Bluey Episode 1-3 Reaction

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  1. Jess
    7 months

    *balloon pops*"There is no God!!!"


  2. .dustyjones
    7 months

    Yes I love Bluey. I still have to finish season 3. I'm halfway done. No spoilers for the sign.

  3. wavyesper
    8 months

    Sundays just got better?

  4. Darc
    8 months

    Oh hecks yeah. Best family cartoon in recent times 

  5. bloodprince12
    8 months

    Oh my God it’s fucking Bluey!!!

  6. Janet
    8 months

    I’m so glad you guys decided to react to Bluey. Your reaction to The Sign was my first exposure, now I’m hooked.

  7. Michael
    8 months

    0:12 Boom's immediate abject skepticism is how I was hoping this would start, and I'm loving it. Now it's time to sit back and watch him go through the 5 stages of watching Bluey as an adult.

  8. Esenjien
    8 months


  9. Honey
    8 months

    Bluey is so good. It's one of those shows that I will recommend forever,. I'm so excited that you've decided to watch it! 

  10. Energy
    8 months

    I literally was watching Bluey just now thinking "I hope they react to Bluey" and then saw this ? I'm so excited

  11. Petrichor12
    8 months

    BLUEY! ?

  12. icvelymaria
    8 months

    At first I used to just put this show on for the kids I babysit and now I watch it without them lol it’s really enjoyable 

  13. maskedmagician
    8 months

    yes yes yess

  14. Anna
    8 months

    This show really is brilliant and enjoyable for all ages. I never knew I would love it as much as I do now, even as a childless 30-something

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