Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Reaction

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  1. Brayden
    1 month

    i agree maze runner movies are a must!

  2. Unstablebeast
    2 months

    Hang on i can translate the hermoinie being a 4th year compared to serius for boom. boom imagine someone comparing a 1st year college football player whos the best on their team, to an NFL MVP

  3. Unstablebeast
    2 months

    Ah the introduction of luna, my personal favorite character and our Ravenclaw representation Boom.

    Also Daniel radcliff is 15 here, 17 in the next one then, 19 in half blood prince, and then 21 for the last movies

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      2 months

      I commented this at the start, i forgot luna is NEXT movie, ignore the first part of that comment

  4. Charlie
    2 months

    so at the entrance put your hand on the right wall to you and never take it off the whole time, if you always make sure to follow the cntinius wall with your right hand , youll eventually end up at the exit to the maze by tracing the perimeter of the path eventually that leads you to the exit

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      2 months

      note this method only works for continuous mazes, if not connected segments in maze use pledges algorithm or Trémaux's algorithm

  5. goldcrusty
    2 months

    Pausio! Lierio! Fudge Loveio!

  6. Meekly
    2 months

    I adore this movie a lot; the frustrating and hilarious growth that is the trio becoming hormonal teens to the dark tones going deeper as the threat comes back. Amos' grief and anguish still gets me teared up- brilliant acting. 

  7. Charlie
    2 months

    think they do mention theres a conversion between galleons and british pounds

  8. Gini
    2 months

    Oh yall have to react to Good Omens now. I'm so close to begging. 

  9. Trystin
    3 months

    Its funny because Goblet is in the movie title ruff.

  10. Craig
    3 months

    The kids taken to be put in the lake were never in real danger. Harry mistakenly believed they were, so he stuck around to try and "save" them all. They talk about a lot of small things that would clear up any questions you have in the books. The 

  11. Isabelle Xena Autumn
    3 months

    Doctor Who would be incredible

  12. Garrett
    3 months

    By ths way I love the reactions it's just not necessary to keep harping about how the books are "better".. it's debatable & unnecessary because adaptations are always different & subjective. So let the ppl who haven't seen it from their own view.

  13. Chris
    3 months

    Ban the book reactors on Movie Reactions.

    2 replies
    1. Sasonari
      2 months

      I think it adds a fair dimension to the conversation. especially later on in the series when they just don't explain certain things in the movies, and just expect everybody to have read the books and have the information. I'm looking at you half blood prince specifically.

    2. Garrett
      3 months

      Yeah their definition of important is wack as hell. This movie does leave more out than Azkaban but Azkaban neither leaves out crucial story beats. Just more in depth detail & added stuff for side characters or events done by ppl not named HARRY POTTER. If it ain't directly Harry doing something then has to be a darn good reason to include it. That's important, not just more information.

  14. A.M
    3 months

    I would love dr who reactions 

  15. RoxyLLarts
    3 months

    Y'all should react to Narnia

  16. Lucifer
    3 months

    the school in Japan organizes their students by robe color.

  17. Impactsona
    3 months

    NGL a Doctor Who (2005) series would keep me subbed lol

  18. Callum
    3 months

    Personally my favorite movie is the last one, so I'm super excited for these next few weeks to go by xD

  19. Swordfish
    3 months

    Despite all the changes, this is still I think the best of all the movies! Easily rewatchable, visually fun and exciting, and is the ultimate turning point from their younger carefree days into their fierce new roles as young adults. Take note that they had no House winner announced at the end like the other movies.

  20. Zen
    3 months

    Dumbledore literally just explained what the ranking were for and dipshit asked WHATS IT FOR 5 seconds later

  21. idziman
    3 months

    People that say they hate licorice need to be more specific. Black licorice is nasty and deserves to be forgotten. Red licorice tastes like regular cherry candy is is fine. We are not the same.

  22. Travis
    3 months

    Both visiting schools are actually co-ed (boys and girls) but they decided to only send one gender for some reason. 

  23. Rey
    3 months

    ahh yes the movie where the director decided to give everyone long hair for no reason whatsover 

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      Director had no say in that, that was jus the rend at the time

  24. .inapplicable
    3 months

    As someone who grew up with the movies, I was not too fond of this movie as a kid. But growing up with a more deconstructive mindset I understand that the thing I recognise as something that doesn't entirely make this movie bad is the music, this may be the best Harry Potter soundtrack in all the films, it has its own mood & feel to it that makes it stand out. & the third act, which may be the best part of the movie, sets up later movies & has the best Voldermort design. But other than that, I was not fond even still. The characters aren't as strong here as in personality-wise, like Cedrick I can't name cause I only watched the movies, if someone has read the books are their personalities more fleshed out or is it as stale?

    2 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      Disagree with Cedric. Him being the first major death automatically makes him memorable

    2. justajinx
      3 months

      I feel like this is where the tonal shift goes. It's the first 'on-screen' actual death in the books... And the end still kills me... It might actually be amongst my least favorite. As much as I like when darker tones happen, I didn't enjoy it this time. Diggory's agonal screams... I've seen the movie at least 20 times and it still twists a knife.

  25. Joey
    3 months

    The contests were so drastically changed in the movie from the book for the most part. The dragon never broke it's chain. If it did in the book the handlers would have stepped in immediately. The maze was full of creatures like Blast ended Skrewts, a sphinx, an acromantula and a boggart.

  26. violeterror404
    3 months

    You guys should definitely watch Good Omens!! 

