Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 32-33 Reaction

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  1. Robin
    1 month

    You should watch Dragon Ball the Path to Power with the boys. It's a movie from Goku meets Bulma up until the Red Ribbon army.

  2. Unstablebeast
    1 month

    we gotta get the other guys on here sometime in the future, i know i heard them mention it in the cooler movie, at this point boom is knowing actual dragon ball better than them

    1 replies
    1. Robin
      1 month

      I hope they at least join the Buu saga, into Daima, into Super, into GT.

  3. Jaystarfrosty
    1 month

    I find it so interesting that the sayians always seem to be underestimated by Frieza’s army even though Frieza wiped them out due to fear of them being strong in the future.Not to mention sayians are known as a warrior race.

  4. shadowpunch13
    1 month

    Fast-talking Frieza is one of the best decisions the dub guys ever made, holy shit, he's so much fun to listen to. 

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