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Residentfan 1
8 hours
Rose: You don’t know this man! We’re dead! We’re all dead!
Katherine: He killed them. My entire family. Just to get back at me for running.
Y’know, I’m in season 1 of the Originals and, based on this dialogue and way Klaus and the Originals are shown to operate, it’s become increasingly clear to me that the Originals are really just a crime family and Klaus is their patriarch. This is literally mafia shit.
14 hours
Elijahs whole TVD storyline is what I live for !!!!!
Rose: You don’t know this man! We’re dead! We’re all dead!
Katherine: He killed them. My entire family. Just to get back at me for running.
Y’know, I’m in season 1 of the Originals and, based on this dialogue and way Klaus and the Originals are shown to operate, it’s become increasingly clear to me that the Originals are really just a crime family and Klaus is their patriarch. This is literally mafia shit.
Elijahs whole TVD storyline is what I live for !!!!!