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19 days
Not knowing what a rubber duck does is just sad.
1 month
LOL at 2 hours u guys wonder about how much shit Hogwarts deal with and if it happens to other school and one y'all comments how its been 50 years since the Chamber opened last and things mustve been peaceful in the inbetween but over the last few years theres been a mobile game Hogwarts Mystery that takes place in the 7 years leading up to the events of the movies/books and it is honestly JUST as wild as all this
2 months
Um, golden opportunity...Bri and the extended editions. I mean...its right there
3 months
Ngl hearing Bri be so adamant about not watching Lord of the Rings during a Harry Potter reaction feels like a kid who doesn’t like chocolate saying that they won’t enjoy any candy on earth. It’s kinda a wild perspective where I’m like “Alright, I guess you don’t have to watch a good movie if you truly don’t want too but you’re literally just missing out for no reason other then you want to be missing out.”
1 replies
1 month
I only like chocolate and no other sweets. Been like that my entire life.
3 months
Father Brown is a excellent detective show definitely worth a watch!
3 months
54:10 "No one even batted an eye when he said it." In the books the older Slytherins had to jump in front of Malfoy to protect him because the Gryffindors were trying to throw hands.
3 months
"if harry potter was a horror movie"
spoiler alert, thats all of them from here out...
3 months
It was mentioned that you should watch Mashle, and I wholeheartedly agree.
3 months
First time watching Harry Potter and omg I am loving it. I am glad I am watching this with sorta stupid best decision
3 months
With the Harry Potter database I've collected in my brain over the past 30+ years I've been alive (my resume includes 10+ readings and watchings of the books and movies each and consistent studying by watching hours of YouTubers dedicated to the subject of Harry Potter and all of its Pottermore lore), I plan on answering as many of your guys questions as I can throughout all of these movies based on how it is in the canon lore. Let's get started!
3:25 - Harry has a room now? Yep! After Harry recieved his letter stating that his room was 'the cupboard under the stairs', the Dursleys got scared that they were being watched and afriad of retrubution for their mistreatment of Harry. They cleared out Dudley's second room and gave it to Harry. Later, when he receives other letters from the Wizarding World, they are adresses to 'The smallest bedroom'
5:05 - About House-Elves. House-elves are inslaved to certain Wizarding families, usually the richest and most powerful. The are often within the families for generations and love what they do. Most will find it offensive to take payment or benefits for their work and are loyal to the families they are enslaved to. They have their own kind of magic, differnet from witches and wizards and the only rules they have to abide by are the ones their masters oppose on them. If a family becomes unhappy with thier servant or a strange house-elf wishes to be free, giving them cloths of any kind will set them free.
10:30 - The Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. Underage witches and wizards have a magic on them called the Trace, which is removed from them when they come of age on their 17th birthday. If any magic is preformed anywhere around them, the Trace picks it up as that witch or wizard using the spell. At this point an owl is sent to the magic user, warning them of their offense, and depending on the situation, they may need to go to a trial and defend themselves against being expelled from school and losing their wand or even being sent to prison, depending on the severity of the offense. Underage wizards from magical families have a hard time telling spells from adults and kids and they can often do magic without worring about getting in trouble. Also, the Trace doesn't seem to detect magic on items that are already bewitched, such as broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, ect.
12:40 - Why do the Dursleys keep Harry around if they don't like him? The Durleys hate magic. They don't want to be associated with it whatsoever. However, they hate Harry more and love to see him miserable. So often when given the choice to be rid of Harry they take it, unless they have the chance of making him more miserable by keeping him from doing something he wants to do.
13:00 - Why doesn't Harry move in with the Weasleys? This will lead into spoiler territory so I'll just say that Dumbledore has his reasons for Harry going to live with and calling the Durley's house his home.
28:00 - Hermione's Heritage and what is a squib? Hermione is muggle-born. Both parents are muggles. She once had magical ancestors, which has passed the dormit magical gene down until it activated in Hermione.Squibs are the opposite of muggle-borns. They are non-magical children that are born with two magical parents.
29:45 - How did Hemione and her parents find Platform 9 3/4? When a muggle-born is sent their letter from Hogwarts, a representative goes to the house and delievers the letter instead of an owl. That way they can explain everything to the family and tell them how to get to Hogwarts. Kinda like Hagrid did for Harry. In Hermione's case, it was McGonagall.
31:00 - You can find more short stories, backstory and other Harry Potter canon at the Pottermore website.
34:05 - Why didn't they use floo powder to get to Hogwarts? Becuase the school is protected against most magical travel onto the school grounds. Hasn't anyone read Hogwarts, A History?
41:15 - Filch is being suspicious here because Harry found and handed Filch his Kwikspell letter, which is a remedial magic course. He is a Squib and he was applying to this course in hopes to be able to learn some kind of magic. Honestly, this plotline in the books is convoluted enough as is. Squibs cannot use magic. Whatsoever. They can see and interact with magical things unlike muggles but cannot cast it. The only reason this is a thing is to give Filch a reason to suspect Harry of being the Heir of Slytherin...and I just realized they don't go anywhere with it in the movies. It's kinda a pointless and confusing scene and only people who have read the books would even have a chance of understanding what was going on.
41:30 - Why is everyone so dirty? Becuase Chris Columbus decided he wanted the 'cleaning pipes in the 1880's' look. They all discover soap after the first two movies.
44:00 - A spell to fix broken wands? Without spoilers, no. There is no wand or spell powerful enough to fix a broken wand. At least not as bad as Ron's wand was.
45:20 - Ignoring a Howler? Ignoring a Howler makes it worse. It will ignite and smoke until finally exploding. After that, the message still plays.
56:55 - Why is the floor wet? Moaning Myrtle.
1:00:30 - What is the blood from? The dead roosters. Tom made Ginny kill them becuase the crow from a rooster is deadly to a basilisk, then made her write the messages with the roosters blood.
1:05:10 - How often is it that families don't share the same Hogwarts house? Not very often but it does happen.
1:05:40 - Why aren't some magics restricted? They are. They had to get the potion book from the Restricted Section of the library. But outside of the school, there really isn't very many 'illegal' magics. Mostly its the intent on how you end up using them.
1:06:05 - Why don't witches and wizards use technology? The short answer is, they do. Some things they have adopted into their culture. Radios, cameras and some transportation being a few. The long answer is that most magical folk don't like and trust muggles or their ways and it is looked down upon to do things 'the muggle way.'Also, high concentrations of magic adversely effect technology and stop it from working properly.
1:53:25 - How old is Dumbledore? Roughly 112 years old in this movie.
2:00:30 - Harry's name should be cleared? Mostly after this it is but there are those that still beleive Harry to be the Heir of Slytherin. Consider the fact that they still thought he was, even though he was close friends with Hermione. Maybe some thought it a clever ruse to get close to her, so he could kill/petrify her.
2:00:40 - Are there other magical schools and do they have to deal with Scooby-doo bullshit? Yes, there are 11 other magical schools throughout the Wizarding World. Although a lot of magical folk decide to homeschool their kids rather than send them off to a school.No, I don't believe the other schools have to put up with as much Scooby-doo bullshit as Hogwarts does. Although there is some evidence of SDBS at a few other schools.
2:02:30 - Who was Hargrid expecting? Exactly who showed up. He knew he was gonna get blamed for the attacks because of how he got treated 50 years prior. He was scared and wasn't gonna go to Azkaban prison without a fight. I think the appearance of Harry, Ron and Dumbledore stopped him from actually going through with using the crossbow and maybe gave him the courage to actually be taken.
2:19:15 - Why is everyone in Slytherin a piece of shit? Well, not everyone. But yeah, most are pretty shitty. And there is actually a reason for it. Most of the parents of these kids are people who followed and believe in Voldemorts ways. It's learned behavior from their parents.
2:24:40 - Why keep Lockhart around and not go get another teacher? You mean, other than a meat shield? Harry and Ron were under the impression that the other teachers appointed him to be the one to save Ginny and they were in a hurry to do it. When it turned out he was a liar and tried to erase their memory, they did it to stop him from running away and getting away with all he did. Also, meat shield.
2:34:17 - It's a hat? Yep but not just any hat. It was the Sorting Hat. Which like the sword, belonged to Godric Gryffindor. There is so much more I want to say about the hat and the sword and the diary but its way into spoiler territory so next!
2:34:50 - What is Voldemorts motivation? Honestly? To become the most powerful wizard of all time. Live forever. Rule the world. Superiority over mudbloods and muggles. Kill Harry Potter. Thats about it.
