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6 months
If you like the soundtracks, Sega officially release the soundtracks of almost all the games on Spotify, same happened with Kingdom Hearts
6 months
Def watch sonic adventure 2
7 months
Should definitely check out sonic and the secret rings cutscenes
7 months
Sonic Unleashed is definitely one of my favorite Sonic games ever. The daytime levels are so much fun!
7 months
This is a completely random recommendation, but ya'll should check out the Fallen Kingdom Minecraft Series by CaptainSparkles. It's got four banger songs and an interesting overarching story between each music video.
7 months
If you guys want to see Shadows origin, play Sonic Adventure 2, its a good game. Also if you want to play Sonic Unleashed, I wholeheartedly recommend the PS3/Xbox360 version, its the best version of the game. Though you wont find Unleashed on digital stores since Sega delisted them, but I dont think it will be that hard to find a physical copy
7 months
you guys should def watch the cutscenes for sonic 2006, if the game hadnt been rushed it could've the best sonic game to date.
7 months
You should react to the Sonic adventure 2 Hero story & Villain story Real Time Fandubs by SnapCube, they’re hilarious & iconic. they have a few other Sonic fandubs too 10/10 would recommend
1 replies
7 months
no let them watch the regular game first bruh
7 months
You guys should watch the Sonic 2006 cutscenes
1 replies
7 months
I would not recomend that.
1 replies
7 months
Despite how you may feel about the gameplay the story was awesome and the cutscenes look amazing for 2006. Best characterization of Shadow comes from 06.
7 months
You silly Goober, The single Green emerald in the Sonic Movie 2 was the MASTER Emerald. it's Knuckles' sworn duty & sole purpose to protect it.
There are also 7 smaller Chaos emeralds, each one a different color.
In the Sonic Movie 2, The Master emerald breaks, revealing the 7 chaos emeralds were inside of it, and then Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, defeats robotnik, and Knuckles puts the chaos emeralds back inside of the Master Emerald. Usually aside from the movie the chaos emeralds and the Master emerald ate separate entities.
7 months
You guys need to watch Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders Zero Gravity as they are my favourite Sonic games. After that you should watch Snapcube’s fandub of the games as they make me laugh all the time.
7 months
Biggest crime here, is that you guys didnt listen to the OST, Highly recommend.
7 months
Oh if you guys are going down the Sonic Rabbit-Hole - Definitely watch the cutscenes for Sonic and the Secret Rings (You will lose you minds trying to play it XD) or like with the previous Sonic Storybook game you could watch a mix of game and cutscenes- man that game was wild and the story was certainly something, but the music was fantastic! And the Party Mode was tons of fun!
7 months
TBH the story of generations is pretty weak compared to what you guys have seen so far. It's much more a fanservice type of thing for people who were consistent Sonic fans across the decades of games.
7 months
I recommend to play Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (AKA: the best sonic game ever created)
7 months
From memory. Amy and Sonic's lore is that Amy was into fortune telling and Used Tarot cards to find the love of her life. They pointed her to a specific island and sonic was the first one she met when she arrived, and she's been in love with him ever since.
However, the creators try to make sonic never return her feeling or feelings for any character that has feelings for him. There was a specific reason for this but i can't remember what it was.
1 replies
7 months
sonic and amy at their core, have such a unique and interesting dynamic, that I haven't seen in any other franchise, where Sonic doesn't care about romance and dating, and he doesn't like it most of the time amys affection(most of the time) , he doesn't dislike it, or her, he stills her as one of the closest friends, Amy loves sonic but she doesn't want him to change into something he isn't, she shows him affection because she just genuinely has a passionate love for him,and shell annoy him on purpose sometimes lol tooo bad their dynamic has been all over the place , there is no 2 games where they act the same lol
You know what game had amazing cutscenes? Smash Bros. Brawl.
I hear people didn't like that game because of them, but seeing all the Nintendo characters come together to fight was my favorite part.
1 replies
7 months
I'm here to also recommend the Brawl cutscenes. The subspace emissary was never given it's proper dues.
7 months
You guys should totally watch the Cutscenes for Sonic The Hedgehog(2006). If the production of that game hadn't been rushed and unfinished We might've had a completely different Franchise. It had the potential to be one of the greatest Sonic games ever, but due to production problems (Sega being terrible at managing their IP as always) it never reached that full potential.
The game not only has one of the BEST characterizations for Shadow, It also introduces Silver The Hedgehog.