    1 replies
    1. justajinx
      3 months

      Please no. We don't need another YT channel falling into that stupid shit hole of a show.

  27. Jadzia
    3 months

    You guys should watch Krampus. It's a 2015 Christmas horror movie, and it's pretty good

  28. LastHale
    3 months

    Not gonna lie I always thought the Cedric telling Harry about the bathroom was always so strangely charged.

  29. LordTouchMe
    3 months

    ...Am I crazy or in the book wasn't there a whole scene of the Ministry interrogating Harry at the end??? A scene that was incredibly fucking important to the story for the next movie????? 

    1 replies
    1. Silverr
      3 months

      isnt that just in the next movie? i only seen the movies but i do remember a scene of him being interragated

      1 replies
      1. Cas-nox
        3 months

        it's in Order of the Phoenix cause it's also the one where Dumbledore avoids Harry for the whole year

  30. Azur-Wing
    3 months

    Great reaction yall, I personally enjoy hearing u talking about the differences between the books and the movies since I never read them. I also like revisiting movies I saw long ago and how different they feel now than before, and ur reactions to everything is really entertaining.

    My thoughts on the movie:

    I enjoyed the past 3 movies, this one I enjoyed the whole graveyard scene, the twist with the darkarts teacher (especially since the hints were more subtle with this one) and the creativity with the tests were cool to see. Other than that I find the stuff with Harry not talking to people (especially with his friends) about his issues and what he sees till way later to be confusing, since he should know better now (especially when this has happened alot before). And everything with the character conflicts between Harry and his friends felt very forced and out of character for them (except for Hermione, she was the only one that felt incharacter) even if they are teenagers and are going through stuff like moodswings and puberty I feel like there are better ways to make it less of an excuse to keep the story moving towards Voldemorts resurrection. The only other thing I find hard to understand was the lack of reason for this big test to be so deadly, especially for non-contestants. I think it would have made more sense if they showed/explained that the non-contestants consented to be someone to save in the test. Plus I don't see why it isn't called a Tournament instead of a Test since there is no edjucation involved during the "tests". Overall I enjoyed the previews movies more but I still think this one is worth a watch just to learn where the story goes. I'd give it a rating of between 6-7 stars out of 10.

    Also if anyone here has read the book can u tell me if these issues I had with the movie are different there or not, I'm curious to know how different it is from the movie.

    1 replies
    1. monika_lockpick
      3 months

      I definitely don’t remember everything but the tests where a bit different to say the least. I specifically remember that the people who where put into the lake to be rescued? yeah never in any real danger, they put a spell on them and basically stashed them in a room until they got rescued, something about teleporting them there than? it’s been a while.

  31. Laura
    3 months

    Yes, please watch Good Omens!! You'd love it. Filming starts next month for the last season. 

    1 replies
    1. violeterror404
      3 months

      Oooh Yesss! Just watched it for the first time and I loved it!

  32. Gilli
    3 months

    After you’re done with the movies you should totally check out a very potter musical! It’s a parody musical made by a bunch of college kids in 2009. You can really tell that they are sincerely fans of the Harry Potter franchise, including the books. Also I think Bree would be pleased to know that Darren Chris (Blaine warbler) plays Harry Potter

    1 replies
    1. Gilli
      3 months

      Also they do include the house elf plot that was lacking in this movie in a very potter sequel :)

  33. Courtney
    3 months

    I would love to see you guys react to the whole twilight movie series! Even if it's just to make fun of it because looking back it is pretty funny.

  34. Carlos
    3 months

    Please watch Doctor, that would actually be awesome.

  35. Jacob
    3 months

    OK, so the confusion with fleur competing in the last challenge. It’s pretty straightforward. Essentially if you played Mario kart any of them you understand just because you get eighth place three times in a row doesn’t mean you can’t go compete in the final race of the Grand Prix. Essentially, as she is still alive, she still has to compete in each challenge. The placement is literally just to give you an edge again using Mario kart as an example. Imagine you won the first three races then on rainbow Road you were given a 30 second Headstart as a reward. That would be an insane advantage, and nearly impossible for anybody to catch up to you.

    2 replies
    1. Phishinabowl
      2 months

      Rofl. Using Mario Kart as the metaphor here is so perfect. Way to make it relatable dude. Good job lol

    2. Rey
      3 months

      He just took the word “retired” too literally lol

  36. SavvySpark
    3 months

    I think consensus is that this is probably the worst film in the series. The book is pretty good though. I feel like it’s was really unneeded for them to make the twoOther schools single gender, when in the books they were co-ed like Hogwarts.

    1 replies
    1. Enya
      3 months

      This is the best movie imo. No need for any of the unimportant stuff like the house-elves…that stuff was so boring. This movie is perfection to me :)

  37. SauceyRed
    3 months

    2:11:57 I was literally JUST thinking that a couple seconds before she said that lmao

  38. Cerebral
    3 months

    mr crouch looks so much like j jonah to me idk lol

  39. Whispie
    3 months

    I grew up with these characters. I grew up with the actors. Emma Watson was born the same month of the same year as me. I'm highly concerned for the future of this franchise. Honestly, I'd rather see a live action Owl House series rather than Harry Potter with Rowling at the wheel. Dana Terrace is what I used to think Rowling was. Honestly, put Dana in charge of Harry Potter. She'd do a much better job.

  40. Marquis
    3 months

    Hate this movie cuz I love this book

  41. Kee
    3 months

    Not Ruff cheering while watching Cedric get almost consumed by the deadly vines! 😭 Only to then for him to get actually killed! 😭😭😭  Sorry. His death was always just one of the most heartbreaking deaths of the series. I repeat, ONE OF!