2:53:50 - Who is that teacher? Apparently she is the librarian, Madame Pince. You will never see her again.
2:55:05 - What is a wizard prison like? You'll find out next movie.
2:57:30 - Harry's obsessed over diary? I mean, he does get a little obsessed I guess. He tried to figure out who had it and how to get it to work. But honestly, I think you might be getting the diary and his Potions book from Halfblood Prince mixed up.
2:58:25 - Is every movie a school year? Yes. Except combine the last two into one year.
3:01:00 - Are the books more violent? Yes. They are also overall much better than the movies.
3:03:00 Did Hagrid know Tom was Voldemort. Yes, but honestly he is one of they few people who knows that. Voldemort changed his name as to not be associated with his old life. That's all I'll say to avoid spoilers.
Thats it! I hope that helps and that everyone enjoyed my useless knowledge. I can't wait for Prisoner if Azkaban! It is my favorite book! As for the movie, I feel I'm gonna have my work cut out for me with this one.
1 replies
16 hours
Thank you for this!
3 months
Man the part around 01:28:00 when he hears the snake again and goes on to find Nearly Headless Nick and Colin always drove me nuts. Like bro, you've just spent the last however many days moping around miserable because you've been accused of something you KNOW you didn't do. Why in the name of Christ would you go TOWARDS the thing that's obviously doing the actual damage and open yourself up to being accused again. Kid shoulda SPRINTED in the opposite direction the second he heard the voice and made sure he was WITH other people when whatever was gonna happen, happened. At least then he'd have a surefire alibi and could have immediately taken the heat off of himself. I know that would just be too smart for a 12 year old but still...ugh...
1 replies
3 months
Probably would have been the smartest but ad we come to find out later, Harry had a serious hero complex.
3 months
i hate this one. purely because as a small child i heard the audiobook of this and was afraid of the basilisk showing up while im in the bathroom alone.
2 replies
3 months
Although this was the first book I read of the series, it is my least favorite
3 months
other than than my dislike of the audio book. great movie and book.
3 months
fun fact, the Basikisk is a legless lizard, not a snake! due to its eye lids, scale patterns, the holes on the sides of its head (lizard ears that snakes don't have), and a few more things i can't remember lol. look up Snake Descovery on youtube, they made a video about this.
1 replies
3 months
and yes, legless lizards ARE a thing! they are rare in captivity, though, since no one really knows how to breed them. only 3 people/places have been able to. one of which is a breeder who sadly passed away, the other is a zoo (I think San Diego?) and the last and most recent is Snake Discovery themselves! though their eggs went bad because they didn't know how to properly incubate legless lizard eggs.
1 replies
3 months
Yep, that's the real world version of a basilisk.
3 months
Something I always found weird was the Kwikspell letter that Harry finds that belongs to Filch. He's all embarrassed about not being great at magic but decides to use a crappy write-away course to learn. Like bro, you work in a SCHOOL for magic. Why not go ask some of your teacher co-workers who are each masters in their given fields to teach you some stuff? Woulda been a hell of a lot easier and a lot more discreet IMO.
1 replies
3 months
I'll do you one better. Filch is actually a squib and can't even use magic. So even signing up for the kiwkspell course is pointless. The plot line only exists so Filch thinks Harry is the Heir of Slytherin and therfore take his being a squib out on his cat.
3 months
Funny that Boom remarked on the bleaching of the Malfoy hair. Tom Felton has natural dark hair so he had to sit through 5-6 rounds of bleaching processes at 30-45 minutes each THEN sit through tinting afterwards to get the hue right. Literal hours upon hours of an awful process from the age of 11 until the last movie. One process alone was more than his screen time of 31 minutes in the 6th movie. NOT WORTH IT! It's still outrageous to me that they didn't let the poor kid just wear a wig, He's done interviews where he said he begged them to just switch and they wouldn't. 🤬
3 months
"NERDD" by a Ravenclaw is gold
1 replies
3 months
3 months
You guys should react to Harold Trotter and the Flesh Eating Slug Repellant on YouTube
3 months
Can you guys react to Hot fuzz Please? It really good
3 months
Jason Isaacs is Zhao from ATLA which is so amazing, what a villainous man
1 replies
3 months
He also does an amazing job as the Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars rebels.
3 months
according to lore "magic simply manifest itself as you grow" so most likely muggle-born wizards will show magical abilities before they receive their Hogwarts letter
3 months
Fun fact: the Skele-Gro potion that they use in this movie to grow Harry’s bones back was first created by Harry’s ancestor
3 months
..does...does he not understand you can follow train tracks to find trains?
3 months
I still love this movie waaaay more then the first, but that's just because I love how more dark (yet still funny) this one is over the first, which could be a lot more cringe. It also helped that we got to see the Weasley house, who is a family I love to bits, and more Ron. XD His acting was soooo good here, and I felt for him 100% with the spider portion. But the one thing that weighed it down for me, was Dobby. He's so easy to dislike, despite his good intentions.
3 months
Fun fact:The exchange:
"Let us hope that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day."
"Don't worry, I will be."
Was improvised on both sides, with Daniel coming up with his completely on the spot (Jason Isaacs having told Christopher Colombus that he was going to say something prior)
3 months
Let it be known that in the books Mr. Weasley did in fact swing on L:ucius Malfoy for insulting his children.
3 months
so the uncle is always angry when harry is around, they have to pay for him. But hes not allowed to leave?
3 months
From what I remember, McGonagall herself visited Hermione well before anyone else started receiving letters and basically explained it all too her. It's possible she was also given the information to find 9 3/4 at the same time.
3 months
They guy who plays Draco father is Voice Actor for Commander Zhao and plays Captain Hook and Peter Pan (2003) Movie
3 months
I’m ready for the third my favorite movie by far
3 months
i always had a thing for rons mom ngl
3 months
i swear they only keep harry around so they can have someone to treat like shit otherwise they would just let him leave lol
3 months
Missed the after credit
3 months
You guys should totally check out a Very Harry Potter Musical as well. That would be a lot of fun.
3 months
I always love HP 1 and 2, but I'm on the edge of my seat for Prisoner of Azkaban. :)
3 months
The 3rd one is where thing get REAL good. That's 99% because of the director.
3 months
I picture y'all commenting on every movie I see now from watching y'all so much haha! After y'all are done with your many movie series, check out "Mirror Mirror" please! Just finished rewatching and it"s such a fun watch!
3 months
Harry potter magic is both very powerful and very limited. Flying car? yup. telportation power? yup. spell to clean yourself? nope, need to go into a bath and charm the soap and sponge
3 months
Can't believe the movie skipped the dad fight in the bookstore
1 replies
3 months
I can believe it, would've been a waste of time and awkward to have onscreen
3 months
In the Book when Hagrid is accused, his wand is broken, and he's forbidden from doing magic. That's why 1 half of his wand is in the tip of his umbrella in the 1st movie. Also, why he went to Dumbledor for permission to put a spell on his garden to protect it.
3 months
Wow this movie had some MAJOR scenes I didn’t not see before, I have a dvd of it and it didn’t include the scenes like Harry and Ron spotting the car in the forest, kid talking behind Harry’s back and lots others. I’m really glad my dvd didn’t include the car, it would have spoiled it’s return to save Ron and Harry like a suprise rescue
3 months
Im suprised they got the extended version. I only ever saw that on tv. Could never find the bluerays of it.
3 months
3 months
Dumbledore's bedroom has as many paintings as he could fit. He's a sick perv who gets pleasure forcing them to watch him pound off.
3 months
You guys didn’t watch the mid credit scene where it shows Lockhart in a straight jacket lmao
3 months
So who is gonna tell him the brother/sister in NGNL arent blood related? Literally shows her getting adopted in the anime lol
2 replies
3 months
Plus, they were talking about the movie, NGNL Zero, where the main characters aren't siblings at all, neither blood-related nor adopted. Sure, one is a robot, but there's no incest involved.
3 months
As if that makes it any less creepy n weird
1 replies
3 months
Even though no one bats an eye are Eren x Mikasa when she became his foster sister in a way. It actually does makeoit WAY less awkward
3 months
As much as I love the first two movies, I do like the direction they take after the second one the tone immediately gets a lot more dark fantasy because of the new director
3 months
0:31:30 In the books, they actually have a fistfight
3 months
Ron’s letter from his mum sent me horrific flashbacks from how my nan use to yell at me
3 months
So crab and boile I forgot which one but one of them was arrested later in life for domestic terrorist charges
1 replies
3 months
It was Crabbe
3 months
“This movie is so predictable” no offense Bree but you said that while talking over the best line in the entire franchise. “It is not our abilities that make us who we are, it is our choices.”
