Young Justice S4 Episode 3-4 Reaction

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  1. JulianV
    2 hours

    that form gar takes is the maalefaak beast that megans brother named himself after, Martians are afraid of it

  2. Obsidianfox
    2 hours

    I think they make a great point of how rasicm is just ridiculous. You're on a planet full of shapeshifters and their is still race division. Think it really does a good point of showing that hate really has no rational reason behind it. Can't wait for yall to see the rest of the season no spoilers it just HITS HARD.

  3. Aaron
    2 hours

    rip conner, I will say this, season 4 went crazy

  4. Pugz
    3 hours

    “These end credits are great” fast forward to the next episode with M’gann crying on her wedding altar cause her fiancé is now wall art. 

  5. bbenzo.
    3 hours

    It took me WAAAY too long to realize M’gann’s arc doubled as a trans allegory(“when you took the form you were born in, it felt just as psychically false.”) Definitely gotta give the team props as the racism part was the only thing that hit me during my initial viewing.

  6. Owen
    4 hours

    this season is great

  7. spacebabyted
    4 hours

    I am ready to cry let’s go!

  8. Petrichor12
    5 hours

    Hoo boy, here we go.

  9. Golden Witch
    6 hours

    I’ve been eagerly kicking my feet and giggling in anticipation for the reaction to 4X4 since you started season one! An additional bonus is that you’re also watching the last current volume of rwby at the same time. Nothing but angst on my favorite series right now😍😍😍😍

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