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8 days
I loke feel like they already went into the movie with a chip on shoulder because of their known love for deep and I understand because actor changes are always difficult but I personally loved the madds version and idk what it is but that man can hold some homoerotic tension Hannibal I’m looking at you lmao overall I think this movie was great because I count it as a standalone
20 days
“We better get a goddamn book that explains what happens”
LMFAOOOOOO there is. It’s called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
22 days
BEST ONE, don't care anyone says, it's so GOOD for me
1 replies
15 days
Same. I remember them looking through the criticisms from the second movie and being confused on what the critics were saying and that's kinda how I feel towards most of Sorta Stupid's criticisms towards this one. Like, I understand them being upset that Tina was barely in the movie and her being there seemed pointless given to how little lines and screentime she got, but everything else I didn't understand, but I respect their opinions. Honestly, my only criticism is that they didn't do anything with Nagini after the second movie, I felt like her character was wasted and admittedly, so was Tina's. Other than that, I actually love this movie and would rate it much higher than a 5/10, but that's just me.
22 days
Well I think the community has mostly came to the understanding that Transphobic monster can’t write a movie script to save her life she, that’s why David Yates had Executive Producer Steve Kloves who also wrote most of the Screenplays for the Harry Potter Movies step in to assist with the screenplays because she was creating too many storylines as if she had the page count of a book to write the story for the movie so stuff feels smashed together and not fully fleshed out and explored because the scarlet bigot doesn’t know how to write a movie.
25 days
what happened to the video?
1 month
you guys should watch journey to the center of the earth please that would be so enjoyable
1 month
They retconned Mcgonagall age. The info is in the books and what we know Jk Rowling wrote about Mcgonagall. She tells Umbridge in the books how many years she had been teacher and we know that Rowling confirmed she became a teacher 2 years after graduation from hogwarts. If you do the math she should be born around 1935 they retconned it so she is born around 1890 in these movies
1 month
By books, I think you actually mean the screenplays, which came out after the movies. And these screenplays exposed a big flaw with these movies, that they were written like books and show that a book and a screenplay are fundamentally different mediums, might be worth checking out. There was a first book back in 2001, though, which I don't think they intended to make into a movie until 15 years later, and Newt's book made a cameo in the first book and the third movie. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were said to be a couple since 2007 when the final book came out. There was a bit more to Dumbledore in the Deathly Hallows that the respective movies didn't fully cover, and it makes the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald make more sense. I didn't mind them taking the villain with understandable motives route with Grindelwald, because Voldemort was already the pure, unrepentant evil villain for the previous series
1 month
So a couple points on this one for me:
I actually like this movie, despite it feeling like it runs a little long I think it actually does tell a story that does what its meant to do which was to set up what happens next rather than trying to tie certain plot points up in this one. It sets up Grindelwald/Dumbledore for their final battle, it gives us a more in-depth backstory and the Dumbledores and Albus' relationship with Gellert (which you get in the books but is sadly heavily toned down, honestly mostly cut, from the Deathly Hallows movies). It also uses Credence as a tie-in for giving info on their sister (altho some details are still omitted and some slightly changed to fit with the story) and sets him up for some kind of redemption arc (that sadly will likely end in his death). Like a certainly see the vision for where they wanted these movies to go and its sad it seems we likely wont get to end game here based upon what someone else said in another comment cause it definitely makes how this one ends feel very unfulfilled altho at least if you've read the books(and remember them well enough) you know how DvG goes
1 month
tinas actress was pregnant for most of the filming of this movie
1 replies
1 month
also she was the most outspoken against the bullshit JK Rowling was spouting at the time among all the cast members.
1 month
So they had intended to make 5 of these movies in total. However, with the poor ratings and the new Harry Potter HBO show, WBD has delayed Fantastic Beasts 4 & 5 indefinitely. Meaning, maybe we'll get parts 4 & 5 sometime in the future and maybe we won't, which sucks. :(
1 month
I'm curious what the big plastic bags are for?
