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1 month
1 month
I always loved that Azkaban was basically hinting at the Bermuda Triangle.
1 month
so we need a Bridge to Terabithia reaction for sure
2 months
Luna, my favorite character. The ravenclaw representation weve been missing
2 months
stop the hufflepuff slander
2 months
Hells yea Sweeney Todd, all time favorite musical and I too was a Helena Bonham stan in high-school, who wouldn't be?
2 months
The scene where they just start laughing together was unscripted and they broke character trying to hold in laughs
2 months
"we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have... a nose"
2 months
Uh you forgot that there were other kids there besides Dudley.
2 months
1:56:00 ngl I ship lunarry, but only in the movies
2 months
Happy birthday Boom!
2 months
I loved how Lestrange went from '-_- to >:) to O_O' in seconds. Literally an 'Haha-oh fuck.' reaction.
2 months
I will say cutting SPEW and a lot of the house elf plot is fine (winky isn't 100% needed for goblet)
But cutting kreacher stuff is bad. Kreacher is the reason Sirius died. When he told him to go away Kreacher went to Bellatrix (a member of the black family) and told them all the info he could. This leads to the setup to get Harry to the ministry using Sirius as bait. Kreacher then lied to Harry when he used the floo network in Umbridge office (He hurt buckbeak who is in the house to keep Sirius away) and tells Harry that Sirius is gone, which leads to Harry going to the Ministry. It really is important because the entire Ministry portion doesn't happen without Kreacher...
3 months
Dudley, in both book and movie, did actually lose weight by this point and was trained to fight. The reaction to his gangster look was hilarious, but also fitting because, according to the book, he and his posse went out and starting causing general trouble for people
3 months
I don't mean this as mean/nasty as it's going to come across but Brie we get it, you've read the books. PLEASE stop talking over important/big moments about stuff that was cut. It was cut for a reason because it had no real influence on the story. The whole Percy conversation during Dumbledore's big exit was really a bummer. Ruff was the only one who was actually paying attention and started realizing what was happening before the actual big moment and it kind of ruined Sean's reaction to it until Dumbledore actually flamed away with Fawkes. Percy's back and forth with the Ministry and his family realistically has no influence on the overall story which is why his whole plotline was cut from the movies. I'm all for discussing things that were cut during the reaction but save it for the end once the main reaction is over and mention those things during the discussion afterwards so it doesn't take everyone away from the action.
3 replies
2 months
"I don't mean this as mean/nasty as it's going to come across"
You could have fooled me.
"Brie we get it, you've read the books. PLEASE stop talking over important/big moments about stuff that was cut. It was cut for a reason because it had no real influence on the story."
Bro, Eric has also read the books and he has also talked over the movies to bring up stuff from the books that was left out of the movie, yet you only call out Brie for it??? Double Standards, smh
2 months
are you the person Boom was talking about at the end? lol
3 months
One other thing. The reason that they keep leaving stuff out is that after the Chamber of Secrets movie, which was the last movie that tried to include EVERYTHING from the book, they realized that if they kept to that formula that the movies would get way too long and all need to be multiple parts because the books get longer and longer. The way they decided what to keep and what to leave out was, if it had a DIRECT impact on Harry and the gang OR was something shown from Harry's perspective, it got left in. Everything else was fair game to get cut. Brie is right that in the books, the house elf justice/liberation plotline is way bigger but the fact is that, like Percy's plotline, it doesn't ACTUALLY have any direct impact on Harry and HIS plotline. By switching around a few details like Neville giving Harry the gillyweed in Goblet of Fire instead of Dobby like it actually was, they can leave a character out of an entire movie and save time and money. The house elves were likely especially easy for the writers to decide to leave out as not only can their parts largely be shifted to other characters, but just putting a house elf INTO one of the movies is a whole ordeal because of the amount of work that has to go into the special effects. If you look at the behind the scenes of Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 you can see how they use 2 different actors to do the motion capture and on-set performances and then have to do a TON of special effect/CGI work to map it all to a CGI house elf and make it look right etc. Definitely expensive and time consuming. So yeah that's how they made those decisions. I'm all for the discussions on what's different between the books and movies i just personally prefer when its at the end like you guys did for some of the stuff here so that way the action isn't as interrupted with something not that important. Great stuff overall though as always! Merry Christmas!
1 replies
2 months
Are you joking? The house elf plot line has no influence? You mean how Kreacher GOT SIRIUS KILLED and his future involvement? How having no Dobby makes future events less impactful for movie only viewers?
Also in terms of book stuff not seeing anything to do with Neville and explaing how he could have been the chosen one is a big deal for Harry plot line. Making it so Harry was 100% chosen by Voldemort and setting up that is important. There is stuff that isn't imporant, the SPEW plot line is fine to get rid of / winky but anything to do with Kreacher/Dobby is not ok it takes away from the story.
Also again with Percy is it massive? No but it wouldn't take much to add because it would make the end so much better. There are lots of things that aren't 100% needed to tell the story but I would rather have longer movies or have more part 1 and 2 to have a better story told then what was done. Hopefully the TV show can fix it but I doubt it at this point.
1 replies
2 months
If you focus more on Kreacher, you have to acknowledge the fact that Sirius is fine with house elves being lifelong "servants". This makes him super unlikable.
The books save Sirius' reputation by clarifying that house elves enjoy "servitude", and Dobby is the weird one for wanting freedom. But saying that about forced "servitude" is an extremely gross, borderline bigoted viewpoint. It's definitely something that the books get wrong.
There's no real way to make the Kreacher subplot work without either sympathising him or sympathise "servant" owners. I get why they cut it, even if the story suffers a bit as a result.
3 months
The only thing that really annoys me for the past couple movies is they keep, including Remus as a bad teacher, and by bad, I mean evil. His abilities at it as a teacher you could probably argue.
In regard to Dumbledore and his actions, basically she was coming up with the story as she was going along, which is normal but I don’t believe she had the idea for mind magics before the fifth book. Because, in all honesty, if she did, it should’ve been mentioned in the fourth when he was having visions of Voldemort and his servants. Now it can be argued that Dumbledore could have had Hermione look up, said mine, magics at the beginning of the year to help Perry, which then could’ve progressed into the lessons with Snape. Also, in the book it’s Cho’s friend who is tortured/blackmailed into revealing the army’s location.
Now when I was younger and hadn’t read the books yet, I was a firm, Harry Hermione shipper especially with their interactions in movie, three and four. But after reading the books, countless fanfiction watching all of the movies several times I feel like Harry could be paired up with just about anyone near his age. in fact of the I would go Luna Hermione, then Ginny but if you open it up, I enjoy seeing Harry with one of the chasers from his Quidditch team or one of the Patel twins. There’s also the Gryffindor Slytherin romances that can be fun with Daphne Greengrass, or even crossover‘s where Harry has like, moved on from the wizard and world after everything and pretty much gets shipped with everybody, including Batman. I think a couple of times in some fanfics.
1 replies
3 months
By Batman, are you referring to Cedric by any chance. Because Robert Pattinson did go on to play Batman
3 months
Fun Fact: While it wasn't shown in the film, in the book, the code to get into the Ministry in the phonebooth is "62442" which spells out "Magic" on the keypad. Always thought that was a neat little attention to detail
3 months
The new Universal Theme park will have a Harry Potter ride in the Ministry of Magic. The plot will be about Ubridges trial at the Ministry, but Dark Wizards(asuumeingly trying to free Umbridge) intervene and a battle takes place.
3 months
I love HP. While reading the books I hated the idea of Harry+Hermione. I was always for the relationship Harry ended up in (I wont spoil it). But that relationship is 1000000% better in the books. In the movies it sucks
3 months
If you wanted any more reason to hate Umbridge, she was the one that sent the Dementors at the start of the movie (a detail mentioned in the book, but the movie didn't mention)
3 months
"Could Neville have been the Harry?" - he actually could've, if Voldy went after Neville and his parents. The prophecy referred to a boy born on the end of July (both Harry and Neville), but because he chose Harry, it became about Harry. A retelling of the story with Neville as the MC would be dope
3 months
i can really see that i watched these movies alot when i was little i remember when the scene with lestrange escaping i always thought then that it was somehow her house that got destroyed not knowing that it was a prison ecape very weird
3 months
happy belated birthday boom!!!!
3 months
notes about your comments
"Oh she looks like a bitch" Just you wait.....
"Them floor titties are wild" Thanks... now I can't unsee it....
"Nah, this lady's a problem" Oh yow have NO idea yet....
"Could Nevil have been the Harry?" .... That is an interesting question.... In the 5th book the Prophecy specifically spells out that the chosen one was born at the end of July and Harry and Nevil both have Birthdays at the end of July..... The Prophecy also said the Dark Lord shall Mark him as his equal... This was something Dumbledore touched on briefly himself in either the ending of book 5 or sometime in book 6 but it was never translated into the movies so I don't think I'm hurting anyone by mentioning it here
"Did Harry Use Crucio in the Book?" YES! Harry did use Crucio in the book. That was not added for the movie- that was also in the book and the fact that Harry harbors that intense anger and thought to go right to that in that moment is one of the ways that shows that Harry has a natural aptitude for the Dark Arts in regardless of offense or Defense- it is the fact that he chooses Defense that is what makes him different from Voldemort!
My Thoughts:
This one book has aged the best. The narrative is all about politics trying to interfere with trusted scholars all for political gain... something the author herself seems to have a very different viewpoint on these days... It is for this reason I think the character most true to life of JK Rowling in the Current day is none other than Dolores Jane Umbridge who imposes her own will on everyone insisting she is right even when all the evidence points to the contrary.
Also the Department of Mysteries: In the books there are seven rooms that represent the great Mysteries of life: Love, Fate, Memories, Universe, Prochecy, Time, and Death and there is a running theory that each room is representative of ach Book. The Only ones everyone can unanimously agree on is Book 3 is time and Book 5 is Prophecy but all the others are in the air for a variety of reasons.... I will bring this up in the comment section for Movie 8 so we can all have a very spirited discussion about it!
This story (specifically in the books) also had a heavy emphasis on Fake New being used to promote false political Narratives and something the Book talks about (that I do in fact agree with to a degree) is how the characters would look at these fake news stories to keep up on the false narratives being fed to the masses as well as try to find the truths hidden within the lies
David Yates is the Director for this and the last 3 Movies: He was given an early copy of the Deathly Hallows Manuscript so he basically made the movies around his vision for the ending of Harry Potter and I honestly think he stuck the landing. There's a few choices I think he flubbed but a few choices I think he nailed! In this movie he trimmed a lot of the book's fat but he left out one or two lines I wish were included- the biggest being that Umbridge sent the Demontor that Attacked Harry. When she said she was going to use the Crutiatus Curse the full line was "What Fudge doesn't know won't hurt him. He didn't know I sent the Dementor on Harry last summer but was Happy for the chance to expel him all the same." Such a quick line that just makes you hate her even more and I wish it was included because it was by far my favorite reveal of just how vile she is!
