Devil Man Crybaby Episode 1-8 Reaction

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  1. Honey
    4 months

    I honestly love your treadmill reactions! It's gotten me to get up an walk with you and that's been a really nice change for me.

    Idk if it's up your ally or not, but I'd love to see you do Heartstopper as a treadmill reaction! Booms reactions to it have been one of my favorites. It's my comfort show right now, so I'd love to see more of you guys react to it. It's pretty short, each season is only 8 30 min episodes. So it's really easy to binge a season in one go.

  2. Charlie
    5 months

    Dang surprised it wasnt the full 10 considering the other treadmil reactions been 12 episoders

  3. Robert
    5 months

    One of my favorite shows

  4. Crusty
    5 months

    9 and 10 are going to be insane... Prepare yourself Billy!

  5. Tony
    5 months

    The next treadmill reaction should be gurren lagann it's only 27 episodes, 26 if you skip episode 14 as it's a behind the scenes episode that only focuses on the character creation and the process of making the show. It's really good please watch it!!!

    1 replies
    1. tedder
      5 months


      1 replies
      1. tedder
        5 months

        it is a really good show but that would take him 8 to 10 hours that seems more like a show to sit down and watch

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