This is my knowledge of what happened:
Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) was an anniversary game that was supposed to a soft reboot/ jumping off point for the franchise, the game even had 9 playable characters(3 Main, 6 side). But Sega being Sega poorly managed the production. Sega had a deal with Nintendo that they had to make Nintendo exclusives to go along with mainline releases because the games that released on Xbox and PS could never run on a WII. So Sega split the development team in half. Half the team made Sonic the hedgehog(2006) and the other half made Sonic: Secret of the Rings( similar to Black Knight but with Aladdin instead of King Arthur).
Sega wouldn't change the release dated so what released was an extremely buggy mess filled with game breaking glitches every level, super janky controls, and long load screens. Although the game had a great story, which could've also benefited from a few rewrites here and there, it was almost unplayable.
After that Sega Overcorrected hard. They stopped have multiple playable characters in the games and limited the side characters to extremely minor roles. and went with a much more "childish" tone for future games. Sonic Frontiers is the first mainline game in over a decade where Sonic isn't the only playable character. Even in Sonic Frontiers the characters where never meant to be playable. They were made playable in an update that came out a year after the game's release alongside an alternate ending with a bunch of bonus content and a new transformation.
1 replies
7 months
Sonic 06 will always have a special place in my heart bugs and all, played the shit out of it as a kid
7 months
maybe someday you all should watch every cutscenes for Kingdom Hearts
Byte D. Wolf
7 months
Guys, look up “Hammer Space,” it will answer all the pocket questions about pulling stuff out of nowhere. I’d like to think it was named after Amy Rose (the Hedgehog) since she wields a big, honking hammer.
7 months
This is the best sonic game from the Xbox 360 days I hope this game gets a remastered or remake
7 months
Amy first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog CD for the Sega CD it was developed at the same time as sonic the hedgehog 2 but released a year later. Also check out Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog if you want to learn about Shadow.
7 months
You guys should know that the “Shadow The Hedgehog” game is ironically a TERRIBLE representation of Shadow’s character. It made him WAY more edgy than he was in the previous games.( He debuted in Sonic Adventure 2, and appeared in Sonic Heroes before he got his own game.) Basically Sega used Shadow’s game as an experiment to test out all the terrible ideas fans had. The reason Shadow has guns in the game is because fans kept on asking for Sonic to have one. Personally I don’t like Shadow having guns at all. His Chaos powers are already cooler and more powerful guns.
I personally thought Shadow should’ve had a Batman level hatred of guns considering his origin story
7 months
I'm so glad you guys watched thru this!! This wa my favorite Sonic game when I was a kid!!
1 replies
7 months
you guys should also watch the short 11 min animation they made to promote this game it's actually pretty well animated. It's called Sonic Night of the Werehog.
7 months
"Why does Tails need a plane when he can fly?" The plane is faster and doesn't get tired after ten seconds.
7 months
Loving these Sonic reactions! If you guys like sonic unleashed and want to see a bit more of Chip there are three extra cutscenes of them exploring different countries. There is also a short called Night of the Wherehog where Sonic and Chip visit a haunted house.
7 months
I really recommend watching the cutscenes for Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). The game itself is legitimately broken and frustrating as hell to play through, but the story is one of my favorites.
7 months
Really looking forward to the possibility of you guys playing Sonic Frontiers. Won't recommend playing Sonic Adventures or even reacting to it due to spoilers for the 3rd Sonic Movie. Might want to avoid the Shadow the Hedgehog game, too actually.Sonic Frontiers Gameplay would definitely be welcome. It'll give you insight on the main Classic characters personally. You'll learn about each of them and experience an awsome game with more cool lore. And the music is epic, which is a staple for Sonic games.
7 months
Yeah, Amy's character has definitely gone on a rollercoaster the most throughout different phases of the franchise. First a princess Peach type, then a fearless empathy driven hero. There was an angry fangirl gag phase for a bit because Japan. Now present day she's a motherly figure. Most fans agree that she's at her best in the Sonic Adventure Games and Sonic Boom franchise.
What you need to know about her is that she's the Heart Character of the Classic Sonic squad. The original Classic Sonic squad is basically Sonic Speed, Tails Flight/Brains, Knuckles Strength, and Amy Compassion.
Her power is crazy strength and a hammer she's never afraid to use. Sometimes she gives Knuckles a run for his money. I actually used to think she and Knuckles were siblings. Amy Rose the Hedgehog everybody.