I hate Rowling with a passion (I know I say it each video and I will continue to) but I do respect a good story and I have to give credit where Credit is due- the book was amazing and aged like a fine wine... Even though number 7 remains my number 1 book of all time the same cannot be said for it though because of 1 personal hang up but we will get there in movie 8....
3 months
Loving the reactions to Harry Potter! And in regards to the underage magic outside of school ( at least in the books) the ministry has a trace on every underage student but it’s a flawed system. It can detect magic and spells but not who cast them. So in the books Harry got in trouble first when Dobby dropped the cake on the woman’s head because the ministry got an alert magic was used and since he was the only wizard in the area he got blamed. This means that technically kids from wizarding families can perform magic at home as long as there is one adult wizard there because the ministry wouldn’t be able tell who cast the spell, and the magic parent could probably take care of any issues. So doing the crucio curse in the ministry wouldn’t have registered anywhere because he was in a wizarding location plus around other wizards.
3 months
Sean talks so much sometimes
4 replies
2 months
It is called s reaction for a reason you doughnut.
3 months
Its a reaction? If you want to just watch the movie don't watch the reaction. Imo I appreciate that they pause and talk because most reactors don't do that.
3 months
And yet you continue to watch😂 please cry more
3 months
And will continue to do so
3 months
My favorite part of the movie is on the bridge when they talk about Cho Ginny looks so annoyed
3 months
Lady Amerlia Bones is such a chad. In the HP world, she is one of the few Hufflepuff's who rose to the top. She not only was one of the top Aurors, rising to the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in short order, she was a Hufflepuff, as well as being considered one of the most unbiased individuals in the Ministry. She was also able to duel on equal footing, or at least what accounted to equal footing, with Voldemort, which places her in the highest caliber of witches and wizards, just behind Voldemort himself, Dumbledore, and a handful of others.
1 replies
3 months
*Sees Alberforth and his goat* "That's me wife"
*Me*: "Well, that's not exactly true"
3 months
This is one of the few movies I know I watched but barely recalled much about it outside of how awful Professor Umbridge was, at first being weirded out by Luna before later liking her greatly, and hating Sirius' cousin. I actually forgot he even died in this. XD Maybe 'cause I didn't want it to happen, I dunno.
3 months
Why do so many people seem to forget Lupin? Like, I've seen so many reactors who by the fourth movie are saying that every Defence against the Dark Arts teacher is bad, but Lupin was a great teacher, he just resigned because people discovered he was a werewolf.
3 months
Well, it's good to know you at least somewhat read comments here. Since you never engage with them, it seems like you probably never even look at them, and that there's not much point in leaving comments except for other patrons. But since you mentioned someone on the website being really bothered about them comparing the movies to the books, I guess you do at least read some of them.
Personally, on that topic, I don't mind the bringing in of book context as long as you're all good with it and they hold off on it until the end of the movie like they did here. Because when you constantly compare during the movie, like they did for one of the first few, it kind of takes you out of the story and likely makes it harder to appreciate the movie on its own terms.
3 months
voldemort in a suit looks like hes gonna try to pitch hustlers university to me
3 months
Hey Billy, If you want the HarMiione ship (Harry Hermione), look at "If Harry we're in Sythern" it has Harry and Her, while Ron ends up with a dreamy blonde.
3 months
The thing about the DADA professors being different every movie (which I'm surprised Eric and Bree haven't mentioned) is that, at least in the books, the position is rumored/supposed to be cursed so that no professor lasts in it for longer than a single year. That's why they're different every movie, and why that's always the easiest position for any new villain to fill at Hogwarts lmao
3 months
umbridge is ten times worse in the books
3 months
Yes he knew because they had the dumbledores army meeting in hogshead and ppl know who own that shop
3 months
I think it’s great that Bree and Eric are giving context for certain things that are left out of the movies. The movies are great, but have some plot holes if you haven’t read the books. The books are huge, and so much interesting information is left out of the movies as a result. Both Ruff and Boom should just read the series because it’s an incredible series, especially towards the end, but even if they don’t, Bree and Eric are doing a good job of giving them just enough information to understand and appreciate what’s going on.
1 replies
3 months
I agree I never seen a reaction to these movies with people who read the books so it makes it better to watch. Since I haven't read the book at all and is learning new stuff about Harry Potter.
3 months
I beg you guys to plz watch the last few movies in the extended cut. It gives conclusions to many characters that otherwise dint get explained
1 replies
3 months
The only Harry Potter films that had Extended Cuts were the first two. All the others only have Theatrical Cuts.
3 months
I get Dumbledore's intentions as well, but I agree he could have said ANYTHING literally even vague to let him know like "i'm going to be absent for a while or can't include you in secret information"
1 replies
3 months
Also, every body forgets poor Lupin was a Defense teacher and he was great! He unfortunately is a werewolf and due to extenuating circumstances couldn't keep it under control
3 months
Everytime y’all say all the dark arts teachers are bad / evil it makes me so sad that y’all keep forgetting Lupin like he was just a werewolf but he wasn’t bad or evil
1 replies
3 months
Lupin is one of my favourite characters, it breaks my heart that so many reactors just forget him, or don't mention him
3 months
luna is from ravenclaw if sean didnt know that she has sean vibes too
3 months
Have you noticed that they’ve been giving nicknames? The Marauders’ Map from Movie 3 was Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.
They’ve started calling Peter Pettigrew Wormtail and Sirius Black Padfoot. On top of that, Peter turns into a Rat that has a long wormy tail, and Sirius is an Animagus who turns into a dog, with padded feet.
This is my first time watching too, I’m just spitballing
3 months
So a little fact a sad one tho, at Sirius death Harry's scream is muted because Daniel had a few days before hand lost his grandpa and he said that scream was all built up emotions from those few days and they had to mute it because it was "too heartbreaking to hear"
3 months
All those death cultist at the end and none of the children died, weak writing honestly. It takes the teeth out of the Death Eaters threat when they can't even deal with 5th Years.
3 months
-Remus Lupin was a great Defense of the Dark Arts' teacher. He just couldn't stay due to his werewolf condition. (Thanks to Snape)
-Also I want to touch up on something Boom said about Snape caring about the kids and protecting them...the movie version of Snape is very beautified because in the books, he is an absolutely despicable teacher. I do like him as a character, he is very complex. And no, when he was in school, he did get bullied by James, Sirius, Peter and Remus (although Remus was the nicest of the bunch) but there's WAY more to this backstory. It sadly won't really get explained in the movies so I hope you guys will read the books. I swear, it's like experiencing the story for the first time again, that's how much more there is to it.
-As for Harmony or Romione, I personally have never shipped Harry and Hermione. In the books and movies, there's always been a platonic love between them. Even when I was a kid reading the books, I could see the Ron and Hermione pair become a thing. It's subtle at first but their interest in each other grows as the story goes.
-Sad fact: there was supposed to be a whole battle scene between Sirius and Bellatrix but they cut out the whole thing.
Some fact about Luna Lovegood: She is a Ravenclaw, and she is getting bullied in school for being a bit weird. It's subtle and she is good natured and believes in ''Nargols'' who would hide her things, but really, they are other students pranking her. ''My shoes have all mysteriously disappeared, I suspect the Nargols''.
3 months
Oh and happy birthday Sean!!! 🎉
3 months
This video is the perfect example of why I love watching you guys, the genuine and honest excitement and shock for twists and turns and correct predictions with fair and funny opinions/commentary. Love you guys, keep going strong :3 Ps. Bree and ruff are the hot ones, y'all are so god damn cute together <3
3 months
i had never watched this with subtitles before. I never realized that Harry used Crucio on Bellatrix. and i've seen this in IMAX
3 months
Gotta be honest, I haven't seen this one since I was a kid and I remember not liking. Rewatching it as an adult, this is probably my new favorite in the series
3 months
happy birthdayyyy to our billy seannnnnnnnnnnnnn wish u a happy birthday and many more to come as a wizard <3
3 months
i been waiting for thissssss <3
3 months
Random shit:
* The time between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix being published was the longest of the series.
*In the books, Kreacher plays a significant hand in the events that lead to Harry going to the Department of Mysteries.
* There's a lot of stuff about Snape in this book that the movie left out. There's only a blink-and-you'll-miss-it acknowledgment that he's in the Order in the movie, whereas in the book it's clear that he's a lot more active. In the scene where you see young!James bullying young!Snape, Lily shows up to yell at James to stop, and Snape calls her a mudblood. This chapter is titled Snape's Worst Memory.
* It's never brought up in the movie, but when Harry told Snape that "he's got Padfoot", Snape did alert the Order, which is why they turned up to rescue everyone.
* Peeves the Poltergeist is a minor character in the books who doesn't really have any plot relevance, and thus doesn't appear in the movies. However, in the books he's constantly being a pain to everyone. When the Weasley twins leave, they tell Peeves to "give her hell". Peeves very happily obliges and causes absolute havoc. None of the professors help Umbridge, and it's mentioned that at one point McGonagall passes by Peeves trying to unscrew a chandelier, and she quietly tells him it unscrews the other way.
* Easy to miss, but the subtitles pointed out that the person speaking the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort was Professor Trelawney. In the third book, Harry tells Dumbledore about Trelawney prophesying that "the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master", and how it came true with Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore remarks that it's the second prophecy she's made that actually came true. She made the prophecy while being interviewed for the position of Divination professor, and Dumbledore hired her in order to protect her.
* Cho isn't the one to rat out Dumbledore's army in the book; instead it's a friend of hers, and veritaserum wasn't involved. Switching it to Cho was a really good choice, her friend has no relevance in the stories beyond this event, and the outcome (squashing the potential budding romance) is the same.
* In the book, when Mr. Weasley is injured, Harry and the Weasleys visit him at the wizard hospital. While there, Harry briefly encounters Lockhart, who still hasn't regained his memories but is happily autographing things. He also accidentally sees Neville visiting his parents, who are alive but nearly catatonic. They don't recognize him.
* You have no idea how accurate you were when you asked whether or not Neville could be the chosen one if Voldemort tried to kill him instead. It's 100% true.! The prophecy in the book is longer, and could have applied to either Harry OR Neville. Voldemort decided Harry was the bigger threat, and so went after the Potters himself, while a group of his Death Eaters, including Bellatrix, went after the Longbottoms.
