Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 17-18 Reaction

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  1. Pip
    2 months

    You guys should really watch HIFL series from team four star.

  2. Saint
    3 months

    freeza saga. let's go!

  3. hurryupmode
    3 months

    Korin and Coach Nekomata from Haikyuu are kindred spirits. I bet Furudate based Nekomata's design on Korin.

  4. shadowpunch13
    3 months

    Goku letting Vegeta go out of pure selfishness is so interesting to see from a protagonist because, it REALLY could've backfired on him. I'll never forgive the original dub for bastardizing Goku's character so much, among other characters. 

    1 replies
    1. SlapHappyGreen
      2 months

      fr, they way they changed *why* he asks Krillin to let him go is why I usually watch end of Saiyan Saga in Sub  rather than OG Dub. Never realized they changed it back in Kai

  5. sam16621
    3 months

    Super Saiyan BOOM!!! 😎👍🏻

  6. deus._.deorum
    3 months

    Yooo! your hair is gearing up to go Super Saiyan LETSGOOO

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