Dragon Ball Episode 1 Reaction (Boom Solo)

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  1. The
    11 months

    Really? You've never watched DB? Well, this will be a great journey. Also, the as several others are saying, the Dub is great.

  2. famouscrab
    11 months

    dub for real

  3. onepandalord
    11 months

    It’s your final decision Boom, but I recommend you watching the show in English Dub. That’s what I and most of the DBZ community prefers.

    1 replies
    1. onepandalord
      11 months

      I never noticed but Pilaf VA sounds like Buggy from One Piece

  4. Pip
    11 months

    I prefer watching the Dub, with the subs. Seriously, I don't know why people just don't do that. You can both understand what the characters are saying and see the original jokes intact via the subs. IMO, the music is way better in the Dub.

  5. RancorSnp
    11 months

    While it wish it was a group reaction, I'm glad that I have something to look forward to on Sundays for a very, very long time 

  6. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Day 7 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  7. Ben
    1 year

    One thing I love about Capsule Corp, is if that was real, you could just set up your house anywhere in the middle of nowhere and have shelter. I always thought that'd be so cool when I was growing up. Still do ?

  8. Darc
    1 year

    We gotta think about this. Bulma, the smartest and richest 14 year old girl on the planet, is traveling the entire world to use the dragon balls to get a boyfriend. Meaning that she can't get a boyfriend any other way which is either impossible or she was just so insufferable that no guy wanted to handle her.

  9. Darc
    1 year

    I'm probably one of the few people that will always advocate for the English dubs of anime.I just feel no connection with how japanese voice actors do things at times

    1 replies
    1. Gavynnnnn
      10 months

      Truth be told it’s a learned connection. I feel English voice actors underact for the visuals

  10. DementisXYZ
    1 year

    "They are so focused on the guns in this." A lot of the images in the credits are based on Toriyama's artwork that he'd put at the beginning or end of chapters, and the man had insane artistic detail in his technological designs, guns included.

  11. Colton
    1 year

    Definitely put me down for sub. There's so many classic voice actors that Toei used in the show. Also, the dub removed the vocal insert songs, which are a shame to lose.

    Plus, it's your first chance to really hear the woman who voices Goku from 1986 to today, Masako Nozawa. She is a phenomenal Goku.

  12. Gabriel
    1 year

    im so happy we get to watch along you watching this. Also honestly ill watch it whether you watch it Sub or Dub, I like both but I always preferred Dub but both are great.

  13. hurryupmode
    1 year

    I love that instead of making the smartest person on earth an old stuffy scientist in a lab coat, Toriyama decided to make them a teenage girl who only cares about finding a boyfriend and eating strawberries.

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      1 year

      Well.....technically the smartest person is an old man in a lab coat, but it's bulmas own dad so kinda makes sense

      1 replies
      1. hurryupmode
        1 year

        Dr.Briefs admits in DBZ that Bulma is smarter than him, iirc.

        1 replies
        1. Xavier
          11 months

          at this point in dragon ball he's still smarter than her. She's smarter than him in Z obviously

  14. hurryupmode
    1 year

    Do you recognize Pilaf's voice? It's Shigeru Chiba, aka Buggy!

  15. hurryupmode
    1 year

    Most North American kids grew up with the english dub voice, and it's a great dub. But they also have a habit of dumping on  Masako Nozawa's OG voice. So I feel like I gotta back up the underdog a little bit here, lol. She voices Goku throughout his life, and ages it accordingly. As he becomes an adult, his voice seems simultaneously childlike but also grown up, which is perfect for his personality imo.

  16. Ryujin
    1 year

    Also language wise I mainly find the dub funnier and really there isn’t much difference besides the occasional joke and this is just a me thing but I like the dub better because they actually sound like their age

  17. Ryujin
    1 year

    Yeah the first two things bulma did to goku was hit him with her car and proceeded to shoot him

  18. wynosaurus
    1 year

    The sub is FINE but I love the dub so much. Goku also shares a voice actor with KO from O.K KO which is a CN show made by Ian Jones Quartey husband/partner to Rebecca Sugar

    1 replies
    1. tm0thy_
      1 year

      I forgot she was in this. She kinda just fell off the earth after leaving funimation. Last I heard from her she was posting wild/not great stuff during the 2019 suit where bunch of the 90’s va cast were kinda just terrible ppl

  19. Mugen
    1 year

    The "I don't want to touch your dirty butt!" part always gets me!

  20. ghost0427
    1 year

    Please continue in sub. I may be speaking lies because I never consumed (and never will) classic DB in english but it is anything like Z the soundtrack will be completely different and the original japanese soundtrack is just soooooo good, specially the ocasional insert song

  21. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Aww I haven't watched OG dragonball since like 2009! Looking forward to it!

  22. maskedmagician
    1 year

    Cool! btw I actually prefer the sub

  23. Matthew
    1 year

    People will complain they prefer the Sub over the Dub for most series. Plenty of people will request Dub over Sub for this series. Although a few jokes and bits will be removed in the Dub version for various reasons.  As long as these episodes keep coming I am fine with either.  Dragon Ball has such a wonderful story to tell and I am glad you are taking this journey so that others will be tempted into following by watching along. 

    1 replies
    1. Matthew
      1 year

      Now you know why Cell said our story begins like most stories do with a young girl shooting a boy in the face lmao

  24. ShadowWalker
    1 year

    Please watch it in dub, it is leagues better than the sub.

  25. Izu
    1 year

    hope y'all watch any of the monkey king movies as it's all based off "Journey to the West" which dragon ball is also loosely based off. My fav being the 2017 version titled "Wu Kong" or some places have it titled as "The Immortal Demon Slayer".

  26. Cube
    1 year

    I prefer the dub but the sub is also fine.

  27. Cube
    1 year

    Please continue this I've been wanting to watch a reaction from someone who hasn't seen dbz for so long.

  28. erlu
    1 year

    Yes!! Very excited for next episodes

    1 replies
    1. erlu
      1 year

      And im happy you watch it on sub! 

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