Gumball S6 Episode 1-4 REACTION

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  1. gunnersmoose
    2 months

    Would you say Boom is..... Turtle Heading???

  2. retardedinkblob
    4 months

    God I love Darwin.

  3. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Day 3 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  4. Sleepy Psychic
    1 year


  5. Daniel
    1 year

    I fucking LOVE "The Lady"! It's SO good XD

  6. supremejedi
    1 year

    im going to miss hman hope at some point he will come back every once in a while hes a good lad.

  7. Jose
    1 year

    it really sucks to hear that hman is dipping he was kind of what really got me attached to the channel ngl

  8. Ben
    1 year

    Going to miss each man. Hope he has good luck in future endeavors. ?

  9. someone_8627
    1 year

    I can't lie, but H-man was my fave, I'm happy he's gonna finish AT, with you all and hope he does whatever makes him happy.

  10. Brye
    1 year

    Godspeed H-man ?

  11. jonathan
    1 year

    the umbrella leaf blower guy is fake its bin debunked by mark rober

  12. Manga
    1 year

    WE’LL MISS YOU H MAN ????♥️♥️♥️

  13. Logan
    1 year

    I need that conch has spoke nothing but the truth has gotten anything wrong yet?

    1 replies
    1. Logan
      1 year

      Apparently, punctuation is something I need to ask it first.

  14. Cardcaptor~
    1 year

    .  he was super attentive to what was happening in the plot and always noticed the small details that some people would only pick up on upon rewatching.  he will be missed :(

    2 replies
    1. p.eachyweachy
      1 year

      forreal i'm so sad

    2. Cardcaptor~
      1 year

      idk why the first half of my comment got deleted but all i said that was that i always respected h man because it takes a lot of patience and maturity to be okay with being the zoidberg of the group.  i felt that way ever since y’all pointed it out in the futurama video lol

      1 replies
      1. boom
        1 year

        We don’t edit comments. So you either accidentally deleted it or something goofed.

        1 replies
        1. Cardcaptor~
          1 year

          i figured it was just a goof, didn’t mean for the tone of my reply to come off accusatory haha

  15. keep9
    1 year

    h mann :(

  16. icvelymaria
    1 year

    Rip hunter man 

  17. nick
    1 year

    we will miss H-Man, but gotta repect him wanting stepping away. also awesome he is sticking with AT till the end :)

    1 replies
    1. nick
      1 year

      also did Gumball and Darwin just do the Enell/Eneru scared face?

  18. The
    1 year

    I’ll miss H-Man. The only thing I wanted to see was H-Man finally saying “GUMBALL BILLLLLLY!!!”

  19. Rez
    1 year


  20. sombra_hacker09
    1 year

    Love Betty white being the old lady in the epsiode


  21. Jabriel
    1 year

    We’ll miss you h-man??

  22. Jgorch13
    1 year

    im sad that h-man is stepping out of the channel, im glad he’s still up for adventure time tho

  23. rin
    1 year

    The way I immediately felt that was a toy story reference indep 1

  24. Icy
    1 year

    How did they not say anything to the One Piece reference

    1 replies
    1. Ben
      1 year

      There was a op reference?

      1 replies
      1. Brye
        1 year

        They did the enel/eneru face right before 5 mins in the video 

  25. Hingle
    1 year

    I'm surprised they didn't comment on the one piece reference in ep1

    1 replies
    1. blitz1126
      1 year

      Love em but I'm not surprised at them missing jokes often.

  26. Trish
    1 year

    oh going to miss h-man though 

  27. Brandon
    1 year

    "at least yours went up" is one of the most insane one off jokes of the show. 

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