3 months
Alright, Imy time has finally come! I have been waiting forever for you guys to watch Harry Potter! And yes, I know I'm the weird one for being obsessed with Harry Potter pretty much all 30 some odd years of my life but I was finding myself yelling at the screen for all of you guys lack of Harry Potter knowledge. So let me do you all a favor and myself, let me share some of my geek knowledge that I have been storing for years and answer the questions you all have asked during this video.
I'm gonna rewatch this video and make another post with time stamps answering all of you alls questions. Spoiler free, of course
3 months
I love the fact spiders flee before it mainly because its not a giant monstrous snake but because they have 8 eyes they cant close so they are in huge danger of being killed almost instantly.
3 months
A basilisk is actually supposed to be part chicken part snake. Not a giant snake.
1 replies
3 months
I'm not sure where you're getting that from. I know a lot of mythology gets changed from story to story but the basilisk, in European mythology, is always described as a serpent or lizard. It is often confused with the cockatrice, which may be what you're confusing it with. It is part serpent and part rooster.Funny enough though, in Harry Potter a basilisk is born by hatching a chicken egg under a toad. It can also be killed by the crow of a rooster, which is why Hagied is carrying a dead rooster at one point during the movie.
3 months
The first two Potter films were directed by Chris Columbus of "Home Alone" fame and they were notorious for their on-set mishaps. Columbus preferred to use practical effects and the resultant set environment was quite dangerous as a result. For much of his tenure, Columbus insisted on using practical methods to create the floating candles in the Great Hall, for instance. This not only resulted on a great many children being dripped with candle wax, but several of the invisible strings used caught fire at various points and nearly lit the rest of the set on fire. The explosives used in the first film to destroy the giant chess pieces resulted in a chunk of plaster flying and nearly taking out Rupert Grint's (Ron's) eye as he lay on the ground. This hit is actually visible in the movie. For the second film, Malfoy's trio get hit particularly badly. In an outtake of the Borgin & Burkes scene, Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) accidentally hit Tom Felton's (Draco Malfoy's) hand with his cane hand. The snake-headed cane had incredibly sharp fangs and Isaacs accidentally stabbed Felton quite badly. Meanwhile, Jamie Waylett (Vincent Crabbe) and Josh Herdman (Gregory Goyle) both suffered cuts to their mouths from the fish hooks used to suspend the two cakes Harry and Ron trick them into eating.
On a more lighthearted note, the scene where Dobby is freed featured a bit of entertaining improvisation on Jason Isaac's part. In the book, Lucius Malfoy does not attempt to curse Harry, but merely lunges at him as if the physically attack him, at which point Dobby intervenes. However, Isaacs thought that wasn't very interesting. At the last moment before they started filming the scene, he asked around some of the crew for an incantation from the books without telling anyone why he was asking. A crew member told him, "Avada Kedavra" without thinking to tell him what the spell did. Isaacs liked the sound of it, so he ran with it. The amusing part about this is, both in the books and in the movies, Lucius Malfoy is something of a coward who prefers to talk big and then stay in the shadows. However, due to Isaacs, in the movies, it is now canon that Lucius Malfoy attempted to murder Harry Potter in broad daylight in the heart of Hogwarts right outside Albus Dumbledore's office, as the incantation is that of a killing curse. Isaacs continues to chuckle when asked about this in interviews.
3 months
i need the third movie reaction !!!!! neeeed it like spongebob and i think sean can be a Gryffindor/ravenclaw
3 months
"I respect the people who just leave one comment with time stamps instead of like 47 commets"
see now I'm torn between doing this to earn your respect and staying the course just to because I know it's annoying
(In all seriousnees I'm staying the course because of ADHD reasons and not to annoy you because I'm not really that type of person- I can't even joke about it without clarifying in the same comment that I'm not going to do that lol)
3 months
I'm sure Boom would love to know that Arthur Weasley does Punch Lucius in the books.
3 months
the conversation at the 47 minuet mark: There's characters that have traits of multiple houses but their traits of one house were so strong they were placed in one over another
Hermionie for Example is Gryffindor but she has a massive Ravenclaw Leaning. We find out in the books that the sorting hat actually seriosuly considered putting her in Ravenclaw but chose Gryffindor instead.
Ron and Nevil are both Characters who Are Gryffindor's that also seem like a perfect fit for Huffelpuff. I myself am constantly shocked every houseplacment test puts me in Gryffindore when I always think Huffelpuff would be a better fit for me as my biggest ambition in life is to just make others happy and brighten their day- but I think the fact that simply exisiting asa trans woman is considered an act of Bravery is what makes my "Gryffindor" traits so strong
Then as we see in this movie Harry himself is torn between this idea that he could have been in Slytherin. Harry perfectly exibits traits of all four Houses- in fact in the first movie/book the hat mentions as much so it really was a toss up on where Harry should go but the fact that Harry had the courage in the moment to voice his fears and desires is what placed him in Gryffindor and the rest is history!
The Houses aren't an end all answer as we see characters who fit the traits of multiple houses in a single house- they're just a way to have you grow alongside like minded individuals durring your seven years but the reason the classes are mixed of two or more houses is to ensure you are never stuck in your own echo chamber or group and have diffrent peers to balance you out- for better or worse.
1 replies
3 months
Hermione was sent to Gryffindor because she values friendship and bravery more. (she said it in the first movie)
3 months
you guys paused perfectly to see Malfoy planting the journal and then just shrugged it off when Eric pointed it out
1 replies
3 months
3 months
two notes about the scene with Ron and Harry being lectured right after being caught by Snape and Filtch when Arriving at Hogwarts
1) Snape seems to have warm spot for the Willow
2) In the books when McGonagol tries to take points from Gryffindor because of Ron and Harry's actions Harry mentions how the Shcool Year hasn't started yet and she just smiles and drops it... One of my favorite moments between these two in this book because it shows her rewarding his cleaver nature. I think McGonagol like Hermionie is a very Ravenclaw leaning Gryffindor so when her students show large capacities of being cleaver she rewards that as much as she can. A trait about her I always loved...
3 months
Yeah its wrong comparing Star Wars and Danmachi. One of them is actually good, and it isn't star wars. FIGHT ME. (I joke, I am just not a big star wars fan but I love Danmachi)
3 months
Bri Lord of the Rings was a big inspiration for Harry Potter so if you like one you might like the other!
3 months
I’m gonna agree with Ruff and Bri No Game No Life is not weird it is a dope series that needs a season 2.
3 months
I think the teacher Erik was asking about towards the end in the great hall sitting with all the other teachers was actually supposed to be the school librarian Madam Pince but she wasn’t given any lines or other scenes in the movie
3 months
01:11:26 - The movies do tend to make Hermione more OP than she was in the books. (Not that she wasn't awesome in the books but she wasn't perfect at EVERYTHING) Just in this one we get:
-The "fear of a name" quote was originally something Dumbledore said
-She didn't blast the Bludger at all in the book
-The spell she used on the pixies could only freeze a few at a time
-Ron is the one who explained what a Mudblood was instead of her because he's the one who grew up in the Wizarding World, she didn't even know what it meant when Malfoy called her it
The screenwriter has said that Hermione was his favorite character to write for and it shows but unfortunately it often comes at the expense of other character's skills and accomplishments
2 replies
3 months
Considering Hermione gets cut out of half the film I didn’t mind these changes. It shows off her intellect and bravado before it’s lost which is meant to be felt. Ron and Harry basically got most of the film to themselves.
1 replies
3 months
I think her intellect was shown fine as is originally though. She's still the one who brewed the Polyjuice Potion, she still had a spell to use against the pixies, even if it wasn't as strong. The movie actually even cuts out one of her smartest moments from the book, where she realizes it's a Basilisk by connecting the dots of only Harry being able to hear it when he can speak to snakes. I just think it's kind of silly how the movies sometimes write her to be more competent than most of the adults or to have knowledge about Wizarding culture she wouldn't be privy to. The first movie even did it too, she was the one in the books who lost her head when they were dealing with the Devil's Snare and Ron had to snap her out of it, as well as removing the thing she was actually good at it (the potions logic puzzle). I do like both versions of Hermione, I just think the one in the books is more compelling because she's more flawed/isn't perfect at basically EVERYTHING.
3 months
They did need to "clean things up" for time it made sense to have Hermione to have these changes
I'm just glad book 4's movie adaptation removed the most unsettling Hermionie moment as it was just uncomfortable and is even more uncomfortable when I realized what the character Hermionie acted against represents to the author.....
