Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 11-12 Reaction

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  1. shantheman99
    3 months

    Fun fact, Kid Gohan is played by the same actress that plays Luffy in the dub. For the first hundred or so episodes of One Piece, all I could hear was Gohan.

    1 replies
    1. shantheman99
      3 months

      Also, Krillin is Usopp, and both Piccolo and Vegeta are Zoro

  2. Matthew
    3 months

    The moment when goku comes back is hype but the Yamamoto music was better. I don’t even get why they cut the song considering it was just an instrumental of Dragon Soul. 

    1 replies
    1. Unstablebeast
      3 months

      Oh its simple, pretty much all his music was plagiarized, so toei stopped using any of it and blacklisted him so they could avoid legal trouble

  3. Down
    3 months

    32:20 the 9000 line was one of the many changes the Z dub made to the script. It was 8000 in the manga and original sub but z changed it to 9000. I think I heard someone say it was because it fit the mouth flaps better.

    1 replies
    1. Down
      3 months

      FYI the original Z dub had multiple changes to the script, some weren't even accurate to the manga or og subs. They even added voice lines or extra narration whenever a character was off screen. There were some scenes where if you played the dub and sub side by side you'd be seeing two almost completely different stories

      1 replies
      1. good_noodle_
        3 months

        It's because often times studios dubbing thins tend to try and fit as much of the dubbed script as possible to fit closer to what's received better in the dubbing country or what is trending/popular. One of the most infamous examples being Goku's speech to Freeza being heavily edited in the dub to fit closer to American superheroes and superman most specifically.

  4. Mr.Maple
    3 months

    Love me some DB KAI. Keep em coming.

  5. Zeptier
    3 months

    Dragon Ball Z Kai is one of my favorite shows. It's been one of my longest running obsessions alongside Star Wars, Yu-Gi-Oh, and video games since a young age. It really is a vibe. I hope you continue throughout all of it including the Buu saga! it can be a little bit of a slog but it is definitely worth it imo. 

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