Batman: Hush Reaction

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  1. Purported74
    1 month

    Tom King ramped all of our hopes up in his latest run of Batman by doing a whole ark of them finally getting married, and then broke all of our hearts by writing that Selina left him at the alter.

  2. DementisXYZ
    5 months

    Thank freakin' goodness.  I was so concerned, throughout the entire thing, that he was being played by Selina.  After the Talia situation earlier in the series, I felt so wary of Selina throughout the whole movie.  The fact that she wasn't out to get him, and their relationship was genuine, was so refreshing.

  3. Hollowjac
    6 months

    Bruce wayne with his tactical turtleneck

  4. Darc
    6 months

    It's funny how many people hated Damian when he first showed up, when in reality he's exactly like batman but as a teenager

  5. Darc
    6 months

    Fun lore time.First up is Thomas Elliot/Hush. One of the few villains that's more obsessed with Bruce Wayne as opposed to Batman. In some contonuities Thomas was so obsessed and jealous of Bruce that he even did stuff that would cause his parents to die like cut the brakes on their car. He would use medical scans of Bruce Wayne to perform surgery on himself to look identical to Bruce but there was always one thing he could never replicate. The eyes. Elliot has bright green eyes and everyone who properly knows Bruce is aware he has blue eyes.

    Now poison ivy, she's probably one of the more inconsistent characters in DC cause they can never decide if she's an eco terrorist who loves the earth or is just another crazy psycho. Her pheromones naturally allow her to control men but she has to work in order to hypnotize and control women. Might be why they keep making her lesbian or bisexual.

    Amanda Waller is basically the villainous version of Nick Fury, her only claim to fame is making the suicide squad. An "ingenious" idea of using criminals to fight criminals. One of the few people who knows Bruce Wayne is batman but she never let's out the secret for two reasons. One is because she knows the batman does good work and protects people, the other is because batman knows all of her government secrets and often threatens to out her as well if she does it to him

    1 replies
    1. Darc
      6 months

      However this movie was weird in that it made the riddler hush, probably just to throw off comic fans who knew Thomas Elliot was the real hush

  6. Christopher
    6 months

    You guys were right, comic - wise. Thomas is the Hush in the comics. Quite a few things differ from the movie and the comic. 

  7. Brandan
    6 months

    you should watch the other DC Animated movies like batman/Superman Public Enemies and other before Flash point.

  8. Down
    6 months

    13:50 that's exactly how all his capes work the problem was he fell backwards. If it was a forward fall he could've glided away safely. Batman's Gliding was one of the most fun parts of the Arkham games

  9. Down
    6 months

    I really hope you guys watch Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, Superman Vs. The Elite, All-Star Superman,  and Superman/Batman: public Enemies

  10. soontowait
    6 months

    Don't forget to add in Constantine: House of Mystery after you finish the movies! Its a short film about him after the DCAMU

  11. Z4life
    6 months

    They should watch Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes 

  12. Joseph
    6 months

    Joker in this is wally's voice actor in young justice 

  13. Webbman76
    6 months

    Basically the Tomorrowverse is a separate timeline from the DCAMU. But the finale of the Tomorrowverse is the Crisis on Infinite Earths Trilogy which is a massive multi timeline story. The events of the DCAMU do tie into Crisis but aside from Crisis the Tomorrowverse is it's own thing.

  14. Black
    6 months

    Superman is called the man of tomorrow

  15. Emma
    6 months

    This story doesn't even end with batman: hush, but continues into batman: heart of hush, and because, in the comics, it was actually thomas, he even surgically removed selina's heart, and that encouraged batman to be honest about his feelings for her, to which she was able to hear the whole thing. 

    2 replies
    1. fmjraven
      6 months

      thats not cool

    2. countershock3032986
      6 months

      Boom has the book and said he was waiting why would you drop a spoiler the day they put the movie up

  16. dh2003
    6 months

    I say they should also watch JL: Crisis on Two Earths after this DC movie series is done.

  17. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    “There’s three seconds left. There’s no way.” The post credit scene that you missed for Flashpoint Paradox was three seconds long.

  18. Joseph
    6 months

    great one off movies in my opinion are justice league crisis on two earths, All-Star superman, justice league gods and monsters, superman vs the elite, batman Gotham by gaslight and the Christmas movie Merry little batman

  19. Noah
    6 months

    I honestly wouldn't really recommend the tomorrow-verse it really goes down hill if you guys want to continue with dc there are plenty of really fantastic one off movies similar to the ones you've watched before i highly recommend Superman vs The Elite, Batman Year One as well as Batman Mask of the Phantasm, Batmna Beyond Return of the Joker (these two are better if you have watched BTAS tho)

  20. WerewolfF14
    6 months

    Fun fact in the comic there is a sequence in which Hush is "revealed" to be Jason Todd with many of the comic's clues pointing to that. However Batman would quickly deduce that it was actually Clayface pretending to be Jason on Hush's orders. This was before Jason's actual return in under the hood. After Under the Hood came out Batman annual #25 expanded on Jason's life after coming back but before he reveals himself as Red Hood. Here it is explained Hush knew about Jason because Jason himself told him. Likewise it is revealed at one point in Batman's face with Clayface pretending to be Jason, the real Jason swapped places with him and fought batman himself, hoping Batman would "feel" it is the real him. When he doesn't he switches back with Clayface.