1 replies
7 months
lol most people who like amy agree that Adventure 1 is her peak as well as idw, and the murder of Sonic, people who say boom amy is the best version of her, just say that because they see boom amy as" mature, and not a stalker", boom amy isn't all that but I do like her, I love how she takes no crap from anyone and thinks sonic is very unfunny, and she's a perfectionist who thinks she should fix all her friends problems, lol boom amy is so fun
7 months
to this day i don't understand how , they got so much budget for that opening cutscene , its immaculate
7 months
lol don't do amy dirty like that, She is not the "peach" of Sonic lol, there's a lot to her but in Unleashed shes is just kinda there, same with Tails I just completely forget he's even in this game, unleashed is amys least important appearance in the franchise
7 months
I'd be great if you check out the gameplay of each mainline sonic game because most of the cutscene compilations don't show what the game actually looks like. I recommend watching "The BEST Level in Each Mainline Sonic Game" by chaomix.
7 months
to correct boom on sonic lore shadow first appierd in sonic adventure 2 for the dreamcast and gamecube. shadow the hedgehog came after becuase he was so populare
7 months
You guys should watch the cutscenes for Sonic 06, Sonic and the Secret Rings but with some of the gameplay in it like the one you watched for Sonic and the Black Knight, and Sonic Colors
7 months
You guys have got to check out Sonic colors. It was the first Sonic game I played on the wii.
1 replies
Byte D. Wolf
7 months
And if you want to play it but not on the Wii, they made an upgraded version for the Nintendo Switch called “Sonic Colors: Ultimate”
7 months
For playing this game, it has two versions grouped into two consoles each. The Wii/PS2 version (which i prefer but it isn't considered the "main" version, and the "main" Xbox360/PS3 version, play that one so that no one gets mad :P
I'd recommend getting it on the Xbox marketplace on a series X or S because the originals framerate it, quite frankly unacceptable.
Also don't even attempt to play this to 100% completion, you will hate it like I do now. JUST finish it.
7 months
As for a watch vs play
Watch: Secret rings, maybe 06, and Shadow (2005) and play basically everything else Especially Adventure 2 :P
Highly recommend reacting to sonic frontiers including final horizon or sonic 06 cutscenes, although I also recommend playing sonic frontiers too
7 months
man i remember this game, i got it with my ps3 in 2011 and figured out i had no idea how to even get past the tutorial and promptly never played it again
7 months
I seriously will never be able to get over how fucking hard the intro this game goes. Even today it still looks amazing.
1 replies
7 months
I hope they watch Sonic X one day
1 replies
7 months
Ideally in Japanese, the 4kids dub cuts too much out, the spirit is lost I feel.
If you like the soundtracks, Sega officially release the soundtracks of almost all the games on Spotify, same happened with Kingdom Hearts
Def watch sonic adventure 2
Should definitely check out sonic and the secret rings cutscenes
Sonic Unleashed is definitely one of my favorite Sonic games ever. The daytime levels are so much fun!
This is a completely random recommendation, but ya'll should check out the Fallen Kingdom Minecraft Series by CaptainSparkles. It's got four banger songs and an interesting overarching story between each music video.
If you guys want to see Shadows origin, play Sonic Adventure 2, its a good game. Also if you want to play Sonic Unleashed, I wholeheartedly recommend the PS3/Xbox360 version, its the best version of the game. Though you wont find Unleashed on digital stores since Sega delisted them, but I dont think it will be that hard to find a physical copy
you guys should def watch the cutscenes for sonic 2006, if the game hadnt been rushed it could've the best sonic game to date.
You should react to the Sonic adventure 2 Hero story & Villain story Real Time Fandubs by SnapCube, they’re hilarious & iconic. they have a few other Sonic fandubs too 10/10 would recommend
no let them watch the regular game first bruh
You guys should watch the Sonic 2006 cutscenes
I would not recomend that.
Despite how you may feel about the gameplay the story was awesome and the cutscenes look amazing for 2006. Best characterization of Shadow comes from 06.
You silly Goober, The single Green emerald in the Sonic Movie 2 was the MASTER Emerald. it's Knuckles' sworn duty & sole purpose to protect it.
There are also 7 smaller Chaos emeralds, each one a different color.
In the Sonic Movie 2, The Master emerald breaks, revealing the 7 chaos emeralds were inside of it, and then Sonic transforms into Super Sonic, defeats robotnik, and Knuckles puts the chaos emeralds back inside of the Master Emerald. Usually aside from the movie the chaos emeralds and the Master emerald ate separate entities.
You guys need to watch Sonic Riders and Sonic Riders Zero Gravity as they are my favourite Sonic games. After that you should watch Snapcube’s fandub of the games as they make me laugh all the time.
Biggest crime here, is that you guys didnt listen to the OST, Highly recommend.
