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2 months
38:12 actually, he's Fuegoleon
2 months
ep. 21 & 22??
1 replies
1 month
they're on the site, just not in this playlist
2 months
vegeta evil in these ones bro
2 months
Wrong episodes uploaded?
1 replies
2 months
It's not a wrong episode, the previous episode isnt in this playlist but it is on the website just on the previous page.
2 months
oof that Zarbon beatdown of Vegeta is a core memory of mine from back in the day, Still brutal in all four different versions of it: Original Japanese, Saban/Ocean, Funimation, and Kai.
38:12 actually, he's Fuegoleon
ep. 21 & 22??
they're on the site, just not in this playlist
vegeta evil in these ones bro
Wrong episodes uploaded?
It's not a wrong episode, the previous episode isnt in this playlist but it is on the website just on the previous page.
oof that Zarbon beatdown of Vegeta is a core memory of mine from back in the day, Still brutal in all four different versions of it: Original Japanese, Saban/Ocean, Funimation, and Kai.