Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore Reaction

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  1. Jordan
    4 minutes

    Please react to hannibal! Whether sean rewatches with you guys or its just two or three of you

  2. Juju’sWrld
    11 minutes

    u guys haveeee to do the harry potter reunion and react to ittttt i begggggg of u billyyyyyys

  3. Colonel
    55 minutes

    "The only difference between them is the genocide thing""YEAH SHAUN, VERY SMALL DIFFERENCE.

  4. Miss_CJ
    1 hour

    I've said it before but Fantastic Beasts should've been a series following Newt, Jacob, Tina and Queenie, as well as Bunty. It could've been Newt saving and studying creatures, writing his book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The book is an encyclopedia. 

    I agree with you guys, the stories should've been separated. 

    When it comes to Dumbledore and Grindelwald, their relationship is complex. What makes Grindelwald different from Voldemort is that he has charisma and manipulates people using their own emotions against them. Voldemort uses fear. Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald when they were younger, and I'm guessing when Grindelwald wasn't as evil as he is now. Through the years, his aspirations changed, and Dumbledore was blindly following him, head filled with dreams, until what happened to Ariana. Which opened his eyes. Dumbledore has lingering feelings for what was, not because he still love him. 

  5. Roberto
    1 hour

    I loved when you guys paused the movie 50 minutes in to look for the remote I was laughing the whole God damn time you even had Christian join in looking for it more of this please

  6. Grace
    1 hour

    This is actually gonna be my first time watching this movie and I’m so excited 

  7. Gold475
    2 hours

    they had to leave this movie open enddend because we already know what happens to grindelwald from the og harry poter books

  8. MannyJ
    2 hours

    Jude Law is fantastic in King Arthur Legend of the Sword, add it to the list!

  9. imrightoverhere
    2 hours

    "fun" fact: Katherine Waterson, the actress who played Tina, was the most outspoken against JK Rowling's statements in the main cast roughly 2 years before the release of the movie. 

  10. Ophelia
    2 hours

    EXPLANATION ON WHY HE DOESNT LOOK LIKE DEPPS GRINDERWALD: The new actor didnt want to be exactly like depp and have all the make up and extra as a sign of respect to show that Johnny depp was the true best actor for grinderwald. He wanted to show respect to Depp.

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      1 hour

      Do you have a source for this? I don't see why Mikkelsen would disclose that if WB wanted to distance the FB movies from Depp

  11. Juju’sWrld
    2 hours

    yessssssss we are finally hereeeee <3<3 

  12. Bunney
    2 hours

    What brand is yalls couches? They look nice and I need a new one

  13. Chris
    2 hours

    There is actually a really interesting theory that Jacob is actually a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff. I totally could see it

  14. Edox
    3 hours

    I personally think the problem with the movie, is that they dint really tackle how Dumbledore was indeed not a good person and was incredibly flawed. Dumbledore was the one that actually inspired Grindlewald to go through that cruesade, nit the other way around.

  15. _Owwls_
    3 hours

    You guys should give Charlie Countryman a watch Mads Mikkelsen and Shia Labeoufs on it also the character Mads plays is honestly great and new

  16. MrAlexSan
    4 hours

    I had skipped this one because of the reactions, and after watching this on my own... I understand SOME of their confusion with plot points and worldbuilding... but the reaction that people had was, AS USUAL WITH THE "MOVIES BAD" grift, overblown. Can't wait to see everyone's reaction to this movie.

    1 replies
    1. Connor
      3 hours

      Honestly, I refused to watch it on principle after how WB treated my man Johnny Depp. This'll be the first time I've seen anything more than the original trailer.

  17. Iain
    4 hours

    On Boom's point about Snape it is in the books, it's explained that Neville could've been the boy chosen because the prophecy could either be him or harry, voldemort chose Harry and that's what made him the boy who lived. Snape absolutely would've let Neville's parents die without a care

  18. Ameena
    4 hours

    Please react to mummy 2 next it really good 

  19. Robin
    4 hours

    I really hope they like it! Let's go!

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