Vampire Diaries S2 Episode 4 Reaction

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  1. Ashizaka
    30 days

    Wait- you guys know twilight vampires work the same way right? They have the whole: newborns are physically stronger in the first few months because of their own blood still in their systems. BUT after that older = stronger

  2. Juju’sWrld
    1 month

    yesss we back with more TVD!!!!!!!!!! <3

  3. Daniel
    1 month

    thanks for doing this series, I binged all your videos lol Season 2 is so much better than Season 1 but I can't wait til we get deeper into the story! 

  4. jasmine
    1 month

    Vampire Diaries loved some Sara Bareilles

  5. Golden Witch
    1 month

    It’s been said before but Bree has such a good poker face because Ruff be saying things that apply to future seasons 

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