Dragon Ball Episode 7 Reaction (Boom Solo)

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  1. Yeah, height screws with expected age between this and Z.  It’ll be revealed in the next arc, but Goku (and by extension, Chichi) are 11 here.
    Bro, your face when the dolphin talked was priceless.

  2. So you already know goku is a saiyan. He’s gonna be the same size throughout the entire series despite years passing by and then he hits a massive growth spurt at the end. This is kind of explained away much much later in stuff like Z and super by them saying that saiyans stay really small for a long time and then grow all at once. The only exception to this is gohan who gradually grows throughout the series.To be honest it’s just a reason to explain why goku, goten, and trunks will all look the same from 7-15 since toriyama didn’t want to change their designs yet

    1. That’s actually not true. Goku grows slowly in stature and build throughout the series leading up to his massive growth spurt. It takes side-by-side to see but that only tells to Toriyama’s design and paneling masterwork.

  3. You know, I wonder if Chi Chi and Ox King have any kind of fire/heat resistance built up from living so close to that mountain? It’s never brought up in the future, but you got me wondering in hindsight.

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