* The chapter where Dumbledore and Voldemort fight is titled The Only One He Ever Feared.
3 months
The biggest let downs of this movie are Hermione and Ron being prefects, and the lack of "Weasley is our King."
2 replies
3 months
There's worse letdowns, those are minor. The latter is so unimportant it can get cut
1 replies
3 months
I don't want to spoil what that phrase goes to, it wasn't minor whatsoever. And Hermione and Ron being prefects kept Harry further isolated from them, again not minor.
1 replies
2 months
Definitely minor
3 months
not being*
3 months
Shaun in the last movie was like "if the dark arts teacher is evil in the next movie (shakes head in disapproval)"
me thinking about how in the next movie Umbridge shows up "yeah you still haven't meant the most evil teacher/character"
3 months
The moment the aurors show up to fight the death eaters gives me goosebumps everytime. The music and constrast of white on black is god tier. I prefer it to the events of the books even though its short lived. Seeing lupin, tonks, mad eye, shacklebolt & sirius squad up is so sick and I wish they let that fight breathe a bit more before Sirius's demise. Would be cool to see a little more Lupin and Tonks cuz they get shafted alot in the movies.
Also the fight with Dumbledore and Voldemort is still to this day the greatest wizard battle on screen. Also during this fight they go through all the elements (Fire, Water, Air & Earth). You can even hear Voldemort say "Earth" after Dumbledore turns the shards of glass to sand.
3 months
Omg one of the cast was listed as 'Slightly Creepy Boy' lol I have never noticed that hahaha.
Snape still did not teach Harry to shield his mind by the way.. Harry still can't keep Voldemort out if he should want in but he is weary of doing so now because Voldemort can't process love, which Harry has in spades with his friends and found family inside of his memories.
It would be really cool if you were to watch the deleted scenes after you all complete the series. I am just remembering how many really good scenes they cut.
Also, Sweeney Todd yes please!!!!
3 months
You should watch men in black 2 and home alone
3 months
Percy Weasley is a shitheel. Went from a snobby head boy to a ministry bootlicker that betrayed even his own family and Arthur was disappointed in him
3 months
He could never be Alan but I can totally see Tom Hiddleston playing a good Snape
3 months
One of my biggest gripes with this movie is how they handled Cho. In the book there's more focus on how challenging it is for her and Harry to date considering he was with her ex-boyfriend when he was murdered which was pretty interesting, if depressing. But the change I like the least is the reasoning for her and Harry breaking up. In the book it was actually a friend of hers who squealed on Dumbledore's Army and she did it willingly, so when Cho defended such a selfish act, her and Harry had a big fight and that's why they broke up. In the movie she was given the truth potion so it's not her fault at all yet Harry still ices her out. You could make the argument that he didn't know she was given the potion at first, based on how he reacts when Snape mentions it but there's absolutely no follow up, we don't even see her again this movie. It's two movies worth of romance building without a proper payoff.
1 replies
3 months
And yet fans give book Cho a harder time because she cried a lot. As a couple, they were passable in the movies but unbearable in the books
3 months
they did harry and ginny so dirty in the movies, they are the best in the books
3 months
Not shown in the movies but Professor McGonagall standing up for Professor Trelawney when she's fired is actually really sweet considering she hates the subject of Divination and doesn't even get along that well with her usually.
3 months
Eric touched on it on the end but yeah, the reason Dumbledore kept personal distance from Harry throughout this one is because he was scared that their proximity would lead to Voldemort possessing Harry and either trying to kill Dumbledore through Harry or make Dumbledore sacrifice Harry. The moment in the office right after the snake attack where they did actually lock eyes confirmed Dumbledore's fears, that little bit of Voldemort peaked out and there's another moment the movie cuts out after Dumbledore's Army is caught where they lock eyes again and Harry is once again filled with a desire to hurt Dumbledore. I definitely get the frustration with Dumbledore but I also get his POV too, it's just an awful situation all around sadly.
3 months
One big thing left out was the extent of the Department of Mysteries. It has many more rooms where employees sworn to secrecy (Unspeakables) studied the Mysteries of the Universe for centuries. The entrance had 12 doors which implies 12 Mysteries we don't know all of. The main focus was of course the Room of Prophecy which stores recordings of all prophecies. The other was the Room of Death which has a one-way portal to the afterlife (The Arch/Veil), and no option of becoming a ghost. However the book also showed the Brain Room where Thought was studied in the form of hostile brains in jars (Thought was studied because Muggles seem to be more advanced), the Space Room which was basically a giant low-gravity model of the solar system, and also the Time Room (full of clocks and was also the source of Time-Turners that were all smashed in the battle). Fun fact, the Department learned the dangers of Time Travel the hard way. Finally, there was a door which couldn't be unlocked by anything, said to be the Room of Love studying the most powerful force in existence.
1 replies
3 months
Also I would have loved if they showed St. Mungo’s as well as Neville’s parents. They say they suffered a fate worse than death in this movie, but didn’t actually explain that they were tortured out of their minds and now have to live in a wizard mental hospital. Such a sad storyline :(
3 months
Who was the girl who was changing her hair color and face at the beginning
1 replies
3 months
Nymphadora Tonks, she was born with the power of Metamorphmagus. She is first cousins with Draco, niece of Bellatrix, and cousin-once-removed with Sirius.
1 replies
3 months
She is also half-blood. Her father is a muggle.
3 months
I'm a Harmony (Harry/Hermione) fan. People always argue that they're more like brother and sister and yes Boom, of course guys and girls can just be friends, but you could say the exact same thing about Ron and Hermione; that's honestly how they felt to me with their petty bickering. The movies also don't do their relationship any favors by including moments where Ron is a massive dick towards Hermione, amongst other things that come in the next three.
I'm not a fan of any of the canon Harry Potter ships and frankly I think Rowling sucked at writing romance.
2 replies
3 months
Their bickering was much worse and more irritating in the books. To the point where I'm surprised they got together in the books at all
3 months
Oh god, she really did. None of them felt right except Mr. and Mrs. Weasley 😂
3 months
The Minister of Magic truly turned into Joe Biden this movie
3 months
1:48:00 - I had forgotten until thinking on this moment from the books, but Umbrigde had ticked off all the teachers to the point where they would not help her with the twins and their magical tricks and treats and charms. Like, the books go into how for weeks before their big show, they were giving out their concoctions to everyone and anyone to get out of trouble or to cause trouble. Then did the huge explosive show and made a swamp in one of the corridors? The teachers could have helped but did not.
3 months
To be honest. It bugs me when Sirius says harry is so much like James when we see that James was a piece of shit bully
2 replies
2 months
But James was also, presumably, a human being and had far more dimensions to him than just "he was a bully as a teenager"
Halcyon Days
3 months
Yeah but it made sense that Sirius would think of James w rose-colored glasses being his best buddy and all.
3 months
Professor Trelawney is a descendant of Cassandra (the Greek seer cursed to have no one believe her visions).
3 months
Also something that isn’t mentioned in this movie is that it’s Umbridge who sent the dementors to Harry in Little Whinging. The dementors work for the ministry of magic, it was her who sent them to attack Harry.
1 replies
3 months
It's such a stupid omission too, it's literally like two lines that she says in the book right when she's about to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry, they could have easily included that in the movie.
3 months
"Brits use silly units" - Ik he's doing it on purpose at this point, but the US is literally one of the only places in the world to use F instead of C. Idk what this guy's fucking problem is
1 replies
3 months
Get a sense of humor. You've placed way too much self-importance on the geography of your birth.
2 replies
3 months
Wasn't even born in the UK, but ok
1 replies
3 months
So you’re just wanting to white knight the British for what?
3 months
I'm afraid senses of humor are not allowed in internet comment sections, Educational Decree #37,7778
3 months
Shit got real in this book. I think none of them made it out of the ministry in one piece. Hermione almost got bisected, Ron... made out with a brain or something.
3 months
so fun fact the reason harry scream was actually silenced pls fact check me on this but i think he had lost aunt or grandma and that was a raw scream that really made emma waston and other ladies on set cry somebody fact check me on who he lost but thats the reason.
1 replies
3 months
sorry for typos im tired lol
Residentfan 1
3 months
The other schools are probably still coed. Something that none of the fans seem to acknowledge when it comes to the supposed gender exclusivity of the schools in the movies is that the students from those schools that showed up at Hogwarts were just the top students of their respective schools, not the complete student body. Sounds to me like the boys at Beauxbatons and the girls at Durmstrang were just slacking during movie four. Also, do you know how many boys from Beauxbatons and girls from Durmstrang were at Hogwarts in the books? Two. One from each school. Do you know what their names were? No? Well neither does the fandom because they were unnamed background characters. Do you know what their significance in the story is? The boy puts his name in the Goblet, steals Harry’s date at the ball and then appears in Hogsmeade and is never seen again. The girl stands in the great hall next to a male student…..and that’s it. She’s gone after that. The fandom acts like there were a huge mix of boys and girls at this event and that they were somehow important. They were cut out of the movies because they aren’t important and there was only one of each. They’re probably still attending the schools but just weren’t part of the entourage to go to Hogwarts. They should’ve studied harder.
PLEASE continue to point out the differences between the movies and the books! I haven't read the books since I was a child, so I'm relearning a bunch of stuff! :D
3 months
To make it simpler: Harry was bugged the entire time, and no one knew if Voldy was listening in at any given moment, so to be safe, they excluded Harry from anything that could give away their plans. Even Harry's memories weren't safe, so they HAD to limit what he was exposed to. Now, Harry didn't know he was bugged, and Dumbledor NOT TELLING HIM was a shitty decision, but I get why as well. Harry had to act as normal as possible, otherwise if he was avoiding certain people/places, that's ALSO a clue for Voldy to use. It was just a shitty situation, all the way around :/
1 replies
3 months
voldy lol, i love it
3 months
God, the whole stretch in the ministry was the peak of this series and your reactions throughout it all were so great. Can't wait for the last three movies.
Residentfan 1
3 months
Since it’s never explained, here’s the rundown on what the other disowned Black family members on that tree did to earn such a fate. Iola married a muggle, Andromeda married a Muggle born wizard, Cedrella married a “blood traitor”(pure blooded witch/wizard who isn’t a blood supremacist), Phineas supported muggle rights(he may sound familiar to Bree and that’s because his father, also named Phineas, is the headmaster in Hogwarts Legacy), Marius was a squib(muggle born from magic parents, making his situation the equivalent of coming out as LGBTQ+ and getting kicked out by conservative parents), Sirius had multiple reasons for his disownment, him running away was just the last straw, being sorted into Gryffindor and being a blood traitor being the other two and Alphard was disowned posthumously for leaving Sirius a bunch of money in his will despite the fact that Sirius had already been disowned by that point and he had time to change it but chose to financially support his young nephew instead. There was also Eduardus Limette Black who was disowned for unknown reasons. On top of all these, there’s probably a bunch of Blacks who were able to help muggles or support disowned members anonymously and so weren’t caught and disowned and any children of disowned members who are born after disownment are not allowed a place on the tree.
