Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald Reaction

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  1. Nick22
    27 days

    I really liked this movie when it came out and also preferred it over the first one. There are some plot-holes that this movie creates that is true and that is probably why it could never stand on equal footing with Harry Potter. But I also liked that they added more backstory of the Dumbledores and they kinda had to do something with him because we already knew that Dumbledore is the one that defeated Grindelwald. I think that Queenie basically drugging her love interest in the beginning of the movie was a bit strange and out of character, I would have preferred it if that happened later on in the movie after she was already somewhat influenced by Grindelwald, Jacob could have gotten mad about it after Newt liftet it and then she could have stepped through the flames. I disliked what the did with Queenies character but only because I really liked her, story wise I liked the decision though - it shows how easy it can be for people to get radicalized because this unfortunately happen - that you can’t recognize a person anymore because someone told them what they needed to hear without knowing that this is what they have been missing. 

  2. tew592.
    27 days

    idk if you knew this but newt has autism

  3. Travis
    1 month

    The unnamed creator of Harry Potter confirmed Dumbledore was gay, and him and Grindelwald were “roommates”

  4. Will
    1 month

    There wasn't much review bombing for this film, critics and audience despised this film because it was poor. It introduced a huge amount of plot holes into the lore, the dialogue and writing was really poor and very much "We need to do this/ Remember this thing the audience never saw" and it was needlessly complicated; it also felt nothing like the first one and instead felt like an entirely different film to what they went for in the first one. It's difficult to explain because you guys did like it but: Tina was just there, Queenie (a fan favourite) drugged her love interest (yikes), Flamel had no reason to be there, Yusuf was this random man that added nothing, the baby switching story made half the film and mystery redundant and wasn't a cool mystery to be solved but a plot contrivance that just gets thrown at the audience towards the end and yet it is 10/10 compared the mess that followed.

  5. Brenna
    1 month

    I have the unpopular opinion that, as good as Johnny Depp is, I prefer Mads Mikkelsen as Grindelwald. 

    1 replies
    1. ikaryzero
      17 days

      That's unpopular? Ibhated Johnny Depp's portrayal so much, he was not made to make more down to earth and serious characters

  6. imrightoverhere
    1 month

    This movie's got a 2.6 on letterboxd, most of the user reviews are complaining about the writing being too exposition focused, top review pointed out the racism in the Nagini retcon

  7. JM
    1 month

    Rowling's transphobia shit started six months or so before this movie released, so yep, that did its audience reception nooo favors. I'm actually surprised the next movie has higher ratings, because by that time her garbage was in full swing to the point at least one actor who openly criticized her had their movie role reduced to next to nothing.

  8. Brandon
    1 month

    I think the main problem is that it's not a fantastic beasts movie. all the characters and elements that made the first one so fun to watch are either easily removed or butchered. it just becomes a Harry Potter prequel series as opposed to a Harry Potter spinoff series by the end and its just a real mess

  9. Grace
    1 month

    The way I (an Arizona 7) am finding out that I’m a Mississippi 9

  10. Skeletor
    1 month

    Yeah they fire johnny depp and people boycotted the last movie as well and the actor wasnt as good and the actor who was the Flash did worse things and he got to keep his job. Depp was Grindlewald and now years since with the heard depp civil thing Depp is no where near a the villain the press caused during this movie

    1 replies
    1. imrightoverhere
      1 month

      Yeah, Depp lost the ruling made by a judge  in the UK, but since he won the one determined by a non-sequestered jury in arguably the most public celebrity legal case since OJ Simpson, he was definitely unfairly painted as a villain.

  11. imrightoverhere
    1 month

    What Eric is missing in the conversation at the beginning, is that it's illegal for Jacob to even know about the magical community, which is why he was obliviated in the last movie. their debate wasn't really about marriage, their whole relationship was entirely illegal.

  12. Angelll
    1 month

    they ruin sweet queenie in this movie

  13. Purported74
    1 month

    This movie is a mishmash of issues. The first one comes closest to capturing the spirit of the original Harry Potter films, but this one ranks among my top 20 worst movies ever. The third installment makes a solid attempt but can’t recover from how this movie dragged the franchise down.The biggest problem is how it completely disregards the lore that was carefully established in the earlier films. For instance, people casually Apparating into Hogwarts Castle, the Lestrange's being essentially written off with the baby and Leta even though they are around 70 years later (yes other branches of the family but that's not how its presented), Dumbledore having a younger brother just ten years after his father’s imprisonment in Azkaban... and don't even get me started on Minerva McGonagall, who’s in her 20s in the early 30s, when we know she’s supposed to be in her 70s by the 2000s, and is stated to have gone to school with Voldy and Hagrid who were toddlers at this point.Then there’s the whole "tell me all the exposition but provide no evidence" trope that J.K. Rowling has leaned on for the past 14 years. She keeps adding new bits of lore every few years but never fully explains or supports them, the first instance she's actually done with that is in this movie but she doesn't do it with any of the other information given to us in this movie. Her and JJ Abrams need to do a seminar on this shit.And let's not forget the pacing and editing disasters. For example, the sudden jump from the sewer scene to the street, or climbing scene in MACUSA only to immediately cut to them running from the cats, etc. etc. It's story telling is all over the place.

