One Piece Live Action Episode 8 Reaction

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  1. mrssmile
    10 months

    Watching this and knowing there is a second season gets me hyped all over. I am a huge anime nerd  but kinda always felt like I missed the train on One Piece. I mean I was invested in it as a kid and then just fell off. This live action was such an easy gateway back into it without the prrssure of having to start at the very first chaoter and realizing I have 1000+ eps to go. I also tested this out on my mother, she does not like anime, she hates reading subs. I pitched the show to her as a new priates of the carrbieans type show. She ate it the fuck up. The show hit with people dont watch anime and thats a good thing. That means we have a whole new audiences ready to enjoy the show . That means the show will last longer in both forms. That being said, netfluxs likes to drop the ball constantly so its really up to  them.

  2. Petrichor12
    1 year

    Finished it! Loved it! Ready for Season 2 please Netflix!

  3. Jojo155
    1 year

    Nami's Live action Actress was amazing... especially on her story arc... her and her lil me's acting was incredible. I was all in on her backstory and whole arc... I loved the whole show and I NEED more, like I haven't been so excited for more since I was crazy about early seasons of Game of Thrones.

  4. apple
    1 year

    I honestly feel like it captured the spirit of One Piece pretty well! Definitely a fun ride! Also, to me it actually makes sense Garp wanted to test Luffy before he went to the Grand Line like that.

  5. Philip
    1 year

    Sanji says "At least I don't need three swords to prove I'm a man." But Zoro literally only used one for that entire fight.

  6. Launa
    1 year

    I've been avoiding One Piece for a while because I know it's good and everyone I know loves it but it's so daunting. This finally convinced me to check it out and I've seen a lot of people in a similar place. I knew pretty much nothing about it and this show was so much fun. No matter what happens to the Netflix show, if Oda's goal was to get new fans I think he succeeded.

  7. skye
    1 year

    hi! i'm a new member to the sorta stupid patreon and i have never watched the one piece anime or read any of the manga and i just have to say i LOVED this series and it makes me want to watch the anime and read all of the manga. this show converted me and i hope that it gets a second season at least.

  8. ic1025
    1 year

    As a long long long time One Piece fan. I loved this

  9. Jannys
    1 year

    THE BEST LIVE ACTION EVER!!! Also loved the part where Luffy says goodbye to Koby with the words "Be a good Marine", the same way Shanks said goodbye to Luffy with "Be good".

  10. Eric
    1 year

    as someone who loves these arcs in the anime, i thought this was pretty good, but does not come close to the anime. i think the most unpolished part of this show is the dialogue--feels like not enough time went into it to flesh out the characters and give the actors more to work with.

  11. Brandon
    1 year

    Alright, my pitch for the first episode of season 2 of this series. We start with the map like the first episode of this season, the camera pans over the ocean past ships and focuses in on the scaffold like before only this time a riot is breaking out around it. We start to see a fight between marines and Pirates slowly racing through the crowd until we see the first of the Straw Hats asking what happened, the next points out that no one was watching Luffy. Zoro and Sanji are arguing while racing towards the scaffold until Luffy's voice breaks through the crowd calling out to his crew. Camera cuts to Luffy in stocks held down by Buggy swinging a sword down on him. Lightning strikes and then flashback to the crew entering Loguetown. If it does that I will be expecting residual cheques.

  12. T
    1 year

    I’ve been gaslight into believing that they’ve already watched Castlevania, but now that I know the truth I’m going to need that Castlevania reaction.

  13. Marshall
    1 year

    If netflix decides to continue this long enough, Im a liitle on edge about two things, Chopper and Gear 4, mostly Gear 4.

  14. SlapHappyGreen
    1 year

    I loved the OPLA but the only change that slightly made me sad was the fact that Nojiko and at least some of the other villagers didnt know that Nami was only working with Arlong so she could buy back the village like it is in the anime and manga. Its not a bad change but I just liked the perspective on what it meant to them going thru the suffering so long meant in comparison to them not knowing and just suffering thru it, otherwise was like a 9/10 adaption to me and really hope we get a season 2 and beyond

  15. kim.melissa
    1 year

    This show is literally IT. They did it. The cast is simply perfect, even if they didn't all look like their manga counterparts 1:1 (personally I never cared, it's stupid anyway to expect that smh) But the actors came through with their portrayals and I mean EVERONE did such an amazing job. I could feel the essence of One Piece throughout the entire show and I could feel the huge amount of love that the whole crew (infront of and behind the camera) put into this project ♥ I love that a large amount of them (if not all) are huge OP fans just like us. I cried my eyes out several times, they got me a lot.

    The changes made sense, didn't take too much away from the overall story and I enjoyed them a lot!

    For example Krieg not being at Baratie. He didn't need to be there, but Gin being there revealed more about Sanji's character and his principles. I love that with whatever changes they made, they still found a way to pay homage to the original. Side characters still being there, although different, e.g. the citizens of Orange Town. Usopp's nose and Sanji's eyebrows are included in the title cards with the skulls. They didn't make Arlong huge (and they didn't need to), but his actor still made him feel so menacing and creepy. I'm curious about Hatchi as well, but, first, we'll have to get there.

    You can tell that Oda and the showrunners made sure to rely on each other and take their time with finishing this. And it shows. Huge amount of respect for everyone involved.

    Loved your reactions ♥

  16. Pooga
    1 year

    FYI: This episode was actually the second time they play a bit of "We Are". The first time was when they first set sail on the Going Merry in episode 4.

  17. Doctor
    1 year

    Please react to the song by shwabadi called doflomingo walk you'll love it

  18. Gabriel
    1 year

    I absolutely love this so much and I cant wait to see more and I hope we get it sooner than later. The casting in the show has been great, I like some better than others but in all its great. I am sad some characters we didnt actually get to see like Jango (yes we got to see his bounty poster a little but im sad he didnt show up. Also im sad we didnt get Ritchie and Hatchan and Momoo but I know they cant add everything and who knows maybe Hatchan will be saved for later on. I liked seeing the differences/changes they made compared to the manga and anime and I love it all, Im happy they didnt do it shot for shot exactly the same since first of all i dont think they could maybe but more importantly they dont need to as long as its good and stays true to the overall story especially as long as they stay true to specific moments which they did a great job doing.

  19. Fabbrizio
    1 year

    That finished way stronger than it started. First episode had me worried, but by the end I was all in.

  20. vork88
    1 year

    i dont get why zoro dont just take a fish man sword

  21. hurryupmode
    1 year


  22. Harry
    1 year

    netflix is on team castlevania i see you

  23. Kris
    1 year

    "Think about someone trying to walk like Doflamingo."

    Shwabadi did, and made an epic song and music video about it. Got to see these guys perform at NPC and it was great!

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