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26 days
there was a cut part in the movie where it was draco that threw harry his wand. i wish they kept it in
1 month
I wish instead of the big fading away death scene for Voldemort, they stuck with the books, where he just dropped dead like anyone who gets hit with the killing curse. It made more thematic sense in the book where for all his talk and his aspirations of immortality, Voldemort was just a man like anyone else.
1 month
Moviflame or supercarlinbros on youtube was good hp stuff
1 month
Oh hey I totally forgot before, but there's another thing you can react to. On the 'How it Should have Ended' channel, they did an animation for Harry Potter. Just a few minutes, pretty solid, and they even have done episodes for other movies you've seen. Their 'Villain Pub' series is my favorite. Palpatine is a bartender. Ok take care <3
1 month
You guys need to check out "A Very Potter Musical", it is a lot of fun and I think you would greatly enjoy it! :3
1 month
Since others have already recommended the 'Return to Hogwarts' reunion/interview thing (Its great and you'd all love it!) I'm gonna suggest a fun, silly fan thing that was pretty popular --- Ever heard of 'Potter Puppet Pals'? I guarantee that Someone has--its fun and dumb as hell xD And I realize this isn't about HP, but do you thing maybe someday you'd consider reacting to World of Warcraft cinematics? I loved your Overwatch ones. Just an idea <3 you guys are the best<3
1 month
Please please please check out A very Potter Musical....I NEEED IT
1 month
1 month
HBC acting as Hermione, acting as Bellatrix, with Emma Watsons's voice
1 month
It's crazy that Ron and Harry don't speak to each other at all after Harry announces that he's giving himself up to Voldemort, and then him and Harry don't even hug. The movie director must've DESPISED Ron the way they did him throughout these movies, especially compared to Hermione...
1 replies
1 month
*Screenwriter. And I'll give Ron credit for the tear rolling down his cheek that scene
1 month
Idk if it's canon or fanfic, but to my knowledge everyone at Hogwarts was protected after Harry 'died' in the same way Harry was protected after his mother sacrificed herself. It was the same sort of sacrifice, so everyone after that moment was protected for a short time. I wish they would have shown that in the movie, like someone getting hit with a killing curse but it gets reflected to a different person or back at the caster
1 month
You guys should definitely check out this playlist. Book vs movie differences. You don't even have to react to them they're just a good watch. (It would be super cool if you did react to them though)
Love this movie, but I hate the final fight between Harry and Voldemort. It's okay for a movie, I get why they turned it into a DBZ spectacular for the blockbuster element, but the it's millions of times more satisfying in the book, like holy shit is it amazing!
Got a fun fact about the epilogue years that was confirmed on Pottermore I believe back in the day: So, there is a deleted scene you guys mentioned at the beginning of the last movie, where the Dursleys are leaving for there safety and they talk trash to Harry's face and call him a waste of space, but Dudley speaks up and says he doesn't think Harry's a waste of space, that he's grateful Harry saved his life from the dementor awhile back. They shake hands and kinda start from a blank slate afterwards. So, what was confirmed by word of God, is that Harry and Dudley keep in touch for the rest of their lives and once they have families they get together every year for Christmas. Harry and Dudley retreat to a den to smoke cigars and drink brandy together in companionable silence and small talk,while their families are left to be absolutely miserable dealing with each other, only putting up with it because it's so important to Harry and Dudley and that is so hilarious and wholesome at the same time, I've always loved that tidbit lol
1 month
Please please tell me you guys are planning to ay Hogwarts Legacy
1 replies
1 month
I know Bri has started the game and played it on stream a couple times.
1 month
I highly recommend of Harry Potter was in Slytherin house,
1 month
Severus Snape and the Poberts - Preguel of Harry Potter is really good
1 month
Actually the reason one of Draco’s goons I forget which was recast wasn’t because the actor was arrested he actually was murdered trying to save someone if I remember correctly.
1 replies
1 month
That's incorrect. You are thinking of the actor who played the minor role of Belby in the 6th movie. The actor for Crab had several legal issues with the last one being his involvement in a violent riot for which he went to prison for two years.
1 month
Best part is at like 27:30, the others are ripping into Eric when... Eric was actually right 😂 that was the Malfoy Manor
1 month
Harry's Horcruxness would be an interesting take. In the book/stage play after, or from Rowling herself, it's said that Harry and Dudley reconnect after the battle. It's not friendship, but 'Christmas Card Terms' and they let their kids see each other... that's about it.
1 month
Ever since I saw this on the award show it always pops in my head and whenever I see the Harry Potter scene I sing it 😂😂😂 it’s not too long and you don’t have to watch the full thing just the Harry potter part 0:18 -0:50 seconds the whole clip is about 2 mins.
1 month
There’s a sequel to Deathly Hallows that was written as a stage play called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. If there’s an audiobook for you guys should DEFINITELY check it out.
1 month
You really should watch a very potter musical, you guys will definitely love it
Halcyon Days
1 month
Congrats on finishing the series -- I've been re-reading the books since you guys started the first movie lol. Would love to see yall watch the 20th anniversary "Return to Hogwarts" tribute!
1 month
honestly just find a list of all the deleted scenes and watch those. theres nothing major throughout thats gamechanging. but they are just nice moments
1 month
You guys should react MovieFlame's videos every single difference between the books and the movies.
1 month
In the books Harry puts the elder wand back in Dumbledore's grave which is stupid because someone can just steal it again, so him breaking it is way better and understandable and Bre if Harry did use it again and someone disarms him then they would've been the true master which would've been bad.
1 month
they were really set on Dudley being fat
1 month
1:36:28 Snape was a Death Eater for a long time before he switched sides. Boom is 100% correct that the only reason Snape changed sides is because of Lily being targeted. Snape was a piece of shit during the first war. Lily stopped speaking to him because he called her a mudblood and was hanging out with people who go on to become death eaters. Snape redeems himself and i really do think he's no longer a racist by the time the second war rolls around, but he is neither a good nor kind person.
1 replies
1 month
Movie Snape does end up caring for harry in the end, and thus finds another reason to protect harry than just out of being his mother's son. Book Snape, not at all. Book Snape was an evil dude who did a good deed, but he even admits in the book that he didn't care for harry. Only doing it because of lily.
1 month
Sean's seething frustration with people speaking in riddles has been the highlight of this series for me.
1 month
Im starting to wonder if Dumbledore used people to win when he was trying to beat his enemies and I dont think Snape was all bad but Id liked to had seen Harry and Snape have a moment past his memory scene. Snape was a professor trying to prepare kids vs a being like a Voldemort who cuts people throats he likes and watches his pet kill someone, Sorry if Snape was happy old Slughorn
1 month
Genuinely, I think y'all would love A Very Potter Musical. Don't let the musical part phase you. It's a comedy more than anything. Think what Scary Movie is to Scream. That's A Very Potter Musical to Harry Potter
Plus, it's freely available on Youtube, and I've seen loads of other channels react to it, so I don't think there's any copyright issues. (But even if y'all don't react to it, I think you'd enjoy watching it just for yourselves)
And if you need any more convincing... here me out:
Voldemort tap dancing
Need I say more?
1 month
Yeah you should definitely watch the A Very Potter Musical trilogi. You will not be disappointet.
1 month
You guys should watch these youtube videos the breakdown what was left out in the movie from the books and fills in missing context and lore you guys would like
1 month
yiu guys should watch this youtube video it talks about dumbledore's plan across the 7 books
1 month
1 month
i just imagine everytime being the few good people in slytherin wanting to fight for hogwarts but just sent to the dungeons instead
1 month
I love that Boom was singing that song at the beginning (Alphabet Aerobics for those that wanna know) considering Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter himself) has that same song memorized and performed it on Jimmy Fallon. Its on youtube, its great.
1 month
Outside of genuinely learning more about the books, the best part of these reactions is the sheer hype from Sean😂
1 month
if i remember correctly, the actor who played one of malfoy's goons got replaced by blaize because he was like...growing pot or something. cmiiw
1 month
the slytherin common room is in the dungeon's lol, McGonagall wasn't saying lock them up
1 month
Something to note, in the books before he returns the Elder Wand to Dumbledore’s grave (he didn’t break it) he fixes his original wand, then returns it to Dumbledore. Also the oldest kid in the ending scene, the one where their daughter was riding on his luggage, that’s Lupin and Tonks’ kid and his name is Edward Remus Lupin (Teddy for short).
1 month
Guys you should play hogwards legacy game
1 month
Unpopular opinion: I still don't think Snape was a good person. He might've done something "heroic" but God he was an absolute piece of shit to those kids. He would literally make Nevilles life a living hell in the books. Always be on the Snape Hate train 😂.
1 replies
Halcyon Days
1 month
I agree and he's one of my favs in the franchise. James bullied him in school as classmates/peers but he as a grown man bullied children, his students. He had his very human reasons of course at least where it concerns Harry but yeah he turned out to be a worse bully in adulthood. But I cant hate at least movie!Snape all the way because he was played by Alan Rickman so charismatically lol
1 month
Regarding Pettigrew. He actually died at Malfoy Manor from the silver hand that Voldemort gave him. He hesistated to kill Harry due to Harry letting him go in Azkaban and ig the betrayal of his parents. The hand sensed the disloyalty towards Voldemort and ended up strangling him to death. So semi redemption for a traitor/coward
1 month
In the books at least, Snape was absolutely a Death Eater prior to Lily's death and arguably would've stayed one if she hadn't died. He only became Dumbledore's double agent after her death. Pettigrew was technically the double agent during the OG Order times, but for Voldemort.
1 month
You guys are legends for the early upload. Much appreciated
1 month
How fun that a mother's love saved Harry twice. How fun that it was Draco's wand versus Draco's wand. How fun that Draco's wand immediately allied with Harry, and how fun that Draco's wand (elder) never allied with Tom (even before Draco was disarmed by Harry, changing the allegiances of both wands to him). How fun how fun how fun :)
1 month
Please please pleaaseee watch the 'A Very Potter Musical' Trilogy by StarKid. If not all three productions, the first one is great.. the second one is my favorite though. You would get the best kick out of it after watching the series. They are so damn ridiculous. I love them, they were made early on so if you do watch it, be prepared for something that clearly does not have a big budget.