But I'll expand on that when we get to Goblet of FIre.....
3 months
The flying car is a real one
3 months
Haha love that you guys are wearing your house's robes!!
3 months
the last one with Richard Harris :(
3 months
Most of the books open with something happening to the Dursley's. Book 1, they were driven mad and Dudley had to get the tail surgically removed. Book 2, Vernon's promotion is ruined. Book 3 was more indirect, but still affected them(no spoilers). I don' t think they show in the movie, but book 4 Dudley is given Ton-Tongue Toffee
They often get comeuppance in the books.
3 months
Boom will either appreciate or already know this one but Jason Isaacs, the guy who plays Malfoy's father Lucius, is also Admiral Zhao from Avatar The Last Airbender. He's so good at playing the villain.
3 months
You guys should look up the map of which countries attend which wizarding school. Rowling somehow makes each one more insane than the last if you spend any amount of time thinking of what would happen if you actually had students from all those places sharing a school.
3 months
You 4 really need to watch the prince of egypt. You won't regret it. Art style is amazing
3 months
Suppressed Ruff didn't recognize Mandrakes and Basilisks from Delicious in Dungeon. Imagine how different this movie would be if they went with the chicken with a snake coming out of its ass design.
1 replies
3 months
3 months
Wearing my Ravenclaw house emblem pajamas while watching this is such a vibe. Represent!
3 months
i neeed this watching it rn
3 months
Someone needs to make a clip of Boom saying "Give me my wand, Tom" before Harry says it word for word right after. That shit was incredible.
3 months
This version of Dumbledore was perfect, and it's a shame he passed away before the series finished. I often wonder what it would've been like had he survived long enough to finish it out. I don't hate Michael Gambon who replaces him, but he's almost a polar opposite of what the book Dumbledore is like. Where as this Dumbledore is what I imagine when I read the book.
3 months
I know I shouldn't but I always felt kinda bad for the basilik when Harry stabbed it. That scream was just kinda horrifying and it made me feel bad for how much in pain it was. First it was blinded and then it was stabbed through the mouth. What an awful way to go!
3 months
general zhao
3 months
Bro, chamber of secrets is dark? Wait until the next movie 🤣🤣🤣🤣
3 months
So the only reason Lockhart was a teacher at school was because Dumbledore wanted to expose him as a fraud
3 months
Oh my god they aren't ready for how good the next one is
3 months
sooo funny when you perfectly paused at the Lucius book slip scene lolll I was like nooo
3 months
wow just noticed the regular show references that came from this film
pops flying car
3 months
if the student is muggle born, the letter is usually hand delivered by a school representative that explains everything to them. Harry got his the usual way since his aunt and uncle are in the know, even though they're dicks.
1 replies
3 months
Hope they see this
3 months
Wait have you guys watched is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon??
3 months
Never realized that Malfoy was going to straight murder harry in the hallway.
2 replies
3 months
Honestly, it took me so long to even notice what spell he was about to cast. I always thought he said "fara" instead of "avada", so the thought didn't even cross my mind.
3 months
Shh, spoiler. Only seasoned Potter Fans noticed that
3 months
Fun fact: the I didn't know you coul read line was improvised. The actor fir malfoy forgot his line
3 months
So. unfortunately before the creator went off the political deep end she used to make questionable tweets expanding the lore. one of them kind of explains the privacy for "cranking it" boom mentioned. According to her, cranking it in front of other wizards is somewhat common, going to the length were students at hogwarts participate in... circles. Her saying this about children is why i can not take her seriously and it makes me consider her a creep. This shit is gross.
2 replies
3 months
nahh when did she say this omg
3 months
Beyond that weirdness though honestly, I’ve read fanfiction that make better use of the characters and world than Rowling ever did.
3 months
Fun fact the “I didn’t know you could read “ line was ad libbed by Draco’s actor Tom Felton.
3 months
Gee. I wonder how you could possibly find a train, its almost like they have iron tracks they can never leave without crashing
3 months
I cannot wait for the third movie. Its my personal favourite. And it has my favourite characters .
3 months
Yes. Hermione is a muggle born wizard. Wizards and witches can somehow be born from muggles yet at the same time they treat muggles like a wholly different species. And then theres people like Filch who is a squib, a non magic person born from magic parents.So the fact that Hermiones parents and Hermione herself were introduced into the Wizarding world when she was 11 is interesting in itself because Hermione learned more about the magic world before school started than most wizards learn just growing up.
The way that hogwarts knows who's born with magic is the enchanted book and quill they have in one of the towers, it somehow writes the name of every person born with magic so that they know who to send letters to
3 months
So I don't remember the book too well, but having Becky with the good hair try to avada kedavra harry in this movie seems weird at all angles
3 months
Boom catching the thing first try.
3 months
Yeah, I definitely agree with bree that Prisoner of Azkaban is the best movie; for me, I think it's the darker tone of the later books, but also the amazing direction of Alfonso Cuaron.
By the way, just so you guys are fully aware, there are a total of 4 directors for the whole franchise; Chris Columbus (1-2), Alfonso Cuaron (3), Mike Newell (4), and David Yates (5-8 + Fantastic Beasts). I'd explain why they left, but I really hope you guys watch the reunion special which details that more.
3 months
you missed an end credit scene
3 months
Boom did it in LOTR, I'm doing it here.
Fun fact: the actress that played Moaning Myrtle was in her 30s when she filmed this movie.
3 months
harry’s mom is muggle born like hermione. squibs are when two wizard parents have a muggle child (with no powers) like filch
1 replies
3 months
which is why he's always bitter and resentful, cause he's stuck caretaking a school full of people with magical talent
3 months
oh yeah father brown i watched that sometimes with my parents super cozy show made me really like the actor and his character in these movies
3 months
So elves are weird. They're naturally gifted with magic and use them without wands, every elf is basically a willing slave for whatever or whoever they serve. Dobby himself is a freak of nature among elves that he hates being a servant. Most house elves will do anything to avoid being given clothes to be free. Even in the books Hermione kept trying to give the elves that cleaned gryffindor common rooms socks and hats until all the elves left the common room and stayed in the kitchens. And now the hogwarts elves and many gryffindors hate Hermione
3 months
Lockhart, the fraud teacher, happens to be a Ravenclaw, just like last movie's Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
3 months
"I would answer wizardry, with violence" funny you would say that, because so would Arthur Weasley. In the book he throws hands in the book store.
3 months
It's never explained in the movies, there is a reason Harry has to go back to his aunt and uncle's in the summer. It's because when all this went down Dumbledor enacted a very powerful charm that protects Harry as long as he lives with one of his mother's blood relatives. Petunia is her only living relative besides Harry. At one point Dumbledor basically tells him that as shitty as they've been to him living with the Dursley's may be the only reason he's alive. None of that is ever explained in the movies. But they do talk about some things related to that so i wont go into more detail. Love the reactions!
3 months
the "why are you wearing glasses" was improved from Malfoy's actor it wasn't in the script
2 replies
3 months
Im sure it was the "I didnt know you could read" that was improvised
3 months
improvised - stupid auto spell
Cannon Fire
3 months
Just found time to watch, squad is arguing right out the gate. This is gonna be a fun watch 😂
3 months
I’m not super knowledgable about Harry Potter, but probably for that reason it’s funny going back to the older movies after seeing all of them and how silly some plot points are (I know kids are the target audience but still).In the first movie, the professors set up safeguards to protect a major magic source in the hopes that the dark lord wasn’t paying attention in school when he was eleven and bad at chess.Here, we have Salazar Slytherin create a hidden base secret from the rest of the staff. The only entrance is the girl’s bathroom, arguably the MOST suspicious place he (and all other participating males) could possibly be seen entering. I understand the plot matures over time, but watching these movies as comedies is just as fun.
3 months
Just an fyi, in the books, Arthur Weasley did throw hands at Malfoy's Dad. Would have been satisfying to watch on the big screen
3 months
I didn't get one thing - who of the crew have seen this franchise and who's doing it the first time ?🤔
1 replies
3 months
From what I can tell, Brie and Eric already seen it, the other 2 haven't
1 replies
3 months
3 months
Can’t wait to watch ❤️❤️👏🏾💯🙌🏾
3 months
Let's go
3 months
I have both seen No Game No Life and is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon I have to say No Game No Life is way weirder than is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon
3 months
So Harry actually got his room in the first book. The movie just cut it. The thong is that after Harry Got that first initial letter in the kitchen, his Uncle and Aunt decided how to respond and they decided to ignore the letters all together. But they thought that if they gave him Dudley's second bedroom. YES, HIS POS COUSIN HAD 2 ROOMS. ONE WHERE HE SLEPT AND THE OTHER ONE WHERE HE HAD EVERYTHING THAT COULDN'T FIT IN HIS FIRST BEDROOM. Anyways, his aunt and uncle thought that if they put Harry in the bedroom, then Hogwarts couldn't locate him anymore because they specifically wrote "The cuppoard under the stairs" as Harry's adress. So yeah, the first movie just cut the fact that he got his own bedroom
3 months
as a fellow ravenclaw, all i have to say is at least we have Luna
2 replies
3 months
Professor Flitwick is pretty cool too!
