1. koto
    10 months

    tbh i never liked emily either. jess was annoying as well. sam was always my fav girl.

  2. SlapHappyGreen
    1 year

    NGL from what I remember of this game, all the homies hate Jess

  3. Yasser
    1 year

    Yes nore until dawn!

  4. Aileen
    1 year

    Peter Stormare (therapist) is also in the series American Gods as one of the old gods. That show is tripie you guys might like it if you havent already seen it. Anything with 

    Ian McShane in it I'm all about so I'm biases lmao

  5. Exaur
    1 year

    Ooo one of my all time favorites. I hope you do the others as well. Although I personally would recommend House of Ashes

  6. Daniel
    1 year

    I didn't see this one coming, but I feel like it oddly fits you guys really well :D

  7. Colonel
    1 year

    PLEASE do any of these awesome underrated movies:

    * Passengers (Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, Sci-Fi)

    * Contact (older Sci-Fi, less known, with Jodie Foster)

    * Watchmen (no need to explain I guess)

    * Perfect Blue (anime movie, masterpiece, Psychological thriller/horror)


    Life Is Beautiful (Crying activated 100%)

  8. Nicolas
    1 year

    I love the intro to this game. "O' Death" is one of my favorite songs, no matter which version, of which their are many since it is such an old song. Which reminds me, can you guys react to Supernatural at some point in the future?

    and also play "The Evil within"?

    1 replies
    1. Petrichor12
      1 year

      I listened to the Khemmis one religiously, NGL!

  9. Death
    1 year

    pleaseeeee do all the dark pictures yall

  10. Sarah
    1 year

    Ah! What a throwback! Cant wait to see you play this.

  11. Of Butterflies and Books
    1 year

    Oh, I'm so looking forward to seeing how this plays out. 

  12. DACHIE
    1 year

    You guys should also play The Quarry too when you're done with this. Same sorta premise. Plus I think it's made by the same people I could be wrong about that tho

  13. Gabriel
    1 year

    It would be cool to see you guys play the Anthology games aswell

  14. bans4ee
    1 year

    and so with the totems each name determines the sort of action you should take also.... expect for death as thats more of an outcome, this is especially true for Guidance totems as it is trying to direct you to make a specific action when you reach the event.

  15. bans4ee
    1 year

    Will you guys do the other supermassive games?

  16. Kristjaan
    1 year

    You Know there is until dawn remake coming why not wait and play then

    1 replies
    1. boom
      1 year

      Don’t want to wait

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