    1 replies
    1. Carlos
      1 month

      it's not that serious 

  14. Vegvisir92
    1 month

    ....jeez Boom....just hating on a dead man....Ray Stevenson deserves way better...that wasn't even him....try to actually look at people first at least....

  15. collinpeacock
    1 month

    Their is a new rumor that their will be a Fantastic Beasts TV Show hopefully to finish the story setup in these films

  16. Enya
    1 month

    Also Bree, there used to be a Harry Potter version of Pokémon Go on the App Store but I wouldn’t recommend, it was terrible lol but it was kinda cool trying to catch magical beasts

  17. Angelll
    1 month

    i hate this movie so much lol

  18. bernardstan
    1 month

    I liked the movie enough, I just wish they kept some continuity from the HP books and movies. Like McGonagall's appearance as a teacher makes no sense since she was in fact younger than Tom Riddle and was in Gryffindor with Hagrid. And that Dumbledore was never the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but was actually the transfigurations professor. 

  19. lightning132ttv
    1 month

    This film is so fucking epic

  20. Kris
    1 month

    Would have loved for these movies to lead into WWII. I have to wonder if that’s where they were headed. Would love a Wizard World War movie.

  21. Quin
    1 month

    I think this is one of the first times I really disagree with your conclusions about how good a movie is. I don't think this is a bad movie at all, and I can see how it would also be better if you're new to the Harry Potter universe. But for me it's a little hard to get past the clear fan-service motives of trying to connect it to Harry potter in as many ways as possible, and the virtual ret-conning of things from the Harry Potter books (though I don't remember the books well enough on this rewatch to speak to that).

    The first movie was far better to me because it wasn't afraid to be different and to tell a different story from Harry Potter. But this one is kind of just jamming a bunch of Harry Potter characters in, and co-opting Newt's story into a Dumbledore vs. Grindelwald story. My biggest criticism is probably the inclusion of Nagini. There was no reason that we needed that tie-in, and honestly I don't see any benefit to humanizing something that eventually turns into just an evil snake and horcrux. I also feel like a lot of the character choices in the movie feel pretty shallow and forced, like Credence and Queenie joining Grindelwald. I'm not opposed to the idea, I just don't think we were shown enough character development for those decisions to actually make sense. It feels very much like it was forced writing for the sake of creating a twist or trying to make the story interesting.

    That all said, especially after having several years of distance, I don't think this was a bad movie. I mostly just disagree with the direction and think that the writing is a bit sloppy and pandering at times, but it still has a lot going for it, and the core story is somewhat compelling. It definitely didn't deserve the insanely low ratings it has.

  22. Andrew
    1 month

    One thing about Rotten Tomatoes: the score on there isn't what people graded the movie. The percentage listed is of how many reviews on the site are positive.  So people weren't giving it 36 out of 100 but rather only 36% of the reviews on the Rotten Tomatoes site were positive ones. 

  23. Andrew
    1 month

    I think you guys touched on a big issue with these movies at the very end which is that Newt and his friends are weird choices to be the heroes of the story of fighting Grindelwald. In the first one it made sense because it really was just happenstance that he happened to be there when Grindelwald was making his move but Grindelwald used that to his advantage, he saw a scapegoat and went for it and thus Newt had to clear his name. But by continuing with him as the hero when we know from the Harry Potter books and movies that Dumbledore is ultimately the one to take down Grindelwald, it just kind of makes them feel so disconnected from everything going on. It would be like a retelling of Harry Potter vs Voldemort where Harry isn't getting involved and instead is just sending some random person from the Quidditch team to fight him instead.

    1 replies
    1. Slasher2
      1 month

      I think that was my problem too. I mean yea they're great movies but the first was a newt Movie, this one and the next are basically Dumbledore movies with Newt as a supporting character. I thought these were supposed to be movies about fantastical beasts not dumbeldore. If they wanted a movie series about dumbledore then make one.