3 months
Flitwick too
3 months
My favorite thing about this series is it gradually gets darker.
1 replies
3 months
For sure . From pure Christmas holiday movie till Halloween 😆
Not knowing what a rubber duck does is just sad.
LOL at 2 hours u guys wonder about how much shit Hogwarts deal with and if it happens to other school and one y'all comments how its been 50 years since the Chamber opened last and things mustve been peaceful in the inbetween but over the last few years theres been a mobile game Hogwarts Mystery that takes place in the 7 years leading up to the events of the movies/books and it is honestly JUST as wild as all this
Um, golden opportunity...Bri and the extended editions. I mean...its right there
Ngl hearing Bri be so adamant about not watching Lord of the Rings during a Harry Potter reaction feels like a kid who doesn’t like chocolate saying that they won’t enjoy any candy on earth. It’s kinda a wild perspective where I’m like “Alright, I guess you don’t have to watch a good movie if you truly don’t want too but you’re literally just missing out for no reason other then you want to be missing out.”
I only like chocolate and no other sweets. Been like that my entire life.
Father Brown is a excellent detective show definitely worth a watch!
54:10 "No one even batted an eye when he said it." In the books the older Slytherins had to jump in front of Malfoy to protect him because the Gryffindors were trying to throw hands.
"if harry potter was a horror movie"
spoiler alert, thats all of them from here out...
It was mentioned that you should watch Mashle, and I wholeheartedly agree.
First time watching Harry Potter and omg I am loving it. I am glad I am watching this with sorta stupid best decision
With the Harry Potter database I've collected in my brain over the past 30+ years I've been alive (my resume includes 10+ readings and watchings of the books and movies each and consistent studying by watching hours of YouTubers dedicated to the subject of Harry Potter and all of its Pottermore lore), I plan on answering as many of your guys questions as I can throughout all of these movies based on how it is in the canon lore. Let's get started!
3:25 - Harry has a room now? Yep! After Harry recieved his letter stating that his room was 'the cupboard under the stairs', the Dursleys got scared that they were being watched and afriad of retrubution for their mistreatment of Harry. They cleared out Dudley's second room and gave it to Harry. Later, when he receives other letters from the Wizarding World, they are adresses to 'The smallest bedroom'
5:05 - About House-Elves. House-elves are inslaved to certain Wizarding families, usually the richest and most powerful. The are often within the families for generations and love what they do. Most will find it offensive to take payment or benefits for their work and are loyal to the families they are enslaved to. They have their own kind of magic, differnet from witches and wizards and the only rules they have to abide by are the ones their masters oppose on them. If a family becomes unhappy with thier servant or a strange house-elf wishes to be free, giving them cloths of any kind will set them free.
10:30 - The Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery. Underage witches and wizards have a magic on them called the Trace, which is removed from them when they come of age on their 17th birthday. If any magic is preformed anywhere around them, the Trace picks it up as that witch or wizard using the spell. At this point an owl is sent to the magic user, warning them of their offense, and depending on the situation, they may need to go to a trial and defend themselves against being expelled from school and losing their wand or even being sent to prison, depending on the severity of the offense. Underage wizards from magical families have a hard time telling spells from adults and kids and they can often do magic without worring about getting in trouble. Also, the Trace doesn't seem to detect magic on items that are already bewitched, such as broomsticks, invisibility cloaks, ect.
12:40 - Why do the Dursleys keep Harry around if they don't like him? The Durleys hate magic. They don't want to be associated with it whatsoever. However, they hate Harry more and love to see him miserable. So often when given the choice to be rid of Harry they take it, unless they have the chance of making him more miserable by keeping him from doing something he wants to do.
13:00 - Why doesn't Harry move in with the Weasleys? This will lead into spoiler territory so I'll just say that Dumbledore has his reasons for Harry going to live with and calling the Durley's house his home.
28:00 - Hermione's Heritage and what is a squib? Hermione is muggle-born. Both parents are muggles. She once had magical ancestors, which has passed the dormit magical gene down until it activated in Hermione.Squibs are the opposite of muggle-borns. They are non-magical children that are born with two magical parents.
29:45 - How did Hemione and her parents find Platform 9 3/4? When a muggle-born is sent their letter from Hogwarts, a representative goes to the house and delievers the letter instead of an owl. That way they can explain everything to the family and tell them how to get to Hogwarts. Kinda like Hagrid did for Harry. In Hermione's case, it was McGonagall.
31:00 - You can find more short stories, backstory and other Harry Potter canon at the Pottermore website.
34:05 - Why didn't they use floo powder to get to Hogwarts? Becuase the school is protected against most magical travel onto the school grounds. Hasn't anyone read Hogwarts, A History?
41:15 - Filch is being suspicious here because Harry found and handed Filch his Kwikspell letter, which is a remedial magic course. He is a Squib and he was applying to this course in hopes to be able to learn some kind of magic. Honestly, this plotline in the books is convoluted enough as is. Squibs cannot use magic. Whatsoever. They can see and interact with magical things unlike muggles but cannot cast it. The only reason this is a thing is to give Filch a reason to suspect Harry of being the Heir of Slytherin...and I just realized they don't go anywhere with it in the movies. It's kinda a pointless and confusing scene and only people who have read the books would even have a chance of understanding what was going on.
41:30 - Why is everyone so dirty? Becuase Chris Columbus decided he wanted the 'cleaning pipes in the 1880's' look. They all discover soap after the first two movies.
44:00 - A spell to fix broken wands? Without spoilers, no. There is no wand or spell powerful enough to fix a broken wand. At least not as bad as Ron's wand was.
45:20 - Ignoring a Howler? Ignoring a Howler makes it worse. It will ignite and smoke until finally exploding. After that, the message still plays.
56:55 - Why is the floor wet? Moaning Myrtle.
1:00:30 - What is the blood from? The dead roosters. Tom made Ginny kill them becuase the crow from a rooster is deadly to a basilisk, then made her write the messages with the roosters blood.
1:05:10 - How often is it that families don't share the same Hogwarts house? Not very often but it does happen.
1:05:40 - Why aren't some magics restricted? They are. They had to get the potion book from the Restricted Section of the library. But outside of the school, there really isn't very many 'illegal' magics. Mostly its the intent on how you end up using them.
1:06:05 - Why don't witches and wizards use technology? The short answer is, they do. Some things they have adopted into their culture. Radios, cameras and some transportation being a few. The long answer is that most magical folk don't like and trust muggles or their ways and it is looked down upon to do things 'the muggle way.'Also, high concentrations of magic adversely effect technology and stop it from working properly.
1:53:25 - How old is Dumbledore? Roughly 112 years old in this movie.
2:00:30 - Harry's name should be cleared? Mostly after this it is but there are those that still beleive Harry to be the Heir of Slytherin. Consider the fact that they still thought he was, even though he was close friends with Hermione. Maybe some thought it a clever ruse to get close to her, so he could kill/petrify her.
2:00:40 - Are there other magical schools and do they have to deal with Scooby-doo bullshit? Yes, there are 11 other magical schools throughout the Wizarding World. Although a lot of magical folk decide to homeschool their kids rather than send them off to a school.No, I don't believe the other schools have to put up with as much Scooby-doo bullshit as Hogwarts does. Although there is some evidence of SDBS at a few other schools.
2:02:30 - Who was Hargrid expecting? Exactly who showed up. He knew he was gonna get blamed for the attacks because of how he got treated 50 years prior. He was scared and wasn't gonna go to Azkaban prison without a fight. I think the appearance of Harry, Ron and Dumbledore stopped him from actually going through with using the crossbow and maybe gave him the courage to actually be taken.
2:19:15 - Why is everyone in Slytherin a piece of shit? Well, not everyone. But yeah, most are pretty shitty. And there is actually a reason for it. Most of the parents of these kids are people who followed and believe in Voldemorts ways. It's learned behavior from their parents.