3 months
umbridge getting dragged never fails to satisfy
3 months
I can finally tell you that patronus is actually a Thestral. One of those Skeleton horse things that you can only see if you’ve seen death.
1 replies
3 months
My Patronus I meant, strangely for some reason I can’t edit my comment
3 months
Oh I would love for you guys to do Sweeney Todd!
3 months
I was definitely harryXhermoine shipper 💯 the chemistry was there idc
3 months
I imagine boom is a pro with a Balisong 🫡
3 months
The Ministry cannot track who cast a spell. they can only Track where the spell was cast. So they cannot find out that Harry used Crucio. Him using the Patronus was only known because Harry is the only wizard living in that area
3 months
the collective screaming when he says HES BACK- LIKE NO SHIT DUMBASS OMFG
3 months
Sorry to double reply but them dropping any aspects of utilizing the House of Black is one of my biggest issues with the pacing of this movie because we get to experience some of Sirius' home life.
Sirius' mom, Walburga, was in that painting that Kreacher was cleaning early on in the movie, and she is VASTLY racist. From the moment Harry gets to Grimmauld Place, Walburga is ranting about how much she hates Sirius and how he's a waste of space, the Weasleys and Hermione specifically. Kreacher is the only one in the house that can shut her up. Everyone tried cleaning the house to make it more liveable, and there'd be a bunch of random, dangerous shit everywhere. If they cleaned a room successfully, they'd come back, and it'd be dirty all over again.
Also, on the family tree wall, if yall remember seeing the name Andromeda, she's Narcissa's [Draco's mom] and Bellatrix's older sister, and they're all 1st maternal/3rd paternal cousins to Sirius. The entire House of Black is named after constellations or stars, as well.
1 replies
3 months
I LOVE that you brought this up. The House of Black is so important and that, along with the Marauders' and their whole storyline and a couple other things, are what I wish they would've touched on more in the movies! It really shows just how different Sirius is from the get go and against all those racist ideologies.
3 months
commenting on the Fudge banner in the ministry "Damn alright Churchill, chill the fck out".....
Didn't you yanks feel the need to carve your leaders faces in a whole ass mountain instead of just a banner?
3 replies
3 months
Don't like Churchill, but Boom has a British hate-boner for some reason. Idk what his fucking problem is, every chance he gets he says the kind of things people look down on Americans for
1 replies
Residentfan 1
3 months
Your anger over it is the point. He’s trolling you guys and you’re falling for it. He doesn’t actually hate you guys. What he’s doing to you is what you guys casually do to the French on a daily basis. It’s all in good fun. If he actually hated you, he wouldn’t be watching Harry Potter or Heartstopper.
1 replies
3 months
He literally stated the irony of why I make the jokes. Americans get made fun of for this stuff all the time, but you point out other countries do it and people take it personally lol. Also why would I say Mount Rushmore when it's taking place in the UK? And if I did say Mount Rushmore, it probably would have been met with "silly yanks, don't they know others exist besides them?"
Residentfan 1
3 months
One being bad doesn’t make the other better
3 months
both are bad, dude
3 months
This is never touched on in the movies, so I feel totally fine telling you this, but Bellatrix Lestrange actually used the Cruciatus Curse on Frank and Alice Longbottom so relentlessly that she drove them to the point of madness and they have to remain at St. Mungo's for round the clock care, which is why Neville has lived with his grandmother and is also why in GoF when fake Moody demonstrated the Unforgivables, he reacted the way he did. And if you remember, Igor Karkaroff outed Barty Crouch Jr. as being the one who led to their torture and him being the one to demonstrate the curse to Neville is just another layer of how dark and twisted the Death Eaters are.
As for Sirius' death, it's the worst for me. It has been since I first read the books. Cedric got me, don't get me wrong, and it hit hard because despite him being 17, he was still a damn kid and that was the start of my trauma LMAO. But Sirius hit different. Not only because he was Harry's godfather, but because Harry had never known stability and what it was like to have someone in his corner rooting for him and not treating him like he couldn't handle things when he definitely could. Yes, he had the Weasleys and they loved him dearly, but Sirius and Harry's relationship is different. They're connected through James and Lily, James especially, and they hold onto that. It's tragically beautiful and heartbreaking.
And as a life long fan of HP, books and movies, I don't mind when you mention how much is left out because they did, but they also had to. There is an incredible amount of detail and lore and world-building and it would be impossible for them to fit everything in. With that being said, I LOVE the movies and I think they did one hell of a job portraying the characters and their development and the overall story. I seen every single movie in the theatres growing up and to see the world I loved so much come to life was unforgettable.
Keep watching and enjoying because I live for these. Truly.
3 months
In regards to the conversation at the end in regards to harry and voldemort being linked and the school year it seems that the time when things were happening might help give a slightly better picture. The attack on Arthur Weasley was just before Christmas so not too long into the school year with Harry learning the Occulmency from that point on for a good few months, also to note his own interest in the department on mystery stuff didnt help as he wanting to know made him more susceptible. The end of the movie taking place around May/June. There was a considerably longer amount of time were they were trying to stop it then there was doing nothing and not telling him anything, with it only being once it was likely that Voldy knew that they started to be proactive
This is why the TV series should hopefully be really good. The showcase of time of the school year should be a lot easier with having the longer runtime and some characters will likely be a better of with them being able to give them more depth.
Residentfan 1
3 months
0:31:25 WWI vets before the onset of WWII
3 months
1:13:05 Kind of funny knowing who she would later voice in Arcane. because now I'm imagining an angry redhead with giant metal fists yelling, "THAT'S MY CUPCAKE!"
3 months
im loving yalls reactions to this i really hope you guys do the fantastic beasts movies
3 months
Should definitely watch youtube videos that do full breakdowns of differences between movies and books
1 replies
3 months
3 months
Happy Birthday Boom!
Also I cannot wait for the next three movies. Lots of shit bout to go down yall
3 months
So, since last week, I've checked a list of everything the movies have skipped or changed from the books for every single movie, and it turns out that Fred and George are apparently much more present in the books and really help Harry out during all the school years prior to this one, as well as in this book too. Ron and Hermione's personalities have also been switched (apparently Ron is supposed to be the brave, confident one and Hermione is supposed to be the one scared most of the times), and during the training part in the Room of Requirement, Ron actually defeats Hermione 3 times in a row and boasts about it.
It's not explained in the movie, but it was explained in the PS2 game (which is the only HP game I played prior to Hogwart's Legacy) and the book, the place in which Sirius dies is the Room of Death. The strange doorway is actually a passageway between the world of the living and the world of the dead, but once someone crosses it, they can't come back. It was explained in the book, to say that Sirius was dead (because Bellatrix hits him with a spell that knocks him through the veil), but in the movie they accentuated it by having her use the killing curse.
We finally meet one of my favorite characters, Luna. She really is a vibe, I love the energy she has about everything and how she doesn't care what others think, she just does and say whatever she wants.
3 months
Forgot to mention this in the last movie, but the winnings of the tri wizard tournament that he gets he gives it to the Weasley Twins so then they make their own business to sell pranks (which they invent themselves) and the like they were experimenting on the students and after the fireworks scene they leave to start that business
3 months
Bellatrix is not the cousin actually Draco mom and her are sisters so yes she’s very close to Malfoys 😂😂😂 my goodness y’all definitely have a lot learn about the Potter movies hell yall got a lot to about characters in movies as well
4 replies
3 months
Bellatrix and Narcissa Malfoy are sisters, and are descendants from Andromeda Black. She is Sirius’ first cousin.
Residentfan 1
3 months
She literally is the cousin.
3 months
but Bellatrix and Sirius are cousins; her, Narcissa and Andromeda's mother is Sirius' aunt
3 months
They literality called her Sirius' cousin in the move twice
3 months
if you couldn't tell, Umbridge is a Slytherin lol
3 months
The problem with the house elves is that they liked being slaves.
3 months
I have seen many reactors watch Harry Potter movies over the past few years, and these reactions are my favorite by far. You guys are also the first reactors that have finally convinced myself to stop being lazy and read all of the books, so thanks lol.
3 months
Best girl Bellatrix has arrived lol 😂😉
3 months
You guys should react to bridge to terabithia
3 months
Alright, Bree is a fake fan, she called the Thestrals, Nargals
1 replies
3 months
3 months
Why does the ministry like sound like the R)congress project 25 plans lmao
3 months
One of the more important things they cut from this movie is umbridge having some death eaters attack McGonagall and she manages to fight them off while taking 4 stunning spells to the chest. Apparently according to lore you need 7 stunning spells to directly hit to knock out a dragon
1 replies
3 months
I'm not really sure how that's "important" but to clarify, it wasn't Death Eaters. They were Aurors there to arrest Hagrid, one of which being Dawlish who rather than being a confirmed Death Eater is just implied to be blindly loyal to the Ministry.
1 replies
3 months
Its been a long time since I read the books.
3 months
OMG Bridge to Terabithia reaction please
3 months
There are things that the movies don't explain like the books because they aren't exactly important and there's only so much you can cram into a few hours. For example nymphadora tonks is a metamorph magus. A witch who is born able to change her appearance at will without the need for a polyjuice potion
1 replies
3 months
And she's a Hufflepuff! Such a badass.
3 months
This movie is my favorite movie of all of them and it’s crazy part is the books that the movie based of it, is boring as hell and I couldn’t understand y until my mom told me that they talk a lot
3 months
I just had to pause the video because I am CRYING laughing at "Noooooo! She's understatedly hot!" 🤣
3 months
SIRUS NOOOOO 🥺🥺 still hurts sm I love this movie definitely up there for one of my faves
3 months
Filtch 100% sucks its not even ambigious lmao, but its not really suprising in the books that he would side with Umbridge, he's a miserable fuck who hates the students and lives to see them punished because he hates their shenanigans so much lol
1 replies
3 months
I'm pretty sure his hatred of the students is all based on jealousy because they're learning magic and he can't because he's a squib.
3 months
The lady who played umbridge is brilliant. As is anybody who can play a character so well that ppeople despise the real person.Its just my opinion that sometimes she looks like will Ferrell in drag
3 months
Sean is 100% right about there never being anything more than platonic energy between Harry and Hermionie, and thats something that should be better appreciated
2 replies
Halcyon Days
3 months
That's always been the vibe I got from them too in both books and movies.