  24. Andrew
    1 month

    My biggest issue with this movie is just that there’s too much going on. There’s so many cool ideas for the story but cramming them all together means nothing gets enough time to develop. We have

           -Newt and Tina

           -Newt and Leta

           -Newt and his brother

           -Queenie and Jacob

            -Queenie turning dark

            -Credence and Nagini

             -The Lestrange family history

            -Dumbledore and Grindewald’s past

    It’s just too damn much and as a result a lot of the characters feel more like plot devices. Like Yusuf isn’t a character at all, he’s just there to deliver a bunch of exposition at the end but we don’t know anything about him so why do we care? Same thing with Nagini, why is she even here? All she does is follow Credence around, she’s not her own character and she didn’t even have to be Nagini, it just feels like pointless fan service. Even our main characters feel way less human and lived in . Tina and Queenie don’t even interact in this one and even Newt and Jacob’s bromance feels watered down. For me the first movie was way simpler and that let everything flow so much better. We were just watching Newt, Tina, Jacob and Queenie running around catching the creatures and outwitting the bad guys. None of that fun is here and instead we just get a convoluted mess of a story.

  25. Andrew
    1 month

    The low reviews for this one didn't have much to do with JK Rowling's bigotry because, while there were hints at this point, it was really 2020 when she fully took the mask off and revealed how gross of a human she is. That said, there was criticism of making Nagini an Asian woman because of the trope of depicting people of color as animals and in this case specifically, eventually she'd become a literal pet of a white guy.

  26. Andrew
    1 month

    I absolutely despise what this movie did to Queenie, she went from one of the best characters to the absolute worst. She was nothing but kind and sweet in the first movie and this one starts with her magically roofieing her boyfriend (and if the genders were swapped more people would be calling out how messed up that is). In the first movie she seems vapid on the surface but she’s actually a lot more than that and she uses people’s perception of her as a dumb blonde to her advantage. In this one she just IS a dumb blonde. Like she’s a grown-ass woman with magical powers and she’s breaking down on literally her first day in Paris because she can’t find her sister. It’s so beyond stupid. I really like the idea of her turning to Grindewald’s side because of her desperation to change the laws and be happy but it needed WAY more time to develop.

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      1 month

      I have to really disagree about the Queenie breaking down scene. As an autistic person, the way that was done with her also being massively overstimulated by all of the thoughts of the people around her was actually kind of beautiful and super relatable. I'm not saying she's supposed to be autistic, but it really played like an autistic meltdown, something that's massively misunderstood and judged by most people, and I kind of love it for that. There is nothing lesser about a person having an emotional meltdown. It doesn't make her less of an adult like you imply it does, and it's frankly a little bit insensitive and discriminatory to trivialize her emotions like you do.

      1 replies
      1. Andrew
        1 month

        I genuinely apologize for any insensitivity in my comment. I don’t feel like I articulated my point well. I actually really like your reading of that scene and I felt like it could have worked better if it was built up to more. My issue is that everything before that specific moment where she’s overwhelmed by everyone else’s thoughts just doesn’t feel like it makes any emotional sense for her character. The implication is that she just got to Paris with her asking the French ministry if they’ve seen Tina so she can’t have been looking for her for more than a day, if that. And her seeing Jacob briefly before losing track of him is clearly meant to be upsetting for her. I like the idea of her mind reading being the straw that breaks the camel’s back and finally leads to her breaking down and that’s when Grindelwald preys on her, when she’s vulnerable. My issue is that I felt like it would have worked way better if she’d been in Paris for maybe a few days with no luck of finding Tina and if she wasn’t so clearly in the wrong in regards to Jacob (again with the magical roofieing). What I meant when I referenced her age is that it felt like the movie was infantilizing her by making her dangerously boy crazy in a way she wasn’t in the last movie and in that she couldn’t handle being in an unfamiliar country for even less than a day.

  27. Veritas
    1 month

    If I recall Bellatrix Lestrange was born in the Black family, Sirius' cousin, and she took her husband's last name (Rodolphus Lestrange), who was never important enough to be more than a cameo in the movies. They both loved Voldy more than each other anyway and it was just a "pure-blood marriage". I must assume Rodolphus, not Bellatrix, is descended of Leta's relatives, but this slipped my mind my first watch and it truly painted Leta a certain way since being mentioned in the first film as "part of that family." 

    The first movie is just as good as my first time, easily my favorite. 

    This 2nd one was quite fine my first time but I found the Corvus plot confusing then. But it's easier to follow this time knowing it was a red herring. Also creating a potential retroactive new Dumbledore makes some nerds upset at first, guilty as charged. 

    However, I think the 3rd was more politically convoluted and boring compared to the first 2 but I didn't hate it, it just failed to connect compared to these. 

