Helluva Boss Pilot Reaction

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  1. rin
    59 minutes

    the pilot is so dear to me but i actually love the character changes they dont feel so one dimensional 

  2. jules06485
    59 minutes

    Hell yes! Love the rewatch to see what you remember. Plus hopefully Christan will enjoy them as well! 😄

  3. Taz
    2 hours

    Such a weird show. The pilot is its peak.

  4. Alex
    2 hours

    Wow, if I had a nickel for every time Sorta Stupid reacted to the Helluva Boss pilot, I’d have 2-3 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened more then once, right?

  5. Charlie
    2 hours

    invader zim va for the win

  6. Charlie
    2 hours

    man i miss millies original voice actor

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      2 hours

      also honestly like the pilot more then the rest of the series

  7. LaLa
    2 hours

    Just a heads up Christian, the Pilot isn't cannon. Vivzie and Brandon kept aspects but scrapped most of the rest.

  8. zach_the_artist
    2 hours

    I can't wait to see what the guys have forgotten in the time between all the episodes. 

  9. Stickamata8
    3 hours


  10. Roberto
    3 hours

    It's fun to experience this again and now Chris is in the experience this is going to be a good day

  11. ernestova891
    3 hours

    First comment!

    1 replies
    1. ernestova891
      3 hours

      Pilot again?

      1 replies
      1. Roberto
        3 hours

        I may be the third comment but mine is the best comment

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