3 months
Yesss! They're like brother and sister to me. The siblings they never had growing up. People always act like romantic relationships are the only important ones, and they are important, but having a best friend, is a different kind of love, but still as important. I always loved their dynamic
3 months
Now that you've mentioned it, please watch bridge of terabithia!
3 months
Every scene with Umbridge is absolute pain.. I'm loving these reactions though lol
3 months
Please watch the deleted scenes for deathly hallows part 1, they're soo good
3 months
3 months
I so needed this in my life today. My mom and baby got me sick with the flu/cold, and I'm staying at home wrapped up in a burrito blanket. Thank you so much for this!
3 months
3 months
It's about that time, Billy!!!!
3 months
Ooh, we getting spicy with this one. Also fun fact, Harry's scream when Sirius died was so raw and visceral that the cast kinda freaked but about it, and I believe that's why they made it silent. Apparently Daniel Radcliffe had lost an actual family member recently when the scene was shot.
3 months
I’m loving these reactions
3 months
Loving it!
3 months
This is my third favorite of the movies. I've been reading the books recently. Loving the reactions.
I always loved that Azkaban was basically hinting at the Bermuda Triangle.
so we need a Bridge to Terabithia reaction for sure
Luna, my favorite character. The ravenclaw representation weve been missing
stop the hufflepuff slander
Hells yea Sweeney Todd, all time favorite musical and I too was a Helena Bonham stan in high-school, who wouldn't be?
The scene where they just start laughing together was unscripted and they broke character trying to hold in laughs
"we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have... a nose"
Uh you forgot that there were other kids there besides Dudley.
1:56:00 ngl I ship lunarry, but only in the movies
Happy birthday Boom!
I loved how Lestrange went from '-_- to >:) to O_O' in seconds. Literally an 'Haha-oh fuck.' reaction.
I will say cutting SPEW and a lot of the house elf plot is fine (winky isn't 100% needed for goblet)
But cutting kreacher stuff is bad. Kreacher is the reason Sirius died. When he told him to go away Kreacher went to Bellatrix (a member of the black family) and told them all the info he could. This leads to the setup to get Harry to the ministry using Sirius as bait. Kreacher then lied to Harry when he used the floo network in Umbridge office (He hurt buckbeak who is in the house to keep Sirius away) and tells Harry that Sirius is gone, which leads to Harry going to the Ministry. It really is important because the entire Ministry portion doesn't happen without Kreacher...
Dudley, in both book and movie, did actually lose weight by this point and was trained to fight. The reaction to his gangster look was hilarious, but also fitting because, according to the book, he and his posse went out and starting causing general trouble for people
I don't mean this as mean/nasty as it's going to come across but Brie we get it, you've read the books. PLEASE stop talking over important/big moments about stuff that was cut. It was cut for a reason because it had no real influence on the story. The whole Percy conversation during Dumbledore's big exit was really a bummer. Ruff was the only one who was actually paying attention and started realizing what was happening before the actual big moment and it kind of ruined Sean's reaction to it until Dumbledore actually flamed away with Fawkes. Percy's back and forth with the Ministry and his family realistically has no influence on the overall story which is why his whole plotline was cut from the movies. I'm all for discussing things that were cut during the reaction but save it for the end once the main reaction is over and mention those things during the discussion afterwards so it doesn't take everyone away from the action.
"I don't mean this as mean/nasty as it's going to come across"
You could have fooled me.
"Brie we get it, you've read the books. PLEASE stop talking over important/big moments about stuff that was cut. It was cut for a reason because it had no real influence on the story."
Bro, Eric has also read the books and he has also talked over the movies to bring up stuff from the books that was left out of the movie, yet you only call out Brie for it??? Double Standards, smh
are you the person Boom was talking about at the end? lol
One other thing. The reason that they keep leaving stuff out is that after the Chamber of Secrets movie, which was the last movie that tried to include EVERYTHING from the book, they realized that if they kept to that formula that the movies would get way too long and all need to be multiple parts because the books get longer and longer. The way they decided what to keep and what to leave out was, if it had a DIRECT impact on Harry and the gang OR was something shown from Harry's perspective, it got left in. Everything else was fair game to get cut. Brie is right that in the books, the house elf justice/liberation plotline is way bigger but the fact is that, like Percy's plotline, it doesn't ACTUALLY have any direct impact on Harry and HIS plotline. By switching around a few details like Neville giving Harry the gillyweed in Goblet of Fire instead of Dobby like it actually was, they can leave a character out of an entire movie and save time and money. The house elves were likely especially easy for the writers to decide to leave out as not only can their parts largely be shifted to other characters, but just putting a house elf INTO one of the movies is a whole ordeal because of the amount of work that has to go into the special effects. If you look at the behind the scenes of Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 you can see how they use 2 different actors to do the motion capture and on-set performances and then have to do a TON of special effect/CGI work to map it all to a CGI house elf and make it look right etc. Definitely expensive and time consuming. So yeah that's how they made those decisions. I'm all for the discussions on what's different between the books and movies i just personally prefer when its at the end like you guys did for some of the stuff here so that way the action isn't as interrupted with something not that important. Great stuff overall though as always! Merry Christmas!
Are you joking? The house elf plot line has no influence? You mean how Kreacher GOT SIRIUS KILLED and his future involvement? How having no Dobby makes future events less impactful for movie only viewers?
Also in terms of book stuff not seeing anything to do with Neville and explaing how he could have been the chosen one is a big deal for Harry plot line. Making it so Harry was 100% chosen by Voldemort and setting up that is important. There is stuff that isn't imporant, the SPEW plot line is fine to get rid of / winky but anything to do with Kreacher/Dobby is not ok it takes away from the story.
Also again with Percy is it massive? No but it wouldn't take much to add because it would make the end so much better. There are lots of things that aren't 100% needed to tell the story but I would rather have longer movies or have more part 1 and 2 to have a better story told then what was done. Hopefully the TV show can fix it but I doubt it at this point.
If you focus more on Kreacher, you have to acknowledge the fact that Sirius is fine with house elves being lifelong "servants". This makes him super unlikable.
The books save Sirius' reputation by clarifying that house elves enjoy "servitude", and Dobby is the weird one for wanting freedom. But saying that about forced "servitude" is an extremely gross, borderline bigoted viewpoint. It's definitely something that the books get wrong.
There's no real way to make the Kreacher subplot work without either sympathising him or sympathise "servant" owners. I get why they cut it, even if the story suffers a bit as a result.
The only thing that really annoys me for the past couple movies is they keep, including Remus as a bad teacher, and by bad, I mean evil. His abilities at it as a teacher you could probably argue.
In regard to Dumbledore and his actions, basically she was coming up with the story as she was going along, which is normal but I don’t believe she had the idea for mind magics before the fifth book. Because, in all honesty, if she did, it should’ve been mentioned in the fourth when he was having visions of Voldemort and his servants. Now it can be argued that Dumbledore could have had Hermione look up, said mine, magics at the beginning of the year to help Perry, which then could’ve progressed into the lessons with Snape. Also, in the book it’s Cho’s friend who is tortured/blackmailed into revealing the army’s location.
Now when I was younger and hadn’t read the books yet, I was a firm, Harry Hermione shipper especially with their interactions in movie, three and four. But after reading the books, countless fanfiction watching all of the movies several times I feel like Harry could be paired up with just about anyone near his age. in fact of the I would go Luna Hermione, then Ginny but if you open it up, I enjoy seeing Harry with one of the chasers from his Quidditch team or one of the Patel twins. There’s also the Gryffindor Slytherin romances that can be fun with Daphne Greengrass, or even crossover‘s where Harry has like, moved on from the wizard and world after everything and pretty much gets shipped with everybody, including Batman. I think a couple of times in some fanfics.
By Batman, are you referring to Cedric by any chance. Because Robert Pattinson did go on to play Batman
Fun Fact: While it wasn't shown in the film, in the book, the code to get into the Ministry in the phonebooth is "62442" which spells out "Magic" on the keypad. Always thought that was a neat little attention to detail
The new Universal Theme park will have a Harry Potter ride in the Ministry of Magic. The plot will be about Ubridges trial at the Ministry, but Dark Wizards(asuumeingly trying to free Umbridge) intervene and a battle takes place.
I love HP. While reading the books I hated the idea of Harry+Hermione. I was always for the relationship Harry ended up in (I wont spoil it). But that relationship is 1000000% better in the books. In the movies it sucks
If you wanted any more reason to hate Umbridge, she was the one that sent the Dementors at the start of the movie (a detail mentioned in the book, but the movie didn't mention)
"Could Neville have been the Harry?" - he actually could've, if Voldy went after Neville and his parents. The prophecy referred to a boy born on the end of July (both Harry and Neville), but because he chose Harry, it became about Harry. A retelling of the story with Neville as the MC would be dope
i can really see that i watched these movies alot when i was little i remember when the scene with lestrange escaping i always thought then that it was somehow her house that got destroyed not knowing that it was a prison ecape very weird
happy belated birthday boom!!!!
notes about your comments
"Oh she looks like a bitch" Just you wait.....
"Them floor titties are wild" Thanks... now I can't unsee it....
"Nah, this lady's a problem" Oh yow have NO idea yet....
"Could Nevil have been the Harry?" .... That is an interesting question.... In the 5th book the Prophecy specifically spells out that the chosen one was born at the end of July and Harry and Nevil both have Birthdays at the end of July..... The Prophecy also said the Dark Lord shall Mark him as his equal... This was something Dumbledore touched on briefly himself in either the ending of book 5 or sometime in book 6 but it was never translated into the movies so I don't think I'm hurting anyone by mentioning it here
"Did Harry Use Crucio in the Book?" YES! Harry did use Crucio in the book. That was not added for the movie- that was also in the book and the fact that Harry harbors that intense anger and thought to go right to that in that moment is one of the ways that shows that Harry has a natural aptitude for the Dark Arts in regardless of offense or Defense- it is the fact that he chooses Defense that is what makes him different from Voldemort!
My Thoughts:
This one book has aged the best. The narrative is all about politics trying to interfere with trusted scholars all for political gain... something the author herself seems to have a very different viewpoint on these days... It is for this reason I think the character most true to life of JK Rowling in the Current day is none other than Dolores Jane Umbridge who imposes her own will on everyone insisting she is right even when all the evidence points to the contrary.
Also the Department of Mysteries: In the books there are seven rooms that represent the great Mysteries of life: Love, Fate, Memories, Universe, Prochecy, Time, and Death and there is a running theory that each room is representative of ach Book. The Only ones everyone can unanimously agree on is Book 3 is time and Book 5 is Prophecy but all the others are in the air for a variety of reasons.... I will bring this up in the comment section for Movie 8 so we can all have a very spirited discussion about it!
