Gravity Falls Season 2 Episode 9 (Boom Solo) REACTION

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  1. Alot of people get angry at this episode because they fell in love because of a love potion. However, the creator Alex Hirsch came out and said that the effects of the potion are only temporary and wears off after 3 hours. So by the time they were at the concert. They were actually in love.

  2. 1. I knew you’d catch John DiMaggio.
    2. At 12:42, an instance of censorship.  Originally, Love God was supposed to point to a women to hook Meredith up with, but S&P said no and made the Alex change it to a man.

    1. Yeah this episode is one of the only episodes (or maybe *the* only
      episode, not sure) Alex has said he wished he had done differently. The potions only lasting an hour was something revealed in the IRL Journal #3, right?

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