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27 days
You guys say that about the DADA teacher every movie, but somehow you keep forgetting about Lupin. Even when he's in the same movie.
2 months
in the scene that draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore and snape did it because in the last movie it makes sense since if draco killed Dumbledore he would've been the one dead not snape so thats why snape did instead and snape new about the and thing to he aint stupid
2 months
Legit real life textbooks are wrong. Several highschool teachers and professors were like yea we're not reading that book cause it's trash and gave us the real history. I appreciate it so much, also...fuck america lol. The slimy shit in pop culture doesn't measure up to what they intentionally keep out the books. We nuked canada by accident
1 replies
1 month
Do you have a source for the US nuking Canada? All I can find is information on the US storing nuclear weapons (and I guess losing a weapon) in Canada but nothing about nuking or bombing Canada.
2 months
2 months
I forgot just how AWKWARD this entire movie is. XD And I also forgot how frustrated I was with Hermoine here, as she keeps getting mad at Ron when she's the one who refuses to act first. Ginny is the real MVP in this movie, as not only does she make the first move, but she handles it like a champ. I've also not really watched the movies after this one, except for a clip on TV, so I don't know how the rest plays out, BUT, I'm also on team Snape, thinking he only did it to spare Draco and because Dumbledore asked Snape to with that "please."
2 months
Severus Snape is the one of the best characters ever created. so many layers to him.
2 months
cant wait for quadruple agent snape
2 months
Yall consistently forget movie 3 bucked the trend of a bad dark arts teacher. Movie 1 voldermort lackey, movie 2 asshole, movie 3 good guy with a disease, movie 4 voldomort lackey impersonating a good guy, 5 evil gov offical, 6 Snape
2 months
Fun Fact: Helen McCrory (Draco’s Mom; Also Rip Queen) was supposed to play Bellatrix originally but she found out she was pregnant when they were about to film the 5th movie. It would’ve been interesting to see her take on Bellatrix. Especially cause I find her to be perfect for Narcissa but Bellatrix is such an opposite character personality.
2 months
I love your guy's reactions, but it is frustrating when you ask questions in confusion that the movie itself had previously answered, but you had just talked over.
1 replies
2 months
But I know you have subs, too, so you probably don't actually miss that much.
2 months
Sean was really on it with the predictions this movie. He kept saying things before they happened lol
2 months
One problem with Ron's character in the movies is that they gave a lot of his lines to Hermione so he can come across dense at times but don't forget how good he was/is at chess as shown in the first movie so he's not completely dumb. Like in prisoner of azkaban Ron's line in the books is "if you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too" but they gave that to Hermione in the movie. Who yoinked many of his moments in the series. In the books he has a lot of good ideas but he does have jealousy issues, as you mentioned, since he grew up getting constant hand-me-downs while his older brothers got the good stuff and more attention/praise from parents.
2 months
For the Tom Riddle backstory, this is no exaggeration, the books go into A LOT of details about him, pretty much his whole backstory is in them (especially Half-Blood Prince) so if you want more Tom Riddle the books are a must!
Man, it keeps saddening me that they think all the Defense against the dark arts teachers were evil when Lupin is right there haha!
If you like Harry and Ginny here you wait, Book Harry and Ginny are WAY better even, more screen time, more development and overall, more chemistry! Same goes with Ron and Hermione!
By the way, the burrow (The Weasley house) is never destroyed in the books, that's just a movies thing... And I don't like it haha!
Yeah, this is the final book/movie where we're still in the status quo, everything changes in Deathly hallows!
2 months
am i the only one who cried at the end
2 months
Im glad that Ginny and Dean broke up now she can be with Harry and Dean can be with Seamus
2 months
You guys should definitely check out the 20th anniversary special on HBO once your'e done watching the last two films. Its really good and it shows a lot of behind the scenes stuff that you have been seeing.
2 months
Yall should react to the 20th anniversary special after finishing the series. It contains behind the scenes stuff from all the movies, plus interviews of the directors and actors reminiscing
2 months
There is no other creator I consistantly laugh as much as you with guys, keep up!
2 months
The issue with Rings of Power is that they only had access to the appendix which means that they made up a bunch of stuff
2 months
I think it's wild that this movie got a PG when order of the phoenix got a PG-13
2 months
2 months
40min in i mean I wouldn't say Harry cheated id say that he got the only book that was right the others need to be replaced
1 replies
2 months
The way I see it, the textbooks aren't really wrong. Think of it like cooking. Someone can come up with a recipe for a dish, and if they pull it off well, then they made the dish. But a better cook might be able to figure out ways to tweak that recipe to make it even better. So it's not that the textbook was wrong, it's just that whoever wrote it wasn't s good of a "cook" as Snape. The instructions in the book probably do work if you follow them perfectly, they just don't work as well as the modified instructions.
2 months
I do feel like saying
Snape was much much worse in the books, like, Neville had good reason why Snape was the thing he was most scared of, he kinda abused everyone he didn’t like (aka who aren’t Slytherin)
2 months
You guys need to watch Lord of the Rings War of the Rohirrim
1 replies
2 months
Nope, first they should watch The Hobbit.
1 replies
2 months
They'll do it in the order THEY want to :)
2 months
im tweaking out here waiting for a certain scene to be shown in part 2 and your reactions i cant wait !
2 months
its wild that in the book harry already knows what the 2 other horcruxes specifically are and what another could possibly be related to. In the movies he is going in blind as fuck with just diary, ring and locket
3 months
Before starting Fantastic Beasts movies, watch the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter. For the next movies watch the deleted scenes after the movies😊. I want part 1 and part 2 all in one watch but I know that's to much to ask and it would be a long video.
3 months
This was my favorite Book and my 2nd least favorite movie. Its still good but nothing compared to the book
1 replies
3 months
Especially Ginny and Harry
3 months
lets gooo. btw pls react to the HTTYD shows. PLEASE
3 months
3 months
I don't trust the show cause I already have the feeling they're gonna do the typical bullshit where they change so much stuff just because. It's like that one year where two halves of Twitter were fighting over whether book Hermione was black or not
1 replies
2 months
I know everyone goes on about how the show can be more book accurate. Tbh, even then, I don't think this show will ever live up to the movies' monumental legacy, and it still doesn't feel entirely necessary. This is the same movie franchise that didn't even need a title for the final movie's poster, just the poster and date
1 replies
2 months
Exactly. These were special for even happening during the right time and place in society. they were a unique phenomena that was peak YA material that was actually decent and had insane backing that no other has come close to replicating. It didnt matter how accurate, these movies were as wonderful and beloved as the books. I remember standing in line at midnight at my local stores with my own money, to buy the last three books. Its like the magic Marvel captured for the first three phases of the MCU.
