Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 13-14 Reaction

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  1. Aaron
    3 months

    I wonder why Goku never wished to regrow his tail. Seems like the power boost of a Great Ape could have been useful at times.

    1 replies
    1. good_noodle_
      3 months

      I think he just accepted it as it was and didn't think further of it

  2. Genaro
    3 months

    So Goku grandfather was named Gohan and he was also trained by master roshi. According to Goku a monster killed him but he never saw it only the aftermath. Throughout dragonball goku would repeatedly transform but his friends decided to keep it a secret since they realized he must have been the one to crush his grandfather.

  3. Down
    3 months

    30:40 a little detail that I love about this arc is that Vegeta didn't need to turn into a great ape. His biggest mistake was not realizing the Kaioken's draw back on Goku, he was too frustrated to see the situation clearly. Transforming into a Great Ape was essentially him being "hoisted by his own petard"

  4. Jaystarfrosty
    3 months

    Sad part is this was goku’s first time knowing about great apes and then the sudden realization he was the one who killed his grandpa. Also I forgot how amazing the choreography of this fight was.

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