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1 year
The Game they play is called Go the point of the game is capture the marks of your opponent encasing them, the game ends with who ever controls more space on the board. It just shows what pirates are all about. :)
1 year
That moment when Luffy says "you can talk?" to the Going Merry.
People who are new to One Piece: "Haha that's funny"
People who know: *trying to hold back tears*
1 year
I just watched the first episodes and half of this one, got pissy at the "join the patreon" ad and then realized I am a patron.. Smooth brain represent
1 replies
1 year
First two on YouTube. Smooth brain strikes again
1 year
I really hope this gets a season 2.... that said I doubt we'll hear anything about it till after the strike is resolved. Though Franky wouldn't be till like season 3 or 4. That said..... season 2 would give is the glory of live action Bon Clay!
But damn this is knocking it out of the park, it's making changes, sure, but they all make sense and serve to either move things along faster, or to tie things together better. I am loving this so much!
1 year
Ruff is baked to another level bro love it
1 year
I think you're not wrong that even condensed it would take 10-12 seasons to "catch up" with where One Piece is now... which is actually two different problems.
First, I can't think of *any* Netflix original that's gone more than 5 seasons. If there is, it's not one of their high-budget flagship series.
Second, even if they *want* to stick it out - Netflix shows generally go about 1.5 - 2 years between seasons. We're probably looking at 15-20 years. Several members of this cast are already a fair bit older than their manga incarnations. I'm worried that at least some of them will end up *feeling* too old for the parts as well.
Granted, that's a worry for a universe where this becomes popular enough to *get* 10+ seasons. I don't think I'd mind living in that universe. :-)
Golden Witch
1 year
I’m hoping Luffy and Garp don’t meet cause I’m watching a different reactor who’s watching the live action and anime. Currently she just got to the casino in Alabasta. I’d hate for her to be spoiled on something so jaw dropping that won’t happen for another 100+ episodes innthe anime because it was assumed the live action only covered what she’s already seen
1 year
Lol it’s going to be a hell of a long time before franky the next will be chopper and robin lol I feel like we’re going to get lougetown laboon drum island and alabasta next season (hopefully it’s longer then this season cause 8 episodes is too short )
1 replies
1 year
But do you really think they can do more than 8 episodes? I mean think about it
1 year
admittedly while pedantic, a manga is just a comic book. it’s just one made in japan, there’s very little to differentiate the two
1 replies
1 year
yea on one hand it's weird to call manga a comic book (even tough correct), on the other we can boast that One Piece is the second best-selling comic of all time
1 replies
2 months
And that's why most of the people just said Japanese Comics in the old days.
1 year
I used to see a few episodes of One Piece forever ago on Toonami, I never followed it and remember none of it, so this is an all new experience for me. As a not-fan, this show is incredible. I love it so far! And yalls excitement and little lore tidbits actually makes the experience watching it even better. Loving it!
1 year
I love how this episode clears up some of the questions from the original series. Kuro was absolutely poisoning Kaya the whole time.
In episode 1 there actually was a nod at One Piece music. They played binks sake when Luffy was visiting Shank’s ship
1 year
To Ruffsenpai, That game that Garp and Koby were playing is Go If I recall correctly. It plays like connect 4 except it's connect 5 and you place your piece anywhere on the board.
1 replies
1 year
I feel like describing it as "connect 5" yields all the wrong information and none of the right information.
Honestly at this point reacting to Hikaru no Go would be both a great watch and tell them everything they need to know.
The Game they play is called Go the point of the game is capture the marks of your opponent encasing them, the game ends with who ever controls more space on the board. It just shows what pirates are all about. :)
That moment when Luffy says "you can talk?" to the Going Merry.
People who are new to One Piece: "Haha that's funny"
People who know: *trying to hold back tears*
I just watched the first episodes and half of this one, got pissy at the "join the patreon" ad and then realized I am a patron.. Smooth brain represent
First two on YouTube. Smooth brain strikes again
I really hope this gets a season 2.... that said I doubt we'll hear anything about it till after the strike is resolved. Though Franky wouldn't be till like season 3 or 4. That said..... season 2 would give is the glory of live action Bon Clay!
But damn this is knocking it out of the park, it's making changes, sure, but they all make sense and serve to either move things along faster, or to tie things together better. I am loving this so much!
Ruff is baked to another level bro love it
I think you're not wrong that even condensed it would take 10-12 seasons to "catch up" with where One Piece is now... which is actually two different problems.
First, I can't think of *any* Netflix original that's gone more than 5 seasons. If there is, it's not one of their high-budget flagship series.
Second, even if they *want* to stick it out - Netflix shows generally go about 1.5 - 2 years between seasons. We're probably looking at 15-20 years. Several members of this cast are already a fair bit older than their manga incarnations. I'm worried that at least some of them will end up *feeling* too old for the parts as well.
Granted, that's a worry for a universe where this becomes popular enough to *get* 10+ seasons. I don't think I'd mind living in that universe. :-)
I’m hoping Luffy and Garp don’t meet cause I’m watching a different reactor who’s watching the live action and anime. Currently she just got to the casino in Alabasta. I’d hate for her to be spoiled on something so jaw dropping that won’t happen for another 100+ episodes innthe anime because it was assumed the live action only covered what she’s already seen
Lol it’s going to be a hell of a long time before franky the next will be chopper and robin lol I feel like we’re going to get lougetown laboon drum island and alabasta next season (hopefully it’s longer then this season cause 8 episodes is too short )
But do you really think they can do more than 8 episodes? I mean think about it
admittedly while pedantic, a manga is just a comic book. it’s just one made in japan, there’s very little to differentiate the two
yea on one hand it's weird to call manga a comic book (even tough correct), on the other we can boast that One Piece is the second best-selling comic of all time
And that's why most of the people just said Japanese Comics in the old days.
I used to see a few episodes of One Piece forever ago on Toonami, I never followed it and remember none of it, so this is an all new experience for me. As a not-fan, this show is incredible. I love it so far! And yalls excitement and little lore tidbits actually makes the experience watching it even better. Loving it!
I love how this episode clears up some of the questions from the original series. Kuro was absolutely poisoning Kaya the whole time.
In episode 1 there actually was a nod at One Piece music. They played binks sake when Luffy was visiting Shank’s ship
To Ruffsenpai, That game that Garp and Koby were playing is Go If I recall correctly. It plays like connect 4 except it's connect 5 and you place your piece anywhere on the board.
I feel like describing it as "connect 5" yields all the wrong information and none of the right information.
Honestly at this point reacting to Hikaru no Go would be both a great watch and tell them everything they need to know.