Gumball S2 Episode 7-8 REACTION

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  1. Gumball season 1 introduction. Season 2 finds its footing. Season 3 changes to the status quo. Season 4 Expands on the characters. Season 5 character backstories/arcs. Season 6 raps up a few running gags and more. Season 4 has to be my favorite followed by Season 5 because a certain episode

  2. If you guys think season 2 is wild, season 3 and 4 start to explain more of why their reality was breaking. Its kind of like Gumballs version of the multiverse saga from Marvel.

  3. I don’t know if I have a favorite season, but I 100% have favorite episodes. The Remote being one of them. I’m so glad that y’all watched it! For some reason, it seems that the episodes are slightly out of order since The Remote is meant to be the first episode of season two, but that’s fine since Gumball episodes are usually self-contained. I didn’t notice anything else amiss.

    I would list favorite episode titles, but I’m concerned about giving spoilers(?) even though Gumball is pretty immune to them for the most part.

  4. It’s really hard to pick a favorite between 3, 4, and 5. They’re all phenomenal. I think my favorite might be 4, but it’s comparing 10/10s to 10.1/10s so it could really go to any of them.

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