  28. Chris
    1 month

    So my understanding is that men didn’t like Neet as a main role because he was too soft and not very manly. 

    This isn’t the only reason of course but he is a very different type of hero compared to many action heros

  29. olin616
    1 month

    Movies wise, the first one was well structured. Conceptually, the second was more interesting

  30. Tanazo
    1 month

    Yes dumbdore was clapping Grindlecheeks

  31. lightning132ttv
    1 month

    This is my favorite Fantastic Beasts movie! 10/10

  32. cherrysue
    1 month

    I think this one really was fine... But the next one is a mess. This series should never have Newt as mc if he has nothing to do

  33. Azel
    1 month

    Turns out both sisters are annoying and make trash decisions.

  34. nightwolf4397
    1 month

    so the animal grindelwald threw out the door in the beginning was a chupacabra and they are a creature that does want affection but is seen as a monster in this world

  35. Diamond
    1 month

    It was review bombed because of allegations.

  36. Gabriel
    1 month

    Love the reactions guys. I can't to see you guys watch the last one. I'm still upset that Johnny Depp as Grindelwald was recast. He was so good as Grindelwald. Madds Mikkelsen did a wonderful job but I preferred Johnny.

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      1 month

      It's gonna be my first time watching the third one. I boycotted it because of the firing

      1 replies
      1. Gabriel
        26 days

        Understandable, Johnny Depp was so good as Grindelwald. It really sucks how he ended up dropped from roles while amber turd didnt

  37. Residentfan 1
    1 month

    Regarding that comment Boom made at the end there about them wanting to wrap the story up with the third movie….. This was supposed to be five movies. This is an incomplete story. The third movie doesn’t wrap up the story and the story will never be wrapped up because the third movie didn’t do well enough.

    1 replies
    1. Purported74
      1 month

      To be fair this one having so many problems, and JK torpedoing her career, along with the Depp drama led WB to not give them a fair shake for Secrets which led to it not doing well (aka no marketing, especially during the end of Covid), if you go back and read the stories about this movie, this was the killing blow for the franchise, Secrets was just the final nail in the coffin. the talks for the remake show started around here and were confirmed after Secrets failed.

  38. Azel
    1 month

    The situation in london at the beginning was 3 months later, but that 3 months was probably after the 6 months later when they showed grindelwald in prison. So jacob and her were together for 9 months presumably.

  39. Tigran
    1 month

    So, to add to the whole Depp and Rowling controversy, a lot of fans also didn't like the inclusion of McGonagall as a professor because according to the original books, the fans guessed her being born in the 1930s (she tells Umbridge that she taught for 39 years in the books). Dumbledore was a Transfiguration professor, not Defence Against the Dark Arts. At the time many found Credence being a Dumbledore very confusing and sooo unexplained. Many thought that Queenie was too easily swayed as she could read Grindelwald's mind (Rowling said in an interview that Grindelwald was hiding his true intentions using Occlumency - the same thing Snape used to conceal his thoughts from Voldemort). Some even claimed that Dumbledore became gay just because of convenience, but there are hints of this in the books and Rowling confirmed this herself waaaay before Fantastic Beasts. Overall I think people were simply losing interest in the story.  Personally, the first Fantastic Beasts is my second most favorite Wizarding World movie. This one is great and didn't deserve the hate at all, but it's way more confusing. By the way, these aren't based on books. Rowling wrote the screenplay for the movies and she isn't the best movie writer. She was planning on a 5 movie-long story, but the interest wasn't there and she tried to wrap most of it up in the next one (which is by far the worst movie of this whole franchise in my opinion).

    1 replies
    1. Quin
      1 month

      Dumbledore did "become" gay, but before this movie. The same way Hermione became black. Rowling had a tendency to ret-con her writing to try to appear more inclusive, as though she always was. I didn't have any issues with the idea of Dumbledore being gay, but the allusions were a pretty strong reminder about how fake Rowling was, which left a bad taste in my mouth. There's no shame in just owning that you didn't have the foresight to include a lot of diversity when you wrote something, but pretending you did, and ret-conning your story in a way that's contradictory to some of your previous writing is not the way to do things.

  40. Miss_CJ
    1 month

    00:52:20 A detail I find interesting is that Newt mentions Tina's feet, but it's not some weird kind of fetish, it's literally because he always looks down haha. 

    01:37:31 That was a cute scene!! I love it haha

    02:09:19 ''Grindelwald doesn't seem to understand the nature of the things he considers simple'' is my favorite quote <3 

    I mentioned it before, but I liked Mads Mikkelsen's Grindelwald more than Depp's. That's just my opinion tho. He seemed more dangerous and less cartoony villain. I'm curious to see what you think of him. Great reaction guys! Happy you've been liking the movies.