  42. Phishinabowl
    3 months

    God I DESPISE Ron in this movie. This was really the beginning of the end for him as far as I'm concerned. He winds up always being the jealous twat of the group from this movie onwards. It's especially egregious in the later movies but ugh he's such a dick to Hermione in this one it hurts...

    2 replies
    1. Halcyon Days
      2 months

      I feel the opposite -- Ron being shitty in this movie made his standing up for Harry against everyone else in the next movie all that much sweeter for me. I mean teenage characters tend to act their age, what's new.

    2. Phishinabowl
      3 months

      Also sidenote but BIG thanks to Eric for not going into detail on whatever he was about to bring up at 2:04:11. He has a tendency out of the whole group to bring up things in the middle of intense moments that make them have to pause and go completely off track for something that takes you out of the moment. Appreciate that he held back here for once and just let it play to revisit at the end. Much prefer that method so thanks!!!

  43. GainingGamer
    3 months

    43:40 "dumbledore asked calmly"

  44. Wolfie_03
    3 months

    35:00 ish time - For those upset about

    the book readers mentioning how much is missing. Honestly, it's a

    matter of media. There's been a great video essay about how stories

    are shown differently in various media. Like going from a story in a

    book, to a play, to a movie, are all different and what and how

    things are shown are vastly different. (two examples are for Le

    Miserables, and the Cats Movie). I personally enjoy each media for

    what it can bring. Yes, I wish there was more from the books, but

    there's only so much time for each movie without going all Lord of

    the Rings. And even then, there was a lot they couldn't put into the

    movies from the books. Also, this was a way those who didn't read the

    books were introduced to what the story was and they could try the

    books (though a lot of folks weren't normally readers before trying

    this series).

    40:00 – Everyone from the schools

    that came to visit Hogwarts are of age to try for the tournament. So

    they were all potential candidates. Some of the girls from the all

    girls school actually cried and were upset about not being picked.

    57:00 – I don't remember where, but

    someone once called Ron a Bad Weather Friend. Instead of being a

    friend only when things are going well for you, he is a friend when

    things are bad. So when Harry has bad attention or rough times, Ron

    is a steadfast friend. When Harry is getting attention, positive

    potential and whatnot, Ron feels out shined and left behind, so he

    gets mad.

    130:00 ish – Ron's dress robes are

    actually his great uncle's. It's a hand-me-down from a long time ago,

    since they couldn't afford buying a new one. Ron's mom went on

    Harry's behalf and got him his dress robes, using Harry's money.

    Which is why Ron was so annoyed. Heck in the book, Ron tried to cut

    the frills off the robe, making it look worse as it was unevenly cut.

    209:00 – For each task, the

    contestants gets points. At the last trial, those with the higher

    point total go in first. So they get more time to try and find the

    center of the maze. There's literally 10 or 20 seconds between each

    person entering the maze. So potentially the first one in /first ones

    in get a head start on the search. It's also a way to show off your

    skills. How good overall were you? Type of thing.

    212:00 – Krum was being controlled by

    that one curse that lets the person have the possessed do whatever

    the caster wants. Someone was controlling Krum from outside the maze

    to take out the other contestants, aside from Harry. That's why Krum

    walked away from Harry when he saw him.

  45. Kristal
    3 months

    The way Barty crouch gets out of Azkaban is actually pretty interesting. Dementors are Blind , and when Bart Crouch jr mother was close to death she begged her husband to see him. I don’t know how she convinced him but by then Barty crouch was so frail and sickly they switched him and his mother who was also frail and sickly and the dementors where unaware.

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      2 months

      not true they mention the mother used polyjuice potion for her take his place otherwise yeah they are blind

  46. Zaixven
    3 months

    My thing is I get things are being stripped but at the same time each of these films cover one whole book. It's not REMOTELY reasonable to fit in ALL the stuff you think and may be right to assume is important into them. They unfortunately HAVE to be cut. I don't feel like especially when you get to book 3 and beyond that there is anyway reasonable way to fully satisfy what you want to be in the singular movie. Hopefully the series can capture this detail much better and keep this quality, at least I feel they should be able too.

  47. Adam
    3 months

    you guys should watch doctor who 2005 version it will be fun

    1 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      3 months

      Hell! YES!!

  48. DOPE
    3 months

    The actress who plays Cho also voices Caitlyn in Arcane

  49. Kee
    3 months

    After thinking about it, I think I can agree with Boom about it being better that Dumbledore asked more aggressively to Harry if he put his name in the Goblet of Fire. Like obviously because he knew about the stakes of being in the tournament and that the rules of minors not being able to participate were there for a reason. Plus yeah he knew his spell was fool proof so I'd be freaking out as well! 

  50. Aaron
    3 months

    26:00 had me in tears. GONKLETS!

  51. Jesse
    3 months

    Ludo Bagman and the twins constantly asking for their money would of been a cool addition to this story albeit not necessary

  52. Andrew
    3 months

    Fun fact: one of the Death Eaters in the graveyard (Macnair) was the would-be executioner of Buckbeak from the last movie.

  53. collinpeacock
    3 months

    I've learned a lot about making movies since I want to direct basically they write the script and they give it to someone to figure out how much everything will cost (the studio has an idea of much they feel comfortable spending on a film) and they remove, change and combine stuff for the shooting script

  54. Kayla
    3 months

    Definitely recommend Good Omens!

