Death of Superman Reaction

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  1. Michael
    6 months

    Superman doesn’t have to be eat food because he can turn organic matter into energy but he still get thirsty and has to drink liquids 

  2. cyberguccx
    6 months

    This is still my favorite Superman movie. 

  3. Death
    6 months

    Definitely watch the tomorrow-verse after u finish this saga It well worth it !!!

  4. Nightwolf
    6 months

    you guys should watch Soul one day 

  5. xav98
    6 months

    Hell yeah please watch smallville in the future 

  6. Noah
    6 months

    Just a FYI there were two other end credit scene you accidently missed 

  7. Jadzia
    6 months

    You guys should watch Justice League and Justice League Unlimited

  8. Charlie
    6 months

    Definitely watch superman doomsday,much much much more terrifying version of doomsday in that

  9. Thomas_Stilinski
    6 months

    these movies always get me in the feels

  10. Alexander
    6 months

    you guys should check out stardust its a cult classic fantasy adventure starring charlie cox

  11. Mike Dark
    6 months

    I recommend before you watch wonder woman bloodlines watch Wonder Woman 2009  and superman batman apocalypse and for fun baman superman public enemies  

  12. Joe
    6 months

    Its not just his glasses it his demeaner. Superman is viewed as a godlike being by most so no human could be him.

  13. Logan
    6 months

    Saw that there was a second end credit scene, said no way there's a third, then proceeded to skip the third end credit scene 🤣 my diamond sub is paying off in dividends 🤌🏽 love this collective 

  14. Noah
    6 months

    I'd love to hear Seans thoughts on Hush after he reads it compared to the film

  15. Noah
    6 months

    For me this is by far the best of the DCAMU main reason is it was written by Peter J Tomasi who's a beloved superman writer and one of my favorites

  16. Unstablebeast
    6 months

    The Long Halloween movies are amazing, highly recommend. Also fun fact, the comic book version of "the death of superman" came out in the late 80s or early 90s, and to this day is still the highest selling comic of all time

  17. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    “Though Superman has come from behind before….” Come on Lois you did that on purpose!

  18. Anthony
    6 months

    Shout out Bibbo!

  19. Miracle
    6 months

    After these movies yall gotta watch the DCEU live action movies starting with Man of Steel 

  20. Mitchell
    6 months

    You guys gotta watch Man of Steel 

  21. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    Once again Ruff, go back to checking for end credits. Go to the VERY end of the credits when you check.

  22. Jazz
    6 months

    Y’all were supposed to watch all the credits 😅😅😅😢 so sad. But you’ll love reign of the Supermen 🤩

  23. roy7
    6 months

    DCAMU is better than the Tomorrowverse, but Tomorrowverse isn't bad and if you want to enjoy more DC after the end of the DCAMU, go for it! Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 is the end of the Tomorrowverse, so it wrapped up just in time for you to binge the whole thing if you want.

    If you want a brief break from DC, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge is really good. There are others in the "series" but they are sort of disconnected and you don't  need to watch them all. MKL:SR is the best of them (IMDB 7.4). 

  24. lightning132ttv
    6 months

    Definitely the most brutal DC animation about Superman

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      6 months

      Compared to superman doomsday i dunno man

  25. Black
    6 months


  26. COREY
    6 months

    You guys should watch Smallville. Greatest Clark Lex story.

  27. Aaron
    6 months

    Yo, will you guys do Superman: Red Son? I love that movie, such an interesting take on the Justice League.

    1 replies
    1. matthew
      6 months

      i hope they do batman year 1 and all star superman

  28. Eve
    6 months

    I can't wait for you guys to watch reign of the supermen.

  29. Zach
    6 months

    So when pa kent says lori was "wuite a catch" Thats a reference to the fact she was literally a fucking mermaid

  30. Brandon
    6 months

    "What a Lucky man I was" were super mans last words when he dies in the N52 and while thats not the death they are adapting here I am so happy that they used it. genuinely perfect final line

  31. Spidey
    6 months

    I hope you guys check out Superman: The Animated Series or My Adventures with Superman shows to give you a better understanding of his character and rouges gallery but also are both fun and well done shows!