I think there were two things I was looking forward to the most when I was first watching this movie.
The first was when Tom Riddle and Harry fought- its a huge scene-- and Tom has an ordinary death. No confetti, no fanfare. Solid thump of his body hitting the floor and it stays there. He wasn't special. And despite what Tom was attempting to do, he was in fact human.
The second thing I think they should have kept the same as the book, was in that last scene. Albus asks his father what if he is put into Slytherin and Harry says it takes your choice into account, when Albus says 'Really?' Harry comes back with, 'It did for me.' ---- I know that is not a huge scene or whatever but what reason did they have for changing it really? It acknowledges something Harry never talks about in the movies. What could have been the harm?
Fifteen years after last reading the books both of these still bother me.
I also have the Lord of the Rings Bible!
1 month
Please watch The Chronicles of Narnia I think you guys will enjoy it since you loved harry potter and lord of the rings!
1 month
all the breakdown videos I could recommend are nearly an hour long per movie lol
1 month
WATCH THE 20TH Anniversary
1 month
Great catch on Harry being a Horcrux as the cause of how terribly he was treated by the Dursley family. I do recall reading that was actually the reason for why he was treated badly, and makes sense whenever he comes home from Hogwarts, his room upgraded from the cupboard to an actual bedroom. I'd assume the distance was making them less of an asshole towards Harry, but the building dislike with him would always return during summer breaks. It might also explain why Ron got hostile towards Harry, being the one closest to him more often then Hermoine, as they share a dorm room AND are nearly glued to each other's side during the day.
2 replies
1 month
Welllllll to be a tad pedantic, the only reason he got upgraded to the bedroom from the cupboard was as a way to try thwart the letters being sent to him back in the first book, as they were addressed to him "under the stairs." Didn't work of course, and there was no point in putting him back afterwards as stamping out his magic by making him miserable clearly didn't pan out for them.
1 month
Eeeehhhhhh….I think JK just wanted them to be assholes. It’d make an interesting retcon, but I’m pretty sure Harry being a horcrux was something she only came up with after writing Half Blood Prince.
1 month
I've watched this movie more times than I can count and it doesn't get any easier to watch. It's one of the best movies in the series but the deaths in it absolutely kill me. Not so fun fact: Oliver Phelps (George Weasley) could only do like one or two takes of the Great Hall scene in the middle because seeing his brother pretend to be dead made him actually cry. Those tears aren't fake. He couldn't handle seeing his brother 'dead' so they had to film it quickly. It hurts to think about. (Especially considering my favorite character is Fred Weasley)
1 month
The order of the events for Snape was that he actually WAS Death Eater first. It's not shown but him and Lily had a public falling out at one point after James and the Marauders were making fun of him and he wound up calling Lily a Mudblood. After that, he stopped trying to be good and fell in with Lucius who was his classmate and the other Death Eaters. When Trelawney gave the prophecy to Dumbledore it was during her interview for the teaching post at Hogwarts and Snape was listening from the stairs at the Leaky Cauldron. All he heard was the beginning of the prophecy that said a boy was going to be born who could kill Voldemort and that's what he told to him. Once he realized that Voldemort was going to go after the Potters because of how he interpreted the prophecy, THATS when he went to Dumbledore to make the deal with him to keep them safe in exchange for becoming a double agent. Overall, amazing reaction series overall though!!! Loved it and can't wait for Fantastic Beasts!
1 month
Now that you guys and lady have finished some major hit sagas I have some ideas of other ones you can look into. The resident evil movie saga
The maze runner saga
Marvel movie saga (maybe take a break after each avenger movie)
Blade saga
Underworld saga
Also really hope you guys react to heavy metal the art is too tier
1 replies
1 month
I’ve honestly been missing marvel movies, would love to see this here!!
1 month
thanks for watching this series, it's been the highlight of my week every time you watched a new one! as for suggestions, you guys should watch all the bloopers from the entire series, they are so worth it - one blooper i love is from Chamber of Secrets where Malfoy's dad pushes Harry with his cane, but it gets stuck on his collar, and his actor completely drops character to apologize and pets Harry's head! it's hilarious and adorable! also another blooper where Dumbledore and Snape hid a fart machine in Harry's sleeping bag before they did a scene and they just let it rip while doing their lines, pretending not to notice!
i'm going to be so sad without the Harry Potter reactions every week, but i'll look forward to Fantastic Beasts, and all other content you guys release!!
1 month
you guys have to watch the bloopers and the reunion thing tooo its so funny and sad and u get to see everybody and their thought and fantastic beast is so goood u guys have to watch the movies its explains on albus Brian Dumbledore lol
1 month
Very fun watch with you all, can't wait to see your Fantastic Beasts reactions. I will say for me, I would have loved for them to do an original series on the other schools would have been so cool. Don't get me wrong I'm very excited for the HBO series, but I honestly think it's still a bit early to do a full remake. I mean just imagine a series on the other schools, it could have been one season for each school. Each season could be 8 or more episodes that are around an hour per episode, you could do so much with that and really dive into the Harry Potter universe while also been able to make something new and unique.
1 month
harry spotter: the boy who lifted is a pretty good youtube short series to go with the other stuff
1 month
Great reaction and I enjoyed the rewatch!! For what to watch next:20th anniversary reunion special that others have mentioned
A very Potter musical by Starkid, hilarious full length musical parody and it has sequels as well
All the potter puppet pals
If you guys are interested in games in universe Hogwarts Legacy is the most in-depth and set about 100 years before Harry. It’s great for exploring the castle and surrounding areas. There are two quidditch games as well, champions which just came out and quidditch World Cup (which is about 20 years old but a fan favorite). Plus movie tie in games.
1 month
now time for yall to check out the reunion!! its a great way to end it
1 month
Sad to leave Harry and the gang behind us (for I think the third time in my life), not counting the extras you’re gonna react to, but I’m really hyped for Fantastic Beasts.
1 month
Here's what I would love for a sequel series. Teddy Lupin as the protagonist, he's Remus and Nymphadora's kid. He's a metamorphmagus like his mother. He can change his appearance at will. And he has a similar background as Harry. His parents died when he was a baby. There's just a lot of potential for a story there. Could even do some coming of age gender experimentation if we manage to get the IP out of You-Know-Who's hands.
1 month
There’s a compilation of all of the deleted scenes that yall should really watch!
1 month
I said this in your first HP reaction I think but I'll rec it one more time just in case, you should definitely watch A Very Potter Musical! You guys would love it, it's so funny, very up your alley I think!
1 month
Alan Rickman was actually told Snape's backstory in 2000 by J K Rowling so he could better understand and play the character Deathly Hallows wasn't published until 2007
1 month
Such an awesome series I’m glad it’s evolved beyond J. K. Rowling as well
2 months
Fun fact: Snape was in it from the start and provided the information to Voldemort about the prophecy when Dumbledore first received it from Trelawny. It wasn't until he found out Voldemort was targeting the Potters that he changed sides. He initially felt betrayed by Lily because she defended James and not him, so that's why he became a Death Eater
2 months
this just adds to "Mrs Weasley could get it" one of the best characters without any doubt
1 replies
1 month
I remember people being *so mad* about Molly killing Bellatrix, lol. Her older brothers were part of the original Order of the Phoenix and they both died, there was a scene where Harry finds her with a boggart that keeps changing into dead versions of her husband and kids, two of her sons were disfigured, her husband was nearly killed, one of her sons *was* killed, her youngest son was off with Harry for the better part of a year who knows where doing who knows what with no way to know if he was even still alive, and then this psycho (that in the movies *also* blew up her house) goes after her only daughter. I guess they thought she was in the Order to bake cookies for everyone or some shit.
2 months
parody cuts on youtube has hilarious harry edits, also dumbledore asked calmly
2 months
omg yesssss lets gooooo we finishing it billy's we have won them over wizards and witches
2 months
If it hasnt been brought up yet theres a deleted scene Right as things kick off with nevile resisting voldemort in the courtyard that adds some context for the ending scene with harry and his kids at the hogwarts express
2 months
I can understand them having him break the Elder Wand, but they couldn't have just inserted a ten-second scene of him using it to fix his original wand first?
2 months
I will never be okay with the fact that they deleted the scene where Draco threw Harry the wand. I felt like it was such a missed opportunity to show that Draco finally redeemed himself, the movie felt like their relationship didn't have any clear conclusion. But it has been a wild ride rewatching the Harry Potter movies with you guys, sad that it has to end but glad you guys had fun watching it!
2 months
Great reaction as always. I enjoyed you guys theorizing especially Boom's theory about Vernon family to be assholes because of Harry is a Horcrux is definitely my favorite regardless if it's canon or not.
2 months
Corridor Crew Breakdown of the Harry Potter films. It shows great behind-the-scenes scenes of the making of the movies.
2 months
Harry uses the elder wand to fix his old one in the book idk why they cut that
2 months
I would love to see the 20th year anniversary and any reaction videos of deleted/behind the scenes. I'm happy with anything HP related honestly and just glad you guys enjoyed it so much as well! (Neville my goat!!)
2 months
The scream from Voldemort as they destroy the Cup and he just obliterates the shield around Hogwarts is up there in cinemas greatest outbursts. My true fav is Sam in mount Doom when Frodo puts on the ring and cries out NO. How Ralph Fiennes made that noise is amazing and almost painful. I think it was mentioned before in the comments too that The Prophecy covered two potential children, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. Voldemort just assumed the Potters because they were closer to Dumbledore, and had Bellatrix and others utterly break the Longbottoms. So I adore that Neville slowly took his spot as this secondary Protagonist in the story and becomes The 2nd Chosen One. Honestly the best character in the same way Sam was.
2 months
I always hated how Draco was written and felt that him and Harry should have ended up being reluctant friends by the end. Kinda a Goku/Vegeta kinda relationship. Not really liking each other but respecting each other. Like in that last scene, I always wished Draco walked up to Harry, and shook his hand, and was a part of that conversation with Albus. Maybe made a sarcastic, playful remark about his son beating Albus quidditch.
2 months
If y’all decide to watch a very potter musical, I recommend that you watch it with captions on since they are 100% accurate (and helpful ofc)
2 months
There is a popular fan belief that eventually Dudley has a magic child and sees harry again at the hogwarts train.