As much as id love for it to succeed, its like saying “oh lets do a remake of the lord of the rings trilogy or the OT of Star Wars”. Its not going to capture it. And considering the powerhouses of British Acting the managed to have for these movies that have passed as well. Michael Gambon even now is discussed about being a good direction or a right choice after Harris’ passing. Its a mountain they have to scale and i honestly dont see them doing it as much as id love them to.
3 months
I can’t believe I have to wait a week. Legit tweaking for these HP reactions.
3 months
Let’s goooo merry Christmas gang
3 months
Enjoying these reactions so much!! Hoping to see reactions to The Hobbit trilogy in the future 🤞🏻🤞🏻😁
3 months
You guys should watch the 20th anniversary reunion for the movie after you're done. They did a whole movie length type of interview talking about their experiences and just reminiscing.
3 months
But dude, everyone in hogwarts has a gun already if you think about it. Literally at any moment someone could start slinging spells and killing people, but they don't because they're being educated
3 months
I find it interesting how much Remus is willing to trust snape when just last movie he was mocking him and still calling him snivvelus alongside Sirius like their old school bully days.
3 months
Fun fact: Helen McCrory (RIP) who played Narcissa Malfoy, was actually originally going to play Bellatrix in Order of the Phoenix but her pregnancy forced her to drop out so they brought her into this one to play the sister.
3 months
It's funny you guys were debating on whether or not Harry and Hermione have chemistry because the movies actually do emphasize their relationship but, in my opinion, it's still beautifully platonic. In the books, as close as Harry is with Hermione, he's always a bit more comfortable with Ron. This is really emphasized in Book 4 when Harry and Ron aren't speaking and Harry is slightly less happy just hanging out with Hermione. Whereas the movies really play up Harry and Hermione's connection, like the scene of them leaning on each other when she's crying over Ron isn't in the book. I actually like that more, I think it's really nice to see a long running series where the main male and female characters are allowed to love each other deeply in a way that isn't romantic.
3 months
Something this movie leaves out: the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is actually cursed. It's kind of a running joke in the series but Dumbledore actually confirms it in the book: Voldemort actually tried to get the position before his downfall as a way back into Hogwarts but when Dumbledore refused, the school has not been able to keep a DADA professor for longer than a year.
3 months
In Harry's defense in regards to not making a move with Ginny: she WAS dating Dean at first at least who is a friend of his so that would be kind of a dick move. Also in the book there's actually a big war going on in his head about wanting to date Ginny because he feels weird about crushing on his best friend's sister.
3 months
yessss i've been waitingggggg :) <3
3 months
The fact that love potions are legal and allowed to be sold to children is crazy considering everything we know of how fucked up it is
2 replies
2 months
There's no way to sugarcoat it, love potions are basically daterape drugs
2 months
its how some people i remember talking about the world and all that. Its actually completely batshit insane even under a small amount of investigation.
3 months
"Every single Dark Arts teacher was evil."...*Ahem*
3 months
I think you guys should watch part 1 and 2 in one video. We'll be here a while but it'd be worth it! Also I just wanna say that I think it's best to keep an open mind about Draco. Like I know in all the previous movies, he was a bully but seeing how his father is and what his situation is, I think one should keep an open mind that his situation is more than a fuckwad bully.
1 replies
3 months
Or how about just letting them react to whatever happens to the character of Draco?
3 months
00:21:37- that the little dragon Harry picked from the bag during the tri-wizard tournament from his first trial, Harry also gave the twins his prize money from the competition which is how they opened the store.00:47:13-kind of, tom mother gave birth at the orphanage and passed after giving birth, also little fun fact tom mothers bewitched his father (who was a muggle) with a love potion and married him, he left her after she got pregnant and she decided to stop bewitching him
01:45:07- yes, when wizards feel strong emotions they can cause things like snow, rain other strange magical things around them, or in Harry's case he inflated his aunt
2 replies
2 months
Along with the wizards manifesting things when emotional, it helped he was in the grand hall, which has the ceiling bewitched to imitate local weather. So he was starting to manipulate the woven magic just above to extend to him just a bit.
2 months
I honestly can’t remember, because the books and movies already blur together much less what happened in which of their school yearsDid we eveb get all of that in the Halfblood prince?
3 months
Dumbledore really snuck "cleverer" into that list of reasons why he should drink the potion.
3 months
Would love it if you guys watched the 20th anniversary Harry Potter reunion after you've gotten through the films
Residentfan 1
3 months
2:12:37 and the reason why he had that picture was because he had gone there on a trip with the rest of the orphans. He ended up torturing two fellow orphans in that cave and, according to the matron, they were “Never the same again.” It’s a little funny that Voldemort was like “I’m gonna hide this in a place that is super personal to me. There’s no way anyone will check at the place where I tortured my first victims, the place where my rise to power truly began!” As a side note, at the orphanage Tom was known for being batshit from the very beginning. The matron specifically mentions how he rarely cried as a baby and that she suspected that he was a bully but had never been able to catch him in the act. When Tom and the two orphans he tortured on the trip showed back up, she questioned them but they were too terrified of Tom to disclose what happened in the cave and this is one of those rare events that the fandom in general is just unaware of. It is never specified what he did to them in that cave and not knowing the details is honestly scarier than if we actually knew. I suspect that, given the fact that we’ve seen Harry do spells without actually casting them, that Tom unknowingly used the torture curse for the first time. Another thing that he did that wasn’t proven was kill another orphan’s pet rabbit. The rabbit was found hanging from the orphanage rafters the day after an argument broke out between Tom and the rabbit’s owner. Keep in mind: Argument. An argument they had…. Not a fight. An argument.
3 months
If you find all of the behind the scenes stuff interesting you should watch the 20th anniversary return to Hogwarts special
3 months
I think all I really have to say is that I dont think ive ever actually laughed during the potion drinking scene with Harry and Dumbledore. The jokes were too good. And honestly I know it would have given it away but as soon as Ruff was starting to get the feeling that something was going to happen to Dumbledore I really wanted to like hold his hand or something just as some support. And im not sure where I read it but yes, all those zombie-like creatures in the lake that attack are a fraction of the people Voldemort killed (muggles specifically?). they were called the inferori (think a play on inferior cuz of course, he's a prick) or something and he did dark necromantic shit to them specifically to make as a guard dogs basically. And you could see there were hundreds if not thousands in that lake and moved like the zombies from World War Z.
