Disenchantment Episode 1 Reaction

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  1. Charlie
    4 days

    in comics when turned evil, tony stark used a modified extremis virus to make everyone in san fran pretty and in shape but they had to pay a subscription with an app or they went back to ugly and diseased

    1 replies
    1. Charlie
      4 days

      it was crazy expensive too like 100 dollars a day

      1 replies
      1. Charlie
        4 days

        plus was free for the first day

  2. collinpeacock
    12 days

    this show is like if Game of Thrones had been planned out from the get go and also it's a comedy

  3. Robin
    12 days

    You should also btw look up Your Highness! It's a funny medieval fantasy stoner comedy adventure.

  4. Robin
    12 days

    I need an rpg game in this world with these Graphics, like they did with South Park and the Stick of Destiny.

  5. Jacob
    14 days

    Love this show 

  6. Nathaniel
    1 month

    More of this please! I need to fill the hole in my heart that the end of Rick and Morty left xD

  7. cooperkd10
    1 month

    I think you guys would love watching the movie Hoodwinked if any of yall havent seen it.

  8. SunXBreathing
    1 month

    Super excited!!! Hope you guys decide to do double episodes as well. 

  9. GainingGamer
    1 month


  10. Andrew
    1 month

    The show is really good for like one season and then gets really bad in my opinion. Don’t know who recommended it, but I hope you switch to Futurama or something.

    1 replies
    1. SunXBreathing
      1 month

      Can’t relate. This is easily one of my fav shows. 

  11. samusky00
    1 month


  12. Colonel
    1 month

    Singo and Shocko are the fucking best characters LMAO.

  13. Darc
    1 month

    The amount of problems that would arise from political gladiator winners would be enormous

  14. jules06485
    1 month

    Hell yes I'm here for this!  I admit I got confused at first when seeing it on the schedule. I thought it was the movie but I did not remember you reacting to Enchantment first. 

    But I loved this series. Hope you enjoy it!

  15. Darc
    1 month

    Honestly the show started out on a low simmer, then it got pretty good for a while, but then went back to a simmer. At least in my opinion.

  16. PaperBagedHead
    1 month

    really do hope you can continue this one, it's one of my favorites

  17. SauceyRed
    1 month

    5 seasons?? Damn!

  18. Bomb-Boy
    1 month

    Please watch breaking bad first and better call Saul second I highly recommend it, it seems right up your guys alley 

  19. Brye
    1 month

    I watched the first 2 seasons of this as it came out but stopped keeping up with it. I remember the plot was also really good tho

  20. Barbara
    1 month

    Idk if you guys have mentioned it in the past, but I think you'd really enjoy Bojack Horseman on Netflix, especially Sean

  21. m
    1 month

    unexpected but not unwelcome 

  22. AXELEA
    1 month


  23. maskedmagician
    1 month

    hypee Really underrated show, watched up to S3 until had to drop it cause no free time lol

  24. Kayla
    1 month

    I remember watching the first episode but never continuing it. Also can't wait for you guys to do Sweeney Todd

  25. Kory
    1 month

    Definitely a fun show. I think some would enjoy it’s not perfect but hey if you like fun shows this is one of them.

  26. LaLa
    1 month

    It's been a hot minute since I've watched this show. Turns out I still love Oona and that Luci is even more 2D than the rest of the characters. Also I would want the power of refill. Food or drink low? Automatically refills. Someone annoying me? Refill their bladder abruptly. Bank account sad looking? Refill to healthy amount.

  27. SauceyRed
    1 month

    I remember I watched the first season when it came out and liking it, but I never continued it. Excited for this journey, and to see if I still like it.

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