    Something I really wished they did instead of mixing the Newt side of the story and Dumbledore vs Grindelwald, was a series showing the adventures of Newt, Tina, Queenie and Jacob, the creatures they met, saved, etc. I think it could've been a great way to expand the Harry Potter universe while showcasing Newt writing his book about fantastic beasts. I just think the mixture of plots get a bit hectic. I'm still happy with the movies tho. I just really hoped for a Fantastic Beasts series 

    1 replies
    1. SauceyRed
      1 month

      Honestly, that's one of the points I agree on, that the Fantastic Beasts movies should've been more about Newt and the gang looking for, meeting, saving, and taking care of beasts, with some bad guys that are relevant to those stories. Could've been a great opportunity to showcase even more of the Wizarding World, such as other countries, schools, etc.

  41. Residentfan 1
    1 month

    Grindelwald isn’t playing Queenie. He’s being honest. The thing about Grindelwald is he’s not like Voldemort. Voldemort wanted to wipe out all muggles. Grindelwald is a far more nuanced character in that he wants to unite the muggle and magical worlds into one civilization. In his world the muggles would be second class citizens but it would be completely legal to marry them as a magical person. That’s why people follow him. They believe in the cause and love him whereas most of Voldemort’s followers joined because they were scared of him with the exception of the Lestranges, Barty Crouch Jr and some others. Tbh I’d join Grindelwald in a second whereas I’d tell Voldemort to go fuck himself.

    1 replies
    1. Purported74
      1 month

      I've always viewed Grindelwald as a Castro/Che figure, they wholeheartedly believe in their cause sure! But they are sociopathic/psychopathic hidden under that drive for change, and if you get in their way then you will either be made an example of or mysteriously disappear.

  42. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    100% love it 

  43. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i cried when i saw this and cried again when watching you guys reaction 

  44. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i neeed the next movieeee NOOWWWWWWW

  45. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    i was shocked liked u guys when i first watched it and found out credence was a Dumbledore lol  

  46. Gabriel
    1 month

    Damn Boom, I literally choked on my gatorade when you said fuckin women am I right fellas. 🤣 I took a sip at the wrong time. 

  47. Alex
    1 month

    Can you guys like make a compilation of Nerf Gun Gong shots? Because I’m trying to find the videos of when the Dadt ricochets off the gong and nearly hits you guys in the face! Also, I just think it would be funny.      Also the video was really good! Can’t wait for Fantastic Beasts 3! Should be a fun time!

  48. viktorbiktor
    1 month

    of what I can watch of the reaction it was great! personal issues makes it so I cant watch after the popcorn comes in I cant stand the sound of chewing, or watching someone eat while watching reactions and such, no hate on you guys, just personal issue, I will probably not be watching future movie reactions just incase because it is a dissapointed feeling one gets only watching partway through one, but I will say I hope you all enjoy all future movies you watch! again I am not holding anything against you guys for eating popcorn, I like eating popcorn while watching movies as well, just for some reason I can't explain I cant stand others doing it. 

    so great reaction, shame I cant finish it, but I am sure the rest is up to the same high standard of quality all of you guyses reactions usually are!

  49. numbervase90661
    1 month

    the shared coffee moment at 9:36 ish is going into my fan fic

  50. Residentfan 1
    1 month

    “The only respectable Hufflepuff!” Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff…..

    2 replies
    1. Miss_CJ
      1 month

      It's funny because statistically they should like Hufflepuff a lot because they seem to like all the Hufflepuffs that were presented to them so far. 2 for 2. 

    2. Luis
      1 month

      Voldemort didnt respect Cedric , why would i?

      1 replies
      1. Residentfan 1
        1 month

        Are you……are you siding with magic Hitler?

  51. Toxic
    1 month

    so side note for you guys the next film takes place during the trial so hope this gives you some warning about why he got replaced.

  52. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    yessssssssss i love u guys for doing thissss one and the rest of them , harry potter fans live on <3

  53. Ameena
    1 month

    Please react to mummy 2 next 

  54. Robin
    1 month

    I'll just keep recommending Balls of Fury with Dan Fogler who playes Jacob Kowalski. I think you guys will love that movie!

  55. Caleb
    1 month

    I have been waiting for this so glad it’s finally here

  56. Roberto
    1 month

    This is going to be great also guys if you're reading this last night's live stream was awesome I wish I could have stayed for the whole thing have a good day everyone and all the Billy's 

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