Gravity Falls Reaction Season 2 Episode 18 (Boom Solo)

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  1. SauceyRed
    10 months

    So, fun fact, at the start of this episode, just before/after Bill announces Weirdmageddon, he was supposed to sing a song called "It's Gonna Get Weird". The demo for the song was recorded and an animatic had been made, but it got cut from the episode due to time.

    I think it would be really awesome if you were to react to it, either in a standalone video or at the end of maybe the finale reaction. Otherwise, I still think you should listen to it on your own.

    Here's the link:

    1 replies
    1. SauceyRed
      10 months

      Correction: The animatic I linked is fan-made, the song is not.

  2. Residentfan 1
    10 months

    23:39 Louis CK doing what he does best I see.

    Yeah I know it’s redubbed. Doesn’t change the fact that he totally said that in this role at some point.

  3. mateusal
    10 months

    What do you mean? Where's episode 17?

    4 replies
    1. mateusal
      10 months

      wow, for me the ep didn't appear. thanks

    2. BeerFan
      10 months

    3. Residentfan 1
      10 months

      You missed it bro. It came out last week.

    4. boom
      10 months

      It came out last week

  4. DementisXYZ
    10 months

    Freakin' love these episodes.  Little heads up, so you're not left confused like Ruff, Erik, and Hman were; Episodes 20 and 21 (Weirdmageddon Parts 3 and 4) are actually one large part split in two for rerun purposes.  This will be noticeable as the credits for part 3 don't technically have a unique sequence and part 4 opens on a "Previously on" segment. While you can watch both episodes separately, don't worry about cryptograms until after the very end.

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