Joker Reaction

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  1. The
    17 days

    this uh- isnt a musical haha

  2. FryLord
    5 months

    Background music and a character singing does not make a movie a musical. A musical is a complete break in action and even background characters are singing and dancing. I'm a fan of musicals and love a good play, haven't seen Joker 2 nor did I have plans to begin with, but I've noticed the vast majority of people have no clue what a musical actually is which is surprising

  3. Alex
    5 months

    You guys should watch the dark knight trilogy its so good

  4. Alex
    5 months

    I really enjoyed the second one and am not sure why people hated it so much. I also don't know how people had no idea it was a musical because that was pretty obvious from the trailers

    1 replies
    1. Exzimius
      5 months

      The issue isn't that it's a musical. The issue is that it's not good. 

  5. Zen
    5 months

    You have a very odd perception of what a musical is. This is absolute not a musical just cause in has music in it. The 2nd one is absolutely a musical and has about 5 too many musical performances in it

    1 replies
    1. allen
      5 months

      they were talking about the second one when they were talking about it being a musical not this one

      1 replies
      1. FryLord
        5 months

        He absolutely said the first one is  basically a musical around 34 mins in, I'm currently watching that part

  6. Jasmine
    5 months

    Knew a girl in highschool with this condition. About 75% of the time after finishing a sentence, she'd giggle. At first, I sort of thought she was an a**hole. She'd give a short giggle for any topic, and I assumed she was just full of herself. I had a friend who was close with her and after we hung out a few times, she talked about it. She experienced a traumatic head injury as a kid that left this lasting effect. I felt bad about it, but truthfully without that knowledge, no one would suspect she had such a condition.

  7. Daniel
    5 months

    They don't know what a fucking musical is! This is just a movie with music like every other movie. 

  8. genericgamer283
    5 months

    Obligatory watch The Batman (2022), has similar vibes to Joker as far as a realistic portrayal of Gotham, doesn't retread his origin story, and tells a unique story with an underused villain. I think it would be a really fun watch. Plus, that means you could watch The Penguin after, which is peak television rn.

  9. Dslick
    5 months

    Please watch joker 2. If you go into it knowing it's a musical it won't bother you. So many questions get asked that I won't spoil. All I will say is joker in my opinion is the better of the two but joker 2 is nothing to sit on. I feel people just went on a hate train 

  10. sam16621
    5 months

    Please react to Tim Burtons Frankenweenie 🙏🏼. 

  11. D-Money
    5 months

    De Niro’s casting was intentional. The film while inspired by the comic book character is more so an homage to the early works of Martin Scorsese. Particularly the movies “Taxi Driver” and “The King Of Comedy” both of which starred De Niro. A lot of people have said Scorsese was even supposed to direct this at one point but I think that turned out to be false.

  12. Joshy
    5 months

    The part where he went “I forgot to punch out” was improvised

  13. Campbell
    5 months

    Y'all need to watch the Batman Caped Crusader show on Prime

  14. Kayla
    5 months

    I do hope you guys do Joker 2. I personally enjoyed it and would like to see you guys form your own opinion of it. Also recommend the Terrifier movies.

  15. Astronut
    5 months

    Pretty sure this movie isn't considered part of DC canon, so that explains the age gap between Bruce and Arthur and any other inconsistencies

    1 replies
    1. Dslick
      5 months

      Not spoiling but joker 2 explains that

  16. Kristjaan
    5 months

    Gun thing that he did in the rehearsal was that he was gonna off him self in the show but He changed his mind because of Murray 

    And then offed Murray instead

  17. Edox
    5 months

    Did Joker 2 need to exist?.....absolutely not. Did it take a hot steaming shit on this movie and pissed off fans for liking the origional?.....yes. 

    Could they have used the message of the sequels film by just changing the ending of this one to still get the same point across?.....yes.   

  18. Pip
    5 months

    In Thomas Wayne's defense, he went down the alley because his Limo was on fire, so he was probably trying to flee the riot. I also assume the riot broke out while they were in the movie. Remember it exploded after Arthur shot Murray.

  19. maskedmagician
    5 months

    Man hope you guys can react to The Batman sometime

  20. Residentfan 1
    5 months

    1:08:52 no Erik, he said “touch my kid again and I’ll fucking kill you.” 