This story (specifically in the books) also had a heavy emphasis on Fake New being used to promote false political Narratives and something the Book talks about (that I do in fact agree with to a degree) is how the characters would look at these fake news stories to keep up on the false narratives being fed to the masses as well as try to find the truths hidden within the lies
David Yates is the Director for this and the last 3 Movies: He was given an early copy of the Deathly Hallows Manuscript so he basically made the movies around his vision for the ending of Harry Potter and I honestly think he stuck the landing. There's a few choices I think he flubbed but a few choices I think he nailed! In this movie he trimmed a lot of the book's fat but he left out one or two lines I wish were included- the biggest being that Umbridge sent the Demontor that Attacked Harry. When she said she was going to use the Crutiatus Curse the full line was "What Fudge doesn't know won't hurt him. He didn't know I sent the Dementor on Harry last summer but was Happy for the chance to expel him all the same." Such a quick line that just makes you hate her even more and I wish it was included because it was by far my favorite reveal of just how vile she is!
I hate Rowling with a passion (I know I say it each video and I will continue to) but I do respect a good story and I have to give credit where Credit is due- the book was amazing and aged like a fine wine... Even though number 7 remains my number 1 book of all time the same cannot be said for it though because of 1 personal hang up but we will get there in movie 8....
Loving the reactions to Harry Potter! And in regards to the underage magic outside of school ( at least in the books) the ministry has a trace on every underage student but it’s a flawed system. It can detect magic and spells but not who cast them. So in the books Harry got in trouble first when Dobby dropped the cake on the woman’s head because the ministry got an alert magic was used and since he was the only wizard in the area he got blamed. This means that technically kids from wizarding families can perform magic at home as long as there is one adult wizard there because the ministry wouldn’t be able tell who cast the spell, and the magic parent could probably take care of any issues. So doing the crucio curse in the ministry wouldn’t have registered anywhere because he was in a wizarding location plus around other wizards.
Sean talks so much sometimes
It is called s reaction for a reason you doughnut.
Its a reaction? If you want to just watch the movie don't watch the reaction. Imo I appreciate that they pause and talk because most reactors don't do that.
And yet you continue to watch😂 please cry more
And will continue to do so
My favorite part of the movie is on the bridge when they talk about Cho Ginny looks so annoyed
Lady Amerlia Bones is such a chad. In the HP world, she is one of the few Hufflepuff's who rose to the top. She not only was one of the top Aurors, rising to the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in short order, she was a Hufflepuff, as well as being considered one of the most unbiased individuals in the Ministry. She was also able to duel on equal footing, or at least what accounted to equal footing, with Voldemort, which places her in the highest caliber of witches and wizards, just behind Voldemort himself, Dumbledore, and a handful of others.
*Sees Alberforth and his goat* "That's me wife"
*Me*: "Well, that's not exactly true"
This is one of the few movies I know I watched but barely recalled much about it outside of how awful Professor Umbridge was, at first being weirded out by Luna before later liking her greatly, and hating Sirius' cousin. I actually forgot he even died in this. XD Maybe 'cause I didn't want it to happen, I dunno.
Why do so many people seem to forget Lupin? Like, I've seen so many reactors who by the fourth movie are saying that every Defence against the Dark Arts teacher is bad, but Lupin was a great teacher, he just resigned because people discovered he was a werewolf.
Well, it's good to know you at least somewhat read comments here. Since you never engage with them, it seems like you probably never even look at them, and that there's not much point in leaving comments except for other patrons. But since you mentioned someone on the website being really bothered about them comparing the movies to the books, I guess you do at least read some of them.
Personally, on that topic, I don't mind the bringing in of book context as long as you're all good with it and they hold off on it until the end of the movie like they did here. Because when you constantly compare during the movie, like they did for one of the first few, it kind of takes you out of the story and likely makes it harder to appreciate the movie on its own terms.
voldemort in a suit looks like hes gonna try to pitch hustlers university to me
Hey Billy, If you want the HarMiione ship (Harry Hermione), look at "If Harry we're in Sythern" it has Harry and Her, while Ron ends up with a dreamy blonde.
The thing about the DADA professors being different every movie (which I'm surprised Eric and Bree haven't mentioned) is that, at least in the books, the position is rumored/supposed to be cursed so that no professor lasts in it for longer than a single year. That's why they're different every movie, and why that's always the easiest position for any new villain to fill at Hogwarts lmao
umbridge is ten times worse in the books
Yes he knew because they had the dumbledores army meeting in hogshead and ppl know who own that shop
I think it’s great that Bree and Eric are giving context for certain things that are left out of the movies. The movies are great, but have some plot holes if you haven’t read the books. The books are huge, and so much interesting information is left out of the movies as a result. Both Ruff and Boom should just read the series because it’s an incredible series, especially towards the end, but even if they don’t, Bree and Eric are doing a good job of giving them just enough information to understand and appreciate what’s going on.
I agree I never seen a reaction to these movies with people who read the books so it makes it better to watch. Since I haven't read the book at all and is learning new stuff about Harry Potter.
I beg you guys to plz watch the last few movies in the extended cut. It gives conclusions to many characters that otherwise dint get explained
The only Harry Potter films that had Extended Cuts were the first two. All the others only have Theatrical Cuts.
I get Dumbledore's intentions as well, but I agree he could have said ANYTHING literally even vague to let him know like "i'm going to be absent for a while or can't include you in secret information"
Also, every body forgets poor Lupin was a Defense teacher and he was great! He unfortunately is a werewolf and due to extenuating circumstances couldn't keep it under control
Everytime y’all say all the dark arts teachers are bad / evil it makes me so sad that y’all keep forgetting Lupin like he was just a werewolf but he wasn’t bad or evil
Lupin is one of my favourite characters, it breaks my heart that so many reactors just forget him, or don't mention him
luna is from ravenclaw if sean didnt know that she has sean vibes too
Have you noticed that they’ve been giving nicknames? The Marauders’ Map from Movie 3 was Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs.
They’ve started calling Peter Pettigrew Wormtail and Sirius Black Padfoot. On top of that, Peter turns into a Rat that has a long wormy tail, and Sirius is an Animagus who turns into a dog, with padded feet.
This is my first time watching too, I’m just spitballing
So a little fact a sad one tho, at Sirius death Harry's scream is muted because Daniel had a few days before hand lost his grandpa and he said that scream was all built up emotions from those few days and they had to mute it because it was "too heartbreaking to hear"
All those death cultist at the end and none of the children died, weak writing honestly. It takes the teeth out of the Death Eaters threat when they can't even deal with 5th Years.
-Remus Lupin was a great Defense of the Dark Arts' teacher. He just couldn't stay due to his werewolf condition. (Thanks to Snape)
-Also I want to touch up on something Boom said about Snape caring about the kids and protecting them...the movie version of Snape is very beautified because in the books, he is an absolutely despicable teacher. I do like him as a character, he is very complex. And no, when he was in school, he did get bullied by James, Sirius, Peter and Remus (although Remus was the nicest of the bunch) but there's WAY more to this backstory. It sadly won't really get explained in the movies so I hope you guys will read the books. I swear, it's like experiencing the story for the first time again, that's how much more there is to it.
-As for Harmony or Romione, I personally have never shipped Harry and Hermione. In the books and movies, there's always been a platonic love between them. Even when I was a kid reading the books, I could see the Ron and Hermione pair become a thing. It's subtle at first but their interest in each other grows as the story goes.
-Sad fact: there was supposed to be a whole battle scene between Sirius and Bellatrix but they cut out the whole thing.
Some fact about Luna Lovegood: She is a Ravenclaw, and she is getting bullied in school for being a bit weird. It's subtle and she is good natured and believes in ''Nargols'' who would hide her things, but really, they are other students pranking her. ''My shoes have all mysteriously disappeared, I suspect the Nargols''.
Oh and happy birthday Sean!!! 🎉
This video is the perfect example of why I love watching you guys, the genuine and honest excitement and shock for twists and turns and correct predictions with fair and funny opinions/commentary. Love you guys, keep going strong :3 Ps. Bree and ruff are the hot ones, y'all are so god damn cute together <3
i had never watched this with subtitles before. I never realized that Harry used Crucio on Bellatrix. and i've seen this in IMAX
Gotta be honest, I haven't seen this one since I was a kid and I remember not liking. Rewatching it as an adult, this is probably my new favorite in the series
happy birthdayyyy to our billy seannnnnnnnnnnnnn wish u a happy birthday and many more to come as a wizard <3
i been waiting for thissssss <3
Random shit:
* The time between Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix being published was the longest of the series.
*In the books, Kreacher plays a significant hand in the events that lead to Harry going to the Department of Mysteries.
* There's a lot of stuff about Snape in this book that the movie left out. There's only a blink-and-you'll-miss-it acknowledgment that he's in the Order in the movie, whereas in the book it's clear that he's a lot more active. In the scene where you see young!James bullying young!Snape, Lily shows up to yell at James to stop, and Snape calls her a mudblood. This chapter is titled Snape's Worst Memory.
* It's never brought up in the movie, but when Harry told Snape that "he's got Padfoot", Snape did alert the Order, which is why they turned up to rescue everyone.
* Peeves the Poltergeist is a minor character in the books who doesn't really have any plot relevance, and thus doesn't appear in the movies. However, in the books he's constantly being a pain to everyone. When the Weasley twins leave, they tell Peeves to "give her hell". Peeves very happily obliges and causes absolute havoc. None of the professors help Umbridge, and it's mentioned that at one point McGonagall passes by Peeves trying to unscrew a chandelier, and she quietly tells him it unscrews the other way.
* Easy to miss, but the subtitles pointed out that the person speaking the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort was Professor Trelawney. In the third book, Harry tells Dumbledore about Trelawney prophesying that "the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master", and how it came true with Peter Pettigrew. Dumbledore remarks that it's the second prophecy she's made that actually came true. She made the prophecy while being interviewed for the position of Divination professor, and Dumbledore hired her in order to protect her.
* Cho isn't the one to rat out Dumbledore's army in the book; instead it's a friend of hers, and veritaserum wasn't involved. Switching it to Cho was a really good choice, her friend has no relevance in the stories beyond this event, and the outcome (squashing the potential budding romance) is the same.
* In the book, when Mr. Weasley is injured, Harry and the Weasleys visit him at the wizard hospital. While there, Harry briefly encounters Lockhart, who still hasn't regained his memories but is happily autographing things. He also accidentally sees Neville visiting his parents, who are alive but nearly catatonic. They don't recognize him.