    Also don't know if it was your settings or the movie file but at the end when Harry saw Cedric, the caretaker and his parents, the lighting was really bad where you could barely see their faces. And I remember in the past when I watched the movie, you could clearly see them.

  55. lupeporte4731
    3 months

    Cho Chang's actress Katie Leung voices Caitlyn Kirenman in Arcane 

  56. DOPE
    3 months

    This is the one where everyone needed a haircut lol

  57. Halcyon Days
    3 months

    My favorite thing to see is when you guys eventually become fans of a franchise I've loved lol first Star Wars then this lol glad youve enjoyed them thus far.

  58. JM
    3 months

    The longest period of time between book releases was between 4 and 5, it was cliffhanger torture.

    There's a very important scene that for whatever insane reason was just never filmed where Harry 100% tells a room full of people (Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, Minister Fudge, and iirc Ron and Hermione) that Lucius Malfoy was at the graveyard. 

    Dropping the house elf plot was the best of all calls, though it's sad that Dobby isn't in the movie. 

    There are deleted scenes for this movie that are included in some releases, though I'm not sure which. Peacock has those versions, apparently. Nothing huge, like LotR, but it's sad they were cut regardless. One includes Karkaroff arguing with Snape outside the ball (which is why Hermione snaps at Harry demanding to know where he's been, when we haven't seen him go anywhere). 

    In the book, the graveyard scene includes Voldemort commenting on missing Death Eaters:

    "And here we have six missing Death Eaters...three dead in my service. One, too cowardly to return...he will pay. One, who I believe has left me forever...he will be killed, of course. And one, who remains my most faithful servant, and who has already reentered my service."

  59. hakairyu
    3 months

    Oh, also the unforgiveables are only a life sentence when cast on another person (whether nonhuman sentients count depends on how bigoted the ministry is towards them). You have to want to control, torture or murder for the sake of it for them to work, so it’s clear what your state of mind was and that there are no extenuating circumstances.

  60. hakairyu
    3 months

    You can solve a maze by turning the same way at every corner, but if and only if the walls are one continuous piece. If there are any breaks that cut the walls into separate areas, then you’ll get stuck in a circle.

  61. Cadent
    3 months

    In the books Harry does tell the Minister about Lucius along with the other names, and he is dismissed as just giving the names of people accused of being Death Eaters but who were cleared years ago, and Lucius specifically is hand-waved by Fudge as being a respectable man who has donated generously.

  62. Rian
    3 months

    Ok, as an actual Irish person I can confirm we do t mind the stereotypes, the leprechaun is a bit much but everything else is fair game. What we DO care about, is people who talk about Ireland as if they have any sort of authority just cuz they are 2 percent Irish cuz of their nanny's,  second uncle's cousin who has a cat that is Irish.It's a bit rude. 

    On other news, glad you're enjoying the movies

  63. Wonderxfull
    3 months

    Would love it if you all watched Labyrinth, watched it when I was really young and one part gave me nightmares but I fell in love with David Bowie. Which is odd for the age gap but man I don't care. Man was beautiful. Yes please watch the Maze Runner series at some point. 

    Great reaction you guys. I can not wait for the rest of the HP movies. I think there may be a post or mid credit scene on the 7th movie. I cant find anything online to confirm it though, if I owned a dvd player I would check. Alas, I do not. 

    One thing that bothered me with the movies is that they never talk about Harry asking to stay at Hogwarts for the summer at the end of every school year and Dumbledore telling him no each time.

  64. Cube
    3 months

    It's very clear the other task were to decide what order they go in the maze how do you miss that.

  65. Keith
    3 months

    Don't know if it is explained in the book, but the main reason Neville was distressed from the cruciatous curse is a PTSD moment. His parents were hit by the Cruciatous Curse and they legitimately went crazy. This was the reason he lived with his grandmother.

  66. Jakeb
    3 months

    Two dark things that happen in the books that stuck out to me, and are missing from the movies; Spinning baby and Barty Crouch Sr. turned into a bone

  67. MegumiMary
    3 months

    notes on comments you made in the reaction:

    - "So does ron not have an animal now" In the books ron has an own gifted by Sirius but they skipped over it in the movies

    - "I like how one school is boys and the other is girls" The other schools are co-ed in the books... I am not a fan of this change... (but you were told that in the end so I guess it is a good thing I decided to consolidate all my notes into a single comment)

    - "He said calmly" DIJAPUTYANAMEINTHAGOBLETOFIYA?!?! (I do agree with your discussion at the end of the movie about how this is more fitting of the seriousness of the situation- this is an ADAPTATION not a 1 for 1 recreation after all)

    - "This isn't about you Ron" I love how a second ago everyone was joking about Harry's Nepotism was changing the rules all the time and no one blinks an eye and the second someone close to him calls it out you defend Harry. I kinda understand Ron's PoV even if it is a little short sighted. I will give Ron a pass though since at this point Harry has only really been the target of the enemy once (Chamber of Secrets) and he is seen trying to send messages to Harry despite being bitter.

