Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 36-37 Reaction

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  1. Slasher2
    1 month

    What the heck? Where'd that Bleach forboding music come from?

  2. Aaron
    1 month

    DB is Goku's story

    DBZ is Gohan's story(at least for a while)

  3. Mr. Eldritch
    1 month

    Man…as cool as ending to 36 still was, it kills that you weren’t able to see with the original (I think it was sumitomo?) score…

    2 replies
    1. Charlie
      1 month

      im more bummed we dont get to see his reaction to vics cover of the kai op, that things super iconic

    2. shadowpunch13
      1 month

      Yamamoto, you mean. Sumitomo is who took over from Buu Kai onwards, into Super. Still though, I agree. I love the Kikuchi score but the Yamamoto score definitely feels more tailored to Kai's pacing. Where you'd find it on the internet though, these days is messy. 

      1 replies
      1. Mr. Eldritch
        1 month

        I can’t remember for sure where I saw it the first time, but I think it was watching Dbz Kai during its run on nicktoons network. Outside of that, there used to be videos of that scene with the music on YouTube, but those have since been removed, but I can still find a clip of it on the video examples page on tv tropes. Specifically, the tranquil fury page.

        Also, I just finished the whole reaction, and now I’m even more frustrated…They made sure to put in “Only a Chilling Elegy,” but they still didn’t put in “Frieza’s Horrific Power”??

  4. Jaystarfrosty
    1 month

    Love the way the music sets in at the end to show that someone is going to die from Freeza’s hand. Also Freeza’s transformation always seemed to be painful transforming from one body to the next to further contain his power. Kinda like z broly you can see his flesh and body tear apart as he transformed not to mention how much he was screaming. Chris Ayres cooked with his voice acting. 

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