Vox Machina S3 Episode 1-3 Reaction

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  1. SauceyRed
    5 months

    1:03:50 I've always had teleportation as my #1 pick for a superpower, with time stop/resume being my #2.

  2. Curtis
    5 months

    I have been loving this season.

  3. hurryupmode
    5 months

    You definitely have a small but fervent contingent of Billys who love cheesy so-bad-it's-good movies. But I think if you started watching them, our numbers will grow!

  4. hurryupmode
    5 months

    VelociPastor, Dude Bro Party Massacre 3, Llamageddon.... I recommend ALL of these.

  5. Ricky
    5 months

    Heck yeah Velocipastor's perfect for october!

  6. mateusal
    5 months

    Please, maybe after you watch this season of Vox Machina, react to "Mighty Nein Animated Intro - Your Turn To Roll". It's about the next group of Critical Role adventurers who will get an animation from Prime Video.

    1 replies
    1. mcwilson_1
      5 months

      Yeah they have the opportunity to fix the broken crap in that second campaign

  7. Wulves
    5 months

    Please do a reaction to the Table to Screen compilations for Vox Machina!

  8. sguy90
    5 months

    Yay on season 3, this season hits the ground running. Can't wait to see your reactions this season is so good. With this plus Mighty Nein coming soon you have some quality shows coming for sure 

  9. monika_lockpick
    5 months

    oh yes! please watch VelocipastorIt's such a THING

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