When the adults all say that he nearly destroyed everything they hold dear they aren't kidding. He murdered and kidnapped then murdered A LOT of people personally and his followers just added to that number. Man was an absolute monster. And yeah for the death eaters the only real ones that Voldemort held up in any high regard after he came back were the multiple he freed from Azkaban cuz they literally went to hell saying they were believers. Lucius was one of the more prolific of his followers but lied to save face. The raid on the Department of Mysteries in the previous movie was a trust exercise for Lucius that Voldemort gave him, will Bellatrix as sort of his eye and ears. Not only did he fail but that entire squad got caught except Bellatrix. Dracos "Impossible Task" was basically petty revenge for Lucius' failures.
3 months
Man I love this one. Great reactions.
You may benefit in knowing Voldemort went to Hogwarts from 1938-1945. When Dumbledore was a teacher and around the same time Sirius's, James's and Lucius's parents would have attended.
Harry's parents, Marauders, Snape, went to school from 1971-1978.
James and Lilly died on Halloween of 1981. Harry attends his first year in 1991.
Please consider watching the Harry Potter Musicals by StarKid-- there are three and so damn entertaining, I think you'd get a kick out of them. Or look up Harry Potter Puppet Pals.
1 replies
3 months
I like how Voldemort's time at Hogwarts took up WW2. Wonder how those kids were going to school around that time
3 months
01:43:49 there were two
3 months
Yes Daniel Radcliffe had a bad drinking problem during this movie and Part 1 & 2. He says he’s never shown up to set drunk, but sometimes would still be drunk from the night before…but he’s sober now which is amazing!!
Residentfan 1
3 months
The Longbottoms aren’t dead. Bellatrix tortured to insanity and now they live in a mental asylum. Neville regularly visits them but they don’t recognize him.
3 months
Oh yes Billys
3 months
I never noticed the hourglass straight up stopped
3 months
Random shit!:
* My biggest issue with the movies is what they do with Ron in the back half. Between the two, Hermione is given center stage in every single scene the trio is in, and she gets a lot of Ron's character defining lines, which in this one includes the insistence that Harry isn't going after the Horcruxes alone. Then they play up his asshole moments (and add some new ones). Dude can absolutely be a dipshit in the books, but he's Harry levels of dipshit. I have no idea why they chose to do this. Anyway, this movie has what I think is the most egregious example, which is how Ron's just sort of hanging out in the background in the final scene, rather than being part of the conversation at all. That whining done, though, this movie is one of my favorites of the series. It's got the best score, and while it leaves out a lot, it pulls off what scenes it does leave in, for the most part, really, really well.
* Other people will mention it, but there's a whooole lot more Voldemort backstory in the book. Not as much as you'd like, but quite a lot.
* There's also a whole lot more about Snape in both this and book 5, including that his (muggle) father was an abusive asshole. Prince was his (witch) mother's maiden name, so he is, quite literally, the half-blood Prince. It's made clearer in the books, and basically a throwaway line in the movies, that Snape is part of the Order of the Phoenix and doing...something with Dumbledore. It made him killing Dumbledore a genuine shock.
* Obviously you get to see more of what is in that potions book in the novel. One of the things in there is a note next to a poison antidote that just says "shove a bezoar down their throat", which is how Harry knows what to look for to save Ron. Easily forgotten, but something that IS in the movies, is that in movie 1, the first potions class, Snape asks Harry a bunch of questions knowing he doesn't have the answers. One of those questions is asking him what a bezoar is, to which he replies it's a stone taken from the stomach of a goat which can cure most poisons.
* We didn't get to see Snape teach a single Dark Arts class in the movie, which is hilarious.
* The ring is actually already destroyed, though the movie doesn't make that entirely clear. Harry's starting with two horcruxes down.
* There is no scene in the book where the Weasley house is attacked. I'm presuming that was put in to break up what's a very, very heavy exposition movie, and to reinforce Harry/Ginny, since this is the first time in the movies she really gets a lot of attention.
* The Dursley storyline is dropped entirely from the movies after the first three. In the beginning of Order of the Phoenix, when Dudley comes back in shock from the dementor attack, Vernon Dursley tries to throw Harry out of the house. Dumbledore sends a howler (those letters that scream at people) to Petunia Dursley while it's happening, and all it says is "REMEMBER MY LAST". Petunia immediately insists that Harry stay. In this book, we learn the actual reason Harry has had to stay at the Dursleys' every summer: there was a protection spell set in place to keep Death Eaters from coming after Harry for revenge that depended on two things: Harry being underage, and Harry staying with blood relatives. Harry is about to come of age.
* An entire chapter is devoted to Dumbledore's funeral. At the end, Harry sees Fawkes (the phoenix) flying away, same as he does at the end of the movie, and knows that he'll never see Fawkes again.
* Touched on at the end, but not only was Fenrir Grayback the werewolf that turned Lupin (as a child), he did it on purpose. He's such a psycho that he deliberately positions himself so that he'll be in range of attacking people when he turns, and he bites and claws even when he's human.
* Another storyline not touched on is Ron's oldest brother Bill. His fiancé is Fleur, aka the same Fleur that was a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament.
* There is a massive battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters in Hogwarts that happens after Dumbledore is killed. Bill Weasley is almost killed by Fenrir, but survives with deep scars on his face that, thankfully, don't turn him into a werewolf, since Fenrir was still human. When it's assumed Fleur will call the marriage off because of it, Fleur says that's ridiculous and she's beautiful enough for the both of them.
* IIRC, the novel actually does point it out, but Ginny would know a thing or two about becoming obsessed with a mysterious book that ended up leading her to hurt people.
* I think it was caught, but just in case, the cabinet that Draco spends the movie fixing is in the Room of Requirement, aka the same room they were using to secretly practice defensive magic in Order of the Phoenix. A giant room full of a bunch of forgotten things is effectively its default state. Draco needs the cabinet that no one remembers is in the castle, and Harry needs a place to hide the Half Blood Prince's book where no one will ever find it again.
* The novel explains what the ring originally was, along with other items that could be/were likely horcruxes, so Harry isn't starting completely blind. Just mostly.
3 months
You guys should definetly watch the Howarts Reunion. It's like a documentary of the whole movie series. From behind the scenes to insiders and bloopers. Since you guys said you want to see the bloopers.
3 months
I love the fire scene because she sees her man running and is not leaving him behind
Mr. Eldritch
3 months
1:10:01- Utter Poetry.
3 months
I mean, SuperCarlinBrothers have been doing deep dives and theory videos on HP for the last 10 or so years. Through which they've established a long congruent line of events for everything in the books. However, I don't think we have a day by day or weekly update on Voldemort that you're looking for. But they do have answers for all the major things he did as well his reasonings for those events to happen.