Oh if you guys are going down the Sonic Rabbit-Hole - Definitely watch the cutscenes for Sonic and the Secret Rings (You will lose you minds trying to play it XD) or like with the previous Sonic Storybook game you could watch a mix of game and cutscenes- man that game was wild and the story was certainly something, but the music was fantastic! And the Party Mode was tons of fun!
TBH the story of generations is pretty weak compared to what you guys have seen so far. It's much more a fanservice type of thing for people who were consistent Sonic fans across the decades of games.
I recommend to play Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (AKA: the best sonic game ever created)
From memory. Amy and Sonic's lore is that Amy was into fortune telling and Used Tarot cards to find the love of her life. They pointed her to a specific island and sonic was the first one she met when she arrived, and she's been in love with him ever since.
However, the creators try to make sonic never return her feeling or feelings for any character that has feelings for him. There was a specific reason for this but i can't remember what it was.
sonic and amy at their core, have such a unique and interesting dynamic, that I haven't seen in any other franchise, where Sonic doesn't care about romance and dating, and he doesn't like it most of the time amys affection(most of the time) , he doesn't dislike it, or her, he stills her as one of the closest friends, Amy loves sonic but she doesn't want him to change into something he isn't, she shows him affection because she just genuinely has a passionate love for him,and shell annoy him on purpose sometimes lol tooo bad their dynamic has been all over the place , there is no 2 games where they act the same lol
Sonic lore goes deep. If you want more Chip. They also made an 11 minute short featuring Were-Sonic and chip in a haunted house. Sonic: Night of the Werehog (4K AI Upscale) - Official Sonic Unleashed Short Film (
You know what game had amazing cutscenes? Smash Bros. Brawl.
I hear people didn't like that game because of them, but seeing all the Nintendo characters come together to fight was my favorite part.
I'm here to also recommend the Brawl cutscenes. The subspace emissary was never given it's proper dues.
You guys should totally watch the Cutscenes for Sonic The Hedgehog(2006). If the production of that game hadn't been rushed and unfinished We might've had a completely different Franchise. It had the potential to be one of the greatest Sonic games ever, but due to production problems (Sega being terrible at managing their IP as always) it never reached that full potential.
The game not only has one of the BEST characterizations for Shadow, It also introduces Silver The Hedgehog.
This is my knowledge of what happened:
Sonic The Hedgehog (2006) was an anniversary game that was supposed to a soft reboot/ jumping off point for the franchise, the game even had 9 playable characters(3 Main, 6 side). But Sega being Sega poorly managed the production. Sega had a deal with Nintendo that they had to make Nintendo exclusives to go along with mainline releases because the games that released on Xbox and PS could never run on a WII. So Sega split the development team in half. Half the team made Sonic the hedgehog(2006) and the other half made Sonic: Secret of the Rings( similar to Black Knight but with Aladdin instead of King Arthur).
Sega wouldn't change the release dated so what released was an extremely buggy mess filled with game breaking glitches every level, super janky controls, and long load screens. Although the game had a great story, which could've also benefited from a few rewrites here and there, it was almost unplayable.
After that Sega Overcorrected hard. They stopped have multiple playable characters in the games and limited the side characters to extremely minor roles. and went with a much more "childish" tone for future games. Sonic Frontiers is the first mainline game in over a decade where Sonic isn't the only playable character. Even in Sonic Frontiers the characters where never meant to be playable. They were made playable in an update that came out a year after the game's release alongside an alternate ending with a bunch of bonus content and a new transformation.
Sonic 06 will always have a special place in my heart bugs and all, played the shit out of it as a kid
maybe someday you all should watch every cutscenes for Kingdom Hearts
Guys, look up “Hammer Space,” it will answer all the pocket questions about pulling stuff out of nowhere. I’d like to think it was named after Amy Rose (the Hedgehog) since she wields a big, honking hammer.
This is the best sonic game from the Xbox 360 days I hope this game gets a remastered or remake
Amy first appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog CD for the Sega CD it was developed at the same time as sonic the hedgehog 2 but released a year later. Also check out Sonic Adventure 2 and Shadow the Hedgehog if you want to learn about Shadow.
You guys should know that the “Shadow The Hedgehog” game is ironically a TERRIBLE representation of Shadow’s character. It made him WAY more edgy than he was in the previous games.( He debuted in Sonic Adventure 2, and appeared in Sonic Heroes before he got his own game.) Basically Sega used Shadow’s game as an experiment to test out all the terrible ideas fans had. The reason Shadow has guns in the game is because fans kept on asking for Sonic to have one. Personally I don’t like Shadow having guns at all. His Chaos powers are already cooler and more powerful guns.