2 months
Random shit!
- The Dudley Dursley scene is indeed in the book. I don't remember the details, but it's mentioned either just before that or in Half Blood Prince that Dudley had stopped bullying Harry after being saved by the dementors in Order of the Phoenix.
- My favorite twist in Harry Potter is Peter Pettigrew turning out to be Ron's rat, but my favorite movie reveal is, no contest, Snape's Memories. Alan Rickman is amazing, of course, but the music and editing on that scene is absolutely phenomenal.
- The story of Snape and Lily is the strongest argument against the Hogwart's house system in the books. Slytherin is where a whole bunch of proto Death Eaters sprang from. IIRC Lucius Malfoy would have been at school then, for example. Snape came from an abusive home (his muggle father was a piece of shit), and Lily was his one friend. When they got sorted into different houses, Snape was *surrounded* all the time by the very definition of the phrase "the wrong crowd". Lily and Snape grew further apart because Snape started hanging out with them and picking up on their rhetoric. Meanwhile, Snape got into a multi-year beef with the Marauders; it wasn't quite as one sided as the movies make it look. For instance, Snape figured out, or at least suspected, that Lupin was a werewolf, and kept trying to catch the Marauders in the act of sneaking out to be with him on full moons. This culminated in Snape nearly getting killed by Lupin when he was transformed, and James saved him.
James was a massive bully to him though, and Sirius was arguably worse. The scene in Order of the Phoenix where Harry witnesses Snape's memories is, unsurprisingly, a lot longer than the movie, and the chapter is titled 'Snape's Worst Memory'. In Deathly Hallows we found out it's not his worst memory because of the bullying, but because Lily tried to stop James, and in response, because he felt humiliated, he called Lily a mudblood. His attempt to apologize after ended very poorly, because he wouldn't denounce his proto Death Eater buddies or all the shit they were saying, making it clear that to him, Lily was "one of the good ones". Their friendship ended for good, there. Everyone graduated from school; James was a school bully who grew out of it, better, at least, and Snape followed his Slytherin buddies into becoming Death Eaters. The first Order of the Phoenix formed, with Lily and the Marauders as members, to fight Voldemort.
Left entirely unmentioned in the movies is that the entire reason Voldemort knew about the prophecy that led him to attack the Potters (and Bellatrix and friends to attack the Longbottoms), is because Snape overheard most of it, and told him. It was only when he realized that Voldemort thought Lily's son was the subject of the prophecy that he turned, going to Dumbledore as the movie shows. The Potters went into hiding; but Wormtail gave away where they were. Snape was a very, very bad person who tried to make good, and whether or not he succeeded is a huge debate in the fandom.
- In the book, Harry doesn't talk to Ron or Hermione before he heads toward the Dark Forest to meet Voldemort; instead, he encounters Neville, thinks about how Neville could have been the chosen one, and then tells Neville to "kill the snake". Voldemort decides to kill Neville when he stands up to him (by setting him *on fire*), but Neville pulls the sword out of the hat, and decapitates Nagini then and there.
- I've seen it put that Voldemort, who couldn't understand love, was defeated by it over and over. Harry's mom, of course, but Snape's love for Lily caused him to turn traitor, something Voldemort never suspected, and Narcissa's love for Draco had her lying straight to Voldemort's face.
- The one scene out of all of the books I wished they'd filmed and can't comprehend why they didn't comes at the end of Goblet of Fire, where Dumbledore, cryptically, tells Snape it's time to resume being a double agent. By the time of Order of the Phoenix, Harry absolutely knows that's what's going on. It makes Snape's killing of Dumbledore all the more shocking for both him and readers.
- The only person Rowling told about Snape's full history before the seventh book released was Alan Rickman. IIRC, this was either right before or during filming for The Chamber of Secrets.
2 months
I would love if you guys watched the origin of ilvermorning it’s the American version of hogwarts
2 months
Blackalicious Would be proud
2 months
FUCK YES BOOM KNOWS THE ACROBATIC ALPHABET! I love that as Daniel also is a secret hiphop head and can do that shit easily to! Boom is a real one
2 months
Snape was a legitimate death eater, and only became a double agent BECAUSE Voldemort was going to target Harry (and his parents by extension). Finding that out he comes to dumbledore begging him to save Lilly and becomes a double agent at that point.
2 months
Harry potter pitch meetings would be funny
2 months
This was an absolute treat, i hope yall enjoyed this series as much as me Just kidding thats not possible :,)
2 months
1:01:00, he was arrested for terrorist bomb threats lol. A little more then assult.
2 months
OMG I have been waiting for this and all of your reactions! There is so much I've wanted to comment on but didn't want to accidentally spoil. So first, Harry is a horcrux and such the theory is that the Dursleys abused because of it but that is no longer accepted since everyone else didn't turn abusive towards him at Hogwarts.
2.Snape was a death eater first because he was being influenced by his friends in Slytherin who were from death eater/pureblood families since he was trying to fit in. Especially since he lost his best friend, Lily, to Gryffindor. So, an important fact/memory the was left out from the movies is that the bully scene from the 5th movie was a bit longer in the books. When James had Snape hanging upside down Lily actually came to Snapes defense and tried to get James to stop. When this happened some people made fun of Snape for being protected by a girl and in a fit of embarrassed rage he called Lily a "Mudblood". This officially ruined their friendship and Lily stopped talking to him, throwing Snape further into the dark side as it were. Voldemort installed Snape as an agent at Hogwarts to spy on Dumbledore, he overheard part of Trewlaney's prophecy and told Voldemort of it. Because the requisite for the Chosen One was being a son born to parents who thriced defied Voldemort and was born at the end of July, the two babies that fit this were Harry and Neville. Voldemort CHOSE Harry because Harry is a half-blood like him. When Snape found out that Voldemort was going to target Lily (and by extension her family) he first pleaded with Voldemort not to go after her. When Voldemort declined, that is when Snape went to Dumbldore and turned double agent to protect Lily.
3. They don't explain this well in the movies but Voldemort, liking Snape enough as a useful pawn, actually gave Lily the choice to step away and allow Voldemort to kill Harry and spare herself. Again he did this remembering that Snape begged for her life and this was one small token he would give to his "faithful" servant. However, Lily refused to do so and because she essentially sacrificed herself for her son, she inadvertantly invoked ancient magic that protected Harry from the killing curse and rebounding it onto Voldemort. This is sacrifice is also why Dumbledore left Harry with the Dursleys because Petunia's sibling bond would help extend Lily's sacrificial protection until Harry is old enough to protect himself at 17 (wizarding legal age of adulthood). This is also why Quirrel turned to ash in the first movie after touching Harry. It was Lily's magic in Harry that killed him and why Voldemort needed Harry's blood when resurrecting himself in order to "touch" him.
4. In the books, Harry actually invoked the same ancient sacrificial protection magic when he gave himself up to Voldemort to be killed. They didn't have this in the final scene because it would lessen the drama, but when Harry pops up and starts to fight Voldemort, neither Voldemort not his followers could land a spell on any of the people at Hogwarts because of his sacrifice, just like Lily did for him. Which I thought was a neat little full circle moment.
1 replies
2 months
We should also remember that McGonagall also said the Dursley were the worst kind of muggles in the Philosopher's Stone, which was before Harry was fostered there.
1 replies
1 month
Yeah, Vernon was just always a piece of shit. The first chapter of Philosopher's Stone has him going around thinking about how he likes ordinary things and gets put off by anything different, which is additionally funny because weird people in robes keep coming up to him to talk about what a good day it is because the dark lord is dead.
2 months
Apparently the TV show has some random black guy named paapa eseidu or something as their severus snape. Don't know how true that is, but if it is then I have my doubts
2 months
Yeah, Snape was a wizard racist lol. The movies paint him in a much better light. His bullying of children was even worse in the books, and they try not to focus too much on how he was a loyal death eater for years before Lily was put in danger. They also left out a pretty important memory - Lily cutting him out of her life because he called her a mudblood, was pretty outspoken about being a blood supremacist, and was hoping to become a death eater some day. I honestly find his obsession with Lily just creepy with this context. He joined a hate group that didn't think muggleborns deserved rights... he definitely didn't love her. And they hadn't spoken in like five years when she died. On a similar note, James isn't as bad as he might seem with the little we get in the movies. Sure, he might have been a bit of a jerk as a teen. But he grew up to be a part of the Order of the Phoenix, and there's a reason "kind" Lily married him. (also, they could never make me hate him for "bullying" a wizard racist)
2 months
Let it be known that snape is the only official death eater that can conjure a patronus, and not only that his happy memories are so powerful that the patronus shares the same shape as someone else
2 months
There's actually a play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, that was written by someone else than Rowling (but she approved of it, so there are debates about whether it's canonical or not) that follows an adventure of Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy (Draco's son, they essentially became best friends). A book of the screenplay can be bought and contains the story in 4 acts.
2 months
You guys are probably the highlight of my day everyday you are just a vibe
2 months
kinda off topic but i'd love yall to watch the very potter musical trilogy at some point. Some parts have aged a bit poorly but i still think its mostly hilarious
2 months
Sean actually touched on this and was on the right track. Snape became a death eater and follower of Voldemort freely and only swapped sides when he learned that Voldemort was going to kill Lily Potter. Man also spent years being an absolute asshole to students at Hogwarts. It's the reason I don't consider Snape a good guy even in the end.... his motivations are purely selfish. He only fought on the right side of the war when it affected someone he cared about. In fact in the books when the meeting with Dumbledore to turn happened, he literally said he tried to have only Lily spared, not James or Harry. Before that he was Slytherin through and through and joined the Wizard equivalent of the Nazis. I wholeheartedly believe that many people like Snape more because of Alan Rickman's performance. I've never personally understood having Snape's last moments resonate when you look at the entire picture.
2 months
In Bellatrix’s vault the cloned items also had a burning charm so the room was filling up with hot metal.
Also, caterwauling charm was the cat alarm noise
2 months
I know it originated from a movie, but the scene with Snape's memories is one of the greatest scenes in cinema
2 months
That flashback on the Order of the Phoenix where Harry's dad was bully8ing Snape went into more depth and showed Snape and Lily's relationship. Can't say more on that scene though
2 months
Love you reaction to this movie series, always fun to see how new people fall in love with this story. Shape is such a complex character but he is written so good, I remember reading it for the first time, the first 4 books you absolutely hate him, then in the 5th you kind of understood why he was the way towards harry, book 6 hated him again and the last book utterly heartbreaking to read what he really has been going through since Lilly’s death. He is my favourite character in this series.
