th one SIRUS BLACK MY LOVE 😍 

  115. matthew
    3 months

    I swear ruffs observation haki would put usopps to shame 

  116. Captain
    3 months

    I know they're really complaining about things being left out but my god how are half of those things necessary to the overall story. This isn't the book, it's a movie and can't spend 5 or even ten minutes explaining WHY Marge was visiting or got into detail about the Weasleys Vacation that doesn't actually affect anything. And the Hogsmead stuff doesn't need a detailed breakdown in the beginning cuz it comes up later at a natural pace. It trusts us to just watch the movie. 

    4 replies
    1. Alec
      3 months

      I’m literally not watching it anymore because of this it’s so annoying. Like just let a movie be a movie then explain afterwards what was cut out.

    2. 50
      3 months

      YES! It's crazy how much book fans complain about what's left out. A lot of them are insane enouhh to believe 5 hour movies are the solution when they actually wouldn't help

    3. Amantè
      3 months

      it does that because of the underlying expectation that you already have context though

      1 replies
      1. Captain
        3 months

        yeah i feel i was too mean in this comment because it was right near the beginning where loads isnt necessary. Wish i could edit it or delete it given how kinda assholish it was. You really forget just how much was cut from this and i never quite think about it since its been 15-20 years since i read any of the books (im an old billy). I think the Map stuff still could have fit and added some heartbreak to it all. Really need to pull out my books and give them a read again. Maybe over Christmas. 

    4. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      Where I agree with you on a lot of the information they leave out in most of the movies, this one leaves out some very important stuff and rushes through a lot of the plot.

      1 replies
      1. Captain
        3 months

        yeah i feel i was too mean in this comment because it was right near the beginning where loads isnt necessary. Wish i could edit it or delete it given how kinda assholish it was. You really forget just how much was cut from this and i never quite think about it since its been 15-20 years since i read any of the books (im an old billy). I think the Map stuff still could have fit and added some heartbreak to it all. Really need to pull out my books and give them a read again. Maybe over Christmas. 

  117. shay15932
    3 months

    Boom's reaction to the last frame of the movie killed me lmao

  118. Juju’sWrld
    3 months

    yessss i waited fir thisssssss <3

  119. Miles
    3 months

    Fun Little fact If you have a iPhone and activate Siri say (Lumos) and your phone flash light will turn ON and if you say (Nox) it turns off. Just a fun little fact i thought you all should know if you didn't know

  120. Aaron
    3 months

    the deer was them not having the budget to go all out, so they showed it once(they kinda had too, it's on the cover of the book)

  121. Lor_D_Richafa
    3 months

    So the reason Why Harry is as rich as he is was because Harry's grandfather invented a range of Hair Potion. So Harry's entire family got loaded as fuck from all the wealth that came from the business

  122. Iain
    3 months

    So without ruining anything, Boom's questions about the intro getting darker and why the Dursleys are so horrible to Harry are both important. One to indicate tonal shifts and the other is plot point that is explained later on. Loving the reactions as always guys, love from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

  123. 50
    3 months

    After the final movie, please react to the Reunion Special

    2 replies
    1. Lor_D_Richafa
      3 months

      So the reason why Harry's Parrents and now Harry is loaded like that was because Harry's Grandfather invented a Hair potion brand. So basically Harry's entire family got rich and loaded from all the wealth that came from it 

    2. Lor_D_Richafa
      3 months


  124. Joseph
    3 months

    the dark art teacher is a 'cursed' position no one has lasted more then a year

    2 replies
    1. Lor_D_Richafa
      3 months

      Dude shut the fuck up with the spoilers. FFS it's not hard to shut the fuck up about shit like that

      1 replies
      1. Elizabeth
        3 months

        They never revel in the movies

        3 replies
        1. Halcyon Days
          3 months

          Comments that set expectations are spoiler territory.