3 months
The book was essentially all about Voldemort's backstory and the film only scratched the surface of that; movie showed 2 and the book had like 7. Funnily enough, fans actually have been clamouring for a Voldemort origin story. For Voldemort's history, I recommend a video by MovieFlame going over his life, it has over 12M views or something53:28 I've been wondering that for years, why are the textbooks setting them up for failure?
1:16:08 "I used to be self-conscious about my height, but then I thought f*ck that, I'm Harry Potter" - an actual quote by Daniel Radcliffe
If I remembered correctly, you needed permission to go in the Restricted Section
1:54:29 He did. Daniel Radcliffe had a drinking problem during this movie specifically
2:11:08 I love how in an earlier movie, you thought James and Snape were like Harry and Draco. And it was, just the other way around
2:21:34 Reminder this man is in a very weakened state. Imagine him at his prime
The whole Dumbledore death scene hits different after his second actor passed away over a year ago
Don't forget, Lupin was a good DADA teacher. Technically Mad Eye was too, he was just replaced and impersonated
Along with the bloopers and behind the scenes, you've also got to react to the reunion special
3 months
The best thing about ron sitting between ginny and harry i have done this in real life where i was at a party and apparently a girl had been constantly trying to get with one of my friends and he didnt want to do anything with her and trying to escape her but she kept following and i just came sat down in between them without knowing anything about the situation saving him from that situation, i didnt even know that until it came up in conversation several days later
Residentfan 1
3 months
1:12:48 remember how on the train, Malfoy mentioned wanting to jump off the astronomy tower? Rewatching this movie as an adult is realizing that this scene was him contemplating suicide.
1 replies
3 months
This one's more obvious, but it was also foreshadowing Dumbledore's death
3 months
Book Ginny> movie Ginny
3 months
Fun fact. The bridge the death eaters destroyed technically wouldn't exist since harry potter took place in the 90s and the bridge was built afterwards
1 replies
Residentfan 1
3 months
That’s because the movies don’t take place in the 90s. Only the books do.
3 months
Yes so the restricted section of the library is not available for students to roam around as they please. A teacher signs the pass for a specific book they want from that section and they give the pass to the librarian. The librarian gets the book from the restricted section and gives it to the student. It explains this in the books.
3 months
I'm going to be so sad when these reactions are over! It's so fun to watch you guys enjoy this series for the first time!!!
3 months
so in the book he is obsessed with that book after he finds it
Residentfan 1
3 months
So now that we’re here, and none of the movies explain this going forward, I can finally share some lore on the Death Eaters. The original Death Eaters were actually all Voldemort’s friends at Hogwarts. The Death Eaters are literally a fraternity. Also Tom started going by the name “Voldemort” while at school which gives off the vibes of when Arthur Leigh Allen(one of the Zodiac Killer suspects) was referring to himself as the Zodiac before the killer had publicly announced his name. So to summarize, the Death Eaters are a fraternity and Voldemort is an edge lord who never outgrew his teenage angst.
1 replies
3 months
I can see him as that teenage self like in the chamber of secrets doing the whole "Tom Marvel Riddle" turning into " I am Lord Voldemort" and a bunch of his death eaters literally shitting themselves over how cool it was.
3 months
Fun fact about the actor for 11 year old Tom riddle his name is Hero Fiennes Tiffin and his uncle is the present day Voldemort Ralph Fiennes
3 months
Just to point out, Neville's parents aren't dead, but they were tortured so badly that they've lost their minds. They are in Saint-Mangouste hospital. They don't recognize anyone, even their son. Neville lives with his grandmother and they go visit his parents once in a while. In the 5th book, there are scenes about it, and it is heartbreaking :(
You guys should definitely watch the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts after these movies. It's a lot of the behind the scenes, the progression of the story, actors talking about their experience, what it was like growing up on set, etc. It very well put together.
As for Fantastic Beasts, they are certainly not 'as good as' Harry Potter, but they are still enjoyable. If you watch them, you should go into it without comparing it to Harry Potter. The stories are very much different but it also expands the magical world tremendously. I'm sure you'll enjoy them!
2 replies
3 months
The movies don't explain it well, but Voldemort wanted to split his soul into 7 pieces. The first one is Voldemort himself and he splits his soul into 6 horcruxes. (The diary, The Ring, The Locket , ? , ?, ?) Together they make 7 souls.
3 months
Oh and I forgot to mention, in the books, we DO get the origins of Voldemort. Believe it or not, the 6th book is the one that shows most of all memories about Voldemort. But the movies didn't really focused on that part of the story. They decided that highschool love story and comedy was more fit than the actual ascension of Voldemort to power. There are memories about Tom Riddle's mother (a witch), who used a love potion on his father (a muggle) and he was conceived like that, with fake love. This explains why Voldemort has no real understanding of love or attachment. There are so many more memories but they are in the 6th book.
So when we speak of a series that will be a faithful adaptation, you have to think that it will most likely dive into all those details (such as Voldemort's origins, the Marauders, etc.)
3 months
you guys should react to Harry Potter Theory Videosafter you done This Movie Series
3 months
Snape's facial expression at 01:42:22 when Lavender runs out of the room crying is hilarious every time lol
3 months
Really appreciate you guys watching these - and in full on here instead of edited down. I have nothing to do today at work today due to all the holodays but I was denied the day off for actually no good reason, (too many people have asked off but my backup didn't and even if she did I don't have anything that needs to be done). So being able to watch this really helped me not lose my mind - only 45 minutes left!
Really enjoyed the end discussion as well
3 months
Yeah, Lucius was Voldemort's second in command, which is why in Goblet of fire Voldemort specifically said "not even you" in part because he was incredibly wealthy and influential; in the previous movie, the mission to get the prophecy was his way of getting back into Voldemort's good graces and is what made him fall from grace in the ranks of the death eaters.
3 months
00:50:16 the guy from peace maker
3 months
58:32 Sean doing a snape impression killed me lmao
3 months
3 months
The stuff you're looking for on Voldemort still has yet to be shown on screen, but be patient. You have more movies to go. Chill. :)
3 months
yeah its not cheating homie, this is literally just making use of someone's notes to better understand the material in your class/textbook, i mean if even Hermione is failing that also means the original textbook is just pretty bad or not very well thought out
1 replies
3 months
It's funny because the person who knew all the actual ways to do it was the potion's master and Snape just let them use the textbook for years and years knowing it's wrong. IMO it's the minister of education's fault, the professors are forced to use the curriculum. I think Snape just did not gaf
3 months
In the books Cho’s friend was the one to tell Umbridge, where Dumbledore army was and Hermione jinxed the Parchment that everyone signed to permanently scar anyone’s face with the word sneak make up of boils if I’m not mistaken
3 months
Been looking forward to this movie specifically since you started them. That moment near the end with Dumbledore and severus is so good. Can't wait for the finale
3 months
Damn I can’t believe we nearly there! This movie is also a good one
3 months
I love and hate that we are so close to the end
1 replies
3 months
Well there's the Reunion they could react to, and also the Fantastic Beasts movies (although not as good, they are still enjoyable and fun)
3 months
This is my favourite book, so the fact, that the movie just skips so much important stuff for "teenage drama", makes this my least favourite movie.