On an other note, for a recommendation I think you should check out A very Potter musical by team starkid, it’s on YouTube and it’s from 2009.
Sorry for any typos, am using some google translate, English is my second language 😉
Love from Denmark
2 months
Such a great reaction. I’ve loved this reaction series a lot. When Eric started tearing up I couldn’t help but start tearing as well. Very emotional movie.
2 months
Funny that they didn't remember that imperio is one of the unforgivable curses.
2 months
Now that you guys have watched both Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, you should react to Lord of the Potter by Studio C. It's like 5 minutes but it's so funny.
2 months
Goblins are basically monsters that are as sentient as people in the harry potter world. They don't really have magic as far as I know but they are really good at creating advanced magical items. Some goblins don't like how their inventions are used by wizards and have started wars about it
2 months
When McGonagall attacks Snape, we think he's deflecting her curses, but if you watch closely he's redirecting them to hit the two Carrow* Twins that were the ones forcing students to curse 1st years. Good guy Snape
2 months
I'm glad he stuck to his guns and believed snape was a good guy and was proven correct. Even when snape was forced to be evil he was doing good
2 months
Of everything yall put out early, so happy it was this one and today. Couldn't have made it another week waiting, and seriously needed something to distract myself, so excited 💛
2 months
i really miss the scene from the books, when harry used the elderwand to mend his own wand and put the elderwand back into dumbledores grave... that was so beautiful :(
1 replies
2 months
The first one kinda, the second one no chance. The movie handled the ender wand's close so much better than the book. It's just gonna be stolen again if returned to the grave. The movie ensures no one will ever own it again.
2 months
Snape was a Deatheater until Lily was threatened. He became one either in his last years at Hogwarts or after he left the school.
2 months
This is my favorite of the movies so I was super excited to see this posted today and not Friday! You guys should absolutely play Hogwarts Legacy if you want more expansion of the world.
Residentfan 1
2 months
I’m glad you guys didn’t freak out at the destruction of the Elder Wand. So many reactors get angry at that scene. In the books, Harry just returns the wand to Dumbledore’s grave. Even J.K. Rowling approves of the change to destroy it because it’s too dangerous to exist.
3 replies
2 months
i'.m going to be flamed for this, but fuck Snape. just becauses he "turned good" doesnt mean he desreved redemption. he only did it for Lily's love(more like a stalker)it doesnt excuse him fro the horrible things he did to the trio and neville especially, as well as other kids
1 replies
Residentfan 1
1 month
And that relates to my comment how?
2 months
I feel it would have been easy for them to include him repairing his OG wand as well.
Residentfan 1
2 months
To clarify, I meant Sean and Erik. Idk why I didn’t say that. I need a fucking nap…..
1 replies
2 months
I just wished they'd included the part where Harry uses the Elder Wand to fix his own wand before he gives it up.
2 months
Last movie I corrected something you said about the books but I dont expect yo to get it right and I was not saying you were idiots, sorry if you took it that way.
2 months
There is a Malfoy deleted scene from near the end fight that is worth seeking out. It's not as put together as the Dudley one and still has all the green screen.
1 replies
2 months
please watch that deleted scene
2 months
What’s funny is voldie was not that old when he died especially for a wizard. He probably would have lived longer without being a villain and making horcruxes lol.
2 months
Oooooh, you should watch the Starkid trilogy on YouTube. A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, and A Very Potter Senior Year. They're great, really funny, and are both a parody and homage to the books.
2 months
Also they stated in the deathly hallows part one Three brothers Story that the reasurection stone can only temporarily bring dead people back but not permanently as they cannot continue to exist in out world . So Harry would not have been able to come back to life because of the stone.
2 months
1. The other kid with malfoy isn’t supposed to be a recasted crabbe. It’s another character Blaise. Most people think it’s a recast since they only mention Blaise’s name once on the train in the beginning of half blood prince. The actor that plays crabbe was arrested for participating in a violent London protest apparently.2. Voldie thinks he can’t kill snape with the avada kadavra because if he snape was the true master the wand would not allow voldie to use the wand that way to kill its true master.
3. Neville was born around the same time and could have also been who the prophecy was about
4. If I recall correctly I think snape did have a dark death eater period prior since he was an angry person , but he turned double agent when voldie killed lily.
5. So sad the George was never happy enough to cast a patronus again after Fred died.
2 months
I mean, people don’t believe in the Deathly Hallows, no one knew Dumbledore’s wand was the Elder Wand except for the guy who talks to wands.
2 months
Please react to fantastic beasts
2 months
Watch back to the future Trilogy please
2 months
Time for y’all to try and watch The Cursed Child, the Broadway play. It’s canonical and about Albus Severus, Harry’s son, and Scorpius, Draco’s son.
2 months
I'm still confused that Harry didn't become a teacher.
2 replies
2 months
I think it's stated somewhere in the extended universe that Harry does come in occasionally to give lectures in DADA classes.
Residentfan 1
2 months
He said in Half Blood Prince that he wanted to become an Auror like Mad Eye. Thats what he ended up doing so he works at the ministry.
2 months
I feel like Dumbledore’s final set of robes should have been designed like Jim Carrey’s Riddler. 😂😂 E. Nigma Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
2 months
Okay so a couple of things after the Harry Potter Series
1. Fantastic Beasts Prequel series
2. The reunion (20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts) . A must watch. All the uncuts, behind the scenes, bloopers etc. I recommend watching this before fantastic beasts.
3. Hogwarts Legacy the game. This game is everything. Won awards i believe. Its also a prequel to harry potter.
1 replies
2 months
Agree with all of them. The reunion gives newfound appreciation for the franchise as a whole, and the game was just a blast. One of my favourite games in a long time
2 months
Ahh, no, Snape was 100% a Death Eater first.
Residentfan 1
2 months
Just a quick correction: Snape wasn’t a double agent from the beginning. He was all in on Voldemort until he found out he was after Lily’s son. He turned into Dumbledore’s spy in exchange for him hiding the Potters. That was the price he paid.
2 months
Snape was a death eater before he went to Dumbledore
2 months
2 months
never reference that Crabbe becomes a black kid in the last movie
2 months
What are you guys gonna react next?
2 months
Hopefully you guys watch the 20th Anniversary! It's so good
2 months
If y’all can. a very Potter Musical is a lot of fun!
2 months
Last comment but I don't know if you figured it out later but the two parts are not 2 years apart. Part 1 came out in November 2010 and part 2 came out in July 2011.
2 months
There is another deleted scene where Draco throws his wand to Harry after he rolls out of Hagrid's arm int the last battle scene.
2 months
So now that you've seen the Harry Potter films, I was wondering if you'd be up to checking out the Paddington films? The reason I relate them to Harry Potter is cause they're made by the same people. The movies are anyway. Also a lot of the actors from the Harry Potter films are also in the Paddington films. I think you guys will like them.
2 months
These movies are teenagers now and I'm still recovering from Dobby's death and Fred's death!
2 months
Boom, you should enjoy riddles, that's a Ravenclaw thing :P
Also, the reason why Voldemort didn't Avada Kedavra Snape is because it's pretty much attempting to use the wand against its true master. For good mesure, Voldemort asked Nagini to kill instead.
As for Tonks, you were right, she was gonna announce she was pregnant. It's sad that the movies didn't cover it but her baby is born and lives with Tonks' mother.
2 months
2 months
Also Eric is wrong. Snape was already a Death eater when that conversation with Dumbledore happened and because Voldemort went after Lilly that's what made Snape become a Double Agent
1 replies
2 months
This. The movies made Snape kinda look like a good man when really he's more in the gray area if anything. In school, yes, he was friends with Lily, but they started distancing each other because Snape joined the Slytherins who were all about dark magic and pure blood. The bad blood between Snape and the Marauders was mutual and they were all horrible to each other. But what really made Lily stop being friends with Snape was when he called her a Mudblood. She also joined the Order of the Phoenix with James and got closer to him at that point in their last year of school. He had a crush on her for many years tho before that.
2 months
I just want to clarify something for people who might be a bit confused. The reason why Harry survived in the Forest has nothing to do with the resurrection stone or Voldemort killing the Horcrux. The reason why Harry survived goes all the way back to Goblet of Fire when Voldemort took Harry's Blood. Because Lilly gave her life to save Harry as a 1 year old. he gave him a blood protection. Hence why Harry had to return to the Dursely's because Petunia being Harry's Aunt on his mom side that kept him safe. So when Voldemort took Harry's blood, he made sure that protection lived on even after Harry turned 17. Hopefully that clears up any confusion
2 months
Thank you for saving this shit day
2 months
You guys are the best! I can't wait to watch this but dammit I wasn't prepared for tears today ahaha
1 replies
2 months
MY BAD Guys and Lady* :)
2 months
just wait until they hear the theory that Hogwarts is actually a giant dragon that's been transfigured into a castle, literally everything in this world is sentient lmao
2 months
Mama Weasly is Chi-Chi
2 months
Yes! The Grand Budapest Hotel is my favortite Wes Anderson movie!
2 months
The “HUH!?” I let out seeing the early drop
1 replies
2 months
tell me about it. I can't remember the last time I gasped out loud like this
2 months
I understand Harry’s sentiment, but Severus does NOT make a good middle name. Should’ve been Brian
1 replies
1 month
In my opinion, Severus as a middle name isn't any worse than having Bathlilda or Mafalda as a first name and a lot of the last names for the characters are also pretty funny sounding in my opinion.
2 months
So if I remember correctly Godric Gryffindor was a renowned duelist. He was so good that there wasn’t any wizards that could beat him but he also wanted to duel wizards. But he couldn’t use his wand so he had the sword made and learnt to use it lol.
1 replies
2 months
Snape, in the books, was a racist deatheater who hated muggles and even called Lily a mudblood. He secretly “loved” her but was an incel who got mad because she rejected him and then joined the deatheaters. Only after discovering baldimort was planning on killing her did he switch back
2 months
Thank you guys so much for reacting to this series, it was quite a fun ride!
