Gravity Falls Reaction Season 2 Episode 20 (Boom Solo)

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  1. dealerrat
    5 months

    Team Stan all the way, Ford is a bigger egomaniac but everyone just focuses on Stan for some reason

  2. Havoc
    10 months

    I think ford is equally to blame. he's the smart one, he knows Stan is upset and he still had to one up him when the world was at stake.

  3. Callum
    10 months

    I disagree that it's a false conflict. I mean the grammar thing, yeah, but it stems from Stan's annoyance with Ford ever since coming back, so maybe that's why I'm more forgiving of it idk.

  4. maskedmagician
    10 months

    Wierd how this last episode was split into 2 lol

  5. LaLa
    10 months

    Agreed. The 'false conflict' plots are always the worst. All they ever do is annoy and take the audience out of it. I honestly always see them as both lazy and weak writing. It's drama for dramas sake. Boo you whores. ?

  6. b_arnaby
    10 months

    i wish he reacted to both at the same time because some platforms had both of them together in one episode

  7. korrasrightbicep
    10 months

    Idk why "They hung three people Jeff" is KILLING me.

  8. Ramba_Ya
    10 months


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