* You have no idea how accurate you were when you asked whether or not Neville could be the chosen one if Voldemort tried to kill him instead. It's 100% true.! The prophecy in the book is longer, and could have applied to either Harry OR Neville. Voldemort decided Harry was the bigger threat, and so went after the Potters himself, while a group of his Death Eaters, including Bellatrix, went after the Longbottoms.
* The chapter where Dumbledore and Voldemort fight is titled The Only One He Ever Feared.
The biggest let downs of this movie are Hermione and Ron being prefects, and the lack of "Weasley is our King."
There's worse letdowns, those are minor. The latter is so unimportant it can get cut
I don't want to spoil what that phrase goes to, it wasn't minor whatsoever. And Hermione and Ron being prefects kept Harry further isolated from them, again not minor.
Definitely minor
not being*
Shaun in the last movie was like "if the dark arts teacher is evil in the next movie (shakes head in disapproval)"
me thinking about how in the next movie Umbridge shows up "yeah you still haven't meant the most evil teacher/character"
The moment the aurors show up to fight the death eaters gives me goosebumps everytime. The music and constrast of white on black is god tier. I prefer it to the events of the books even though its short lived. Seeing lupin, tonks, mad eye, shacklebolt & sirius squad up is so sick and I wish they let that fight breathe a bit more before Sirius's demise. Would be cool to see a little more Lupin and Tonks cuz they get shafted alot in the movies.
Also the fight with Dumbledore and Voldemort is still to this day the greatest wizard battle on screen. Also during this fight they go through all the elements (Fire, Water, Air & Earth). You can even hear Voldemort say "Earth" after Dumbledore turns the shards of glass to sand.
Omg one of the cast was listed as 'Slightly Creepy Boy' lol I have never noticed that hahaha.
Snape still did not teach Harry to shield his mind by the way.. Harry still can't keep Voldemort out if he should want in but he is weary of doing so now because Voldemort can't process love, which Harry has in spades with his friends and found family inside of his memories.
It would be really cool if you were to watch the deleted scenes after you all complete the series. I am just remembering how many really good scenes they cut.
Also, Sweeney Todd yes please!!!!
You should watch men in black 2 and home alone
Percy Weasley is a shitheel. Went from a snobby head boy to a ministry bootlicker that betrayed even his own family and Arthur was disappointed in him
He could never be Alan but I can totally see Tom Hiddleston playing a good Snape
One of my biggest gripes with this movie is how they handled Cho. In the book there's more focus on how challenging it is for her and Harry to date considering he was with her ex-boyfriend when he was murdered which was pretty interesting, if depressing. But the change I like the least is the reasoning for her and Harry breaking up. In the book it was actually a friend of hers who squealed on Dumbledore's Army and she did it willingly, so when Cho defended such a selfish act, her and Harry had a big fight and that's why they broke up. In the movie she was given the truth potion so it's not her fault at all yet Harry still ices her out. You could make the argument that he didn't know she was given the potion at first, based on how he reacts when Snape mentions it but there's absolutely no follow up, we don't even see her again this movie. It's two movies worth of romance building without a proper payoff.
And yet fans give book Cho a harder time because she cried a lot. As a couple, they were passable in the movies but unbearable in the books
they did harry and ginny so dirty in the movies, they are the best in the books
Not shown in the movies but Professor McGonagall standing up for Professor Trelawney when she's fired is actually really sweet considering she hates the subject of Divination and doesn't even get along that well with her usually.
Eric touched on it on the end but yeah, the reason Dumbledore kept personal distance from Harry throughout this one is because he was scared that their proximity would lead to Voldemort possessing Harry and either trying to kill Dumbledore through Harry or make Dumbledore sacrifice Harry. The moment in the office right after the snake attack where they did actually lock eyes confirmed Dumbledore's fears, that little bit of Voldemort peaked out and there's another moment the movie cuts out after Dumbledore's Army is caught where they lock eyes again and Harry is once again filled with a desire to hurt Dumbledore. I definitely get the frustration with Dumbledore but I also get his POV too, it's just an awful situation all around sadly.
One big thing left out was the extent of the Department of Mysteries. It has many more rooms where employees sworn to secrecy (Unspeakables) studied the Mysteries of the Universe for centuries. The entrance had 12 doors which implies 12 Mysteries we don't know all of. The main focus was of course the Room of Prophecy which stores recordings of all prophecies. The other was the Room of Death which has a one-way portal to the afterlife (The Arch/Veil), and no option of becoming a ghost. However the book also showed the Brain Room where Thought was studied in the form of hostile brains in jars (Thought was studied because Muggles seem to be more advanced), the Space Room which was basically a giant low-gravity model of the solar system, and also the Time Room (full of clocks and was also the source of Time-Turners that were all smashed in the battle). Fun fact, the Department learned the dangers of Time Travel the hard way. Finally, there was a door which couldn't be unlocked by anything, said to be the Room of Love studying the most powerful force in existence.
Also I would have loved if they showed St. Mungo’s as well as Neville’s parents. They say they suffered a fate worse than death in this movie, but didn’t actually explain that they were tortured out of their minds and now have to live in a wizard mental hospital. Such a sad storyline :(
Who was the girl who was changing her hair color and face at the beginning
Nymphadora Tonks, she was born with the power of Metamorphmagus. She is first cousins with Draco, niece of Bellatrix, and cousin-once-removed with Sirius.
She is also half-blood. Her father is a muggle.
I'm a Harmony (Harry/Hermione) fan. People always argue that they're more like brother and sister and yes Boom, of course guys and girls can just be friends, but you could say the exact same thing about Ron and Hermione; that's honestly how they felt to me with their petty bickering. The movies also don't do their relationship any favors by including moments where Ron is a massive dick towards Hermione, amongst other things that come in the next three.
I'm not a fan of any of the canon Harry Potter ships and frankly I think Rowling sucked at writing romance.
Their bickering was much worse and more irritating in the books. To the point where I'm surprised they got together in the books at all
Oh god, she really did. None of them felt right except Mr. and Mrs. Weasley 😂
The Minister of Magic truly turned into Joe Biden this movie
1:48:00 - I had forgotten until thinking on this moment from the books, but Umbrigde had ticked off all the teachers to the point where they would not help her with the twins and their magical tricks and treats and charms. Like, the books go into how for weeks before their big show, they were giving out their concoctions to everyone and anyone to get out of trouble or to cause trouble. Then did the huge explosive show and made a swamp in one of the corridors? The teachers could have helped but did not.
To be honest. It bugs me when Sirius says harry is so much like James when we see that James was a piece of shit bully
But James was also, presumably, a human being and had far more dimensions to him than just "he was a bully as a teenager"
Yeah but it made sense that Sirius would think of James w rose-colored glasses being his best buddy and all.
Professor Trelawney is a descendant of Cassandra (the Greek seer cursed to have no one believe her visions).
Also something that isn’t mentioned in this movie is that it’s Umbridge who sent the dementors to Harry in Little Whinging. The dementors work for the ministry of magic, it was her who sent them to attack Harry.
It's such a stupid omission too, it's literally like two lines that she says in the book right when she's about to use the Cruciatus Curse on Harry, they could have easily included that in the movie.
"Brits use silly units" - Ik he's doing it on purpose at this point, but the US is literally one of the only places in the world to use F instead of C. Idk what this guy's fucking problem is
Get a sense of humor. You've placed way too much self-importance on the geography of your birth.
Wasn't even born in the UK, but ok
So you’re just wanting to white knight the British for what?
I'm afraid senses of humor are not allowed in internet comment sections, Educational Decree #37,7778
Shit got real in this book. I think none of them made it out of the ministry in one piece. Hermione almost got bisected, Ron... made out with a brain or something.
so fun fact the reason harry scream was actually silenced pls fact check me on this but i think he had lost aunt or grandma and that was a raw scream that really made emma waston and other ladies on set cry somebody fact check me on who he lost but thats the reason.
sorry for typos im tired lol
The other schools are probably still coed. Something that none of the fans seem to acknowledge when it comes to the supposed gender exclusivity of the schools in the movies is that the students from those schools that showed up at Hogwarts were just the top students of their respective schools, not the complete student body. Sounds to me like the boys at Beauxbatons and the girls at Durmstrang were just slacking during movie four. Also, do you know how many boys from Beauxbatons and girls from Durmstrang were at Hogwarts in the books? Two. One from each school. Do you know what their names were? No? Well neither does the fandom because they were unnamed background characters. Do you know what their significance in the story is? The boy puts his name in the Goblet, steals Harry’s date at the ball and then appears in Hogsmeade and is never seen again. The girl stands in the great hall next to a male student…..and that’s it. She’s gone after that. The fandom acts like there were a huge mix of boys and girls at this event and that they were somehow important. They were cut out of the movies because they aren’t important and there was only one of each. They’re probably still attending the schools but just weren’t part of the entourage to go to Hogwarts. They should’ve studied harder.
PLEASE continue to point out the differences between the movies and the books! I haven't read the books since I was a child, so I'm relearning a bunch of stuff! :D
To make it simpler: Harry was bugged the entire time, and no one knew if Voldy was listening in at any given moment, so to be safe, they excluded Harry from anything that could give away their plans. Even Harry's memories weren't safe, so they HAD to limit what he was exposed to. Now, Harry didn't know he was bugged, and Dumbledor NOT TELLING HIM was a shitty decision, but I get why as well. Harry had to act as normal as possible, otherwise if he was avoiding certain people/places, that's ALSO a clue for Voldy to use. It was just a shitty situation, all the way around :/
voldy lol, i love it
God, the whole stretch in the ministry was the peak of this series and your reactions throughout it all were so great. Can't wait for the last three movies.
Since it’s never explained, here’s the rundown on what the other disowned Black family members on that tree did to earn such a fate. Iola married a muggle, Andromeda married a Muggle born wizard, Cedrella married a “blood traitor”(pure blooded witch/wizard who isn’t a blood supremacist), Phineas supported muggle rights(he may sound familiar to Bree and that’s because his father, also named Phineas, is the headmaster in Hogwarts Legacy), Marius was a squib(muggle born from magic parents, making his situation the equivalent of coming out as LGBTQ+ and getting kicked out by conservative parents), Sirius had multiple reasons for his disownment, him running away was just the last straw, being sorted into Gryffindor and being a blood traitor being the other two and Alphard was disowned posthumously for leaving Sirius a bunch of money in his will despite the fact that Sirius had already been disowned by that point and he had time to change it but chose to financially support his young nephew instead. There was also Eduardus Limette Black who was disowned for unknown reasons. On top of all these, there’s probably a bunch of Blacks who were able to help muggles or support disowned members anonymously and so weren’t caught and disowned and any children of disowned members who are born after disownment are not allowed a place on the tree.
umbridge getting dragged never fails to satisfy
I can finally tell you that patronus is actually a Thestral. One of those Skeleton horse things that you can only see if you’ve seen death.