You guys say that about the DADA teacher every movie, but somehow you keep forgetting about Lupin. Even when he's in the same movie.
in the scene that draco was supposed to kill Dumbledore and snape did it because in the last movie it makes sense since if draco killed Dumbledore he would've been the one dead not snape so thats why snape did instead and snape new about the and thing to he aint stupid
Legit real life textbooks are wrong. Several highschool teachers and professors were like yea we're not reading that book cause it's trash and gave us the real history. I appreciate it so much, also...fuck america lol. The slimy shit in pop culture doesn't measure up to what they intentionally keep out the books. We nuked canada by accident
Do you have a source for the US nuking Canada? All I can find is information on the US storing nuclear weapons (and I guess losing a weapon) in Canada but nothing about nuking or bombing Canada.
I forgot just how AWKWARD this entire movie is. XD And I also forgot how frustrated I was with Hermoine here, as she keeps getting mad at Ron when she's the one who refuses to act first. Ginny is the real MVP in this movie, as not only does she make the first move, but she handles it like a champ. I've also not really watched the movies after this one, except for a clip on TV, so I don't know how the rest plays out, BUT, I'm also on team Snape, thinking he only did it to spare Draco and because Dumbledore asked Snape to with that "please."
Severus Snape is the one of the best characters ever created. so many layers to him.
cant wait for quadruple agent snape
Yall consistently forget movie 3 bucked the trend of a bad dark arts teacher. Movie 1 voldermort lackey, movie 2 asshole, movie 3 good guy with a disease, movie 4 voldomort lackey impersonating a good guy, 5 evil gov offical, 6 Snape
Fun Fact: Helen McCrory (Draco’s Mom; Also Rip Queen) was supposed to play Bellatrix originally but she found out she was pregnant when they were about to film the 5th movie. It would’ve been interesting to see her take on Bellatrix. Especially cause I find her to be perfect for Narcissa but Bellatrix is such an opposite character personality.
I love your guy's reactions, but it is frustrating when you ask questions in confusion that the movie itself had previously answered, but you had just talked over.
But I know you have subs, too, so you probably don't actually miss that much.
Sean was really on it with the predictions this movie. He kept saying things before they happened lol
One problem with Ron's character in the movies is that they gave a lot of his lines to Hermione so he can come across dense at times but don't forget how good he was/is at chess as shown in the first movie so he's not completely dumb. Like in prisoner of azkaban Ron's line in the books is "if you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too" but they gave that to Hermione in the movie. Who yoinked many of his moments in the series. In the books he has a lot of good ideas but he does have jealousy issues, as you mentioned, since he grew up getting constant hand-me-downs while his older brothers got the good stuff and more attention/praise from parents.
For the Tom Riddle backstory, this is no exaggeration, the books go into A LOT of details about him, pretty much his whole backstory is in them (especially Half-Blood Prince) so if you want more Tom Riddle the books are a must!
Man, it keeps saddening me that they think all the Defense against the dark arts teachers were evil when Lupin is right there haha!
If you like Harry and Ginny here you wait, Book Harry and Ginny are WAY better even, more screen time, more development and overall, more chemistry! Same goes with Ron and Hermione!
By the way, the burrow (The Weasley house) is never destroyed in the books, that's just a movies thing... And I don't like it haha!
Yeah, this is the final book/movie where we're still in the status quo, everything changes in Deathly hallows!
am i the only one who cried at the end
Im glad that Ginny and Dean broke up now she can be with Harry and Dean can be with Seamus
You guys should definitely check out the 20th anniversary special on HBO once your'e done watching the last two films. Its really good and it shows a lot of behind the scenes stuff that you have been seeing.
Yall should react to the 20th anniversary special after finishing the series. It contains behind the scenes stuff from all the movies, plus interviews of the directors and actors reminiscing
There is no other creator I consistantly laugh as much as you with guys, keep up!
The issue with Rings of Power is that they only had access to the appendix which means that they made up a bunch of stuff
I think it's wild that this movie got a PG when order of the phoenix got a PG-13
40min in i mean I wouldn't say Harry cheated id say that he got the only book that was right the others need to be replaced
The way I see it, the textbooks aren't really wrong. Think of it like cooking. Someone can come up with a recipe for a dish, and if they pull it off well, then they made the dish. But a better cook might be able to figure out ways to tweak that recipe to make it even better. So it's not that the textbook was wrong, it's just that whoever wrote it wasn't s good of a "cook" as Snape. The instructions in the book probably do work if you follow them perfectly, they just don't work as well as the modified instructions.
I do feel like saying
Snape was much much worse in the books, like, Neville had good reason why Snape was the thing he was most scared of, he kinda abused everyone he didn’t like (aka who aren’t Slytherin)
You guys need to watch Lord of the Rings War of the Rohirrim
Nope, first they should watch The Hobbit.
They'll do it in the order THEY want to :)
im tweaking out here waiting for a certain scene to be shown in part 2 and your reactions i cant wait !
its wild that in the book harry already knows what the 2 other horcruxes specifically are and what another could possibly be related to. In the movies he is going in blind as fuck with just diary, ring and locket
Before starting Fantastic Beasts movies, watch the 20th anniversary of Harry Potter. For the next movies watch the deleted scenes after the movies😊. I want part 1 and part 2 all in one watch but I know that's to much to ask and it would be a long video.
This was my favorite Book and my 2nd least favorite movie. Its still good but nothing compared to the book
Especially Ginny and Harry
lets gooo. btw pls react to the HTTYD shows. PLEASE
I don't trust the show cause I already have the feeling they're gonna do the typical bullshit where they change so much stuff just because. It's like that one year where two halves of Twitter were fighting over whether book Hermione was black or not
I know everyone goes on about how the show can be more book accurate. Tbh, even then, I don't think this show will ever live up to the movies' monumental legacy, and it still doesn't feel entirely necessary. This is the same movie franchise that didn't even need a title for the final movie's poster, just the poster and date
Exactly. These were special for even happening during the right time and place in society. they were a unique phenomena that was peak YA material that was actually decent and had insane backing that no other has come close to replicating. It didnt matter how accurate, these movies were as wonderful and beloved as the books. I remember standing in line at midnight at my local stores with my own money, to buy the last three books. Its like the magic Marvel captured for the first three phases of the MCU.