2:24:40 - Why keep Lockhart around and not go get another teacher? You mean, other than a meat shield? Harry and Ron were under the impression that the other teachers appointed him to be the one to save Ginny and they were in a hurry to do it. When it turned out he was a liar and tried to erase their memory, they did it to stop him from running away and getting away with all he did. Also, meat shield.
2:34:17 - It's a hat? Yep but not just any hat. It was the Sorting Hat. Which like the sword, belonged to Godric Gryffindor. There is so much more I want to say about the hat and the sword and the diary but its way into spoiler territory so next!
2:34:50 - What is Voldemorts motivation? Honestly? To become the most powerful wizard of all time. Live forever. Rule the world. Superiority over mudbloods and muggles. Kill Harry Potter. Thats about it.
2:53:50 - Who is that teacher? Apparently she is the librarian, Madame Pince. You will never see her again.
2:55:05 - What is a wizard prison like? You'll find out next movie.
2:57:30 - Harry's obsessed over diary? I mean, he does get a little obsessed I guess. He tried to figure out who had it and how to get it to work. But honestly, I think you might be getting the diary and his Potions book from Halfblood Prince mixed up.
2:58:25 - Is every movie a school year? Yes. Except combine the last two into one year.
3:01:00 - Are the books more violent? Yes. They are also overall much better than the movies.
3:03:00 Did Hagrid know Tom was Voldemort. Yes, but honestly he is one of they few people who knows that. Voldemort changed his name as to not be associated with his old life. That's all I'll say to avoid spoilers.
Thats it! I hope that helps and that everyone enjoyed my useless knowledge. I can't wait for Prisoner if Azkaban! It is my favorite book! As for the movie, I feel I'm gonna have my work cut out for me with this one.
Thank you for this!
Man the part around 01:28:00 when he hears the snake again and goes on to find Nearly Headless Nick and Colin always drove me nuts. Like bro, you've just spent the last however many days moping around miserable because you've been accused of something you KNOW you didn't do. Why in the name of Christ would you go TOWARDS the thing that's obviously doing the actual damage and open yourself up to being accused again. Kid shoulda SPRINTED in the opposite direction the second he heard the voice and made sure he was WITH other people when whatever was gonna happen, happened. At least then he'd have a surefire alibi and could have immediately taken the heat off of himself. I know that would just be too smart for a 12 year old but still...ugh...
Probably would have been the smartest but ad we come to find out later, Harry had a serious hero complex.
i hate this one. purely because as a small child i heard the audiobook of this and was afraid of the basilisk showing up while im in the bathroom alone.
Although this was the first book I read of the series, it is my least favorite
other than than my dislike of the audio book. great movie and book.
fun fact, the Basikisk is a legless lizard, not a snake! due to its eye lids, scale patterns, the holes on the sides of its head (lizard ears that snakes don't have), and a few more things i can't remember lol. look up Snake Descovery on youtube, they made a video about this.
and yes, legless lizards ARE a thing! they are rare in captivity, though, since no one really knows how to breed them. only 3 people/places have been able to. one of which is a breeder who sadly passed away, the other is a zoo (I think San Diego?) and the last and most recent is Snake Discovery themselves! though their eggs went bad because they didn't know how to properly incubate legless lizard eggs.
Yep, that's the real world version of a basilisk.
Something I always found weird was the Kwikspell letter that Harry finds that belongs to Filch. He's all embarrassed about not being great at magic but decides to use a crappy write-away course to learn. Like bro, you work in a SCHOOL for magic. Why not go ask some of your teacher co-workers who are each masters in their given fields to teach you some stuff? Woulda been a hell of a lot easier and a lot more discreet IMO.
I'll do you one better. Filch is actually a squib and can't even use magic. So even signing up for the kiwkspell course is pointless. The plot line only exists so Filch thinks Harry is the Heir of Slytherin and therfore take his being a squib out on his cat.
Funny that Boom remarked on the bleaching of the Malfoy hair. Tom Felton has natural dark hair so he had to sit through 5-6 rounds of bleaching processes at 30-45 minutes each THEN sit through tinting afterwards to get the hue right. Literal hours upon hours of an awful process from the age of 11 until the last movie. One process alone was more than his screen time of 31 minutes in the 6th movie. NOT WORTH IT! It's still outrageous to me that they didn't let the poor kid just wear a wig, He's done interviews where he said he begged them to just switch and they wouldn't. 🤬
"NERDD" by a Ravenclaw is gold
You guys should react to Harold Trotter and the Flesh Eating Slug Repellant on YouTube
Can you guys react to Hot fuzz Please? It really good
Jason Isaacs is Zhao from ATLA which is so amazing, what a villainous man
He also does an amazing job as the Grand Inquisitor in Star Wars rebels.
according to lore "magic simply manifest itself as you grow" so most likely muggle-born wizards will show magical abilities before they receive their Hogwarts letter
Fun fact: the Skele-Gro potion that they use in this movie to grow Harry’s bones back was first created by Harry’s ancestor
..does...does he not understand you can follow train tracks to find trains?
I still love this movie waaaay more then the first, but that's just because I love how more dark (yet still funny) this one is over the first, which could be a lot more cringe. It also helped that we got to see the Weasley house, who is a family I love to bits, and more Ron. XD His acting was soooo good here, and I felt for him 100% with the spider portion. But the one thing that weighed it down for me, was Dobby. He's so easy to dislike, despite his good intentions.
Fun fact:The exchange:
"Let us hope that Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day."
"Don't worry, I will be."
Was improvised on both sides, with Daniel coming up with his completely on the spot (Jason Isaacs having told Christopher Colombus that he was going to say something prior)
Let it be known that in the books Mr. Weasley did in fact swing on L:ucius Malfoy for insulting his children.
so the uncle is always angry when harry is around, they have to pay for him. But hes not allowed to leave?
From what I remember, McGonagall herself visited Hermione well before anyone else started receiving letters and basically explained it all too her. It's possible she was also given the information to find 9 3/4 at the same time.
They guy who plays Draco father is Voice Actor for Commander Zhao and plays Captain Hook and Peter Pan (2003) Movie
I’m ready for the third my favorite movie by far
i always had a thing for rons mom ngl
i swear they only keep harry around so they can have someone to treat like shit otherwise they would just let him leave lol
Missed the after credit
You guys should totally check out a Very Harry Potter Musical as well. That would be a lot of fun.
I always love HP 1 and 2, but I'm on the edge of my seat for Prisoner of Azkaban. :)
The 3rd one is where thing get REAL good. That's 99% because of the director.
I picture y'all commenting on every movie I see now from watching y'all so much haha! After y'all are done with your many movie series, check out "Mirror Mirror" please! Just finished rewatching and it"s such a fun watch!
Harry potter magic is both very powerful and very limited. Flying car? yup. telportation power? yup. spell to clean yourself? nope, need to go into a bath and charm the soap and sponge
Can't believe the movie skipped the dad fight in the bookstore
I can believe it, would've been a waste of time and awkward to have onscreen
In the Book when Hagrid is accused, his wand is broken, and he's forbidden from doing magic. That's why 1 half of his wand is in the tip of his umbrella in the 1st movie. Also, why he went to Dumbledor for permission to put a spell on his garden to protect it.
Wow this movie had some MAJOR scenes I didn’t not see before, I have a dvd of it and it didn’t include the scenes like Harry and Ron spotting the car in the forest, kid talking behind Harry’s back and lots others. I’m really glad my dvd didn’t include the car, it would have spoiled it’s return to save Ron and Harry like a suprise rescue
Im suprised they got the extended version. I only ever saw that on tv. Could never find the bluerays of it.
Dumbledore's bedroom has as many paintings as he could fit. He's a sick perv who gets pleasure forcing them to watch him pound off.
You guys didn’t watch the mid credit scene where it shows Lockhart in a straight jacket lmao
So who is gonna tell him the brother/sister in NGNL arent blood related? Literally shows her getting adopted in the anime lol
Plus, they were talking about the movie, NGNL Zero, where the main characters aren't siblings at all, neither blood-related nor adopted. Sure, one is a robot, but there's no incest involved.
As if that makes it any less creepy n weird
Even though no one bats an eye are Eren x Mikasa when she became his foster sister in a way. It actually does makeoit WAY less awkward
As much as I love the first two movies, I do like the direction they take after the second one the tone immediately gets a lot more dark fantasy because of the new director
0:31:30 In the books, they actually have a fistfight
Ron’s letter from his mum sent me horrific flashbacks from how my nan use to yell at me
So crab and boile I forgot which one but one of them was arrested later in life for domestic terrorist charges
It was Crabbe
“This movie is so predictable” no offense Bree but you said that while talking over the best line in the entire franchise. “It is not our abilities that make us who we are, it is our choices.”