2 months
I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. so many peak moments, from all the W's Neville got, to everything revealed for Snape. So excited to see the full reaction.
2 months
Well, I guess I have to stay up late tonigh... Let's go! Just bought a new baggie, so I'm ready. Furthermore, I do hope they will look at the Fantastic Beast franchise, I love Newt.
2 months
Thank you guys for bringing this one to us early, the anticipation was killing me
2 months
I'm wondering if it was a mistake, if so, epic mistake.
2 months
The HP early drop!!!! They have heard our prayers!!!I’m leaving work early to go home and watch
Residentfan 1
2 months
When I saw this in my Monday patreon rewards I got the most indescribable sense of childlike glee and excitement
2 months
This is gonna be a wild ride
2 months
Damn, you guys just made Monday great lol hell yeah I'm looking forward to this
2 months
I see you can not wait till Friday 😅😅😅
2 months
now this is overCan you guys react to Harry Potter Theory of Theory came True
2 months
Hot damn already
2 months
2 months
first comment! been waiting for this since you guys started! Thank you!
there was a cut part in the movie where it was draco that threw harry his wand. i wish they kept it in
I wish instead of the big fading away death scene for Voldemort, they stuck with the books, where he just dropped dead like anyone who gets hit with the killing curse. It made more thematic sense in the book where for all his talk and his aspirations of immortality, Voldemort was just a man like anyone else.
Moviflame or supercarlinbros on youtube was good hp stuff
Oh hey I totally forgot before, but there's another thing you can react to. On the 'How it Should have Ended' channel, they did an animation for Harry Potter. Just a few minutes, pretty solid, and they even have done episodes for other movies you've seen. Their 'Villain Pub' series is my favorite. Palpatine is a bartender. Ok take care <3
You guys need to check out "A Very Potter Musical", it is a lot of fun and I think you would greatly enjoy it! :3
Since others have already recommended the 'Return to Hogwarts' reunion/interview thing (Its great and you'd all love it!) I'm gonna suggest a fun, silly fan thing that was pretty popular --- Ever heard of 'Potter Puppet Pals'? I guarantee that Someone has--its fun and dumb as hell xD And I realize this isn't about HP, but do you thing maybe someday you'd consider reacting to World of Warcraft cinematics? I loved your Overwatch ones. Just an idea <3 you guys are the best<3
Please please please check out A very Potter Musical....I NEEED IT
HBC acting as Hermione, acting as Bellatrix, with Emma Watsons's voice
It's crazy that Ron and Harry don't speak to each other at all after Harry announces that he's giving himself up to Voldemort, and then him and Harry don't even hug. The movie director must've DESPISED Ron the way they did him throughout these movies, especially compared to Hermione...
*Screenwriter. And I'll give Ron credit for the tear rolling down his cheek that scene
Idk if it's canon or fanfic, but to my knowledge everyone at Hogwarts was protected after Harry 'died' in the same way Harry was protected after his mother sacrificed herself. It was the same sort of sacrifice, so everyone after that moment was protected for a short time. I wish they would have shown that in the movie, like someone getting hit with a killing curse but it gets reflected to a different person or back at the caster
You guys should definitely check out this playlist. Book vs movie differences. You don't even have to react to them they're just a good watch. (It would be super cool if you did react to them though)
Love this movie, but I hate the final fight between Harry and Voldemort. It's okay for a movie, I get why they turned it into a DBZ spectacular for the blockbuster element, but the it's millions of times more satisfying in the book, like holy shit is it amazing!
Got a fun fact about the epilogue years that was confirmed on Pottermore I believe back in the day: So, there is a deleted scene you guys mentioned at the beginning of the last movie, where the Dursleys are leaving for there safety and they talk trash to Harry's face and call him a waste of space, but Dudley speaks up and says he doesn't think Harry's a waste of space, that he's grateful Harry saved his life from the dementor awhile back. They shake hands and kinda start from a blank slate afterwards. So, what was confirmed by word of God, is that Harry and Dudley keep in touch for the rest of their lives and once they have families they get together every year for Christmas. Harry and Dudley retreat to a den to smoke cigars and drink brandy together in companionable silence and small talk,while their families are left to be absolutely miserable dealing with each other, only putting up with it because it's so important to Harry and Dudley and that is so hilarious and wholesome at the same time, I've always loved that tidbit lol
Please please tell me you guys are planning to ay Hogwarts Legacy
I know Bri has started the game and played it on stream a couple times.
I highly recommend of Harry Potter was in Slytherin house,
Severus Snape and the Poberts - Preguel of Harry Potter is really good
Actually the reason one of Draco’s goons I forget which was recast wasn’t because the actor was arrested he actually was murdered trying to save someone if I remember correctly.
That's incorrect. You are thinking of the actor who played the minor role of Belby in the 6th movie. The actor for Crab had several legal issues with the last one being his involvement in a violent riot for which he went to prison for two years.
Best part is at like 27:30, the others are ripping into Eric when... Eric was actually right 😂 that was the Malfoy Manor
Harry's Horcruxness would be an interesting take. In the book/stage play after, or from Rowling herself, it's said that Harry and Dudley reconnect after the battle. It's not friendship, but 'Christmas Card Terms' and they let their kids see each other... that's about it.
Ever since I saw this on the award show it always pops in my head and whenever I see the Harry Potter scene I sing it 😂😂😂 it’s not too long and you don’t have to watch the full thing just the Harry potter part 0:18 -0:50 seconds the whole clip is about 2 mins.
There’s a sequel to Deathly Hallows that was written as a stage play called Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. If there’s an audiobook for you guys should DEFINITELY check it out.
You really should watch a very potter musical, you guys will definitely love it
Congrats on finishing the series -- I've been re-reading the books since you guys started the first movie lol. Would love to see yall watch the 20th anniversary "Return to Hogwarts" tribute!
honestly just find a list of all the deleted scenes and watch those. theres nothing major throughout thats gamechanging. but they are just nice moments
You guys should react MovieFlame's videos every single difference between the books and the movies.
In the books Harry puts the elder wand back in Dumbledore's grave which is stupid because someone can just steal it again, so him breaking it is way better and understandable and Bre if Harry did use it again and someone disarms him then they would've been the true master which would've been bad.
they were really set on Dudley being fat
1:36:28 Snape was a Death Eater for a long time before he switched sides. Boom is 100% correct that the only reason Snape changed sides is because of Lily being targeted. Snape was a piece of shit during the first war. Lily stopped speaking to him because he called her a mudblood and was hanging out with people who go on to become death eaters. Snape redeems himself and i really do think he's no longer a racist by the time the second war rolls around, but he is neither a good nor kind person.
Movie Snape does end up caring for harry in the end, and thus finds another reason to protect harry than just out of being his mother's son. Book Snape, not at all. Book Snape was an evil dude who did a good deed, but he even admits in the book that he didn't care for harry. Only doing it because of lily.
Sean's seething frustration with people speaking in riddles has been the highlight of this series for me.
Im starting to wonder if Dumbledore used people to win when he was trying to beat his enemies and I dont think Snape was all bad but Id liked to had seen Harry and Snape have a moment past his memory scene. Snape was a professor trying to prepare kids vs a being like a Voldemort who cuts people throats he likes and watches his pet kill someone, Sorry if Snape was happy old Slughorn
Genuinely, I think y'all would love A Very Potter Musical. Don't let the musical part phase you. It's a comedy more than anything. Think what Scary Movie is to Scream. That's A Very Potter Musical to Harry Potter
Plus, it's freely available on Youtube, and I've seen loads of other channels react to it, so I don't think there's any copyright issues. (But even if y'all don't react to it, I think you'd enjoy watching it just for yourselves)
And if you need any more convincing... here me out:
Voldemort tap dancing
Need I say more?
Yeah you should definitely watch the A Very Potter Musical trilogi. You will not be disappointet.
You guys should watch these youtube videos the breakdown what was left out in the movie from the books and fills in missing context and lore you guys would like
yiu guys should watch this youtube video it talks about dumbledore's plan across the 7 books
i just imagine everytime being the few good people in slytherin wanting to fight for hogwarts but just sent to the dungeons instead
I love that Boom was singing that song at the beginning (Alphabet Aerobics for those that wanna know) considering Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter himself) has that same song memorized and performed it on Jimmy Fallon. Its on youtube, its great.
Outside of genuinely learning more about the books, the best part of these reactions is the sheer hype from Sean😂
if i remember correctly, the actor who played one of malfoy's goons got replaced by blaize because he was like...growing pot or something. cmiiw
the slytherin common room is in the dungeon's lol, McGonagall wasn't saying lock them up
Something to note, in the books before he returns the Elder Wand to Dumbledore’s grave (he didn’t break it) he fixes his original wand, then returns it to Dumbledore. Also the oldest kid in the ending scene, the one where their daughter was riding on his luggage, that’s Lupin and Tonks’ kid and his name is Edward Remus Lupin (Teddy for short).
Guys you should play hogwards legacy game
Unpopular opinion: I still don't think Snape was a good person. He might've done something "heroic" but God he was an absolute piece of shit to those kids. He would literally make Nevilles life a living hell in the books. Always be on the Snape Hate train 😂.
I agree and he's one of my favs in the franchise. James bullied him in school as classmates/peers but he as a grown man bullied children, his students. He had his very human reasons of course at least where it concerns Harry but yeah he turned out to be a worse bully in adulthood. But I cant hate at least movie!Snape all the way because he was played by Alan Rickman so charismatically lol
Regarding Pettigrew. He actually died at Malfoy Manor from the silver hand that Voldemort gave him. He hesistated to kill Harry due to Harry letting him go in Azkaban and ig the betrayal of his parents. The hand sensed the disloyalty towards Voldemort and ended up strangling him to death. So semi redemption for a traitor/coward
In the books at least, Snape was absolutely a Death Eater prior to Lily's death and arguably would've stayed one if she hadn't died. He only became Dumbledore's double agent after her death. Pettigrew was technically the double agent during the OG Order times, but for Voldemort.