    - "We skipped a lot of chapters" Get used to that. David Yates, the director of movies 5-8, was given an early draft of book 7 which came out shortly after movie 5 so he made a lot a executive decisions on what aspects of the story should be kept in and which parts should be dropped for time. While there are some to take issue with some of the choices he made I think the final four movies did a good job sticking the landing given that movies 1-4 were made with the directors not having any idea what the ending was going to look like and had no idea what story beats to keep in or leave out. I think they found the right balance of character moments and plot important moments... Some people complained about the how much focus the character moments got in movie 6 but I think it worked for that movie but I will elaborate on that when we get there.... This movie also had an incredible blend of Character moments and plot moments with the Yule Ball being one of the stand out Character set pieces. They had a lot of that teenage drama in this movie but again we are at the age where these characters will have these pent up emotions and hormones so once again Ron's issues with Harry's name in the cup and his (unjustified) BS with Hermione at the Yule Ball are clearly a result of the teenage hormones and angst at this age... As much as I hate Rowling I have to give her credit for writing believable teenagers dealing with their angst and hormones since this is something that I struggle with when writing my teenager characters at times.

    - "Harry stabbed that serpent when he was 11" no he was 12. A good way to track his age is to add a 1 to the start of which year of Hogwarts he is at. This is year 4 so Harry is 14. This won't work for every character but since Harry's Birthday is in the summer before the school year starts it does for him.

    - "I like that we get to see Nevil doing stuff that isn't him getting his ass kicked" same! He is an incredible character so keep an eye on him!

    - "Why do the other tasks then?" the amount of points from the other tasks determine how much of a head start you get- the bigger the difference in score the longer the time interval between contestants entering the maze. Say for example there were a difference of 100 points separating Harry and Krum and a difference of 50 points separating Krum and Fleur then the time Fleur would have to wait after Krum enters the Maze would only be half of the time Krum had to wait after Harry entered the Maze. It may not seem like the first two tasks amounted to much but when you are in a race to the finish line every second counts!

    - "Why is she in this final thing when she didn't finish the last one?" Not finishing the last one is why she is the last one to enter the maze because she ended up with the least amount of points between rounds 1 and 2. This gave her the biggest disadvantage in round 3... not that it matters considering the whole thing was rigged from the start....

    - "Harry should have left him, he could have survived" No this was preordained. In the previous movie we heard the prediction "innocent blood will be spilt"

    - "Malfoy's dad was there- can we address this" you'll se it addressed it the next movie but it was touched on briefly in the ending of the book and hinted at here ("The Ministry does not wish for me to tell you this") and basically the Ministry does not believe Harry at all...

    - "aren't people mad about the goblins" yeah I think it is just piling on reasons to hate Rowling when she just combined every depiction of Goblins with Dwarven Metalsmithing depictions. We seem to give the Green Goblin a pass for being a greedy capitalist.... I think this was just an unfortunate coincidence on Rowling's Part and nothing malicious- and this is coming from someone who hates her with a passion

    My personal notes:

    After this movie the directing style between movies will be consistent for the last 4 because David Yates will be directing all 4 movies and I think he stuck the landing really well

    As far as this movie goes I love Goblet of Fire- Especially the Voldemort revival scene. The acting, music, cinematography- EVERYTHING is peak! It gives me chills every time I watch that scene and I hear Fiennes deliver that line "Don't you turn your back on *me* Harry Potter! I want you to look at me when I kill you! *I* want to see the light Leave your eyes!"

    I also love the scene where we see Dumbledore and the professors after the names are drawn from the goblet. In the books we see everything from Harry's PoV so I like how they are leaning more into that these are in fact movies and don't have to adhere 100% to the rules of the books and can be more creative with the narrative

    In the books Rita is Rowling's feelings on trans people hidden in plain sight years before she was being public about them. She was incredibly predatory, described to have masculine features, and was eavesdropping on students private conversations. It also makes what Hermione did to her the most uncomfortable thing she did in the series: She found out Rita was an unregistered animagus (a beetle), captured her in a bottle and imprisoned her for weeks, and then threatened to out her if she didn't do what Hermione ordered. 

    I look forward to you watching the next one as I feel the story of Order of the Pheonix has aged the best given the current sate of the world!

    1 replies
    1. A
      3 months

      For the "Innocent blood will be spilt" prophecy, Cedric's blood wasn't spilt, Harry's was.

      1 replies
      1. MegumiMary
        3 months

        Cedric Died- it was metephorical Blood Spilt

        Also if I am not mistaken there was blood on his body from being thrown against the rocks so some scrapes if you *REALLY* wanna be technical about it

  68. Nivia
    3 months

    00:22:11 they only did it that way for the movies lore wise all three schools are co-ed

  69. Residentfan 1
    3 months

    David Tennant is a villain in Jessica Jones as well. He’s a giant serial rapist/killer

  70. collinpeacock
    3 months

    the input about what was left out is interesting and glad to learn more about it but to me it's different goals for a film vs book and at the end of the day they are 2 different pieces of art and should be judged on their own merits and what each was trying to achieve not on what we wish they left in or cut out

    personally as movie viewer I never felt like I was missing stuff or anything was rushed I just enjoyed the story

  71. Nickolas
    3 months

    My second favorite film of the series 

  72. Captain
    3 months

    To say how badly this movie fucked me up at the age of 12, there's a few things that I can still hear even decades after. A few are personal tragedies but Amos Diggory crying out "My boy" stuck with me even to now. Every time I hear or think about this movie I can hear that actor giving it his all, sounding like a parent that adored their child and is dying from the grief. Shits awful man. But what a fucking start to where the series will go. Sure PoA was pretty intense but no one died. Then when someone did it was an innocent man and a fucking kid. And not just s kid but one of their fellow students being called "the spare" before getting merced. 

    1 replies
    1. JM
      3 months

      Amos Diggory's response to Cedric's death is the hardest scene for me to watch in this series, which is a credit to the actor, director, and composer. 

