Adventure Time S4 Episode 17-18 REACTION

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  1. Fresh2000
    1 year

    the king worm was from a previous episode if i remember. 21:06 pretty sure this foreshadowing too

  2. Fresh2000
    1 year

    17:54 oh the foreshadowing

  3. Ricky
    1 year

    Huh, forgot the ghost showed up in this episode too.

  4. Ranginald
    1 year

    Wow never realized how many callbacks and callforwards king Worm has. They really had a plan. I remember being freaked out at the start because the episode where King Worm first showed up and tranced the brothers was a long time ago and it made me think a lot of the previous episodes were just dreams.

    1 replies
    1. Asad
      1 year

      The foreshadowing in this episode go crazy

  5. Shawn
    1 year

    Whoever came up with the idea for the king worm episode should be checked out mentally because its pure chaos

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