1 replies
1 month
Too much CO2 in the room so they needed extra oxygen Kappa
1 month
Dumbledore and Grindelwald also make me think of Gojo and Geto from Jujustu Kaisen. 🤔😅
1 month
If you think about it, Grindelwald killed Professor Snape in Sweeny Todd🤣🤣
1 month
this movie is so fucking stupid and its so fucking funny. why is wizard president decided the same way as gravity falls
1 month
There is an extensive canon backstory for professor mcgonagal. She’s a girl boss through and through, and has went through quite a bit :(
Criticism… from sorta stupid… could be?😂 - i’m joking.
1 month
From what I remember, the reasons why people didn't see this in theaters was... 1 - People were LIVID that Johnny was fired when he was really the victim regarding the Amber Heard bullshit. 2 - People were still upset about Rowling. 3 - Covid had just barely started dying down. The big three of the Fantastic Beasts' downfall.
2 replies
1 month
The COVID one is debatable since months before, No Way Home released and was a cinema phenomenon. It revived cinema in a way
1 month
Yeah like Ive actually wanted to watch this movie for a while but never got around to it so was really glad when the guys started goign thru the fantastic beast movies so I'd finally get to see it and honestly even despite the fact I still liked Depp as Gellert more Mikkelson did good too and I think it was a fine movie
1 month
justice for Nagini shoulda been in this
1 replies
1 month
Right?! Literally disappeared since the last film, not even mentioned.
1 month
1 month
OK, so just to clear it out once and for all, these movies are completely original. The ones that you found on the internet were literally the screenplays of the movies published as books after the movies were released. Some details and characters were present in the original Harry Potter books. Newt Scamander is the author of the Magizoology textbook that Harry uses. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were confirmed to be gay by J.K. back in 2007 (this isn't explicitly stated in the books, but there are hints), so they needed to include it, otherwise it would go against established facts.
I would love for them to make separate movies about Newt's adventures and Dumbledore vs Grindelwald. This whole thing could've been as epic as the Marvel movies if done right. It's crazy how they screwed it up, considering how rich and beautiful Harry Potter lore is.
Btw I really liked Newt and Tina together and I don't necessarily think it's forced (it does feel forced in the 3rd one cause she just appears for 30 seconds)
1 month
Please react to hannibal! Whether sean rewatches with you guys or its just two or three of you
1 month
u guys haveeee to do the harry potter reunion and react to ittttt i begggggg of u billyyyyyys
1 month
"The only difference between them is the genocide thing""YEAH SHAUN, VERY SMALL DIFFERENCE.
1 month
I've said it before but Fantastic Beasts should've been a series following Newt, Jacob, Tina and Queenie, as well as Bunty. It could've been Newt saving and studying creatures, writing his book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The book is an encyclopedia.
I agree with you guys, the stories should've been separated.
When it comes to Dumbledore and Grindelwald, their relationship is complex. What makes Grindelwald different from Voldemort is that he has charisma and manipulates people using their own emotions against them. Voldemort uses fear. Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald when they were younger, and I'm guessing when Grindelwald wasn't as evil as he is now. Through the years, his aspirations changed, and Dumbledore was blindly following him, head filled with dreams, until what happened to Ariana. Which opened his eyes. Dumbledore has lingering feelings for what was, not because he still love him.
1 month
I loved when you guys paused the movie 50 minutes in to look for the remote I was laughing the whole God damn time you even had Christian join in looking for it more of this please
1 month
This is actually gonna be my first time watching this movie and I’m so excited
1 month
they had to leave this movie open enddend because we already know what happens to grindelwald from the og harry poter books
1 month
Jude Law is fantastic in King Arthur Legend of the Sword, add it to the list!
1 month
"fun" fact: Katherine Waterson, the actress who played Tina, was the most outspoken against JK Rowling's statements in the main cast roughly 2 years before the release of the movie.