I personally thought Shadow should’ve had a Batman level hatred of guns considering his origin story
I'm so glad you guys watched thru this!! This wa my favorite Sonic game when I was a kid!!
you guys should also watch the short 11 min animation they made to promote this game it's actually pretty well animated. It's called Sonic Night of the Werehog.
"Why does Tails need a plane when he can fly?" The plane is faster and doesn't get tired after ten seconds.
Loving these Sonic reactions! If you guys like sonic unleashed and want to see a bit more of Chip there are three extra cutscenes of them exploring different countries. There is also a short called Night of the Wherehog where Sonic and Chip visit a haunted house.
I really recommend watching the cutscenes for Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). The game itself is legitimately broken and frustrating as hell to play through, but the story is one of my favorites.
Really looking forward to the possibility of you guys playing Sonic Frontiers. Won't recommend playing Sonic Adventures or even reacting to it due to spoilers for the 3rd Sonic Movie. Might want to avoid the Shadow the Hedgehog game, too actually.Sonic Frontiers Gameplay would definitely be welcome. It'll give you insight on the main Classic characters personally. You'll learn about each of them and experience an awsome game with more cool lore. And the music is epic, which is a staple for Sonic games.
Yeah, Amy's character has definitely gone on a rollercoaster the most throughout different phases of the franchise. First a princess Peach type, then a fearless empathy driven hero. There was an angry fangirl gag phase for a bit because Japan. Now present day she's a motherly figure. Most fans agree that she's at her best in the Sonic Adventure Games and Sonic Boom franchise.
What you need to know about her is that she's the Heart Character of the Classic Sonic squad. The original Classic Sonic squad is basically Sonic Speed, Tails Flight/Brains, Knuckles Strength, and Amy Compassion.
Her power is crazy strength and a hammer she's never afraid to use. Sometimes she gives Knuckles a run for his money. I actually used to think she and Knuckles were siblings. Amy Rose the Hedgehog everybody.
lol most people who like amy agree that Adventure 1 is her peak as well as idw, and the murder of Sonic, people who say boom amy is the best version of her, just say that because they see boom amy as" mature, and not a stalker", boom amy isn't all that but I do like her, I love how she takes no crap from anyone and thinks sonic is very unfunny, and she's a perfectionist who thinks she should fix all her friends problems, lol boom amy is so fun
to this day i don't understand how , they got so much budget for that opening cutscene , its immaculate
lol don't do amy dirty like that, She is not the "peach" of Sonic lol, there's a lot to her but in Unleashed shes is just kinda there, same with Tails I just completely forget he's even in this game, unleashed is amys least important appearance in the franchise
I'd be great if you check out the gameplay of each mainline sonic game because most of the cutscene compilations don't show what the game actually looks like. I recommend watching "The BEST Level in Each Mainline Sonic Game" by chaomix.
to correct boom on sonic lore shadow first appierd in sonic adventure 2 for the dreamcast and gamecube. shadow the hedgehog came after becuase he was so populare
You guys should watch the cutscenes for Sonic 06, Sonic and the Secret Rings but with some of the gameplay in it like the one you watched for Sonic and the Black Knight, and Sonic Colors
You guys have got to check out Sonic colors. It was the first Sonic game I played on the wii.
And if you want to play it but not on the Wii, they made an upgraded version for the Nintendo Switch called “Sonic Colors: Ultimate”
For playing this game, it has two versions grouped into two consoles each. The Wii/PS2 version (which i prefer but it isn't considered the "main" version, and the "main" Xbox360/PS3 version, play that one so that no one gets mad :P
I'd recommend getting it on the Xbox marketplace on a series X or S because the originals framerate it, quite frankly unacceptable.
Also don't even attempt to play this to 100% completion, you will hate it like I do now. JUST finish it.
As for a watch vs play
Watch: Secret rings, maybe 06, and Shadow (2005) and play basically everything else Especially Adventure 2 :P
If you wish to go down the Sonic lore rabbithole I reccomend these videos by Pariah695, they explain things pretty well
Highly recommend reacting to sonic frontiers including final horizon or sonic 06 cutscenes, although I also recommend playing sonic frontiers too
man i remember this game, i got it with my ps3 in 2011 and figured out i had no idea how to even get past the tutorial and promptly never played it again
I seriously will never be able to get over how fucking hard the intro this game goes. Even today it still looks amazing.
I hope they watch Sonic X one day
Ideally in Japanese, the 4kids dub cuts too much out, the spirit is lost I feel.