Invincible Episode 6 REACTION

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  1. There are some videos I’ve watched about this whole mark and amber situation that I agree with and boom always has perfect comedic timing.

  2. I know this isn’t how H-Man feels about them, but I wouldn’t think less of him if he was uncomfortable during sex scenes. Or anyone else. Because I am. It was a test your might thing where I would try to look chill and pay extra attention to prove that to myself as they were on , but I’ve been over that for a while now. Those scenes always sucked to me and I can admit it now. :P✌️

  3. Meh, everyone’s got their hot dog peculiarities and combinations, don’t judge. My personal favorite is the ones with mesquite grilled onions, jalapeno relish, mango, lime, salsa.

  4. My favorite theory and please dont spoil if im wrong but my favorite theory is that battle beast is stronger then omni-man and thats why he didnt try to help mark because he was scared of being defeated

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