1 month
EXPLANATION ON WHY HE DOESNT LOOK LIKE DEPPS GRINDERWALD: The new actor didnt want to be exactly like depp and have all the make up and extra as a sign of respect to show that Johnny depp was the true best actor for grinderwald. He wanted to show respect to Depp.
1 replies
1 month
Do you have a source for this? I don't see why Mikkelsen would disclose that if WB wanted to distance the FB movies from Depp
1 month
yessssssss we are finally hereeeee <3<3
1 month
What brand is yalls couches? They look nice and I need a new one
1 month
There is actually a really interesting theory that Jacob is actually a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff. I totally could see it
1 month
I personally think the problem with the movie, is that they dint really tackle how Dumbledore was indeed not a good person and was incredibly flawed. Dumbledore was the one that actually inspired Grindlewald to go through that cruesade, nit the other way around.
1 month
You guys should give Charlie Countryman a watch Mads Mikkelsen and Shia Labeoufs on it also the character Mads plays is honestly great and new
1 month
I had skipped this one because of the reactions, and after watching this on my own... I understand SOME of their confusion with plot points and worldbuilding... but the reaction that people had was, AS USUAL WITH THE "MOVIES BAD" grift, overblown. Can't wait to see everyone's reaction to this movie.
1 replies
1 month
Honestly, I refused to watch it on principle after how WB treated my man Johnny Depp. This'll be the first time I've seen anything more than the original trailer.
1 replies
1 month
I get it, I didn't watch Crimes or Secrets on principal of "I don't want a whole series of Gredelwald and Dumbledore. There's no way it'll be good." And it was meh and "man, that's rough."
And do wanna clarify my previous point because I realize I wasn't fully clear and can't go back and edit - I do think this movie is was better than the outrage described, still rough, but I'm sure having such low expectations helped me not hate this one.
1 month
On Boom's point about Snape it is in the books, it's explained that Neville could've been the boy chosen because the prophecy could either be him or harry, voldemort chose Harry and that's what made him the boy who lived. Snape absolutely would've let Neville's parents die without a care
I loke feel like they already went into the movie with a chip on shoulder because of their known love for deep and I understand because actor changes are always difficult but I personally loved the madds version and idk what it is but that man can hold some homoerotic tension Hannibal I’m looking at you lmao overall I think this movie was great because I count it as a standalone
“We better get a goddamn book that explains what happens”
LMFAOOOOOO there is. It’s called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
BEST ONE, don't care anyone says, it's so GOOD for me
Same. I remember them looking through the criticisms from the second movie and being confused on what the critics were saying and that's kinda how I feel towards most of Sorta Stupid's criticisms towards this one. Like, I understand them being upset that Tina was barely in the movie and her being there seemed pointless given to how little lines and screentime she got, but everything else I didn't understand, but I respect their opinions. Honestly, my only criticism is that they didn't do anything with Nagini after the second movie, I felt like her character was wasted and admittedly, so was Tina's. Other than that, I actually love this movie and would rate it much higher than a 5/10, but that's just me.
Well I think the community has mostly came to the understanding that Transphobic monster can’t write a movie script to save her life she, that’s why David Yates had Executive Producer Steve Kloves who also wrote most of the Screenplays for the Harry Potter Movies step in to assist with the screenplays because she was creating too many storylines as if she had the page count of a book to write the story for the movie so stuff feels smashed together and not fully fleshed out and explored because the scarlet bigot doesn’t know how to write a movie.
what happened to the video?
