Gumball S5 Episode 37-40 REACTION

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  1. dawin being the pet wierd if they posted that he was black. i hope the show maker don’t think that cuz that giveing very weird feelings as a black guy.

  2. George Lucas said you’re supposed to watch it in chronological order. AND PERSONALLY I think that’s the best way for newbies to watch it

  3. Let’s just say this, the best way to watch Star wars is to watch episode 4 and 5 then watch 1-3 ending it off with 6. This way you have context for some of the history that’s briefly mention in 4,5- while also adding to the ending of episode 6.

  4. I think with how reveals were memed over time, it might be better to start with episode one. A lot of stuff that was important in the original trilogy have been spoiled to hell, might as well go in chronological order

  5. idk how other people feel about season 6, but to me it gives season 1 stiff competition for being the worst gumball seasons.  the episodes just feel a bit more uninspired and less dynamic writing-wise, although they do still have their good moments.  maybe yall won’t agree, and there are a few episodes i’m personally still looking forward to, but overall it feels like things are finally winding down 😖 long live gumball billy

  6. Watch star wars like this in my opinion
    Rouge one ep 4,5,6
    Ep 1,2 the clone wars movie then show ep 3 and tales of the jedi shorts then bad batch andor rebels
    Solo mandalorian season 1 2 book of boba fett mando season 3 then ahsoka then ep 7,8,9

  7. Nah man, A New Hope first. I love the prequels, but you really want to get the authentic original feeling of Star Wars first before delving into the deep end of the galaxy far, far away. i always felt ANH to be more newcomer-friendly, anyway. Also, Jar-Jar as a gateway to Star Wars? That’s how you make people assume Star Wars is kiddy nerd garbage.

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