As much as id love for it to succeed, its like saying “oh lets do a remake of the lord of the rings trilogy or the OT of Star Wars”. Its not going to capture it. And considering the powerhouses of British Acting the managed to have for these movies that have passed as well. Michael Gambon even now is discussed about being a good direction or a right choice after Harris’ passing. Its a mountain they have to scale and i honestly dont see them doing it as much as id love them to.
I can’t believe I have to wait a week. Legit tweaking for these HP reactions.
Let’s goooo merry Christmas gang
Enjoying these reactions so much!! Hoping to see reactions to The Hobbit trilogy in the future 🤞🏻🤞🏻😁
You guys should watch the 20th anniversary reunion for the movie after you're done. They did a whole movie length type of interview talking about their experiences and just reminiscing.
But dude, everyone in hogwarts has a gun already if you think about it. Literally at any moment someone could start slinging spells and killing people, but they don't because they're being educated
I find it interesting how much Remus is willing to trust snape when just last movie he was mocking him and still calling him snivvelus alongside Sirius like their old school bully days.
Fun fact: Helen McCrory (RIP) who played Narcissa Malfoy, was actually originally going to play Bellatrix in Order of the Phoenix but her pregnancy forced her to drop out so they brought her into this one to play the sister.
It's funny you guys were debating on whether or not Harry and Hermione have chemistry because the movies actually do emphasize their relationship but, in my opinion, it's still beautifully platonic. In the books, as close as Harry is with Hermione, he's always a bit more comfortable with Ron. This is really emphasized in Book 4 when Harry and Ron aren't speaking and Harry is slightly less happy just hanging out with Hermione. Whereas the movies really play up Harry and Hermione's connection, like the scene of them leaning on each other when she's crying over Ron isn't in the book. I actually like that more, I think it's really nice to see a long running series where the main male and female characters are allowed to love each other deeply in a way that isn't romantic.
Something this movie leaves out: the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is actually cursed. It's kind of a running joke in the series but Dumbledore actually confirms it in the book: Voldemort actually tried to get the position before his downfall as a way back into Hogwarts but when Dumbledore refused, the school has not been able to keep a DADA professor for longer than a year.
In Harry's defense in regards to not making a move with Ginny: she WAS dating Dean at first at least who is a friend of his so that would be kind of a dick move. Also in the book there's actually a big war going on in his head about wanting to date Ginny because he feels weird about crushing on his best friend's sister.
yessss i've been waitingggggg :) <3
The fact that love potions are legal and allowed to be sold to children is crazy considering everything we know of how fucked up it is
There's no way to sugarcoat it, love potions are basically daterape drugs
its how some people i remember talking about the world and all that. Its actually completely batshit insane even under a small amount of investigation.
"Every single Dark Arts teacher was evil."...*Ahem*
I think you guys should watch part 1 and 2 in one video. We'll be here a while but it'd be worth it! Also I just wanna say that I think it's best to keep an open mind about Draco. Like I know in all the previous movies, he was a bully but seeing how his father is and what his situation is, I think one should keep an open mind that his situation is more than a fuckwad bully.
Or how about just letting them react to whatever happens to the character of Draco?
00:21:37- that the little dragon Harry picked from the bag during the tri-wizard tournament from his first trial, Harry also gave the twins his prize money from the competition which is how they opened the store.00:47:13-kind of, tom mother gave birth at the orphanage and passed after giving birth, also little fun fact tom mothers bewitched his father (who was a muggle) with a love potion and married him, he left her after she got pregnant and she decided to stop bewitching him
01:45:07- yes, when wizards feel strong emotions they can cause things like snow, rain other strange magical things around them, or in Harry's case he inflated his aunt
Along with the wizards manifesting things when emotional, it helped he was in the grand hall, which has the ceiling bewitched to imitate local weather. So he was starting to manipulate the woven magic just above to extend to him just a bit.
I honestly can’t remember, because the books and movies already blur together much less what happened in which of their school yearsDid we eveb get all of that in the Halfblood prince?
Dumbledore really snuck "cleverer" into that list of reasons why he should drink the potion.
Would love it if you guys watched the 20th anniversary Harry Potter reunion after you've gotten through the films
2:12:37 and the reason why he had that picture was because he had gone there on a trip with the rest of the orphans. He ended up torturing two fellow orphans in that cave and, according to the matron, they were “Never the same again.” It’s a little funny that Voldemort was like “I’m gonna hide this in a place that is super personal to me. There’s no way anyone will check at the place where I tortured my first victims, the place where my rise to power truly began!” As a side note, at the orphanage Tom was known for being batshit from the very beginning. The matron specifically mentions how he rarely cried as a baby and that she suspected that he was a bully but had never been able to catch him in the act. When Tom and the two orphans he tortured on the trip showed back up, she questioned them but they were too terrified of Tom to disclose what happened in the cave and this is one of those rare events that the fandom in general is just unaware of. It is never specified what he did to them in that cave and not knowing the details is honestly scarier than if we actually knew. I suspect that, given the fact that we’ve seen Harry do spells without actually casting them, that Tom unknowingly used the torture curse for the first time. Another thing that he did that wasn’t proven was kill another orphan’s pet rabbit. The rabbit was found hanging from the orphanage rafters the day after an argument broke out between Tom and the rabbit’s owner. Keep in mind: Argument. An argument they had…. Not a fight. An argument.
If you find all of the behind the scenes stuff interesting you should watch the 20th anniversary return to Hogwarts special
I think all I really have to say is that I dont think ive ever actually laughed during the potion drinking scene with Harry and Dumbledore. The jokes were too good. And honestly I know it would have given it away but as soon as Ruff was starting to get the feeling that something was going to happen to Dumbledore I really wanted to like hold his hand or something just as some support. And im not sure where I read it but yes, all those zombie-like creatures in the lake that attack are a fraction of the people Voldemort killed (muggles specifically?). they were called the inferori (think a play on inferior cuz of course, he's a prick) or something and he did dark necromantic shit to them specifically to make as a guard dogs basically. And you could see there were hundreds if not thousands in that lake and moved like the zombies from World War Z.