You guys are legends for the early upload. Much appreciated
How fun that a mother's love saved Harry twice. How fun that it was Draco's wand versus Draco's wand. How fun that Draco's wand immediately allied with Harry, and how fun that Draco's wand (elder) never allied with Tom (even before Draco was disarmed by Harry, changing the allegiances of both wands to him). How fun how fun how fun :)
Please please pleaaseee watch the 'A Very Potter Musical' Trilogy by StarKid. If not all three productions, the first one is great.. the second one is my favorite though. You would get the best kick out of it after watching the series. They are so damn ridiculous. I love them, they were made early on so if you do watch it, be prepared for something that clearly does not have a big budget.
I think there were two things I was looking forward to the most when I was first watching this movie.
The first was when Tom Riddle and Harry fought- its a huge scene-- and Tom has an ordinary death. No confetti, no fanfare. Solid thump of his body hitting the floor and it stays there. He wasn't special. And despite what Tom was attempting to do, he was in fact human.
The second thing I think they should have kept the same as the book, was in that last scene. Albus asks his father what if he is put into Slytherin and Harry says it takes your choice into account, when Albus says 'Really?' Harry comes back with, 'It did for me.' ---- I know that is not a huge scene or whatever but what reason did they have for changing it really? It acknowledges something Harry never talks about in the movies. What could have been the harm?
Fifteen years after last reading the books both of these still bother me.
I also have the Lord of the Rings Bible!
Please watch The Chronicles of Narnia I think you guys will enjoy it since you loved harry potter and lord of the rings!
all the breakdown videos I could recommend are nearly an hour long per movie lol
WATCH THE 20TH Anniversary
Great catch on Harry being a Horcrux as the cause of how terribly he was treated by the Dursley family. I do recall reading that was actually the reason for why he was treated badly, and makes sense whenever he comes home from Hogwarts, his room upgraded from the cupboard to an actual bedroom. I'd assume the distance was making them less of an asshole towards Harry, but the building dislike with him would always return during summer breaks. It might also explain why Ron got hostile towards Harry, being the one closest to him more often then Hermoine, as they share a dorm room AND are nearly glued to each other's side during the day.
Welllllll to be a tad pedantic, the only reason he got upgraded to the bedroom from the cupboard was as a way to try thwart the letters being sent to him back in the first book, as they were addressed to him "under the stairs." Didn't work of course, and there was no point in putting him back afterwards as stamping out his magic by making him miserable clearly didn't pan out for them.
Eeeehhhhhh….I think JK just wanted them to be assholes. It’d make an interesting retcon, but I’m pretty sure Harry being a horcrux was something she only came up with after writing Half Blood Prince.
I've watched this movie more times than I can count and it doesn't get any easier to watch. It's one of the best movies in the series but the deaths in it absolutely kill me. Not so fun fact: Oliver Phelps (George Weasley) could only do like one or two takes of the Great Hall scene in the middle because seeing his brother pretend to be dead made him actually cry. Those tears aren't fake. He couldn't handle seeing his brother 'dead' so they had to film it quickly. It hurts to think about. (Especially considering my favorite character is Fred Weasley)
The order of the events for Snape was that he actually WAS Death Eater first. It's not shown but him and Lily had a public falling out at one point after James and the Marauders were making fun of him and he wound up calling Lily a Mudblood. After that, he stopped trying to be good and fell in with Lucius who was his classmate and the other Death Eaters. When Trelawney gave the prophecy to Dumbledore it was during her interview for the teaching post at Hogwarts and Snape was listening from the stairs at the Leaky Cauldron. All he heard was the beginning of the prophecy that said a boy was going to be born who could kill Voldemort and that's what he told to him. Once he realized that Voldemort was going to go after the Potters because of how he interpreted the prophecy, THATS when he went to Dumbledore to make the deal with him to keep them safe in exchange for becoming a double agent. Overall, amazing reaction series overall though!!! Loved it and can't wait for Fantastic Beasts!
Now that you guys and lady have finished some major hit sagas I have some ideas of other ones you can look into. The resident evil movie saga
The maze runner saga
Marvel movie saga (maybe take a break after each avenger movie)
Blade saga
Underworld saga
Also really hope you guys react to heavy metal the art is too tier
I’ve honestly been missing marvel movies, would love to see this here!!
thanks for watching this series, it's been the highlight of my week every time you watched a new one! as for suggestions, you guys should watch all the bloopers from the entire series, they are so worth it - one blooper i love is from Chamber of Secrets where Malfoy's dad pushes Harry with his cane, but it gets stuck on his collar, and his actor completely drops character to apologize and pets Harry's head! it's hilarious and adorable! also another blooper where Dumbledore and Snape hid a fart machine in Harry's sleeping bag before they did a scene and they just let it rip while doing their lines, pretending not to notice!
i'm going to be so sad without the Harry Potter reactions every week, but i'll look forward to Fantastic Beasts, and all other content you guys release!!
you guys have to watch the bloopers and the reunion thing tooo its so funny and sad and u get to see everybody and their thought and fantastic beast is so goood u guys have to watch the movies its explains on albus Brian Dumbledore lol
Very fun watch with you all, can't wait to see your Fantastic Beasts reactions. I will say for me, I would have loved for them to do an original series on the other schools would have been so cool. Don't get me wrong I'm very excited for the HBO series, but I honestly think it's still a bit early to do a full remake. I mean just imagine a series on the other schools, it could have been one season for each school. Each season could be 8 or more episodes that are around an hour per episode, you could do so much with that and really dive into the Harry Potter universe while also been able to make something new and unique.
harry spotter: the boy who lifted is a pretty good youtube short series to go with the other stuff
Great reaction and I enjoyed the rewatch!! For what to watch next:20th anniversary reunion special that others have mentioned
A very Potter musical by Starkid, hilarious full length musical parody and it has sequels as well
All the potter puppet pals
If you guys are interested in games in universe Hogwarts Legacy is the most in-depth and set about 100 years before Harry. It’s great for exploring the castle and surrounding areas. There are two quidditch games as well, champions which just came out and quidditch World Cup (which is about 20 years old but a fan favorite). Plus movie tie in games.
now time for yall to check out the reunion!! its a great way to end it
Sad to leave Harry and the gang behind us (for I think the third time in my life), not counting the extras you’re gonna react to, but I’m really hyped for Fantastic Beasts.
Here's what I would love for a sequel series. Teddy Lupin as the protagonist, he's Remus and Nymphadora's kid. He's a metamorphmagus like his mother. He can change his appearance at will. And he has a similar background as Harry. His parents died when he was a baby. There's just a lot of potential for a story there. Could even do some coming of age gender experimentation if we manage to get the IP out of You-Know-Who's hands.
There’s a compilation of all of the deleted scenes that yall should really watch!
I said this in your first HP reaction I think but I'll rec it one more time just in case, you should definitely watch A Very Potter Musical! You guys would love it, it's so funny, very up your alley I think!
Alan Rickman was actually told Snape's backstory in 2000 by J K Rowling so he could better understand and play the character Deathly Hallows wasn't published until 2007
Such an awesome series I’m glad it’s evolved beyond J. K. Rowling as well
Fun fact: Snape was in it from the start and provided the information to Voldemort about the prophecy when Dumbledore first received it from Trelawny. It wasn't until he found out Voldemort was targeting the Potters that he changed sides. He initially felt betrayed by Lily because she defended James and not him, so that's why he became a Death Eater
this just adds to "Mrs Weasley could get it" one of the best characters without any doubt
I remember people being *so mad* about Molly killing Bellatrix, lol. Her older brothers were part of the original Order of the Phoenix and they both died, there was a scene where Harry finds her with a boggart that keeps changing into dead versions of her husband and kids, two of her sons were disfigured, her husband was nearly killed, one of her sons *was* killed, her youngest son was off with Harry for the better part of a year who knows where doing who knows what with no way to know if he was even still alive, and then this psycho (that in the movies *also* blew up her house) goes after her only daughter. I guess they thought she was in the Order to bake cookies for everyone or some shit.
parody cuts on youtube has hilarious harry edits, also dumbledore asked calmly
omg yesssss lets gooooo we finishing it billy's we have won them over wizards and witches
If it hasnt been brought up yet theres a deleted scene Right as things kick off with nevile resisting voldemort in the courtyard that adds some context for the ending scene with harry and his kids at the hogwarts express
I can understand them having him break the Elder Wand, but they couldn't have just inserted a ten-second scene of him using it to fix his original wand first?
I will never be okay with the fact that they deleted the scene where Draco threw Harry the wand. I felt like it was such a missed opportunity to show that Draco finally redeemed himself, the movie felt like their relationship didn't have any clear conclusion. But it has been a wild ride rewatching the Harry Potter movies with you guys, sad that it has to end but glad you guys had fun watching it!
Great reaction as always. I enjoyed you guys theorizing especially Boom's theory about Vernon family to be assholes because of Harry is a Horcrux is definitely my favorite regardless if it's canon or not.
Corridor Crew Breakdown of the Harry Potter films. It shows great behind-the-scenes scenes of the making of the movies.
Harry uses the elder wand to fix his old one in the book idk why they cut that
I would love to see the 20th year anniversary and any reaction videos of deleted/behind the scenes. I'm happy with anything HP related honestly and just glad you guys enjoyed it so much as well! (Neville my goat!!)
The scream from Voldemort as they destroy the Cup and he just obliterates the shield around Hogwarts is up there in cinemas greatest outbursts. My true fav is Sam in mount Doom when Frodo puts on the ring and cries out NO. How Ralph Fiennes made that noise is amazing and almost painful. I think it was mentioned before in the comments too that The Prophecy covered two potential children, Harry Potter and Neville Longbottom. Voldemort just assumed the Potters because they were closer to Dumbledore, and had Bellatrix and others utterly break the Longbottoms. So I adore that Neville slowly took his spot as this secondary Protagonist in the story and becomes The 2nd Chosen One. Honestly the best character in the same way Sam was.
I always hated how Draco was written and felt that him and Harry should have ended up being reluctant friends by the end. Kinda a Goku/Vegeta kinda relationship. Not really liking each other but respecting each other. Like in that last scene, I always wished Draco walked up to Harry, and shook his hand, and was a part of that conversation with Albus. Maybe made a sarcastic, playful remark about his son beating Albus quidditch.