  21. Noah
    6 months

    Completley unrelated to this film but i think you all but Boom in particular would like the comic Batman White Knight

  22. Mr.Maple
    6 months

    Well in normal Canon, Thomas is actually Hush. Still holding out hope for "Superman vs the elite"

  23. GSC
    6 months

    In the comics, yes Hush is Thomas Elliot, I was surprised they changed it. A little disappointed too but they did keep comic book fans surprised by the change

  24. Jarod
    6 months

    You’re missing one more movie: Batman Assault on Arkham. Maybe I’m wrong but it does seem like it’s a part of this universe when I looked it up.

    1 replies
    1. WerewolfF14
      6 months

      no that movie is part of the Arkhamverse.

  25. TsundereVA
    6 months

    Just so you guys can feel vindicated, Thomas Elliot is Hush in the original comics. I don't know why they changed it to riddler here, but hey It's whatever

    1 replies
    1. WerewolfF14
      6 months

      they're cutting out the middle man. At the end of the original comic its revealed Riddler was the actual mastermind and was manipulating Hush the whole time.

      1 replies
      1. Residentfan 1
        6 months

        While it’s true that they were cutting out the middle man, I’d like to point out that Riddler was NOT manipulating Hush. He was completely upfront with Hush about what he wanted and why he was doing what he was doing. That’s not manipulation, it’s just a mutual partnership. It was a pact between Hush, Riddler, Clayface and Red Hood.

  26. sguy90
    6 months

    As others have mentioned they changed Hush in this movie and pretty much no one liked the twist, in everything else it is Thomas Elliott, but they changed it for this movie for some reason 

    2 replies
    1. Ranginald
      6 months

      They really thought they were cooking with that one

    2. WerewolfF14
      6 months

      its just to cut out Tommy as the middle man. At the end of the original comic its revealed Riddler was the actual mastermind and was manipulating Hush the whole time.

  27. Residentfan 1
    6 months

    In the comic Hush was Thomas Elliot, a childhood friend of Bruce’s. In the Hush comic, he works with Riddler, Red Hood and Clayface to defeat Batman. Together they manipulate Joker, Harley-Quinn, Two-Face, Poison Ivy, Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Superman, Huntress and Catwoman into unwillingly helping them. 

  28. Andrew
    6 months

    idk if y’all read theses but the Tomorrow verse is and isn’t it only connects at the end and the movies on there are ok there’s ones that are a lot better 

  29. Some
    6 months

    With this movieverse coming to a end i genuinely recommend watching the original dcau stuff before checking out tomorrowverse 

    Especially since tomorrowverse is.....not great

    2 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      6 months

      I'm kind of in the "you should side-quest into older DCAU content before Tomorrowverse" group, and the "Tomorrowverse isn't that great" group.

      My votes are on Return of the Joker, Mask of the Phantasm, JLU in general, and Batman the Brave and the Bold (--their movie is a crossover with Scooby-Doo).

    2. Cadent
      6 months

      Honestly I'd say finish this and the Tomorrowverse before going to the DCAU, cause that's a whole other journey to go on. Especially since JL, JLU, Batman Beyond all pull from all over the DCAU, they'd definitely have a great time but that's alot of shows and movies to consume.

  30. Brandon
    6 months

    the movie actually changed a lot more of the comic then the average DCAMU movie. they straight up changed who Hush is for the movie and it is not as good of a twist

    1 replies
    1. WerewolfF14
      6 months

      i mean it is basically the same twist as the comic. Riddler is the real mastermind in the comic he's just not Hush himself

      1 replies
      1. Brandon
        6 months

        sure but it removed what I believe to be the best part of the riddler reveal, the reason batman isn't worried about his identity. 

  31. Cadent
    6 months

    Oh btw, without going into anything, after Apokolips War, you've got 1 last piece of DCAMU to watch before you return for the Tomorrowverse, and trust me, it's just as important to the DCAMU. Be sure to add to the list: John Constantine: The House Of Mystery. Now I will say too, its a showcase compilation so it's actually made up of short films, but the Constatine portion is the part you really want to watch.

  32. Cadent
    6 months

    So for the record btw, Hush in the original comics story, is not Riddler. Honestly it's such a lame change for this movie, and idky they changed it.

    1 replies
    1. WerewolfF14
      6 months

      because in the comic Riddler is revealed to have been manipulating Hush the whole time and he was the one who was actually behind the whole plot.

      1 replies
      1. Cadent
        6 months

        Yeah I knew that part, but still, changing it to make Hush be Riddler overall is just lame.

  33. Andrew
    6 months

    The stuff Bane uses, and the league of assassins isn’t connected but not a bad assessment

    1 replies
    1. WerewolfF14
      6 months

      In fact in the comics it was at one point revealed Bane's venom is based off the Miraclo drug the WW2 hero Hourman used to give himself powers for one hour, with breaks of at least 24 hours between uses.

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