When the adults all say that he nearly destroyed everything they hold dear they aren't kidding. He murdered and kidnapped then murdered A LOT of people personally and his followers just added to that number. Man was an absolute monster. And yeah for the death eaters the only real ones that Voldemort held up in any high regard after he came back were the multiple he freed from Azkaban cuz they literally went to hell saying they were believers. Lucius was one of the more prolific of his followers but lied to save face. The raid on the Department of Mysteries in the previous movie was a trust exercise for Lucius that Voldemort gave him, will Bellatrix as sort of his eye and ears. Not only did he fail but that entire squad got caught except Bellatrix. Dracos "Impossible Task" was basically petty revenge for Lucius' failures.
Man I love this one. Great reactions.
You may benefit in knowing Voldemort went to Hogwarts from 1938-1945. When Dumbledore was a teacher and around the same time Sirius's, James's and Lucius's parents would have attended.
Harry's parents, Marauders, Snape, went to school from 1971-1978.
James and Lilly died on Halloween of 1981. Harry attends his first year in 1991.
Please consider watching the Harry Potter Musicals by StarKid-- there are three and so damn entertaining, I think you'd get a kick out of them. Or look up Harry Potter Puppet Pals.
I like how Voldemort's time at Hogwarts took up WW2. Wonder how those kids were going to school around that time
01:43:49 there were two
Yes Daniel Radcliffe had a bad drinking problem during this movie and Part 1 & 2. He says he’s never shown up to set drunk, but sometimes would still be drunk from the night before…but he’s sober now which is amazing!!
The Longbottoms aren’t dead. Bellatrix tortured to insanity and now they live in a mental asylum. Neville regularly visits them but they don’t recognize him.
Oh yes Billys
I never noticed the hourglass straight up stopped
Random shit!:
* My biggest issue with the movies is what they do with Ron in the back half. Between the two, Hermione is given center stage in every single scene the trio is in, and she gets a lot of Ron's character defining lines, which in this one includes the insistence that Harry isn't going after the Horcruxes alone. Then they play up his asshole moments (and add some new ones). Dude can absolutely be a dipshit in the books, but he's Harry levels of dipshit. I have no idea why they chose to do this. Anyway, this movie has what I think is the most egregious example, which is how Ron's just sort of hanging out in the background in the final scene, rather than being part of the conversation at all. That whining done, though, this movie is one of my favorites of the series. It's got the best score, and while it leaves out a lot, it pulls off what scenes it does leave in, for the most part, really, really well.
* Other people will mention it, but there's a whooole lot more Voldemort backstory in the book. Not as much as you'd like, but quite a lot.
* There's also a whole lot more about Snape in both this and book 5, including that his (muggle) father was an abusive asshole. Prince was his (witch) mother's maiden name, so he is, quite literally, the half-blood Prince. It's made clearer in the books, and basically a throwaway line in the movies, that Snape is part of the Order of the Phoenix and doing...something with Dumbledore. It made him killing Dumbledore a genuine shock.
* Obviously you get to see more of what is in that potions book in the novel. One of the things in there is a note next to a poison antidote that just says "shove a bezoar down their throat", which is how Harry knows what to look for to save Ron. Easily forgotten, but something that IS in the movies, is that in movie 1, the first potions class, Snape asks Harry a bunch of questions knowing he doesn't have the answers. One of those questions is asking him what a bezoar is, to which he replies it's a stone taken from the stomach of a goat which can cure most poisons.
* We didn't get to see Snape teach a single Dark Arts class in the movie, which is hilarious.
* The ring is actually already destroyed, though the movie doesn't make that entirely clear. Harry's starting with two horcruxes down.
* There is no scene in the book where the Weasley house is attacked. I'm presuming that was put in to break up what's a very, very heavy exposition movie, and to reinforce Harry/Ginny, since this is the first time in the movies she really gets a lot of attention.
* The Dursley storyline is dropped entirely from the movies after the first three. In the beginning of Order of the Phoenix, when Dudley comes back in shock from the dementor attack, Vernon Dursley tries to throw Harry out of the house. Dumbledore sends a howler (those letters that scream at people) to Petunia Dursley while it's happening, and all it says is "REMEMBER MY LAST". Petunia immediately insists that Harry stay. In this book, we learn the actual reason Harry has had to stay at the Dursleys' every summer: there was a protection spell set in place to keep Death Eaters from coming after Harry for revenge that depended on two things: Harry being underage, and Harry staying with blood relatives. Harry is about to come of age.
* An entire chapter is devoted to Dumbledore's funeral. At the end, Harry sees Fawkes (the phoenix) flying away, same as he does at the end of the movie, and knows that he'll never see Fawkes again.
* Touched on at the end, but not only was Fenrir Grayback the werewolf that turned Lupin (as a child), he did it on purpose. He's such a psycho that he deliberately positions himself so that he'll be in range of attacking people when he turns, and he bites and claws even when he's human.
* Another storyline not touched on is Ron's oldest brother Bill. His fiancé is Fleur, aka the same Fleur that was a competitor in the Triwizard Tournament.
* There is a massive battle between the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters in Hogwarts that happens after Dumbledore is killed. Bill Weasley is almost killed by Fenrir, but survives with deep scars on his face that, thankfully, don't turn him into a werewolf, since Fenrir was still human. When it's assumed Fleur will call the marriage off because of it, Fleur says that's ridiculous and she's beautiful enough for the both of them.
* IIRC, the novel actually does point it out, but Ginny would know a thing or two about becoming obsessed with a mysterious book that ended up leading her to hurt people.
* I think it was caught, but just in case, the cabinet that Draco spends the movie fixing is in the Room of Requirement, aka the same room they were using to secretly practice defensive magic in Order of the Phoenix. A giant room full of a bunch of forgotten things is effectively its default state. Draco needs the cabinet that no one remembers is in the castle, and Harry needs a place to hide the Half Blood Prince's book where no one will ever find it again.
* The novel explains what the ring originally was, along with other items that could be/were likely horcruxes, so Harry isn't starting completely blind. Just mostly.
You guys should definetly watch the Howarts Reunion. It's like a documentary of the whole movie series. From behind the scenes to insiders and bloopers. Since you guys said you want to see the bloopers.
I love the fire scene because she sees her man running and is not leaving him behind
1:10:01- Utter Poetry.
I mean, SuperCarlinBrothers have been doing deep dives and theory videos on HP for the last 10 or so years. Through which they've established a long congruent line of events for everything in the books. However, I don't think we have a day by day or weekly update on Voldemort that you're looking for. But they do have answers for all the major things he did as well his reasonings for those events to happen.
The book was essentially all about Voldemort's backstory and the film only scratched the surface of that; movie showed 2 and the book had like 7. Funnily enough, fans actually have been clamouring for a Voldemort origin story. For Voldemort's history, I recommend a video by MovieFlame going over his life, it has over 12M views or something53:28 I've been wondering that for years, why are the textbooks setting them up for failure?