  73. Aaron
    3 months


    there is so much cut/changed from this book, it's hard to say this is even a movie based on it. Obviously they're gonna hit on a bunch of the major plot points, but so much of the world is left out. But most of the audio books around 20 hours long, so it makes sense that so much isn't here/brought up. 

    Like there was a chapter or two with the Dursley's in the beginning. The house elfs that I said in the previous comment, both of the new schools being coed, the first DAtDA class was done a bit better in the book, the maze at the end had a sphynx and a riddle, there was even a proper introduction to the old man who died at the beginning.

    If anything, I'd recommend listening to book 4 and 5 on audible if you're interested in the full story because they are the two with the most cut/changed content iirc.

  74. cherrysue
    3 months


    1 replies
    1. violeterror404
      3 months

      Hoping they do!🙏

  75. Johnny
    3 months

    Yeah you're right about the goblin controversy. Basically the goblins being bankers is an old Jewish stereotype about them being greedy with money. Personally I'm not a fan of JK Rowling because of how transphobic she is. All though as someone whos been a fan of the series since i was 6, it's hard to let go of something I grew up loving. I'm non-binary (They/them pronouns I actually go by Ash now)  so for me personally it's hard supporting someone who I know would shun me. I don't mess with the books anymore. I just rewatch the movies. Glad to see you guys reacting to these it's been fun. But yeah a lot of the controversy you might've heard around Harry Potter lately is mainly from JK Rowling being a bitch irl and just a major enemy of the LGBT community . But i say definitely don't let that stop you from enjoying the pretend world.  

    1 replies
    1. MegumiMary
      3 months

      I do not agree at all

      Rowling is not smart enough to be antisemetic enough to hide antisemtic coding in her books and then not rant about it on social media...

      She can't send a tweet without attacking trans people like myself- if she was really Anti-semetic WE WOULD KNOW BECAUSE SHE WOULD NEVER SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT IT

      I Hate the woman with a passion but she is not smart enough to hide her bigotry

      this is just her combining every european depiction of goblins with the metalsmithing qualities of Goblins....

      I only say this because in order to discredit Rowling I think a genuienly open and honest Coversation about what is wrong about her is needed and every mischaracterization of her only makes our other points make her look better (fake claims invalidates our legit claims)

  76. Aaron
    3 months

    OH YEAH, they completely cut Winky and Dobby out of the movie. What a wild decision considering how they interact through this book.

  77. Vegvisir92
    3 months

    i can tell they must not have read LOTR if they're complaining about these movies missing stuff out.....

  78. hannah
    3 months


    1 replies
    1. boom
      3 months


  79. Kristjaan
    3 months

    Also Avada Kedavra is also curse that Lucius Malfoy was going to do to Harry Potter after he freed dobby He was gonna kill harry before dobby saved him and that was in second movie

  80. Stash
    3 months

    @22:45 All three schools are co-ed in the books, but they made Beaubaxtons all-female and Durmstrang all-male for the movies. I’m so bummed we didn’t get to see male Beaubaxtons students and female Durmstrang students. I’m all for changes for adaptations where necessary, but this just seems like a really pointless (and low-key negative) adaptation change.


    @1:12:22 It did work. XD “Accio Firebolt” called Harry’s broom to him.


    @2:08:31 The rules of the Triwizard Tournament marked Fleur as forced to retire from the Black Lake task. She didn’t choose to retire from the second task. Both Cedric and Harry get the benefit of going into the maze first for a head start over Krum and Fleur because they placed 1st and 2nd in the second task.


    @2:45:30 Ruff is right. The people behind the movies have had to make hard decisions on what to keep in and what not to include. They’re not snickering and twirling their evil mustaches, gleefully striking the house elves out of the movie script; they’re weighing the actual messages of this story/these stories and judging what is most vital to keep in so the story makes sense which results in changes like showing Sirius’s face in the fireplace instead of making a whole new set and shelling out a ton of money to animate Buckbeak. (Which is also additionally why I still can’t get over the exclusion of male Beaubaxtons students and female Durmstang students; the budget wouldn’t have changed in the slightest ugh).


    Looking forward to HP 5! My other favorite! If 3 and 4 felt fast, then 5 will definitely feel like it moves way too fast (but then again, it only started feeling fast to me because I read the 5th book after I had already seen the 5th movie for the first time).

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      Agree with everything in this comment, especially the last one. Too many annoying Potter purists acting like book-movie adaptations are that simple, claiming they should be 4-5 hours when that really wouldn't work

  81. Iain
    3 months

    And to answer Eric's question they didn't just waste the money on a random holiday, they'd specifically went to visit their oldest child while he is working for the bank, the money allowed them to all afford to go. Plus Ron got given a new wand to replace his old one

  82. Orlando
    3 months

    They should watch doctor who. Infact I believe that when they're done with rick and morty they should watch the death battle between the doctor and rick

  83. Darc
    3 months

    There is a reason why the dark arts teacher changes every year and I am not sure it's explained why in the movies

  84. Atticus
    3 months

    The scene of Cedric's father realizing he's dead is legit hard to watch.

  85. Iain
    3 months

    You guys are definitely right from the 3rd movie onwards there is so much missed out from the books that if you read them you'd be disappointed they were missed. Like one key point is in the books the other 2 schools aren't boy only and girl only schools, there were guys at the French school and girls at Durmstrang

  86. No
    3 months

    The first task they start on even footing and it gives them a clue to help with their performance on the second task. Then their overall placing determines when they get to enter the maze, which gives the people that have the best scores and advantage over the others because they get a headstart in the maze.

