Adventure Time S5 Episode 17-20 REACTION

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  1. It would be highly recommended to finish the show and watch Distant Lands before watching Fionna and Cake. Fiona and Cake isn’t really a spin-off, but is connected to the overall story of Adventure time. Things in it you won’t understand unless you finish watching the show and Distant Lands.

  2. There’s a difference between criticism and being an ass. You chose the latter. You were also refunded. Just because you pay a subscription doesn’t allow you to be rude. Have a good day.

  3. So James Baxter is actually a famous animator known for his incredibly smooth animations. Along with this episode, he’s worked on animated Disney films (for example Beauty and the Beast). He also was a guest animator on Steven Universe, he did the animation in Change Your Mind when Steven + his gem half reformed!

  4. Glad you guys were able to fix this, fun fact. The horse James Baxter, is actually the name of the animator who worked on those scenes that had the horse on it, he’s pretty talented for those fluid animations, and has worked on other shows like Steven Universe and Samurai Jack to name a few

    1. He also worked on that animated dream intro for Kung Fu Panda, the parts Gravity Falls intro song for Dipper/ Mabel, as well as the pterodactyl episode. Plus just like most animated Disney movies and the Dreamworks Prince of Egypt. A god among the animation industry!

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