1:16:08 "I used to be self-conscious about my height, but then I thought f*ck that, I'm Harry Potter" - an actual quote by Daniel Radcliffe
If I remembered correctly, you needed permission to go in the Restricted Section
1:54:29 He did. Daniel Radcliffe had a drinking problem during this movie specifically
2:11:08 I love how in an earlier movie, you thought James and Snape were like Harry and Draco. And it was, just the other way around
2:21:34 Reminder this man is in a very weakened state. Imagine him at his prime
The whole Dumbledore death scene hits different after his second actor passed away over a year ago
Don't forget, Lupin was a good DADA teacher. Technically Mad Eye was too, he was just replaced and impersonated
Along with the bloopers and behind the scenes, you've also got to react to the reunion special
The best thing about ron sitting between ginny and harry i have done this in real life where i was at a party and apparently a girl had been constantly trying to get with one of my friends and he didnt want to do anything with her and trying to escape her but she kept following and i just came sat down in between them without knowing anything about the situation saving him from that situation, i didnt even know that until it came up in conversation several days later
1:12:48 remember how on the train, Malfoy mentioned wanting to jump off the astronomy tower? Rewatching this movie as an adult is realizing that this scene was him contemplating suicide.
This one's more obvious, but it was also foreshadowing Dumbledore's death
Book Ginny> movie Ginny
Fun fact. The bridge the death eaters destroyed technically wouldn't exist since harry potter took place in the 90s and the bridge was built afterwards
That’s because the movies don’t take place in the 90s. Only the books do.
Yes so the restricted section of the library is not available for students to roam around as they please. A teacher signs the pass for a specific book they want from that section and they give the pass to the librarian. The librarian gets the book from the restricted section and gives it to the student. It explains this in the books.
I'm going to be so sad when these reactions are over! It's so fun to watch you guys enjoy this series for the first time!!!
so in the book he is obsessed with that book after he finds it
So now that we’re here, and none of the movies explain this going forward, I can finally share some lore on the Death Eaters. The original Death Eaters were actually all Voldemort’s friends at Hogwarts. The Death Eaters are literally a fraternity. Also Tom started going by the name “Voldemort” while at school which gives off the vibes of when Arthur Leigh Allen(one of the Zodiac Killer suspects) was referring to himself as the Zodiac before the killer had publicly announced his name. So to summarize, the Death Eaters are a fraternity and Voldemort is an edge lord who never outgrew his teenage angst.
I can see him as that teenage self like in the chamber of secrets doing the whole "Tom Marvel Riddle" turning into " I am Lord Voldemort" and a bunch of his death eaters literally shitting themselves over how cool it was.
Fun fact about the actor for 11 year old Tom riddle his name is Hero Fiennes Tiffin and his uncle is the present day Voldemort Ralph Fiennes
Just to point out, Neville's parents aren't dead, but they were tortured so badly that they've lost their minds. They are in Saint-Mangouste hospital. They don't recognize anyone, even their son. Neville lives with his grandmother and they go visit his parents once in a while. In the 5th book, there are scenes about it, and it is heartbreaking :(
You guys should definitely watch the Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts after these movies. It's a lot of the behind the scenes, the progression of the story, actors talking about their experience, what it was like growing up on set, etc. It very well put together.
As for Fantastic Beasts, they are certainly not 'as good as' Harry Potter, but they are still enjoyable. If you watch them, you should go into it without comparing it to Harry Potter. The stories are very much different but it also expands the magical world tremendously. I'm sure you'll enjoy them!
The movies don't explain it well, but Voldemort wanted to split his soul into 7 pieces. The first one is Voldemort himself and he splits his soul into 6 horcruxes. (The diary, The Ring, The Locket , ? , ?, ?) Together they make 7 souls.
Oh and I forgot to mention, in the books, we DO get the origins of Voldemort. Believe it or not, the 6th book is the one that shows most of all memories about Voldemort. But the movies didn't really focused on that part of the story. They decided that highschool love story and comedy was more fit than the actual ascension of Voldemort to power. There are memories about Tom Riddle's mother (a witch), who used a love potion on his father (a muggle) and he was conceived like that, with fake love. This explains why Voldemort has no real understanding of love or attachment. There are so many more memories but they are in the 6th book.
So when we speak of a series that will be a faithful adaptation, you have to think that it will most likely dive into all those details (such as Voldemort's origins, the Marauders, etc.)
you guys should react to Harry Potter Theory Videosafter you done This Movie Series
Snape's facial expression at 01:42:22 when Lavender runs out of the room crying is hilarious every time lol
Really appreciate you guys watching these - and in full on here instead of edited down. I have nothing to do today at work today due to all the holodays but I was denied the day off for actually no good reason, (too many people have asked off but my backup didn't and even if she did I don't have anything that needs to be done). So being able to watch this really helped me not lose my mind - only 45 minutes left!
Really enjoyed the end discussion as well
Yeah, Lucius was Voldemort's second in command, which is why in Goblet of fire Voldemort specifically said "not even you" in part because he was incredibly wealthy and influential; in the previous movie, the mission to get the prophecy was his way of getting back into Voldemort's good graces and is what made him fall from grace in the ranks of the death eaters.
00:50:16 the guy from peace maker
58:32 Sean doing a snape impression killed me lmao
The stuff you're looking for on Voldemort still has yet to be shown on screen, but be patient. You have more movies to go. Chill. :)
yeah its not cheating homie, this is literally just making use of someone's notes to better understand the material in your class/textbook, i mean if even Hermione is failing that also means the original textbook is just pretty bad or not very well thought out
It's funny because the person who knew all the actual ways to do it was the potion's master and Snape just let them use the textbook for years and years knowing it's wrong. IMO it's the minister of education's fault, the professors are forced to use the curriculum. I think Snape just did not gaf
In the books Cho’s friend was the one to tell Umbridge, where Dumbledore army was and Hermione jinxed the Parchment that everyone signed to permanently scar anyone’s face with the word sneak make up of boils if I’m not mistaken
Been looking forward to this movie specifically since you started them. That moment near the end with Dumbledore and severus is so good. Can't wait for the finale
Damn I can’t believe we nearly there! This movie is also a good one
I love and hate that we are so close to the end
Well there's the Reunion they could react to, and also the Fantastic Beasts movies (although not as good, they are still enjoyable and fun)
This is my favourite book, so the fact, that the movie just skips so much important stuff for "teenage drama", makes this my least favourite movie.
Cool, go read the book
been waiting all week for this.