What We Do In The Shadows S1 Episode 1-3 Reaction(Boom Solo)

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  1. Pip
    3 months

    My Ex girlfriend was an emotional vampire. I also know one at my job.

  2. shantheman99
    3 months

    YOU GUYS SHOULD ALL REACT TO IT CROWD TOGETHER! That could replace Rick & Morty when you finish the newest season.

    1 replies
    1. hurryupmode
      3 months

      Hell yeah seconding this

      1 replies
      1. stinkyturd
        2 months


  3. Merck
    3 months

    Ah bummer I was hoping it'd be someone who hasn't seen it. 

  4. jemx27
    3 months

    Yes!!!!!!! the pure joy I experienced when I saw this on the home page. now I just need you to give summer camp island and poker face a go after this. completely different shows but I know you will have a field day with the actors and VAs in them. but of course, happy to wait and enjoy all the other reactions, I'll get my reacts one day :)

  5. Rowan
    3 months

    Y'all should do a full group reaction to the WWDITS movie. 

  6. Anza
    3 months

    I love this show so much. if you haven't watched it, check out Wellington Paranormal. its like X-files meets Cops and follows the two cops Minogue and O'leary from the WWDITS movie. Its so good, I rewatch it constantly along with this show

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