you guys should watch journey to the center of the earth please that would be so enjoyable
They retconned Mcgonagall age. The info is in the books and what we know Jk Rowling wrote about Mcgonagall. She tells Umbridge in the books how many years she had been teacher and we know that Rowling confirmed she became a teacher 2 years after graduation from hogwarts. If you do the math she should be born around 1935 they retconned it so she is born around 1890 in these movies
By books, I think you actually mean the screenplays, which came out after the movies. And these screenplays exposed a big flaw with these movies, that they were written like books and show that a book and a screenplay are fundamentally different mediums, might be worth checking out. There was a first book back in 2001, though, which I don't think they intended to make into a movie until 15 years later, and Newt's book made a cameo in the first book and the third movie. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were said to be a couple since 2007 when the final book came out. There was a bit more to Dumbledore in the Deathly Hallows that the respective movies didn't fully cover, and it makes the relationship between Dumbledore and Grindelwald make more sense. I didn't mind them taking the villain with understandable motives route with Grindelwald, because Voldemort was already the pure, unrepentant evil villain for the previous series
So a couple points on this one for me:
I actually like this movie, despite it feeling like it runs a little long I think it actually does tell a story that does what its meant to do which was to set up what happens next rather than trying to tie certain plot points up in this one. It sets up Grindelwald/Dumbledore for their final battle, it gives us a more in-depth backstory and the Dumbledores and Albus' relationship with Gellert (which you get in the books but is sadly heavily toned down, honestly mostly cut, from the Deathly Hallows movies). It also uses Credence as a tie-in for giving info on their sister (altho some details are still omitted and some slightly changed to fit with the story) and sets him up for some kind of redemption arc (that sadly will likely end in his death). Like a certainly see the vision for where they wanted these movies to go and its sad it seems we likely wont get to end game here based upon what someone else said in another comment cause it definitely makes how this one ends feel very unfulfilled altho at least if you've read the books(and remember them well enough) you know how DvG goes
tinas actress was pregnant for most of the filming of this movie
also she was the most outspoken against the bullshit JK Rowling was spouting at the time among all the cast members.
So they had intended to make 5 of these movies in total. However, with the poor ratings and the new Harry Potter HBO show, WBD has delayed Fantastic Beasts 4 & 5 indefinitely. Meaning, maybe we'll get parts 4 & 5 sometime in the future and maybe we won't, which sucks. :(
I'm curious what the big plastic bags are for?
Too much CO2 in the room so they needed extra oxygen Kappa
Dumbledore and Grindelwald also make me think of Gojo and Geto from Jujustu Kaisen. 🤔😅
If you think about it, Grindelwald killed Professor Snape in Sweeny Todd🤣🤣
this movie is so fucking stupid and its so fucking funny. why is wizard president decided the same way as gravity falls
There is an extensive canon backstory for professor mcgonagal. She’s a girl boss through and through, and has went through quite a bit :(
Criticism… from sorta stupid… could be?😂 - i’m joking.
From what I remember, the reasons why people didn't see this in theaters was... 1 - People were LIVID that Johnny was fired when he was really the victim regarding the Amber Heard bullshit. 2 - People were still upset about Rowling. 3 - Covid had just barely started dying down. The big three of the Fantastic Beasts' downfall.
The COVID one is debatable since months before, No Way Home released and was a cinema phenomenon. It revived cinema in a way
Yeah like Ive actually wanted to watch this movie for a while but never got around to it so was really glad when the guys started goign thru the fantastic beast movies so I'd finally get to see it and honestly even despite the fact I still liked Depp as Gellert more Mikkelson did good too and I think it was a fine movie
justice for Nagini shoulda been in this
Right?! Literally disappeared since the last film, not even mentioned.
OK, so just to clear it out once and for all, these movies are completely original. The ones that you found on the internet were literally the screenplays of the movies published as books after the movies were released. Some details and characters were present in the original Harry Potter books. Newt Scamander is the author of the Magizoology textbook that Harry uses. Dumbledore and Grindelwald were confirmed to be gay by J.K. back in 2007 (this isn't explicitly stated in the books, but there are hints), so they needed to include it, otherwise it would go against established facts.
