Constantine: City of Demons Reaction

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  1. adacor
    3 months

    Yeah Matt Ryan plays pretty much every version of Constantine post-Keanu, aside from Jenna Coleman in the Sandman series.

  2. rickie
    5 months

    nightmare nurse was part of the justice league dark team towards the end of its first volume and i LOVE her name and design so i watched this movie just for her. SO COOL.

  3. rickie
    5 months

    i see artemis's mother at 11:20! does this mean this movie takes place in the young justice canon? tigress isnt in a wheel chair in comics so its not a canon trait except for young justice.

    1 replies
    1. CJ
      1 month

      They probably just reused the character model, like they did with Wonder Girl in Atlantis film  🤔.

  4. Brandon
    5 months

    Constantine is one of, if not my favorite DC character. There's so much to enjoy about his character. I doubt y'all will but there is a video on YouTube that tells you about a lot of Constantine's feats. It good. Y'all should watch and react to it. 

  5. Will
    5 months


  6. Swordfish
    6 months

    Definitely watch the movie, and maybe watch the NBC show as well. It only ran for 1 Season before being cancelled but it was great! It's the same actor, Matt Ryan, who voices all Constantine roles in DC products. It got folded over into the Arrowverse after the cancellation which lead to him showing up in Arrow episodes and later a member of the Legends of Tomorrow team/show, but you don't have to watch the others shows to watch it because it wasn't part of any universe but it's own at it's time.

  7. Aspy
    6 months

    Never expected it but I genuinely think Constantine might be a new favourite for me. I love his character and ima probably read some of his comics now

  8. countershock3032986
    6 months

    For people like me, the apokolips war seemed like a good end point and i had not heard that there was a continuation until yall said tomorrowverse

  9. Matthew
    6 months

    Don’t listen to haters, the Tomorrowverse is good. Its name comes from the first movie’s title, Superman: Man of Tomorrow. And yes, it is a continuation of this series. 

  10. Nathaniel
    6 months

    Silly Billy Holy Water: For true Billyvers 

  11. Lowe
    6 months

    i miss group reactions just two people doesnt feel the same 

  12. Narutoanime16
    6 months

    Matt Ryan kills it as Constantine and this is in my top 5 DC movies, ya'll definately gotta watch the Justice League animated show

  13. devontetheenigma
    6 months

    Man Now I want them to watch the Shazam and superman vs black adam movie- good origin for captain marvel 

  14. TsundereVA
    6 months

    Reminder that John Constantine is not straight, he literally just did it with an entire city lol

  15. Girthquake23
    6 months

    whoa whoa whoa, theres a lot of dc negativity at the beginning of this video lol

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      6 months

      They were kidding

  16. Toxic
    6 months

    i love this movie one of my top five movies

  17. Brandon
    6 months

    there is a constant among Constantines adventures. he doesn't get a happy ending. his friends die, his lovers leave and his life diminishes. John doesn't save the world and live happily ever after and if you asked him, he's tell you that he wouldn't want it any other way, he doesn't deserve happiness. 

  18. Joseph
    6 months

    yes its the same actor his name is matt ryan. also john is bisexual so he might have fucked the old guy in the bathroom 

  19. Brandon
    6 months

    you should check out some of the older standalone that everyone else here is recommending before jumping on to tomorrow verse.

  20. Owen
    6 months

    Always loved how DC animated portrayed the darker side of magic

  21. maskedmagician
    6 months

    Can't wait for Superman vs The Elite

  22. SilverFoxx
    6 months

    This is my favorite movie it kind of shows what happens to John in his  life And what he hast to go through

  23. roy7
    6 months

    IMO Tomorrowverse isn't as good as the DCAMU. But it's still okay. Maybe try one or two and see if you enjoy them? 

    When you need a brief break from DC, check out Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge. :) 

  24. Joseph
    6 months

    there is the tomorrow verse but there are several stand alone movies you should check out like justice league gods and monsters and justice league crisis on two Earths

  25. Ranginald
    6 months

    Before starting the Tomorrowverse, I heavily recommend doing the iconic standalone movies. They will both get more views than the serialized Tomorrowverse and give more context and sense to the Tomorrowverse making that a better viewing experience.

    My personal recommendations before starting the Tomorrowverse are:

    All Star SupermanSuperman vs. The Elite(I'd bet on a lot of views for this one)

    Superman/Batman duology(Public Enemies/Apocalypse)

    Crisis on Two Earths (Especially watch this one because the Tomorrowverse has Crisis on Infinite Earths)

    Batman: Mask of the Phantasm (based on Batman: the Animated Series)

    Like to get these iconic movies sooner

    2 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      6 months

      Adding in the Batman Beyond movie to this list!

      1 replies
      1. Ranginald
        6 months

        @Petrichor12 I almost added Return of the Joker to the list but Mask of the Phantasm is already a bit outside context and Batman Beyond even more so so I figured maybe save it for one of the later DC reactions

        1 replies
        1. Petrichor12
          6 months

          True, though if they do tomorrowverse then they're going to need it for the final trilogy (or at least, I would recommend it before crisis).

    2. roy7
      6 months

      Great suggestion doing some stand alone DC movies before. And Batman: Mask of the Phantasm is amazing. if they've never seen it, they must. It had a cinematic release! The opening theme song is peak Batman!

  26. Cadent
    6 months

    Nah for the record the Tomorrowverse has some bangers, it's definitely nowhere near as high as the DCAMU, but it's an alright time. You'll definitely enjoy your time there, and trust me, you're gonna wanna watch it after the DCAMU is finished up.

  27. myboi
    6 months

    i actually like the Constantine movies. both are really good and honestly hes such a cool supporting character. especially when voiced by Matt Ryan

  28. Andrew
    6 months

    The main reason people typically don’t like these as much is because the originals they were coming out with before they made this universe were so much better and the Tomorrow verse was lacking. The only one was the Batman movie that I thought was good. Highly suggest skipping tomorrow verse for a while and checking out some of the older animated movies and yeah DC has been if you go to like the original stuff it was peak, but they’ve been slacking so much. 

    1 replies
    1. Brandon
      6 months

      Eh, I see a lot of people who prefer the older animated movies, which is fine. I don't really care. There are always going to be good movies and no so good movies. There are some of the older ones I don't care for like Wonder Woman (2009), Green Lantern: First Flight, Batman: Year One, Justice League Doom, etc . Don't get me wrong there were good ones, but I do think each era has great movies. I heard Watchmen Chapter 1 was good.

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