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9 days
as someone who’s read the books, the twilight impact is super obvious. book elena is NOTHING like show elena (in fact, she’s more like show katherine except blonde) but they must’ve felt they needed a quiet brunette bella type after the twilight success
18 days
u guys gonna see more katherine in this season and more and more
18 days
if u guys ddint know that damon and elena used to date and now ian (damon) is now married with rosaile edward sister from twilight
18 days
welll tvd was made because of twilight and the movies and all
18 days
beeenn waiting every friday for these episodes , u guys should really do the vampire diaires on thursday because on the cw they always had every thursday since it is called TVD but i love fridays since i get to watch it overe over again with u guys and see your reactions
1 month
Mann I can't wait for the Klaus arc
1 replies
18 days
Yo asshole watch the spoilers…
1 month
the way I just watched Ian in rules of attraction seeing him as Damon again is throwing me off😭
1 month
Let’s go!! Feed me more vampire diaries lol
1 month
btw bree noticed it but ruff definitely didnt, in season 1 when they showed tyler being angry, they immediately showed the full moon, foreshadowing that hes related in some way
1 replies
1 month
Yes! I only noticed it since it was my second watch-through and knew the reasoning behind it!
as someone who’s read the books, the twilight impact is super obvious. book elena is NOTHING like show elena (in fact, she’s more like show katherine except blonde) but they must’ve felt they needed a quiet brunette bella type after the twilight success
u guys gonna see more katherine in this season and more and more
if u guys ddint know that damon and elena used to date and now ian (damon) is now married with rosaile edward sister from twilight
welll tvd was made because of twilight and the movies and all
beeenn waiting every friday for these episodes , u guys should really do the vampire diaires on thursday because on the cw they always had every thursday since it is called TVD but i love fridays since i get to watch it overe over again with u guys and see your reactions
Mann I can't wait for the Klaus arc
Yo asshole watch the spoilers…
the way I just watched Ian in rules of attraction seeing him as Damon again is throwing me off😭
Let’s go!! Feed me more vampire diaries lol
btw bree noticed it but ruff definitely didnt, in season 1 when they showed tyler being angry, they immediately showed the full moon, foreshadowing that hes related in some way
Yes! I only noticed it since it was my second watch-through and knew the reasoning behind it!