I would love for them to make separate movies about Newt's adventures and Dumbledore vs Grindelwald. This whole thing could've been as epic as the Marvel movies if done right. It's crazy how they screwed it up, considering how rich and beautiful Harry Potter lore is.
Btw I really liked Newt and Tina together and I don't necessarily think it's forced (it does feel forced in the 3rd one cause she just appears for 30 seconds)
Please react to hannibal! Whether sean rewatches with you guys or its just two or three of you
u guys haveeee to do the harry potter reunion and react to ittttt i begggggg of u billyyyyyys
"The only difference between them is the genocide thing""YEAH SHAUN, VERY SMALL DIFFERENCE.
I've said it before but Fantastic Beasts should've been a series following Newt, Jacob, Tina and Queenie, as well as Bunty. It could've been Newt saving and studying creatures, writing his book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The book is an encyclopedia.
I agree with you guys, the stories should've been separated.
When it comes to Dumbledore and Grindelwald, their relationship is complex. What makes Grindelwald different from Voldemort is that he has charisma and manipulates people using their own emotions against them. Voldemort uses fear. Dumbledore fell in love with Grindelwald when they were younger, and I'm guessing when Grindelwald wasn't as evil as he is now. Through the years, his aspirations changed, and Dumbledore was blindly following him, head filled with dreams, until what happened to Ariana. Which opened his eyes. Dumbledore has lingering feelings for what was, not because he still love him.
I loved when you guys paused the movie 50 minutes in to look for the remote I was laughing the whole God damn time you even had Christian join in looking for it more of this please
This is actually gonna be my first time watching this movie and I’m so excited
they had to leave this movie open enddend because we already know what happens to grindelwald from the og harry poter books
Jude Law is fantastic in King Arthur Legend of the Sword, add it to the list!
"fun" fact: Katherine Waterson, the actress who played Tina, was the most outspoken against JK Rowling's statements in the main cast roughly 2 years before the release of the movie.
EXPLANATION ON WHY HE DOESNT LOOK LIKE DEPPS GRINDERWALD: The new actor didnt want to be exactly like depp and have all the make up and extra as a sign of respect to show that Johnny depp was the true best actor for grinderwald. He wanted to show respect to Depp.
Do you have a source for this? I don't see why Mikkelsen would disclose that if WB wanted to distance the FB movies from Depp
yessssssss we are finally hereeeee <3<3
What brand is yalls couches? They look nice and I need a new one
There is actually a really interesting theory that Jacob is actually a descendant of Helga Hufflepuff. I totally could see it
I personally think the problem with the movie, is that they dint really tackle how Dumbledore was indeed not a good person and was incredibly flawed. Dumbledore was the one that actually inspired Grindlewald to go through that cruesade, nit the other way around.
You guys should give Charlie Countryman a watch Mads Mikkelsen and Shia Labeoufs on it also the character Mads plays is honestly great and new
I had skipped this one because of the reactions, and after watching this on my own... I understand SOME of their confusion with plot points and worldbuilding... but the reaction that people had was, AS USUAL WITH THE "MOVIES BAD" grift, overblown. Can't wait to see everyone's reaction to this movie.
Honestly, I refused to watch it on principle after how WB treated my man Johnny Depp. This'll be the first time I've seen anything more than the original trailer.
I get it, I didn't watch Crimes or Secrets on principal of "I don't want a whole series of Gredelwald and Dumbledore. There's no way it'll be good." And it was meh and "man, that's rough."
And do wanna clarify my previous point because I realize I wasn't fully clear and can't go back and edit - I do think this movie is was better than the outrage described, still rough, but I'm sure having such low expectations helped me not hate this one.
On Boom's point about Snape it is in the books, it's explained that Neville could've been the boy chosen because the prophecy could either be him or harry, voldemort chose Harry and that's what made him the boy who lived. Snape absolutely would've let Neville's parents die without a care
Please react to mummy 2 next it really good
I really hope they like it! Let's go!