  32. Pedro
    6 months

    1:04 it does matter if it’s at night but it’s complicated. Think of Superman as a solar battery. Like a phone… during the day he’s constantly charging. At night, he’s not anymore but he is running on the stored energy. Now, for most this is easily enough. But when an enemy is constantly pushing him to use more and more energy, it can and will eventually run out. While during the day it’s at a constant state of replenishment 

  33. Fries
    6 months

    something i'm glad y'all caught onto that some people don't realize is that lex isn't one of those villain with "good intentions" per say, sure he says he wants to protect his city, and i don't doubt that, it's the fact that he hates superman because people rely on him like he's a god and could turn on them any day, which would be a valid criticism from literally anyone else because lex wants to become that god-like protection figure, he hates superman mostly because he takes that glory away from him. I'm sure someone's gonna read this and say "nobody thinks he's a good guy who mistrust superman" but i've had to argue with so many people about this it makes me question the reading comprehension of some people for them to fall for the villains propaganda (for lack of a better term)

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      6 months

      Also back when Superman was a teenager going by the name Superboy, he caused an accident in Lex’s lab that burned his hair off and makes him incapable of growing more so he’s eternally bitter about being bald!

  34. Brandon
    6 months

    for supermans disguise there are many different ways that its explained why it works. there is nobody believing Superman has a secret identity (because why would you ever NOT be superman), there is Clark taking improv classes as a kid which taught him how to change his body language (look up Frank Quietly superman/clark Kent), and theirs the fact that the people who would go out of their way to look for who superman is would never in a million years see him as a man that would choose to be Clark Kent.

  35. Brandon
    6 months

    as a massive comic fan its insane to me that people don't know about The Death of Superman. when this happened in the comics it was literally IN NEWSPAPERS. like cover was full front page news

    2 replies
    1. lightning132ttv
      6 months

      Did you ever watch BvS? If so how did you feel about that adaptation? For reference, BvS is the story of Dark Knight Returns and Death of Superman mashed into one story.

      1 replies
      1. Brandon
        6 months

        I don't think that movie did great with the story, despite having a full movie with him I still didn't buy his connection with the people or see why his death would hurt people anymore then in an "our bodyguard is dead" sort of way. that movie needed someone like Bibbo in this one who is genuinely changed because of him that we go back to. we needed to see his positive influence more then the fears batman was saying. also doomsday looked like a tadpole man and I could not take him seriously.

    2. Ranginald
      6 months

      It was such a big deal that this was the ONLY comic my dad owned, I read it front to back dozens of times as a kid haha

  36. Narutoanime16
    6 months

    Christopher Reeve has done the Clark Kent and Superman difference the BEST out of any actor animation or live action would love to see you guys watch that but yess cant wait for Constantine that movie slaps and Constantine is badass

  37. Artemis
    6 months

    You guys missed the last end credit scene, I was looking forward to it!

  38. Joseph
    6 months

    the guy at the end with the hammer was the scientist wearing a superman shirt, he is john henry irons, he becomes the hero known as Steel

  39. Boomerang
    6 months

    That's the dog Raven got for Damien last movie 

  40. Brandon
    6 months

    Fun fact: Jake Castorena, who was one of the directors on X-Men '97, co directed this movie. Just thought it was a cool fact to highlight.

  41. Matthew
    6 months

    Superman actually doesn’t need to eat at all, he can survive on just solar energy. He eats to fit in. 

  42. Red
    6 months

    I really hope they do comic book reactions..If they do they gotta do The Lantern Comics. The Lantern Lore is honestly my favorite thing about DC. 

  43. Joseph
    6 months

    its not zod its doomsday

    1 replies
    1. Feedback
      6 months

      They figure that out later

  44. Mr.Maple
    6 months

    Yall need to watch Superman vs the elite. Its one of my all time favourite Superman movies.

    2 replies
    1. Pedro
      6 months


    2. BILL
      6 months

      I second that!

  45. Down
    6 months

    Superman and Clark Kent aren’t the same height. He compresses his spine and changes his posture. Christopher Reeve did a good job of this if you put a pic of his Clark next to his Superman they don’t look the same there’s enough of a difference in appearance and personality for people to not notice.

  46. Connor
    6 months

    Yeah, Superman doesn't need to eat, sleep or breathe, the solar radiation makes it so he doesn't have too but he does it anyway to prevent him losing touch with his human upbringing.

  47. myboi
    6 months

    you should  watch the original 2000 era DCAU with BTAS, justice league and JLU. and batman beyond. all are great showed that demonstrate the best DC had to offer in the golden years

    4 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      6 months

      If they ever react to JLU I, for one, will BE THERE!  😂

    2. Pedro
      6 months

      Why do ppl be forgetting Superman the animated series?

    3. Justin
      6 months

      This is just me being pedantic but i find it funny including BTAS as a 2000 era show when it primarily ran from 92-95 with the TNBA picking up from 97-99. While the B/STAS are great I think just going to JL and JLU since there is no continuity with the B/STAS where Batman Beyond and even Static Shock have crossovers with the JLU 

    4. devontetheenigma
      6 months

      Don't forget  Superman the animated series 

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