Alright, Imy time has finally come! I have been waiting forever for you guys to watch Harry Potter! And yes, I know I'm the weird one for being obsessed with Harry Potter pretty much all 30 some odd years of my life but I was finding myself yelling at the screen for all of you guys lack of Harry Potter knowledge. So let me do you all a favor and myself, let me share some of my geek knowledge that I have been storing for years and answer the questions you all have asked during this video.
I'm gonna rewatch this video and make another post with time stamps answering all of you alls questions. Spoiler free, of course
I love the fact spiders flee before it mainly because its not a giant monstrous snake but because they have 8 eyes they cant close so they are in huge danger of being killed almost instantly.
A basilisk is actually supposed to be part chicken part snake. Not a giant snake.
I'm not sure where you're getting that from. I know a lot of mythology gets changed from story to story but the basilisk, in European mythology, is always described as a serpent or lizard. It is often confused with the cockatrice, which may be what you're confusing it with. It is part serpent and part rooster.Funny enough though, in Harry Potter a basilisk is born by hatching a chicken egg under a toad. It can also be killed by the crow of a rooster, which is why Hagied is carrying a dead rooster at one point during the movie.
The first two Potter films were directed by Chris Columbus of "Home Alone" fame and they were notorious for their on-set mishaps. Columbus preferred to use practical effects and the resultant set environment was quite dangerous as a result. For much of his tenure, Columbus insisted on using practical methods to create the floating candles in the Great Hall, for instance. This not only resulted on a great many children being dripped with candle wax, but several of the invisible strings used caught fire at various points and nearly lit the rest of the set on fire. The explosives used in the first film to destroy the giant chess pieces resulted in a chunk of plaster flying and nearly taking out Rupert Grint's (Ron's) eye as he lay on the ground. This hit is actually visible in the movie. For the second film, Malfoy's trio get hit particularly badly. In an outtake of the Borgin & Burkes scene, Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) accidentally hit Tom Felton's (Draco Malfoy's) hand with his cane hand. The snake-headed cane had incredibly sharp fangs and Isaacs accidentally stabbed Felton quite badly. Meanwhile, Jamie Waylett (Vincent Crabbe) and Josh Herdman (Gregory Goyle) both suffered cuts to their mouths from the fish hooks used to suspend the two cakes Harry and Ron trick them into eating.
On a more lighthearted note, the scene where Dobby is freed featured a bit of entertaining improvisation on Jason Isaac's part. In the book, Lucius Malfoy does not attempt to curse Harry, but merely lunges at him as if the physically attack him, at which point Dobby intervenes. However, Isaacs thought that wasn't very interesting. At the last moment before they started filming the scene, he asked around some of the crew for an incantation from the books without telling anyone why he was asking. A crew member told him, "Avada Kedavra" without thinking to tell him what the spell did. Isaacs liked the sound of it, so he ran with it. The amusing part about this is, both in the books and in the movies, Lucius Malfoy is something of a coward who prefers to talk big and then stay in the shadows. However, due to Isaacs, in the movies, it is now canon that Lucius Malfoy attempted to murder Harry Potter in broad daylight in the heart of Hogwarts right outside Albus Dumbledore's office, as the incantation is that of a killing curse. Isaacs continues to chuckle when asked about this in interviews.
i need the third movie reaction !!!!! neeeed it like spongebob and i think sean can be a Gryffindor/ravenclaw
"I respect the people who just leave one comment with time stamps instead of like 47 commets"
see now I'm torn between doing this to earn your respect and staying the course just to because I know it's annoying
(In all seriousnees I'm staying the course because of ADHD reasons and not to annoy you because I'm not really that type of person- I can't even joke about it without clarifying in the same comment that I'm not going to do that lol)
I'm sure Boom would love to know that Arthur Weasley does Punch Lucius in the books.
the conversation at the 47 minuet mark: There's characters that have traits of multiple houses but their traits of one house were so strong they were placed in one over another
Hermionie for Example is Gryffindor but she has a massive Ravenclaw Leaning. We find out in the books that the sorting hat actually seriosuly considered putting her in Ravenclaw but chose Gryffindor instead.
Ron and Nevil are both Characters who Are Gryffindor's that also seem like a perfect fit for Huffelpuff. I myself am constantly shocked every houseplacment test puts me in Gryffindore when I always think Huffelpuff would be a better fit for me as my biggest ambition in life is to just make others happy and brighten their day- but I think the fact that simply exisiting asa trans woman is considered an act of Bravery is what makes my "Gryffindor" traits so strong
Then as we see in this movie Harry himself is torn between this idea that he could have been in Slytherin. Harry perfectly exibits traits of all four Houses- in fact in the first movie/book the hat mentions as much so it really was a toss up on where Harry should go but the fact that Harry had the courage in the moment to voice his fears and desires is what placed him in Gryffindor and the rest is history!
The Houses aren't an end all answer as we see characters who fit the traits of multiple houses in a single house- they're just a way to have you grow alongside like minded individuals durring your seven years but the reason the classes are mixed of two or more houses is to ensure you are never stuck in your own echo chamber or group and have diffrent peers to balance you out- for better or worse.
Hermione was sent to Gryffindor because she values friendship and bravery more. (she said it in the first movie)
you guys paused perfectly to see Malfoy planting the journal and then just shrugged it off when Eric pointed it out
two notes about the scene with Ron and Harry being lectured right after being caught by Snape and Filtch when Arriving at Hogwarts
1) Snape seems to have warm spot for the Willow
2) In the books when McGonagol tries to take points from Gryffindor because of Ron and Harry's actions Harry mentions how the Shcool Year hasn't started yet and she just smiles and drops it... One of my favorite moments between these two in this book because it shows her rewarding his cleaver nature. I think McGonagol like Hermionie is a very Ravenclaw leaning Gryffindor so when her students show large capacities of being cleaver she rewards that as much as she can. A trait about her I always loved...
Yeah its wrong comparing Star Wars and Danmachi. One of them is actually good, and it isn't star wars. FIGHT ME. (I joke, I am just not a big star wars fan but I love Danmachi)
Bri Lord of the Rings was a big inspiration for Harry Potter so if you like one you might like the other!
I’m gonna agree with Ruff and Bri No Game No Life is not weird it is a dope series that needs a season 2.
I think the teacher Erik was asking about towards the end in the great hall sitting with all the other teachers was actually supposed to be the school librarian Madam Pince but she wasn’t given any lines or other scenes in the movie
01:11:26 - The movies do tend to make Hermione more OP than she was in the books. (Not that she wasn't awesome in the books but she wasn't perfect at EVERYTHING) Just in this one we get:
-The "fear of a name" quote was originally something Dumbledore said
-She didn't blast the Bludger at all in the book
-The spell she used on the pixies could only freeze a few at a time
-Ron is the one who explained what a Mudblood was instead of her because he's the one who grew up in the Wizarding World, she didn't even know what it meant when Malfoy called her it
The screenwriter has said that Hermione was his favorite character to write for and it shows but unfortunately it often comes at the expense of other character's skills and accomplishments
Considering Hermione gets cut out of half the film I didn’t mind these changes. It shows off her intellect and bravado before it’s lost which is meant to be felt. Ron and Harry basically got most of the film to themselves.
I think her intellect was shown fine as is originally though. She's still the one who brewed the Polyjuice Potion, she still had a spell to use against the pixies, even if it wasn't as strong. The movie actually even cuts out one of her smartest moments from the book, where she realizes it's a Basilisk by connecting the dots of only Harry being able to hear it when he can speak to snakes. I just think it's kind of silly how the movies sometimes write her to be more competent than most of the adults or to have knowledge about Wizarding culture she wouldn't be privy to. The first movie even did it too, she was the one in the books who lost her head when they were dealing with the Devil's Snare and Ron had to snap her out of it, as well as removing the thing she was actually good at it (the potions logic puzzle). I do like both versions of Hermione, I just think the one in the books is more compelling because she's more flawed/isn't perfect at basically EVERYTHING.
They did need to "clean things up" for time it made sense to have Hermione to have these changes
I'm just glad book 4's movie adaptation removed the most unsettling Hermionie moment as it was just uncomfortable and is even more uncomfortable when I realized what the character Hermionie acted against represents to the author.....
But I'll expand on that when we get to Goblet of FIre.....