        2. Residentfan 1
          3 months

          I feel like you don’t know how spoilers work. Yes they don’t talk about that in the movies but now every time they introduce a new Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Ruff and Boom are going to know that something terrible will happen and they’ll lose their job. So yes, still a spoiler.

        3. Lor_D_Richafa
          3 months

          I know but it's still a spoiler 

    2. Aaron
      3 months

      dropping spoilers like that is crazy man

  125. Aaron
    3 months

    "tell them what you saw"

    uh, there's about half a dozen reasons why that wouldn't have been a good idea. I thought Bree read this book?

    2 replies
    1. Enya
      3 months

      bro just put all your answers in one reply lol why did you comment like 17 times

      1 replies
      1. Aaron
        3 months

        why is it your business to tell someone else what to do?

    2. Joe Ruffler
      3 months

      Yeah....when she was 12?

  126. Arifur
    3 months

    They keep complaining about stuff cut from the book but like... Who really cares? They get the story great regardless of cuts.

    1 replies
    1. Legend_of_Bharhash
      3 months

      There is a lot they cut from this movie in particular. So much so I wouldn't be surprised if they walked away from it with more questions than answers. Yes, overall the movies do a good job conveying the books but this one in particular rushes through and leaves out way too much

      1 replies
      1. Garrett
        3 months

        No it doesn't. Theres not one thing Essential to the story of HARRY POTTER which is what the series is about. Egypt has nothing to do with progressing Harry's story. Aunt Marge backstory isn't important. How Black gets into Hogwarts cuz Neville writes down the passwords doesn't matter cuz if he can get out of Azkaban a PRISON then it stands to reason that he can get into a school. The Time travel is explained MORE than well enough & the new characters like Lupin & Black & Pettigrew have just the right amount.... the stuff you could complain about would take WAY to much time to add in & not worth it to begin with. That's why the books exist & adaptations ALWAYS cut out ALOT. Goblet of Fire & Phoenix have WAY more taken out & honestly so did Philosopher Stone.

        1 replies
        1. Garrett
          3 months

          It's no different than LOTR... of course there's cool little tid bits that make things more interesting but that isn't more important than the incredible adaptation & how effectively they told the heart of the story.. if you're confused or dissatisfied with this movie then you're gatekeeping. It's by far the best made movie & the 2nd or 3rd most accurate adaptation 

  127. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    there was an all that skit back in the day of "lord moldy shorts"

  128. Aaron
    3 months

    it was 700 galleons, and I'm pretty sure it was from the lottery

    1 replies
    1. Joe Ruffler
      3 months

      You're right - it has been over 14 years since she read the books so she got mixed up. 

      1 replies
      1. Aaron
        3 months

        that's fair

  129. teatus
    3 months

    harry has killed wizard hitler 3 times at this point he deserves some advantage, its not just nepotisim.

  130. t.rakh
    3 months

    Seems to be an unpopular opinion, but Boom is definitely a Revenclaw

  131. Dylan
    3 months

    When you get to deathly hallows part 1, there is a deleted scene that I HIGHLY recommend you check out

    1 replies
    1. Captain
      3 months

      Oh yeah was just thinking of that one if it's the same one because it is cathartic in its own way and very sweet. Hate that it was cut.

  132. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    ruff and boom should still be hufflepuff

  133. Melissa
    3 months

    Heck yes! This is one of my favorites from the franchise and where it starts getting darker.

  134. Bomb-Boy
    3 months

    Hell yeah this movie is one of my favourites and I can’t wait for the next one 

  135. Aaron
    3 months

    you think they cut out a lot in this movie? book four or five is like a 24 hour audio book at normal speed, you could say they cut a bit out of that movie

  136. MrAlexSan
    3 months

    Honestly, my favorite Harry Potter movie. I'm so excited to see the reaction!

  137. imrightoverhere
    3 months


  138. Dylan
    3 months

    I'm always looking forward to harry potter day

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