Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 34-35 Reaction

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  1. MountainTrollChief
    22 days

    I remember as a kid watching DBZ that this part of the show felt like it took forever. When it was on Cartoon Network in the afternoons, they would do a run of like 4 or 5 new episodes, and then they would have like reshow those 5 or 6, instead of giving you a new episode. So you would see most of the Namek arc like 4 times if you watched every weekday it was on.

  2. Jaystarfrosty
    22 days

    Vegeta was really on his bag after he ate that sensual bean also another moment of Z Frieza crashing out is another great moment. The sudden realization that he’s been being stalled the whole time and may just lose his wish, incredible. 

    1 replies
    1. Cerebral
      22 days

      Gotta love that sensual bean 

      1 replies
      1. Jaystarfrosty
        22 days

        Lmao yeah sensual bean 💀

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