The flying car is a real one
Haha love that you guys are wearing your house's robes!!
the last one with Richard Harris :(
Most of the books open with something happening to the Dursley's. Book 1, they were driven mad and Dudley had to get the tail surgically removed. Book 2, Vernon's promotion is ruined. Book 3 was more indirect, but still affected them(no spoilers). I don' t think they show in the movie, but book 4 Dudley is given Ton-Tongue Toffee
They often get comeuppance in the books.
Boom will either appreciate or already know this one but Jason Isaacs, the guy who plays Malfoy's father Lucius, is also Admiral Zhao from Avatar The Last Airbender. He's so good at playing the villain.
You guys should look up the map of which countries attend which wizarding school. Rowling somehow makes each one more insane than the last if you spend any amount of time thinking of what would happen if you actually had students from all those places sharing a school.
You 4 really need to watch the prince of egypt. You won't regret it. Art style is amazing
Suppressed Ruff didn't recognize Mandrakes and Basilisks from Delicious in Dungeon. Imagine how different this movie would be if they went with the chicken with a snake coming out of its ass design.
Wearing my Ravenclaw house emblem pajamas while watching this is such a vibe. Represent!
i neeed this watching it rn
Someone needs to make a clip of Boom saying "Give me my wand, Tom" before Harry says it word for word right after. That shit was incredible.
This version of Dumbledore was perfect, and it's a shame he passed away before the series finished. I often wonder what it would've been like had he survived long enough to finish it out. I don't hate Michael Gambon who replaces him, but he's almost a polar opposite of what the book Dumbledore is like. Where as this Dumbledore is what I imagine when I read the book.
I know I shouldn't but I always felt kinda bad for the basilik when Harry stabbed it. That scream was just kinda horrifying and it made me feel bad for how much in pain it was. First it was blinded and then it was stabbed through the mouth. What an awful way to go!
general zhao
Bro, chamber of secrets is dark? Wait until the next movie 🤣🤣🤣🤣
So the only reason Lockhart was a teacher at school was because Dumbledore wanted to expose him as a fraud
Oh my god they aren't ready for how good the next one is
sooo funny when you perfectly paused at the Lucius book slip scene lolll I was like nooo
wow just noticed the regular show references that came from this film
pops flying car
if the student is muggle born, the letter is usually hand delivered by a school representative that explains everything to them. Harry got his the usual way since his aunt and uncle are in the know, even though they're dicks.
Hope they see this
Wait have you guys watched is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon??
Never realized that Malfoy was going to straight murder harry in the hallway.
Honestly, it took me so long to even notice what spell he was about to cast. I always thought he said "fara" instead of "avada", so the thought didn't even cross my mind.
Shh, spoiler. Only seasoned Potter Fans noticed that
Fun fact: the I didn't know you coul read line was improvised. The actor fir malfoy forgot his line
So. unfortunately before the creator went off the political deep end she used to make questionable tweets expanding the lore. one of them kind of explains the privacy for "cranking it" boom mentioned. According to her, cranking it in front of other wizards is somewhat common, going to the length were students at hogwarts participate in... circles. Her saying this about children is why i can not take her seriously and it makes me consider her a creep. This shit is gross.
nahh when did she say this omg
Beyond that weirdness though honestly, I’ve read fanfiction that make better use of the characters and world than Rowling ever did.
Fun fact the “I didn’t know you could read “ line was ad libbed by Draco’s actor Tom Felton.
Gee. I wonder how you could possibly find a train, its almost like they have iron tracks they can never leave without crashing
I cannot wait for the third movie. Its my personal favourite. And it has my favourite characters .
Yes. Hermione is a muggle born wizard. Wizards and witches can somehow be born from muggles yet at the same time they treat muggles like a wholly different species. And then theres people like Filch who is a squib, a non magic person born from magic parents.So the fact that Hermiones parents and Hermione herself were introduced into the Wizarding world when she was 11 is interesting in itself because Hermione learned more about the magic world before school started than most wizards learn just growing up.
The way that hogwarts knows who's born with magic is the enchanted book and quill they have in one of the towers, it somehow writes the name of every person born with magic so that they know who to send letters to
So I don't remember the book too well, but having Becky with the good hair try to avada kedavra harry in this movie seems weird at all angles
Boom catching the thing first try.
Yeah, I definitely agree with bree that Prisoner of Azkaban is the best movie; for me, I think it's the darker tone of the later books, but also the amazing direction of Alfonso Cuaron.
By the way, just so you guys are fully aware, there are a total of 4 directors for the whole franchise; Chris Columbus (1-2), Alfonso Cuaron (3), Mike Newell (4), and David Yates (5-8 + Fantastic Beasts). I'd explain why they left, but I really hope you guys watch the reunion special which details that more.
you missed an end credit scene
Boom did it in LOTR, I'm doing it here.
Fun fact: the actress that played Moaning Myrtle was in her 30s when she filmed this movie.
harry’s mom is muggle born like hermione. squibs are when two wizard parents have a muggle child (with no powers) like filch
which is why he's always bitter and resentful, cause he's stuck caretaking a school full of people with magical talent
oh yeah father brown i watched that sometimes with my parents super cozy show made me really like the actor and his character in these movies
So elves are weird. They're naturally gifted with magic and use them without wands, every elf is basically a willing slave for whatever or whoever they serve. Dobby himself is a freak of nature among elves that he hates being a servant. Most house elves will do anything to avoid being given clothes to be free. Even in the books Hermione kept trying to give the elves that cleaned gryffindor common rooms socks and hats until all the elves left the common room and stayed in the kitchens. And now the hogwarts elves and many gryffindors hate Hermione
Lockhart, the fraud teacher, happens to be a Ravenclaw, just like last movie's Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher
"I would answer wizardry, with violence" funny you would say that, because so would Arthur Weasley. In the book he throws hands in the book store.
It's never explained in the movies, there is a reason Harry has to go back to his aunt and uncle's in the summer. It's because when all this went down Dumbledor enacted a very powerful charm that protects Harry as long as he lives with one of his mother's blood relatives. Petunia is her only living relative besides Harry. At one point Dumbledor basically tells him that as shitty as they've been to him living with the Dursley's may be the only reason he's alive. None of that is ever explained in the movies. But they do talk about some things related to that so i wont go into more detail. Love the reactions!
the "why are you wearing glasses" was improved from Malfoy's actor it wasn't in the script
Im sure it was the "I didnt know you could read" that was improvised
improvised - stupid auto spell
Just found time to watch, squad is arguing right out the gate. This is gonna be a fun watch 😂
I’m not super knowledgable about Harry Potter, but probably for that reason it’s funny going back to the older movies after seeing all of them and how silly some plot points are (I know kids are the target audience but still).In the first movie, the professors set up safeguards to protect a major magic source in the hopes that the dark lord wasn’t paying attention in school when he was eleven and bad at chess.Here, we have Salazar Slytherin create a hidden base secret from the rest of the staff. The only entrance is the girl’s bathroom, arguably the MOST suspicious place he (and all other participating males) could possibly be seen entering. I understand the plot matures over time, but watching these movies as comedies is just as fun.
Just an fyi, in the books, Arthur Weasley did throw hands at Malfoy's Dad. Would have been satisfying to watch on the big screen
I didn't get one thing - who of the crew have seen this franchise and who's doing it the first time ?🤔
From what I can tell, Brie and Eric already seen it, the other 2 haven't
Can’t wait to watch ❤️❤️👏🏾💯🙌🏾
Let's go
I have both seen No Game No Life and is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon I have to say No Game No Life is way weirder than is it wrong to pick up girls in the dungeon
So Harry actually got his room in the first book. The movie just cut it. The thong is that after Harry Got that first initial letter in the kitchen, his Uncle and Aunt decided how to respond and they decided to ignore the letters all together. But they thought that if they gave him Dudley's second bedroom. YES, HIS POS COUSIN HAD 2 ROOMS. ONE WHERE HE SLEPT AND THE OTHER ONE WHERE HE HAD EVERYTHING THAT COULDN'T FIT IN HIS FIRST BEDROOM. Anyways, his aunt and uncle thought that if they put Harry in the bedroom, then Hogwarts couldn't locate him anymore because they specifically wrote "The cuppoard under the stairs" as Harry's adress. So yeah, the first movie just cut the fact that he got his own bedroom
as a fellow ravenclaw, all i have to say is at least we have Luna
Professor Flitwick is pretty cool too!
Flitwick too
My favorite thing about this series is it gradually gets darker.
For sure . From pure Christmas holiday movie till Halloween 😆