If y’all decide to watch a very potter musical, I recommend that you watch it with captions on since they are 100% accurate (and helpful ofc)
There is a popular fan belief that eventually Dudley has a magic child and sees harry again at the hogwarts train.
Random shit!
- The Dudley Dursley scene is indeed in the book. I don't remember the details, but it's mentioned either just before that or in Half Blood Prince that Dudley had stopped bullying Harry after being saved by the dementors in Order of the Phoenix.
- My favorite twist in Harry Potter is Peter Pettigrew turning out to be Ron's rat, but my favorite movie reveal is, no contest, Snape's Memories. Alan Rickman is amazing, of course, but the music and editing on that scene is absolutely phenomenal.
- The story of Snape and Lily is the strongest argument against the Hogwart's house system in the books. Slytherin is where a whole bunch of proto Death Eaters sprang from. IIRC Lucius Malfoy would have been at school then, for example. Snape came from an abusive home (his muggle father was a piece of shit), and Lily was his one friend. When they got sorted into different houses, Snape was *surrounded* all the time by the very definition of the phrase "the wrong crowd". Lily and Snape grew further apart because Snape started hanging out with them and picking up on their rhetoric. Meanwhile, Snape got into a multi-year beef with the Marauders; it wasn't quite as one sided as the movies make it look. For instance, Snape figured out, or at least suspected, that Lupin was a werewolf, and kept trying to catch the Marauders in the act of sneaking out to be with him on full moons. This culminated in Snape nearly getting killed by Lupin when he was transformed, and James saved him.
James was a massive bully to him though, and Sirius was arguably worse. The scene in Order of the Phoenix where Harry witnesses Snape's memories is, unsurprisingly, a lot longer than the movie, and the chapter is titled 'Snape's Worst Memory'. In Deathly Hallows we found out it's not his worst memory because of the bullying, but because Lily tried to stop James, and in response, because he felt humiliated, he called Lily a mudblood. His attempt to apologize after ended very poorly, because he wouldn't denounce his proto Death Eater buddies or all the shit they were saying, making it clear that to him, Lily was "one of the good ones". Their friendship ended for good, there. Everyone graduated from school; James was a school bully who grew out of it, better, at least, and Snape followed his Slytherin buddies into becoming Death Eaters. The first Order of the Phoenix formed, with Lily and the Marauders as members, to fight Voldemort.
Left entirely unmentioned in the movies is that the entire reason Voldemort knew about the prophecy that led him to attack the Potters (and Bellatrix and friends to attack the Longbottoms), is because Snape overheard most of it, and told him. It was only when he realized that Voldemort thought Lily's son was the subject of the prophecy that he turned, going to Dumbledore as the movie shows. The Potters went into hiding; but Wormtail gave away where they were. Snape was a very, very bad person who tried to make good, and whether or not he succeeded is a huge debate in the fandom.
- In the book, Harry doesn't talk to Ron or Hermione before he heads toward the Dark Forest to meet Voldemort; instead, he encounters Neville, thinks about how Neville could have been the chosen one, and then tells Neville to "kill the snake". Voldemort decides to kill Neville when he stands up to him (by setting him *on fire*), but Neville pulls the sword out of the hat, and decapitates Nagini then and there.
- I've seen it put that Voldemort, who couldn't understand love, was defeated by it over and over. Harry's mom, of course, but Snape's love for Lily caused him to turn traitor, something Voldemort never suspected, and Narcissa's love for Draco had her lying straight to Voldemort's face.
- The one scene out of all of the books I wished they'd filmed and can't comprehend why they didn't comes at the end of Goblet of Fire, where Dumbledore, cryptically, tells Snape it's time to resume being a double agent. By the time of Order of the Phoenix, Harry absolutely knows that's what's going on. It makes Snape's killing of Dumbledore all the more shocking for both him and readers.
- The only person Rowling told about Snape's full history before the seventh book released was Alan Rickman. IIRC, this was either right before or during filming for The Chamber of Secrets.
I would love if you guys watched the origin of ilvermorning it’s the American version of hogwarts
Blackalicious Would be proud
FUCK YES BOOM KNOWS THE ACROBATIC ALPHABET! I love that as Daniel also is a secret hiphop head and can do that shit easily to! Boom is a real one
Snape was a legitimate death eater, and only became a double agent BECAUSE Voldemort was going to target Harry (and his parents by extension). Finding that out he comes to dumbledore begging him to save Lilly and becomes a double agent at that point.
Harry potter pitch meetings would be funny
This was an absolute treat, i hope yall enjoyed this series as much as me Just kidding thats not possible :,)
1:01:00, he was arrested for terrorist bomb threats lol. A little more then assult.
OMG I have been waiting for this and all of your reactions! There is so much I've wanted to comment on but didn't want to accidentally spoil. So first, Harry is a horcrux and such the theory is that the Dursleys abused because of it but that is no longer accepted since everyone else didn't turn abusive towards him at Hogwarts.
2.Snape was a death eater first because he was being influenced by his friends in Slytherin who were from death eater/pureblood families since he was trying to fit in. Especially since he lost his best friend, Lily, to Gryffindor. So, an important fact/memory the was left out from the movies is that the bully scene from the 5th movie was a bit longer in the books. When James had Snape hanging upside down Lily actually came to Snapes defense and tried to get James to stop. When this happened some people made fun of Snape for being protected by a girl and in a fit of embarrassed rage he called Lily a "Mudblood". This officially ruined their friendship and Lily stopped talking to him, throwing Snape further into the dark side as it were. Voldemort installed Snape as an agent at Hogwarts to spy on Dumbledore, he overheard part of Trewlaney's prophecy and told Voldemort of it. Because the requisite for the Chosen One was being a son born to parents who thriced defied Voldemort and was born at the end of July, the two babies that fit this were Harry and Neville. Voldemort CHOSE Harry because Harry is a half-blood like him. When Snape found out that Voldemort was going to target Lily (and by extension her family) he first pleaded with Voldemort not to go after her. When Voldemort declined, that is when Snape went to Dumbldore and turned double agent to protect Lily.
3. They don't explain this well in the movies but Voldemort, liking Snape enough as a useful pawn, actually gave Lily the choice to step away and allow Voldemort to kill Harry and spare herself. Again he did this remembering that Snape begged for her life and this was one small token he would give to his "faithful" servant. However, Lily refused to do so and because she essentially sacrificed herself for her son, she inadvertantly invoked ancient magic that protected Harry from the killing curse and rebounding it onto Voldemort. This is sacrifice is also why Dumbledore left Harry with the Dursleys because Petunia's sibling bond would help extend Lily's sacrificial protection until Harry is old enough to protect himself at 17 (wizarding legal age of adulthood). This is also why Quirrel turned to ash in the first movie after touching Harry. It was Lily's magic in Harry that killed him and why Voldemort needed Harry's blood when resurrecting himself in order to "touch" him.
4. In the books, Harry actually invoked the same ancient sacrificial protection magic when he gave himself up to Voldemort to be killed. They didn't have this in the final scene because it would lessen the drama, but when Harry pops up and starts to fight Voldemort, neither Voldemort not his followers could land a spell on any of the people at Hogwarts because of his sacrifice, just like Lily did for him. Which I thought was a neat little full circle moment.
We should also remember that McGonagall also said the Dursley were the worst kind of muggles in the Philosopher's Stone, which was before Harry was fostered there.
Yeah, Vernon was just always a piece of shit. The first chapter of Philosopher's Stone has him going around thinking about how he likes ordinary things and gets put off by anything different, which is additionally funny because weird people in robes keep coming up to him to talk about what a good day it is because the dark lord is dead.
Apparently the TV show has some random black guy named paapa eseidu or something as their severus snape. Don't know how true that is, but if it is then I have my doubts
Yeah, Snape was a wizard racist lol. The movies paint him in a much better light. His bullying of children was even worse in the books, and they try not to focus too much on how he was a loyal death eater for years before Lily was put in danger. They also left out a pretty important memory - Lily cutting him out of her life because he called her a mudblood, was pretty outspoken about being a blood supremacist, and was hoping to become a death eater some day. I honestly find his obsession with Lily just creepy with this context. He joined a hate group that didn't think muggleborns deserved rights... he definitely didn't love her. And they hadn't spoken in like five years when she died. On a similar note, James isn't as bad as he might seem with the little we get in the movies. Sure, he might have been a bit of a jerk as a teen. But he grew up to be a part of the Order of the Phoenix, and there's a reason "kind" Lily married him. (also, they could never make me hate him for "bullying" a wizard racist)
Let it be known that snape is the only official death eater that can conjure a patronus, and not only that his happy memories are so powerful that the patronus shares the same shape as someone else
There's actually a play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, that was written by someone else than Rowling (but she approved of it, so there are debates about whether it's canonical or not) that follows an adventure of Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy (Draco's son, they essentially became best friends). A book of the screenplay can be bought and contains the story in 4 acts.
You guys are probably the highlight of my day everyday you are just a vibe
kinda off topic but i'd love yall to watch the very potter musical trilogy at some point. Some parts have aged a bit poorly but i still think its mostly hilarious
Sean actually touched on this and was on the right track. Snape became a death eater and follower of Voldemort freely and only swapped sides when he learned that Voldemort was going to kill Lily Potter. Man also spent years being an absolute asshole to students at Hogwarts. It's the reason I don't consider Snape a good guy even in the end.... his motivations are purely selfish. He only fought on the right side of the war when it affected someone he cared about. In fact in the books when the meeting with Dumbledore to turn happened, he literally said he tried to have only Lily spared, not James or Harry. Before that he was Slytherin through and through and joined the Wizard equivalent of the Nazis. I wholeheartedly believe that many people like Snape more because of Alan Rickman's performance. I've never personally understood having Snape's last moments resonate when you look at the entire picture.
In Bellatrix’s vault the cloned items also had a burning charm so the room was filling up with hot metal.
Also, caterwauling charm was the cat alarm noise
I know it originated from a movie, but the scene with Snape's memories is one of the greatest scenes in cinema
That flashback on the Order of the Phoenix where Harry's dad was bully8ing Snape went into more depth and showed Snape and Lily's relationship. Can't say more on that scene though
Love you reaction to this movie series, always fun to see how new people fall in love with this story. Shape is such a complex character but he is written so good, I remember reading it for the first time, the first 4 books you absolutely hate him, then in the 5th you kind of understood why he was the way towards harry, book 6 hated him again and the last book utterly heartbreaking to read what he really has been going through since Lilly’s death. He is my favourite character in this series.
