Invincible Episode 3 REACTION

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  1. Jordan
    1 month

    Why y’all gotta shit on h man so much 

  2. 4ndr0meda
    11 months

    I fucking love the Donald theory lmfaooooo

  3. Fejk
    1 year

    I'm with H-man on the relationship stuff. It's gotta be easier for a super to date a super, just because of understanding one another's work-related issues.

    Only exception I can picture is if you're like Omni-man and get into a healthy, honest and open relationship where you can still communicate with each other. (Well, I mean, he's not being very honest after the first episode I guess, but you get the idea?)

    But, like, it's gotta be hard to get to that point. You can't just reveal your hero-life to anyone on the first date, so a non-super relationship is going to be rocky...

  4. Sydney
    1 year

    Seohnee, Tripper of Widows

  5. Petrichor12
    1 year

    That end bit making you want to binge the next one is how I was watching this show until 6AM on a work night. ? Regret nothing!

  6. Zach
    1 year

    I love when Dark blood says to Omniman "Maybe someday you'll know why" dark blood is from hell. He's implying Nolan is going to hell

  7. Crow
    1 year

    I absolutely love this show. This is my first time watching it, I read a bit of it way back when but I never checked this out when it came out bc I didn't have Amazon at the time.

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