  21. Kristjaan
    5 months

    Frigo scene was improvised by Joaquin PhoenixAnd cameraman didnt Know why he did it so just  kept filming 

  22. Residentfan 1
    5 months

    Joker is usually portrayed as being 15-20 older than Batman

    1 replies
    1. Residentfan 1
      5 months

      Years…..years older. God I’m tired….

  23. Residentfan 1
    5 months

    0:46:02 how do you think they got to the cornfields and abandoned places for all those videos

  24. The
    5 months

    Joker 2 is way different than this one. This one has some musical sequence but it doesn't sabotaged the thriller of the story or become overpowering. The musical in Joker 2 was too much and it undertones the whole movie and takes away the suspense of it. Plus, the story wasn't making sense and the performances like Joaquin Phoenix weren't as outstanding as he was in the first one. Also, Lady Gaga doesn't hold the potential of playing Harley Quinn because she doesn't act as insane as Harley Quinn does. But I still recommend to give Joker 2 a shot to see what you'll think, but it's very different compared to the first one. Also, react to The Batman next and then watch the Penguin series! Those two are just as dark and unsettling as this one!

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      5 months

      This doesnt have a musical sequence, it has a score and bgm like every movie does

  25. SauceyRed
    5 months

    1:20:50 I remembered reading about the "tell" of which scenes were his delusions and which weren't, but I couldn't remember it, and I'm pretty sure it's actually this.

  26. NickLay
    5 months

    I actually kind of liked the 2nd movie it was enjoyable but watching this movie again i can see how the 2nd movie just shits on the character development he had in this movie

  27. Xanbry
    5 months

    The funniest and saddest thing is how Joker 2 is about to avaiable in 8 days online like thats a fast theatre to dvd speed lol

    1 replies
    1. devontetheenigma
      5 months

      As far as live action DC related movies, I would like if they watched Superman 1978 and or Shazam from 2018

  28. peanutguy07
    5 months

    Can't wait till y'all start the MCU

    2 replies
    1. Jakob
      5 months

      Could be fun. I will enjoy watching most of the movies up until Endgame but not sure if I will watch those after, even as reacts. Really not much for those movies.

    2. SauceyRed
      5 months

      Have they confirmed they'll be doing it? I remember them mentioning wanting to a couple times, but I don't remember it being for certain.

      But it'd be really fun to rewatch the entire thing (plus a few things I haven't watched/finished) with them.

  29. rin
    5 months

    Honestly joker is one of my fav villains Maybe it’s because I use humor to cope but he always made me laugh 😭dude is bonks tho

  30. bbenzo.
    5 months

    Tbf, since there were no plans to make anything else in this universe, Philips likely didn’t gaf how his “Joker” would end up fighting The Batman.

  31. KaiserKnight217
    5 months

    i didn't like this movie at firsti did like the final act of this movie

    and wished never made Joker 2.

  32. astralea95
    5 months

    Have yall watched the Terrifier

  33. bbenzo.
    5 months

    I sneeze exactly 8 times, every time, without fail, idk why either😂

  34. bbenzo.
    5 months

    Todd Philips(Director) never wanted a sequel, so when he was approached to begin production on a second film, bro sabotaged it so that he wouldn’t have to come back for a 3rd, hence why so many crew behind the scenes are meming about it’s failure…”it came to me in a dream!” 

    The never wanting to make a sequel part is confirmed, while the self-sabotage is pure speculation backed by Philips’ behavior.

    1 replies
    1. Edox
      5 months

      and the coward didnt even have the balls to be there when the movie flopped, he knew he made shit that would piss of fans and hid 

  35. GreenVampire
    5 months

    Didn’t really like the second one due to singing every couple of minutes. I normally wouldn’t have a problem with it but it’s that the second movie felt so slow that the singing didn’t felt needed. And also the twist end where it felt pointless. 

    My whole family went to the theatre for this because it was my birthday and they assumed I would like to see it but I didn’t want to see it because I didn’t really care for the first movie. So my entire family who have seen it also hated the second one as well

  36. astralea95
    5 months

    i think people hated the second one just because of the twist at the end. The music was good. I hope you guys will watch The Batman with Robert Patterson and then transition to The Penguin both genuinely good

    1 replies
    1. FryLord
      5 months

      You do realize you just dropped a massive spoiler right?

  37. BNB
    5 months

    Are you guys gonna consider reacting to DRAGON BALL SUPER: SUPER HERO?

    It immediately follows the Broly movie 

    Also don’t watch the Joker sequel, apparently it sucked

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