On an other note, for a recommendation I think you should check out A very Potter musical by team starkid, it’s on YouTube and it’s from 2009.
Sorry for any typos, am using some google translate, English is my second language 😉
Love from Denmark
Such a great reaction. I’ve loved this reaction series a lot. When Eric started tearing up I couldn’t help but start tearing as well. Very emotional movie.
Funny that they didn't remember that imperio is one of the unforgivable curses.
Now that you guys have watched both Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, you should react to Lord of the Potter by Studio C. It's like 5 minutes but it's so funny.
Goblins are basically monsters that are as sentient as people in the harry potter world. They don't really have magic as far as I know but they are really good at creating advanced magical items. Some goblins don't like how their inventions are used by wizards and have started wars about it
When McGonagall attacks Snape, we think he's deflecting her curses, but if you watch closely he's redirecting them to hit the two Carrow* Twins that were the ones forcing students to curse 1st years. Good guy Snape
I'm glad he stuck to his guns and believed snape was a good guy and was proven correct. Even when snape was forced to be evil he was doing good
Of everything yall put out early, so happy it was this one and today. Couldn't have made it another week waiting, and seriously needed something to distract myself, so excited 💛
i really miss the scene from the books, when harry used the elderwand to mend his own wand and put the elderwand back into dumbledores grave... that was so beautiful :(
The first one kinda, the second one no chance. The movie handled the ender wand's close so much better than the book. It's just gonna be stolen again if returned to the grave. The movie ensures no one will ever own it again.
Snape was a Deatheater until Lily was threatened. He became one either in his last years at Hogwarts or after he left the school.
This is my favorite of the movies so I was super excited to see this posted today and not Friday! You guys should absolutely play Hogwarts Legacy if you want more expansion of the world.
I’m glad you guys didn’t freak out at the destruction of the Elder Wand. So many reactors get angry at that scene. In the books, Harry just returns the wand to Dumbledore’s grave. Even J.K. Rowling approves of the change to destroy it because it’s too dangerous to exist.
i'.m going to be flamed for this, but fuck Snape. just becauses he "turned good" doesnt mean he desreved redemption. he only did it for Lily's love(more like a stalker)it doesnt excuse him fro the horrible things he did to the trio and neville especially, as well as other kids
And that relates to my comment how?
I feel it would have been easy for them to include him repairing his OG wand as well.
To clarify, I meant Sean and Erik. Idk why I didn’t say that. I need a fucking nap…..
I just wished they'd included the part where Harry uses the Elder Wand to fix his own wand before he gives it up.
Last movie I corrected something you said about the books but I dont expect yo to get it right and I was not saying you were idiots, sorry if you took it that way.
There is a Malfoy deleted scene from near the end fight that is worth seeking out. It's not as put together as the Dudley one and still has all the green screen.
please watch that deleted scene
What’s funny is voldie was not that old when he died especially for a wizard. He probably would have lived longer without being a villain and making horcruxes lol.
Oooooh, you should watch the Starkid trilogy on YouTube. A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, and A Very Potter Senior Year. They're great, really funny, and are both a parody and homage to the books.
Also they stated in the deathly hallows part one Three brothers Story that the reasurection stone can only temporarily bring dead people back but not permanently as they cannot continue to exist in out world . So Harry would not have been able to come back to life because of the stone.
1. The other kid with malfoy isn’t supposed to be a recasted crabbe. It’s another character Blaise. Most people think it’s a recast since they only mention Blaise’s name once on the train in the beginning of half blood prince. The actor that plays crabbe was arrested for participating in a violent London protest apparently.2. Voldie thinks he can’t kill snape with the avada kadavra because if he snape was the true master the wand would not allow voldie to use the wand that way to kill its true master.
3. Neville was born around the same time and could have also been who the prophecy was about
4. If I recall correctly I think snape did have a dark death eater period prior since he was an angry person , but he turned double agent when voldie killed lily.
5. So sad the George was never happy enough to cast a patronus again after Fred died.
I mean, people don’t believe in the Deathly Hallows, no one knew Dumbledore’s wand was the Elder Wand except for the guy who talks to wands.
Please react to fantastic beasts
Watch back to the future Trilogy please
Time for y’all to try and watch The Cursed Child, the Broadway play. It’s canonical and about Albus Severus, Harry’s son, and Scorpius, Draco’s son.
I'm still confused that Harry didn't become a teacher.
I think it's stated somewhere in the extended universe that Harry does come in occasionally to give lectures in DADA classes.
He said in Half Blood Prince that he wanted to become an Auror like Mad Eye. Thats what he ended up doing so he works at the ministry.
I feel like Dumbledore’s final set of robes should have been designed like Jim Carrey’s Riddler. 😂😂 E. Nigma Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.
Okay so a couple of things after the Harry Potter Series
1. Fantastic Beasts Prequel series
2. The reunion (20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts) . A must watch. All the uncuts, behind the scenes, bloopers etc. I recommend watching this before fantastic beasts.
3. Hogwarts Legacy the game. This game is everything. Won awards i believe. Its also a prequel to harry potter.
Agree with all of them. The reunion gives newfound appreciation for the franchise as a whole, and the game was just a blast. One of my favourite games in a long time
Ahh, no, Snape was 100% a Death Eater first.
Just a quick correction: Snape wasn’t a double agent from the beginning. He was all in on Voldemort until he found out he was after Lily’s son. He turned into Dumbledore’s spy in exchange for him hiding the Potters. That was the price he paid.
Snape was a death eater before he went to Dumbledore
never reference that Crabbe becomes a black kid in the last movie
What are you guys gonna react next?
Hopefully you guys watch the 20th Anniversary! It's so good
If y’all can. a very Potter Musical is a lot of fun!
Last comment but I don't know if you figured it out later but the two parts are not 2 years apart. Part 1 came out in November 2010 and part 2 came out in July 2011.
There is another deleted scene where Draco throws his wand to Harry after he rolls out of Hagrid's arm int the last battle scene.
So now that you've seen the Harry Potter films, I was wondering if you'd be up to checking out the Paddington films? The reason I relate them to Harry Potter is cause they're made by the same people. The movies are anyway. Also a lot of the actors from the Harry Potter films are also in the Paddington films. I think you guys will like them.
These movies are teenagers now and I'm still recovering from Dobby's death and Fred's death!
Boom, you should enjoy riddles, that's a Ravenclaw thing :P
Also, the reason why Voldemort didn't Avada Kedavra Snape is because it's pretty much attempting to use the wand against its true master. For good mesure, Voldemort asked Nagini to kill instead.
As for Tonks, you were right, she was gonna announce she was pregnant. It's sad that the movies didn't cover it but her baby is born and lives with Tonks' mother.
Also Eric is wrong. Snape was already a Death eater when that conversation with Dumbledore happened and because Voldemort went after Lilly that's what made Snape become a Double Agent
This. The movies made Snape kinda look like a good man when really he's more in the gray area if anything. In school, yes, he was friends with Lily, but they started distancing each other because Snape joined the Slytherins who were all about dark magic and pure blood. The bad blood between Snape and the Marauders was mutual and they were all horrible to each other. But what really made Lily stop being friends with Snape was when he called her a Mudblood. She also joined the Order of the Phoenix with James and got closer to him at that point in their last year of school. He had a crush on her for many years tho before that.
I just want to clarify something for people who might be a bit confused. The reason why Harry survived in the Forest has nothing to do with the resurrection stone or Voldemort killing the Horcrux. The reason why Harry survived goes all the way back to Goblet of Fire when Voldemort took Harry's Blood. Because Lilly gave her life to save Harry as a 1 year old. he gave him a blood protection. Hence why Harry had to return to the Dursely's because Petunia being Harry's Aunt on his mom side that kept him safe. So when Voldemort took Harry's blood, he made sure that protection lived on even after Harry turned 17. Hopefully that clears up any confusion
Thank you for saving this shit day
You guys are the best! I can't wait to watch this but dammit I wasn't prepared for tears today ahaha
MY BAD Guys and Lady* :)
just wait until they hear the theory that Hogwarts is actually a giant dragon that's been transfigured into a castle, literally everything in this world is sentient lmao
Mama Weasly is Chi-Chi
Yes! The Grand Budapest Hotel is my favortite Wes Anderson movie!
The “HUH!?” I let out seeing the early drop
tell me about it. I can't remember the last time I gasped out loud like this
I understand Harry’s sentiment, but Severus does NOT make a good middle name. Should’ve been Brian
In my opinion, Severus as a middle name isn't any worse than having Bathlilda or Mafalda as a first name and a lot of the last names for the characters are also pretty funny sounding in my opinion.
So if I remember correctly Godric Gryffindor was a renowned duelist. He was so good that there wasn’t any wizards that could beat him but he also wanted to duel wizards. But he couldn’t use his wand so he had the sword made and learnt to use it lol.
Snape, in the books, was a racist deatheater who hated muggles and even called Lily a mudblood. He secretly “loved” her but was an incel who got mad because she rejected him and then joined the deatheaters. Only after discovering baldimort was planning on killing her did he switch back
Thank you guys so much for reacting to this series, it was quite a fun ride!
I've been looking forward to this one for a long time. so many peak moments, from all the W's Neville got, to everything revealed for Snape. So excited to see the full reaction.
Well, I guess I have to stay up late tonigh... Let's go! Just bought a new baggie, so I'm ready. Furthermore, I do hope they will look at the Fantastic Beast franchise, I love Newt.
Thank you guys for bringing this one to us early, the anticipation was killing me
I'm wondering if it was a mistake, if so, epic mistake.
The HP early drop!!!! They have heard our prayers!!!I’m leaving work early to go home and watch
When I saw this in my Monday patreon rewards I got the most indescribable sense of childlike glee and excitement
This is gonna be a wild ride
Damn, you guys just made Monday great lol hell yeah I'm looking forward to this
I see you can not wait till Friday 😅😅😅
now this is overCan you guys react to Harry Potter Theory of Theory came True
Hot damn already
first comment! been waiting for this since you guys started! Thank you!