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2 months
I hate the 8 episode series
11 months
I'm with you guys i'm loving this series how they've adapted changed and compressed some of it i'm so hype for series 2 and 3 i loved how they included secret tunnel but for me the flashabacks to Lu Tens funeral the Orchestral version of Leaves from the vine was incredible.And seeing how Zuko gained his Scar was so brutal.But i almost died when you quoted Old School Boom "You got a fuckin dart in your neck"?
1 year
I'm sorry, but I HATE Zuko's crew! The were with him when he was banished, as a 13 year old child his father sent him away, and they may not know how he got his burn on his face, but they saw it when it was fresh on the face of a child. They know the only way he can go back home is by capturing the avatar. They watched him grow from 13 to 16, which is still a child age, with only these selfish disrespectful adults and as company (Iroh excluded), and then act like he is just a spoiled rich kid on a 3 year royal cruise?
Kitty Boom
1 year
Boom, I felt the same way about the top-knot! I was like, "How come no one is making a bigger deal about this?!" My boyfriend was giggling at me because I was UPSET. Thankfully, by the end of the episode it seems like the archer didn't use a bladed arrow, so they just knocked it down (as an intimidation tactic) or just didn't take enough off where he couldn't still tie it back up into a top knot.
1 year
I love the change with the 41's division, though I feel like the structure of how it was told was pretty goofy. Zuko fighting back against Ozai also seems like it implies that he had not held back, Ozai would have stopped abusing him, which while making Ozai a more nuanced villain, is a bad portrayal of abuse.
1 year
AY YO THE MOTHER OF FACES!!! They tapped into the comics for this!
1 replies
1 year
RIGHT The fact they mentioned it gave me so much confidence in the writers knowledge of the series lets gooo
1 year
Alexa, play Dethklok - I Ejaculate Fire
1 year
love that this episode and episode 1 were written by the original avatar creators
1 year
I also noticed Roku when he said "Painful.. Consequences" auntie had that look in his eye. I think they were referencing him and Ozai?
1 year
1 year
Zuko's scar is better than it was in the live action movie but my only nitpick is that his eyebrow should have also been burnt off like in the cartoon.
1 year
ngl i thought they will release 8 eps by week until they did the every episode but now i see every episode is mashed up together and its kind of a bummer. i expected more from netflix.
1 year
The totem that Roku stole is a reference to one of the comics, so I think that's so cool that they out it in there. That said, the fact that Aang was able to hand a physical object to Koh in the spirit realm is odd, but oh well.
I LOVE that they combined the blue spirit with Zuko's half of the storm episode. I think that was such a good touch.
1 year
I'm really liking how they are adding canonical information from the comics and avatar games and adapting it into the script. In the show, Roku is the one who gives information about Koh, but we don't know how he met this ancient spirit, the only Avatar that we know has a relationship with Koh was Kuruk. The Mother of Faces is a real and very important spirit in the avatar universe and it is incredible that they indirectly used her to explain the relationship between Roku and Koh.
1 year
this is probably my favorite episode of the Netflix show. there are some changes and omissions I really don't like (removing Jeong Jeong annoys me vehemently and Aang never learning to waterbend this season just baffles me) but the fate of the 41st is such a good change.
1 year
the fate of the 41st is such a great addition
To Zuko every time they disrepected him Zuko's father was proven right that compassion was a weakness- but the moment they knew what Zuko did that compassion became a strength
I hate the 8 episode series
I'm with you guys i'm loving this series how they've adapted changed and compressed some of it i'm so hype for series 2 and 3 i loved how they included secret tunnel but for me the flashabacks to Lu Tens funeral the Orchestral version of Leaves from the vine was incredible.And seeing how Zuko gained his Scar was so brutal.But i almost died when you quoted Old School Boom "You got a fuckin dart in your neck"?
I'm sorry, but I HATE Zuko's crew! The were with him when he was banished, as a 13 year old child his father sent him away, and they may not know how he got his burn on his face, but they saw it when it was fresh on the face of a child. They know the only way he can go back home is by capturing the avatar. They watched him grow from 13 to 16, which is still a child age, with only these selfish disrespectful adults and as company (Iroh excluded), and then act like he is just a spoiled rich kid on a 3 year royal cruise?
Boom, I felt the same way about the top-knot! I was like, "How come no one is making a bigger deal about this?!" My boyfriend was giggling at me because I was UPSET. Thankfully, by the end of the episode it seems like the archer didn't use a bladed arrow, so they just knocked it down (as an intimidation tactic) or just didn't take enough off where he couldn't still tie it back up into a top knot.
I love the change with the 41's division, though I feel like the structure of how it was told was pretty goofy. Zuko fighting back against Ozai also seems like it implies that he had not held back, Ozai would have stopped abusing him, which while making Ozai a more nuanced villain, is a bad portrayal of abuse.
AY YO THE MOTHER OF FACES!!! They tapped into the comics for this!
RIGHT The fact they mentioned it gave me so much confidence in the writers knowledge of the series lets gooo
Alexa, play Dethklok - I Ejaculate Fire
love that this episode and episode 1 were written by the original avatar creators
I also noticed Roku when he said "Painful.. Consequences" auntie had that look in his eye. I think they were referencing him and Ozai?
Zuko's scar is better than it was in the live action movie but my only nitpick is that his eyebrow should have also been burnt off like in the cartoon.
ngl i thought they will release 8 eps by week until they did the every episode but now i see every episode is mashed up together and its kind of a bummer. i expected more from netflix.
The totem that Roku stole is a reference to one of the comics, so I think that's so cool that they out it in there. That said, the fact that Aang was able to hand a physical object to Koh in the spirit realm is odd, but oh well.
I LOVE that they combined the blue spirit with Zuko's half of the storm episode. I think that was such a good touch.
I'm really liking how they are adding canonical information from the comics and avatar games and adapting it into the script. In the show, Roku is the one who gives information about Koh, but we don't know how he met this ancient spirit, the only Avatar that we know has a relationship with Koh was Kuruk. The Mother of Faces is a real and very important spirit in the avatar universe and it is incredible that they indirectly used her to explain the relationship between Roku and Koh.
this is probably my favorite episode of the Netflix show. there are some changes and omissions I really don't like (removing Jeong Jeong annoys me vehemently and Aang never learning to waterbend this season just baffles me) but the fate of the 41st is such a good change.
the fate of the 41st is such a great addition
To Zuko every time they disrepected him Zuko's father was proven right that compassion was a weakness- but the moment they knew what Zuko did that compassion became a strength
Ozai is relentlessly cruel and I love it