Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 29-31 Reaction

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  1. TreVaughn
    1 month

    Crazy thing about this shi is when Goku showed up is when the original soundtrack changed to absolute GAS 😮‍💨

  2. David
    2 months

    So a fun fact is that the voice of freeza is voiced by Christopher ayres here on kai, and guldo is voiced by his brother greg ayres

  3. hurryupmode
    2 months

    In the late 90s, before Funimation picked up the Dragonball z series, Saban/Ocean were releasing their edit in the US on TV, I think either UPN or WB channels. And it would always play up to episode 66(dub episode 53) where Goku scrapes Recoome, and then it would start over from episode 1. And this continued for like two straight years. During that time I couldn't wait anymore and started watching the Japanese dub on the International Channel without subs. Had no idea what was being said. Also spent a lot of time downloading short videos clip online from fan sites. Eventually it stopped airing on WB, and moved to Toonami on Cartoon Network, there it found it's following and they dubbed more episodes and continued the story in late 99, early 00s.

  4. Charlie
    2 months

    tbf goku went from struggling with vegeta when under kaioken x4 before namek power boost to stronger then several NAMEK BOOSTED VEGETAS COMBINED asfar as krillian and gohan are concerned

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      2 months

      its like if your friend went from benching 135 to 495 inbetween seeing them at the gym a month later, youd say fake weights way before you assume they just became freakishly strong

  5. Sean
    2 months

    Who doesnt like Kai? It's probably the closest to the actual manga. 

    There are specific things I prefer in some of the other dubs.

     example I still love ocean dub vegeta best , or falconer dub music best. Some lines like vegetas pride speech in the buu saga are best in the funimation full dbz dub.

    but as an over all package Kai is actually the best quality

  6. Jaystarfrosty
    2 months

    Goku really felt like an unstoppable force when he came down and started fighting the ginyu force such a hype moment. Also let’s goooooo 3 episodes today.

  7. shadowpunch13
    2 months

    Yeah a lot of sources tend to separate the Frieza saga into the Namek/Ginyu/Frieza arcs separately. You'll probably see it as well with the Android and Buu sagas being separated into smaller arcs just to condense them.

  8. Aaron
    2 months

    guldo needs to train with the navy, they'll get him to hold his breath for minutes at a time

    1 replies
    1. Aaron
      2 months

      nevermind, that man doesn't have a head anymore

  9. Jacob
    2 months

    Three episodes in one? Damn we're eating good tonight

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