Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 38-39 Reaction Dragon Ball Z Kai To view this content, you must be a member of Sorta Stupid Patreon or Youtube at $10 or moreAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Sean 1 month Freeza's voice actor is on some serious Mark Hammel's Joker energy for the entire namek fight so far.
Jaystarfrosty 1 month When gohan crashes out he really is about the action also like the fact my boy piccolo got his time to shine.
Damn never piss off gohan XD
Freeza's voice actor is on some serious Mark Hammel's Joker energy for the entire namek fight so far.
When gohan crashes out he really is about the action also like the fact my boy piccolo got his time to shine.