    Cedric and Harry start the task first, then after however long Krum goes in, and then Fleur.

    So basically the other tasks determine how much of an advantage they have on the final task that determines victory, but also allow it to be these huge event that spans over several months instead of a one and done thing.

  87. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    also there are for sure houses at Ilvermony, the american school

  88. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    i love that most of booms issues with the movie are with hollyweirds hackjob of the book

  89. Darc
    3 months

    Twizzlerd are technically licorice. They're good

  90. Miss_CJ
    3 months

    So, the second task, nobody was actually in danger, except the champions. In the book, Harry is pretty much called a lucky idiot for believing in the riddle sung by the merfolks, thinking leaving someone behind would kill them. But his act of bravery awarded him second place, which tied him with Diggory for the last task. As for Fleur, she was attacked by Grindylows and forced to forfeit that task, which put her in last place for the Maze task (meaning her and Krum were at a disadvantage) All 4 champions still had a chance to win in the last task. In the book however, there are a lot of obstacles in the maze, and creatures to fight (there are boggarts, spiders, sphynx, etc.) or riddles, etc. For Harry, it was very easy because fake Moody watched over him with his magical eye and made sure to clear the way for Harry, also using the imperius curse on Krum to control Krum. 

    Also, I have to defend Ron a little bit. I get that he acted like an a-hole in this movie but I think they purposefully made him look worse. Ron is the 6th brother, never gets anything new (always has to wear clothes that were his brother's before, his wand in the second movie? It was also an old want his brother used, which means he didn't get a wand that chose him; the frivolous ball robe he got? it was an old thing that got passed down to him, meanwhile is little sister got a cute new little dress to wear, etc. Scabbers? His ''pet'' was passed down to him as well. The ugly sandwich he had on the train in his first year when he met Harry? It was a type of sandwich his mom made for him knowing he hated that flavor, etc.) Ron is always an after-thought. All his brothers are cool and successful, his bestfriend is the boy who lived, his other bestfriend is the brightest witch of their generation...like...Sure, it's all his problem, but then his bestfriend is now a champion, getting all the glory, all the attention again. Remember what Ron saw in the mirror of Erised; he saw himself being the captain of the Quidditch team, he saw himself winning the house cup, and being a prefect. Sure it's all superficial, especially compared to what Harry saw in the mirror but it still makes a lot of sense when it comes to Ron. He's ALWAYS outshined. So Harry becoming a champion was just the last drop for him and he lashed out.  And when it comes to Hermione, at this point, he doesn't understand his feelings for her. He's never thought of her as a girl (he hadn't thought of asking her to the ball), and then he saw a different side of her at the ball and he's now all confused and jealous. 

    Sorry, this was my attempt to defend Ron. He's my favorite character. Hopefully it makes you see him in a different light! 

    1 replies
    1. Andrew
      3 months

      You beat me to it, I was going to defend Ron too, he's the character who's done the most dirty by the movies sadly. I think there's also probably a little bit of jealousy from Ron from a money perspective. I don't think the movie outright says it but the champion does win 1000 galleons which for Harry is nothing but for Ron would REALLY mean a lot given his family's financial situation so the idea that Harry found a way to enter and didn't let Ron in it would really rub him the wrong way.

  91. Kyra
    3 months

    Great reaction rip Cedric 🥺 anyway can’t wait for the next one O.O.T.F. My second favorite after the third one ❤️🥰

  92. jacob
    3 months

    2:10:25 lmfao, nobody abducts the children in their sleep. They get called into McGonagall's office and put into a magical sleep. They aren't ever in any danger. The only people in danger are the contestants, but they can actually die. The reason the Triwizard tournament was stopped in the first place is because the death count got too high. So to Boom's point from a few minutes before, in past tournaments Fluer would probably just be dead. So she wouldn't be continuing on to the third task, but because they added more safety measures this time she just gets fucked up, and loses some time in the final task.

  93. Edox
    3 months

    this movie is still my favorite movie among all 8. I think its more that people are mad that they have to condense everything into a songular movie, but i do like the changes they still did. Like Neville, being the one giving him the gillyweed and actuallly wanting to help is definitely a much bigger piece cause it makes him a much bigger character, and it adds layer that he inadvertely helped the person that caused his parents pain.

  94. AnnHyde
    3 months

    Great reaction! Can't wait for next week, they're gonna hate the new defence against the dark arts teacher :D

  95. Joe
    3 months

    The goblins being bankers were considered antisemitic. Also I'm glad they cut out the house elf subplot, it was so unnecessary and dumb.

    2 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      Yeah, good call to cut out SPEW, pointless and cringe

    2. Captain
      3 months


  96. Darc
    3 months

    Technically harry stabbed that serpent when he was 12. He turned 11 in the first movie like Hagrid said. He literally turns one year older the day before he goes to hogwarts each year

  97. Legend_of_Bharhash
    3 months

    They did a decent job with making these movies although there are a few plot points they gloss over and don't mention. I might make a list later tonight explaining them but the ones I did for the previous movies, it seems not too many people care to know. Regardless, I enjoyed watching along with you guys! I'm glad you all are enjoying the movies!