My Patronus I meant, strangely for some reason I can’t edit my comment
Oh I would love for you guys to do Sweeney Todd!
I was definitely harryXhermoine shipper 💯 the chemistry was there idc
I imagine boom is a pro with a Balisong 🫡
The Ministry cannot track who cast a spell. they can only Track where the spell was cast. So they cannot find out that Harry used Crucio. Him using the Patronus was only known because Harry is the only wizard living in that area
the collective screaming when he says HES BACK- LIKE NO SHIT DUMBASS OMFG
Sorry to double reply but them dropping any aspects of utilizing the House of Black is one of my biggest issues with the pacing of this movie because we get to experience some of Sirius' home life.
Sirius' mom, Walburga, was in that painting that Kreacher was cleaning early on in the movie, and she is VASTLY racist. From the moment Harry gets to Grimmauld Place, Walburga is ranting about how much she hates Sirius and how he's a waste of space, the Weasleys and Hermione specifically. Kreacher is the only one in the house that can shut her up. Everyone tried cleaning the house to make it more liveable, and there'd be a bunch of random, dangerous shit everywhere. If they cleaned a room successfully, they'd come back, and it'd be dirty all over again.
Also, on the family tree wall, if yall remember seeing the name Andromeda, she's Narcissa's [Draco's mom] and Bellatrix's older sister, and they're all 1st maternal/3rd paternal cousins to Sirius. The entire House of Black is named after constellations or stars, as well.
I LOVE that you brought this up. The House of Black is so important and that, along with the Marauders' and their whole storyline and a couple other things, are what I wish they would've touched on more in the movies! It really shows just how different Sirius is from the get go and against all those racist ideologies.
commenting on the Fudge banner in the ministry "Damn alright Churchill, chill the fck out".....
Didn't you yanks feel the need to carve your leaders faces in a whole ass mountain instead of just a banner?
Don't like Churchill, but Boom has a British hate-boner for some reason. Idk what his fucking problem is, every chance he gets he says the kind of things people look down on Americans for
Your anger over it is the point. He’s trolling you guys and you’re falling for it. He doesn’t actually hate you guys. What he’s doing to you is what you guys casually do to the French on a daily basis. It’s all in good fun. If he actually hated you, he wouldn’t be watching Harry Potter or Heartstopper.
He literally stated the irony of why I make the jokes. Americans get made fun of for this stuff all the time, but you point out other countries do it and people take it personally lol. Also why would I say Mount Rushmore when it's taking place in the UK? And if I did say Mount Rushmore, it probably would have been met with "silly yanks, don't they know others exist besides them?"
One being bad doesn’t make the other better
both are bad, dude
This is never touched on in the movies, so I feel totally fine telling you this, but Bellatrix Lestrange actually used the Cruciatus Curse on Frank and Alice Longbottom so relentlessly that she drove them to the point of madness and they have to remain at St. Mungo's for round the clock care, which is why Neville has lived with his grandmother and is also why in GoF when fake Moody demonstrated the Unforgivables, he reacted the way he did. And if you remember, Igor Karkaroff outed Barty Crouch Jr. as being the one who led to their torture and him being the one to demonstrate the curse to Neville is just another layer of how dark and twisted the Death Eaters are.
As for Sirius' death, it's the worst for me. It has been since I first read the books. Cedric got me, don't get me wrong, and it hit hard because despite him being 17, he was still a damn kid and that was the start of my trauma LMAO. But Sirius hit different. Not only because he was Harry's godfather, but because Harry had never known stability and what it was like to have someone in his corner rooting for him and not treating him like he couldn't handle things when he definitely could. Yes, he had the Weasleys and they loved him dearly, but Sirius and Harry's relationship is different. They're connected through James and Lily, James especially, and they hold onto that. It's tragically beautiful and heartbreaking.
And as a life long fan of HP, books and movies, I don't mind when you mention how much is left out because they did, but they also had to. There is an incredible amount of detail and lore and world-building and it would be impossible for them to fit everything in. With that being said, I LOVE the movies and I think they did one hell of a job portraying the characters and their development and the overall story. I seen every single movie in the theatres growing up and to see the world I loved so much come to life was unforgettable.
Keep watching and enjoying because I live for these. Truly.
In regards to the conversation at the end in regards to harry and voldemort being linked and the school year it seems that the time when things were happening might help give a slightly better picture. The attack on Arthur Weasley was just before Christmas so not too long into the school year with Harry learning the Occulmency from that point on for a good few months, also to note his own interest in the department on mystery stuff didnt help as he wanting to know made him more susceptible. The end of the movie taking place around May/June. There was a considerably longer amount of time were they were trying to stop it then there was doing nothing and not telling him anything, with it only being once it was likely that Voldy knew that they started to be proactive
This is why the TV series should hopefully be really good. The showcase of time of the school year should be a lot easier with having the longer runtime and some characters will likely be a better of with them being able to give them more depth.
0:31:25 WWI vets before the onset of WWII
1:13:05 Kind of funny knowing who she would later voice in Arcane. because now I'm imagining an angry redhead with giant metal fists yelling, "THAT'S MY CUPCAKE!"
im loving yalls reactions to this i really hope you guys do the fantastic beasts movies
Should definitely watch youtube videos that do full breakdowns of differences between movies and books
Happy Birthday Boom!
Also I cannot wait for the next three movies. Lots of shit bout to go down yall
So, since last week, I've checked a list of everything the movies have skipped or changed from the books for every single movie, and it turns out that Fred and George are apparently much more present in the books and really help Harry out during all the school years prior to this one, as well as in this book too. Ron and Hermione's personalities have also been switched (apparently Ron is supposed to be the brave, confident one and Hermione is supposed to be the one scared most of the times), and during the training part in the Room of Requirement, Ron actually defeats Hermione 3 times in a row and boasts about it.
It's not explained in the movie, but it was explained in the PS2 game (which is the only HP game I played prior to Hogwart's Legacy) and the book, the place in which Sirius dies is the Room of Death. The strange doorway is actually a passageway between the world of the living and the world of the dead, but once someone crosses it, they can't come back. It was explained in the book, to say that Sirius was dead (because Bellatrix hits him with a spell that knocks him through the veil), but in the movie they accentuated it by having her use the killing curse.
We finally meet one of my favorite characters, Luna. She really is a vibe, I love the energy she has about everything and how she doesn't care what others think, she just does and say whatever she wants.
Forgot to mention this in the last movie, but the winnings of the tri wizard tournament that he gets he gives it to the Weasley Twins so then they make their own business to sell pranks (which they invent themselves) and the like they were experimenting on the students and after the fireworks scene they leave to start that business
Bellatrix is not the cousin actually Draco mom and her are sisters so yes she’s very close to Malfoys 😂😂😂 my goodness y’all definitely have a lot learn about the Potter movies hell yall got a lot to about characters in movies as well
Bellatrix and Narcissa Malfoy are sisters, and are descendants from Andromeda Black. She is Sirius’ first cousin.
She literally is the cousin.
but Bellatrix and Sirius are cousins; her, Narcissa and Andromeda's mother is Sirius' aunt
They literality called her Sirius' cousin in the move twice
if you couldn't tell, Umbridge is a Slytherin lol
The problem with the house elves is that they liked being slaves.
I have seen many reactors watch Harry Potter movies over the past few years, and these reactions are my favorite by far. You guys are also the first reactors that have finally convinced myself to stop being lazy and read all of the books, so thanks lol.
Best girl Bellatrix has arrived lol 😂😉
You guys should react to bridge to terabithia
Alright, Bree is a fake fan, she called the Thestrals, Nargals
Why does the ministry like sound like the R)congress project 25 plans lmao
One of the more important things they cut from this movie is umbridge having some death eaters attack McGonagall and she manages to fight them off while taking 4 stunning spells to the chest. Apparently according to lore you need 7 stunning spells to directly hit to knock out a dragon
I'm not really sure how that's "important" but to clarify, it wasn't Death Eaters. They were Aurors there to arrest Hagrid, one of which being Dawlish who rather than being a confirmed Death Eater is just implied to be blindly loyal to the Ministry.
Its been a long time since I read the books.
OMG Bridge to Terabithia reaction please
There are things that the movies don't explain like the books because they aren't exactly important and there's only so much you can cram into a few hours. For example nymphadora tonks is a metamorph magus. A witch who is born able to change her appearance at will without the need for a polyjuice potion
And she's a Hufflepuff! Such a badass.
This movie is my favorite movie of all of them and it’s crazy part is the books that the movie based of it, is boring as hell and I couldn’t understand y until my mom told me that they talk a lot
I just had to pause the video because I am CRYING laughing at "Noooooo! She's understatedly hot!" 🤣
SIRUS NOOOOO 🥺🥺 still hurts sm I love this movie definitely up there for one of my faves
Filtch 100% sucks its not even ambigious lmao, but its not really suprising in the books that he would side with Umbridge, he's a miserable fuck who hates the students and lives to see them punished because he hates their shenanigans so much lol
I'm pretty sure his hatred of the students is all based on jealousy because they're learning magic and he can't because he's a squib.
The lady who played umbridge is brilliant. As is anybody who can play a character so well that ppeople despise the real person.Its just my opinion that sometimes she looks like will Ferrell in drag
Sean is 100% right about there never being anything more than platonic energy between Harry and Hermionie, and thats something that should be better appreciated
That's always been the vibe I got from them too in both books and movies.
Yesss! They're like brother and sister to me. The siblings they never had growing up. People always act like romantic relationships are the only important ones, and they are important, but having a best friend, is a different kind of love, but still as important. I always loved their dynamic
Now that you've mentioned it, please watch bridge of terabithia!
Every scene with Umbridge is absolute pain.. I'm loving these reactions though lol
Please watch the deleted scenes for deathly hallows part 1, they're soo good
I so needed this in my life today. My mom and baby got me sick with the flu/cold, and I'm staying at home wrapped up in a burrito blanket. Thank you so much for this!
It's about that time, Billy!!!!
Ooh, we getting spicy with this one. Also fun fact, Harry's scream when Sirius died was so raw and visceral that the cast kinda freaked but about it, and I believe that's why they made it silent. Apparently Daniel Radcliffe had lost an actual family member recently when the scene was shot.
I’m loving these reactions
Loving it!
This is my third favorite of the movies. I've been reading the books recently. Loving the reactions.
The day of the week