Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 25-26 Reaction

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  1. Robin
    2 months

    It's still insane to me that Bulma liked Zarbon and ends up with Vegeta. xD

  2. Andre
    3 months

    If I am not mistaken, Frieza attacking his men is something that's in the anime only

  3. Down
    3 months

    Nail is also voiced by Sean Schemmel, Goku's VA

  4. Sean
    3 months

    The ocean dub and the falconer dub had so much better music then the music used in Kai and the Japanese dub. 

    1 replies
    1. shadowpunch13
      3 months

      Shame both dubs aren't accurate at all and completely miss the tone of the show. 

      1 replies
      1. Sarabada
        2 months

        @sean Yeah, but is not the original music used in Kai. In 2011 (around episode 97) there was a infringement issue with one of the newer composers of

        Dragonball and he was fired.

        From episode 99 and onward they got a new composer for Kai which they also used for Super.

        All of the Kai music from episode 1 tot 98 had to be quickly replaced, so they grabbed the soundtrack from the 80s/90s.  Problem was that the original soundtrack was owned by Columbia Music Records, not by Toei themselves. So they only got a renewed license for about 24 tracks (out of the hundreds of original BGM tracks).

        Hence why so many tracks are constantly repeated in Kai's current releases of episode 1 to 98.

  5. sam16621
    3 months


  6. Jaystarfrosty
    3 months

    Vegeta with the real iq plays

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