Adventure Time S9 Episode 1-5 REACTION

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  1. Mike
    9 months

    The song that Marshmaline is humming is an old song called greensleeves. I don’t remember exactly what it’s meaning is but I do remember it had something to do with love 

  2. onepandalord
    9 months

    Finn is 17 year old right now

  3. The
    10 months

    ice king in these episodes is freaking amazing

  4. Zoe
    11 months

    The hair cut scene is so wholesome but also makes me weirdly emotional. I think it's because it's such a realistic moment that shows Jake & Finn's true bond, like sure they goof around & are best friends that go on all these crazy adventures but it's in all the more, calmer moments like this that remind us they're brothers. Not a sidekick or a magical talking pet (in Jake's case) or just two "boys" that happen to live with eachother but actual family, that was raised for the most part (as we don't know how old Jake was when Finn was found) together.

    Yes Ice King is looking fresh as fuck in that suit.

    I'm curious, why are Americans so crazy for shrimp? I'm from England & the shrimp here aren't that special (in my opinion at least) but I always see people in American media go so excited for them so is there something about American shrimp that makes them special?

    Poor Betty, sersiously it must be tough loving someone like TIK when he dosn't even remember her but hey maybe Tiny Manticore is right (I mean that's bassically how staff tell people to deal with loved ones who have dementia).

    Poor sweet Pee, like I know he's unknowingly the Litch but he currently has the mindset of a little kid so this would genuinely be so confusing for him.

    Say what you want about Patience Saint Pim but her party gown was so cool (eat your heart out Elsa). I do wonder why media always tends to make ice themed characters miserable like as someone who hates the cold I get it but there must be something else behind that narrative choise, right? Like dose everyone in the writers room just have seasonal depression?

    1 replies
    1. Cris
      10 months

      As an American my best guess would be that shrimp/crab/lobster tend to be expensive. I personally consider it a special meal for once in awhile.

  5. TheLostChimera
    11 months

    A fun and kinda niche aspect of the Elementals miniseries is that each of the four elements are associated with the four humors.  It's a now long outdated notion that health and behaviors were determined by the balance of four bodily fluids: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. An excess of any of those were believed to result in different emotional temperaments: respectively, sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. (That's why, among other things, "sanguine" has the unusual conflicting definitions of "positive and optimistic" and "bloodthirsty.") Anywho, the people transformed by each element tend to be supercharged on those associated emotions. Candy is sanguine, associated with optimism, passion, energy, and friendliness. Ice is melancholic, associated with pessimism, paranoia, and formality. Fire is choleric and slime is phlegmatic (fittingly), but we haven't gotten to those yet.

  6. Veritas
    11 months

    Fun fact, the nightmares in ep 1 had a bunch of signs as if Nightmare Princess was trying to warn them about the Elementals while also asking for bananas. For example, Jake was digging in a 4-part circle, and at the end the walls were the elements. Also, iirc, dreams tend to foreshadow later stuff in the show, as I saw a certain something in this dream, just like how the Breezy ep way back teased the Finn sword.

    But as for the subconscious personal nature of their dreams, I watched an analysis a long time ago but forgot the details. I think I'll guess that BMO has fears about identity and purpose (AMO), Jake has conflicting family stuff (Joshua/alien), and Finn is torn between freedom and responsibility (P.Bubbs).

  7. TenaciousCharles
    11 months

    The haircut therapy scene is honestly one of my favorite scenes in the entire show. I really like how we get to see Jake open up about all his worries here, and how he hasn't talked about them because he wants to be strong for his younger brother. Plus, the way Finn immediately decides to give Jake a "haircut" really shows how much they love each other. It's just a really wholesome but also very mature moment we get from these two, and I love it. Also, I'm so glad you guys are finally here! I love Stakes and Islands, but Elements is definitely my favorite of the three miniseries!

  8. XaXa
    11 months

    i cant wait, theres still a little chunk left of AT after its done. Distand Lands and Fionna and Cake.  its so good

  9. FAT
    11 months

    The hair cut therapy ep is such a vibe

  10. Icy
    11 months

    Don't know if you all noticed but each of the Elements is also the extreme of an emotion.

    Also remember that book pretty much knows everything.

  11. Dylan
    11 months


  12. Crimzn
    11 months

    At the start of the show Finn was 12, at this point in the show I believe he is 16

  13. hurryupmode
    11 months

    If you've looked in a mirror in a dream, and your teeth fall out, symbologists say that it represents feeling powerless. So I guess Finn feels PB has lost her power? I dunno what that toothless shot was for.

    1 replies
    1. Matt
      11 months

      Interestingly, the teeth falling out in a dream is also a symbol for prosperity (for some reason) where I am from 

  14. cyborggamerpro
    11 months

    Day 4 of asking y'all to watch Hulk Vs 2009

  15. Arifur
    11 months

    ANOTHER MINISERIES LET'S GOOOOO!!! I love this one, it's so cool for the character arcs.

    3 replies
    1. Jabriel
      11 months

      Yeah, not only is it the best one but it’s WAY better than stakes 

      1 replies
      1. ArcIX
        11 months

        The 4 elements are supposed to represent the 4 personality types: Choleric = Fire, Sanguine = Candy, Melancholic = Ice, and Phlegmatic = Slime.

    2. Zerodeus
      11 months

      Accidentally replied to you srry

    3. Zerodeus
      11 months

      Finn is 12 at the start of the series, and about 17 at the end IIRC

      1 replies
      1. blitz1126
        11 months

        He's 18 by the end of the series.

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