  98. GreenVampire
    3 months

    Hey Ruff! H/Man owes you chocolate and an apology letter. Don’t know if you remember this or not because this is from a while ago. During a gumball the sorcerer episode H/Man did promise if you get to this movie he’ll send an apology letter and chocolates 

  99. strange.happenings
    3 months

    You guys should watch new who,

  100. KaiserKnight217
    3 months

    Eric you mean Robert Pattinson The Batman from the Batman 2022!!!not Edward from Twilight

  101. t.rakh
    3 months

     Shout out Bree for making the boys rewind whenever they get off track making a reference few people understand 

    1 replies
    1. t.rakh
      3 months

      Also, GAUNTLENTS

  102. King
    3 months

    Its fine to mention plot points that are missed from the book, but GOF is the longest book in the whole series and they werent going to make a 4 hour long movie lol, they dont cut stuff out for fun, you literally have to do that when you make adaptions

  103. Tobito
    3 months

    I think comparing this movie with the content of the book is blatantly unfair. Goblet of Fire is the longest book by far, and probably has enough story for an entire movie trilogy. They were never gonna be able to get all that stuff into the movie.

    2 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      While I do think they could've done some thing better, that was never really fair because it was at this point where the books got really beefy. Though I do think there were points here and there that could've been handled better

    2. Miss_CJ
      3 months

      Actually, the 5th book is the longest, and somehow, the movie is one of the shortest in the whole series. 

  104. Metis
    3 months

    Would love to see you guys watch Good Omens!

  105. Darc
    3 months

    Remus wasn't a villainous DAFD teacher

  106. Lucifer
    3 months

    I am so glad you all enjoyed this, and I have had alot of fun watching these movies with you and all the billies. However, I must jump off here as I thought every book and movie past this point sucked SO SO BAD but this is a me issue. I hope you all continue to enjoy the movies going forward. 

  107. dealerrat
    3 months

    They went to Egypt to visit Ron's oldest brother. Also, it's so sad to see how movie Ron's character was shown compared to book Ron just because the director's fav character is Hermione

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months


  108. Lor_D_Richafa
    3 months

    So fun fact about how they filmed the Second task. They actually built a huge fucking swimming pool and they filmed physically under water infront of a blue screen. I thing Daniel Radcliffe actually holds the Guinnes World Record for the longest underwater shoot in movie history. He actually filmed a total of 41 hours under water over the span of 3 weeks

    1 replies
    1. 50
      3 months

      I also believe that was ground-breaking for underwater CGI

  109. Darc
    3 months

    I'm just gonna point this out here. Pointed hoods have existed in religion, especially in Europe for hundreds if not thousands of years before the KKK existed. Pointed hoods are also still used for catholicism and Spaniards because they don't have negative connotations like the US sadly does

  110. Andrew
    3 months

    I had that same wand as boom as a kid and that box brought back memories

  111. Black
    3 months

    00:38:50 PUBERTY they had to cover pimples

  112. hurryupmode
    3 months

    If you choose the Audiobook route, Ruff, look for the ones read by Stephen Fry.

    1 replies
    1. Miss_CJ
      3 months

      I like Jim Dale better but that's just my preference <3

  113. Taz
    3 months

    Joe Rogan? Since when does he hate women? Hes constantly defending the women's division in the UFC from sexist fans lol.

    1 replies
    1. boom
      3 months

      No one said he hates women 

  114. 50
    3 months

    After the movies, I want you to check out the Harry Potter Reunion Special

  115. Medusa
    3 months

    Fun fact. The actress who plays Cho (Cedric’s girlfriend) voices Caitlyn in Arcane 

  116. hurryupmode
    3 months

    Damn, bummer y'all stopped with Matt Smith. Y'all missed out. Capaldi's the best Doctor imnsho. He's a grumpy badass punk rock grampa.

    The best episode I've ever seen of Doctor Who is Season 9, Heaven Sent.

  117. Cole
    3 months

    After you watch the movies I would suggest A very potter musical by starkid. it's on youtube if you want to react to it. 

  118. Ryan
    3 months

    Oh please do a Doctor Who reaction

  119. dealerrat
    3 months

    just want to say I appreciate every joke Bree does even if they didn't hear it

  120. dealerrat
    3 months

    thank you, just about to eat and saw this. bless yall

  121. Asheepslife
    3 months

    y’all guys need to watch Arthur’s Christmas it’s actually pretty good

  122. Msr9272tce
    3 months

    all the schools are mixed gender in the books

  123. Raptor
    3 months

    If I were Harry, I would always just call Voldemort “Tom” just as individual petty jabs for my own amusement.

  124. mymmaximo
    3 months

    Wait did he wanted to open the wand in the 8 movie?

  125. Miss_CJ
    3 months

    Fun fact, Cho Chang's actress (Katie Leung), Harry's crush in this movie, is also the voice of Caitlyn in Arcane!  

  126. Lor_D_Richafa
    3 months

    Actually in the book. Durmstrang and the other school (Not sure how spell it) are not exclusive boys and girls. That's just something the movies did. In the books all 3 schools are mixed

  127. Curtis
    3 months

    This is the best one to me, first of the series I saw and Im a fan of tournaments. Been loving the journey with you guys. Anyone know if they plan on doing The Hobbit?

  128. Bomb-Boy
    3 months

    This is probably my favourite movie of the entire trilogy 

  129. Gold475
    3 months

    watch doctor who!

  130. Dylan
    3 months


    "Dumbledore said calmly"

    1 replies
    1. Bomb-Boy
      3 months

      This is probably my favourite movie of the trilogy 

      1 replies
      1. Miss_CJ
        3 months

        Fun fact, Cho Chang's actress (Katie Leung), Harry's crush in this movie, is also the voice of Caitlyn in Arcane!  

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